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Shadow Lake Vampire Society Book Two: The Count

Page 3

by Wendi Wilson

  All in a single month.

  I shook off the thoughts as Mom pulled the car into the parking lot near the dean’s office. I needed to focus. Warren Thornberry was inside, and he knew who killed my dad.

  “Are you ready for this?” Mom whispered, covering my hand with hers and giving it a squeeze.

  “I’m ready,” I said, tightening my fingers around hers. “I’ll see you in a few weeks, okay?”

  “Okay,” she said, smiling as tears filled her eyes. “I’ll miss you, bug.”

  “I love you, Mom.”

  “Love you, too.”

  As I climbed from the car, the front door of the office swung open, and Dean Purty strode out onto the porch, followed by Levi and Warren. As I climbed the steps to join them, the dean nodded at me, and Levi took me into his arms, hugging me against his chest. Before I could tell him how much I missed him, Warren stepped forward and cleared his throat.

  “My dearest Piper,” he said, his dark eyes filled with something that looked like compassion, “how are you?”

  “I’m fine,” I said, pulling out of Levi’s embrace. I remembered what Levi had said about Warren’s intentions toward me and swallowed thickly. “You have news about my father’s killer?”

  Levi refused to tell me anything about it, saying I needed to focus on myself and my loss. That I needed the two weeks. I was angry at him, at first. But then, grudgingly, had to admit he’d been right. But now, I was ready.

  “Yes. Yes, of course. Shall we go inside to talk?” Warren asked.

  I nodded, then held out a hand to Levi. For a split second, Warren’s eyes narrowed as Levi laced his fingers through mine. Warren quickly smoothed his wrinkled brow, giving me a smile and spinning around to precede us all into the office. He ran a hand through his dark hair as he went, mussing its perfection. Dean Purty shook his head before following behind Warren.

  I opened my mouth to comment on Warren’s behavior, but Levi squeezed my fingers, cutting me off with a small shake of his head. Right. They were vampires, and they could hear me from inside. I nodded in understanding as we joined them.

  Dean Purty moved to sit behind his desk while Warren sat at the one that held the old computer. Levi and I took the two chairs situated in front of Dean Purty.

  “As you know, we tracked the vampire who killed your father to the Siskiyou Mountains after the murder,” Warren said as soon as we were settled. “I’ve had two of my most trusted guards scouring the area, and they found something.”

  He reached into his pocket and withdrew a closed fist. Holding his fist out, he opened his hand, revealing a shiny, gold ring. With my heart in my throat, I lunged for it, recognizing the beveled design. Holding it up to the light, I read the inscription I knew would be there.

  To the moon and back.

  Tears filled my eyes, quickly spilling over to run down my cheeks. This was my dad’s wedding ring. Mom had ordered the ring with those words inside, while Dad had commissioned hers to be inscribed with the words, In this life and the next.

  They were endearing phrases they often added when they said, “I love you.”

  My eyes popped up to Warren’s face, and I demanded, “Where did they find this?”

  “A rogue vampire had it on a chain around his neck,” Warren said, a compassionate look on his face. “My guards had him cornered, but he slipped out of their grasp and got away. All we have is a description of his appearance and this ring. One of the guards broke the chain as he ran away.”

  I opened my mouth to tell him about the old man at the funeral home and his claims that my father’s body went missing before his funeral, but something stopped me. Maybe it was the fear that he’d think I was crazy for believing such a thing. Maybe it was the fear that he’d confirm it.

  “What’s being done to track this monster down?” I asked, rage rushing through me.

  Warren, however, seemed the picture of calm. “I’m sending a group of my best tracers into the Siskiyou Mountains in two days’ time. They will find him.”

  Warren’s eyes speared me as he said those last four words. I gave him a small nod, acknowledging his vow to find my father’s murderer. I was grateful, but the thought of hanging back and waiting made my skin itch. I didn’t feel right, sitting on the sidelines. I felt an undeniable urge to do more.

  “I am going to be part of the contingent to find them,” Levi said, interrupting my thoughts. “I’m an excellent tracker, and Warren has tasked me with leading the team.”

  “I want to go, too,” I blurted before I had a chance to think about it.

  A chorus of nos rang in my ears, making me flinch. The three of them spat out arguments against my going, their voices weaving over each other’s until it was all white noise that made my head spin. Finally, I held up a hand.

  “Stop.” And surprisingly, they did. “This is my father’s killer we’re looking for. I want to help. I deserve to be there.”

  Then I stood and walked out, channeling Badass Piper like a boss, slamming the office door behind me. I headed for the lake, knowing Saka’am cabin would be the first place they’d look for me. I wanted to be alone, and since the new campers wouldn’t arrive for a couple of days, I knew there’d be little chance of the lakeshore already being occupied.

  I jogged down the path, breathing easier once I spotted the blue surface of the lake sparkling in the early-afternoon sun. Despite everything that had happened, somehow, I found peace at Shadow Lake. The certainty of it—knowing it had been there for years and would be for years to come—centered me, making me feel balanced and whole.

  My hurried steps skidded to a halt when I realized the sandy beach was already occupied. Two figures stood in the sand, tangled in an embrace. Brown hands roamed over a black t-shirt-clad back before slipping into a mane of shaggy blond hair. My eyes travelled downward, noting wide shoulders, a narrow waist, and a tight, muscular ass inside a pair of skinny blue jeans.

  The guy suddenly straightened, his back tensing before he spun to face me with a snarl. Eyes like liquid silver burned into me as a frown marred what was most likely a perfect mouth.

  Shit, he was hot. Not Levi-hot, but damn near close.

  “Piper, you’re back!”

  The trance broken, my eyes darted to the girl running toward me. Try as I might, my mind was unable to make sense of what was happening.


  Her arms were around me before I could blink, her familiar scent wafting up my nose as I hugged her back. Propping my chin on her shoulder, I held her tight while my eyes assessed the strange guy who appeared to be assessing me in return.

  “Who is that?” I whispered into True’s ear.

  “Oh!” she yipped, releasing me to grab my hand and drag me toward the guy before introducing us. “This is my best friend and co-counselor, Piper Williams. Piper, this is Xander. He’s one of the new counselors Dean Purty hired to replace the ones who…left.”

  “Nice to meet you Piper,” he said, holding out a hand for me to shake.

  His voice was smooth and sweet like hot fudge, his face earnest, and his smile just as perfect as I’d imagined it would be. But his eyes…

  Something about his eyes gave me the heebie-jeebies.

  I shook his hand, fighting the urge to wipe my palm on my shorts afterward. “Welcome to Camp Shadow Lake,” I said, faking a smile.


  Levi’s deep voice sounded behind me, and I turned to see him stalking up the hill. He wore a worried expression, but I couldn’t help but admire his form as he moved toward us with a certain grace. My heart picked up its pace, and my breathing grew harsh. He was so damn perfect.

  Xander cleared his throat, reminding me I wasn’t alone, and I shook off the lust-hypnosis as Levi moved in to circle his arms around me.

  “Why’d you take off like that? I was worried,” he said.

  “I knew you’d find me,” I replied, smirking. “You were the one bragging about what a great tracer you are.”

p; “Hey, Levi,” True cut in before he could respond. “I was just introducing Piper to Xander.”

  “Banks,” Levi said with a short nod.


  My eyes darted back and forth between them. They’d obviously met, but why did I sense a degree of hostility between them? And why did it seem like they’d known each other longer than two weeks?


  The truth hit me like a freight train, and I actually staggered back a step. They knew each other from before. Because they ran in the same circles.

  Because Xander Banks was a vampire.

  Of course, he was a vampire. I felt like thumping myself in the head for being so dense. Other than myself and True, all the employees at Camp Shadow Lake were vamps, so why would the new recruits be any different?

  My eyes flashed to True, who was looking at the new counselor with hearts in her eyes. My breath hitched as I remembered what I walked up on—True and Xander had been kissing.

  Both guys’ gazes flashed toward me with that tiny little snag in my breathing, and I forced myself to cough to cover it up. Making a quick decision, I grabbed True’s wrist and pulled her into my side.

  “So, uh, True and I need to catch up. We’ll see you guys later, okay?”

  She opened her mouth to protest, but the bite of my fingernails into the fleshy part of her wrist had her snapping it closed in an instant. With a nod of goodbye, I turned and headed up the hill toward the cabins, pulling True along beside me.

  “Are you okay?” she asked in a solemn voice as we walked up the path. “How was the funeral?”

  “Sad,” I said. “But I think I’ll be okay. The two weeks helped, and I’ve got my mom. And Levi. And you.” I bumped my shoulder against hers.

  “Yeah, you do have me,” she said. “I’ll be here for whatever you need. A shoulder to cry on. A face to scream at. Whatever it is you need to make you feel better, I’ll become it.”

  “Thanks, True,” I said, linking my arm through hers. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “You’d be so lost without me,” she quipped, chuckling at her own joke.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right,” I agreed, giving her a smile.

  “So, what do you think of Xander?” she asked, changing the subject as soon as we were alone in our cabin. “He’s a ten, right? So hot.”

  “He’s good looking,” I conceded.

  True cocked a hip and tilted her head. “Just because you’re with Levi doesn’t make you blind. Xander is way more than ‘good looking.’ He is a freaking Adonis, and you know it.”

  “Fine,” I shouted, throwing my hands in the air. “He’s hotter than Thor. Are you happy?”

  “Thor and Aquaman, combined,” she corrected.

  “Okay, now you’re taking it a little far,” I said, laughing. She laughed with me, then I sobered, peering into her face. “You do realize he’s a vampire, don’t you?”

  “Duh,” she said, shaking her head. “No human could be that sexy.”

  “Or dangerous,” I added.

  “Hello, Pot. Meet Kettle,” she shot back, arching a long, slim eyebrow at me.

  “Okay, fine. I won’t be a hypocrite. I’m sure he’s one of the good ones, like Levi.”

  I wasn’t really sure, but I wanted to keep things positive with True. She was the only real friend I had left. Plus, I could ask Levi for a real assessment when I was out of True’s hearing range.

  “He is a good one,” she replied, practically swooning.

  “Is he a good kisser?” I teased, feeling more comfortable as we fell into familiar patterns. It was good to be back.

  True waggled her eyebrows and shot me a sly grin. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Uh… yeah, that’s why I asked,” I gushed.

  “He’s amazing,” she squealed. “I feel so… electrified every time he kisses me.”

  “Every time?” I asked. “How long has this been going on? I was only gone for two weeks.”

  “The counselors showed up the day after you left. There’s Xander, who is here to replace Lars. Then, there’s Amelia and Rose. Oh, and we have a new chef—Zelda is amazing.”

  “Zelda?” I asked. “Like the old video game?”

  “Hey, don’t hate. Her food tastes a million times better than Chloe’s ever did. And she’s nice. So are Amelia and Rose—well, Rose is a snarky one, but not cruel like Sarah. No more evil bitches trying to take us down. It’s a whole new summer.”

  “Yeah,” I said, sitting on the edge of my bunk. “A whole new summer.”

  I’d felt so certain earlier that I wanted to join Levi in his hunt for my father’s killer. I was determined to go, no matter what he or the others had to say about it.

  But now? Now, I wasn’t so sure I wanted to leave True alone with all these unfamiliar vampires. She seemed smitten with them already, and while I didn’t want to be a total hypocrite, considering my feelings for the vampire Levi, I wasn’t so sure opening her heart to these strangers was such a good idea. After the number they did on my mom, there was no denying the fact that these people could and would control human’s minds. True was smart, but that wouldn’t stop a vampire from taking advantage of her.

  Maybe I should stay here to keep an eye on things, I thought. To make sure these vamps are on the up and up.

  I’d already lost Coco. I wasn’t going to lose True, too.

  Even if I had to stick to her like glue for the rest of summer.

  Chapter Five

  “This is going to be the best night of our lives!” True shouted, throwing her hands into the air before leaning back into the mirror to apply more lipstick. I wasn’t sure why she was bothering. Her hot make-outs with Xander would erase any trace of color in five seconds.

  I stared at myself in the foggy camp mirror, wondering how I’d gotten to eighteen without going on a double date, and also, whose bright idea was this anyway? I realized quickly it had been my bright idea, something thought of in the spur of the moment after our day of counselor training. We had one free night until the next group of campers arrived, and life would turn hectic again. I’d watched True and Xander sauntering off together and blurted the first thing I could think of to be able to keep my eye on them.

  “Let’s go on a double date.”

  It appeared Impulsive Piper was now in residence. Or maybe Dumbass Piper.

  I adjusted my hair for the fifth time while examining why I felt a double date seemed so tedious. Was it the fact that every time Xander put his hands on True I wanted to run over and rip them off? Levi had mentioned that True’s new boyfriend seemed like an okay guy, though he didn’t know him that well, which didn’t help ease my fears. And why was I so worried in the first place? Was it because Xander was replacing Lars, and Lars had been a human-hating vamp who wanted me and my loved ones dead?

  I didn’t know. All I knew was I had to keep an eye on the blond hunk.

  But there was another reason I wasn’t so sure about our double date. Levi had been tense around me ever since we’d returned to camp. I knew he didn’t want me going with him on the hunt for my father’s killer. I also knew he was nervous about leaving me here unprotected. It seemed silly. I’d lived eighteen years without the watchful eye of Levi Kass, but a lot had changed. The vampires who wanted me dead were gone now, but Levi still worried about me.

  He mainly worried about Warren Thornberry. Did the ancient vamp really want me? Warren, who could have any woman on the continent?

  No, there was no reason Warren Thornberry would be interested in me. Levi was crazy.

  “Earth to Piper.”

  I glanced over to see True staring at me, her hands on her hips. She looked amazing in a slim sundress that hugged her curves and showed off her toned arms and perky cleavage. Her curls were perfect, and her makeup highlighted her already beautiful face.

  “Wow,” I said. “Xander’s going to eat you up.”

  Wrong choice of words, Piper.

  True didn’t not
ice. “Thanks!” She flounced her hair. “Xander says he likes me in dresses.”

  I furrowed my brow. “Since when do you let a guy tell you what to wear?”

  “I don’t.” She puckered her lips and then pressed them together, assessing the color in the mirror. “I also like me in dresses.”

  “Oh, ok.”

  She turned her gaze from the mirror. “What’s your deal?”

  I shrugged, turning back to my reflection to add some mascara. “No deal. I’m just… off.”

  True came toward me, gently wrapping her arms around me. “It’s okay for you to be off. You’ve been through real trauma. It does awful things to you. Can I tell you something if you swear never to repeat it?”

  I nodded.

  She leaned in close. “When my parents died, I wet the bed. For a year.”

  I turned and met her gaze. Seeing the pain there, I drew her into my arms. “True, I’m so sorry.”

  She hugged me back. “I’m sorry, too. I wish I could’ve met Coco.”

  “You would’ve loved her.”

  Tears welled in my eyes, and True helped to blot them away. “Look at us, ruining our makeup. We gotta stop that. It’s time to go, anyway. Don’t want to keep our man candy waiting!”

  We finished our final touches and walked out of the bathroom hand in hand. Then, we headed down the path to the parking lot where the boys were supposed to be waiting. We’d gotten special permission from Dean Purty to leave the campground for our date. Apparently, being nearly murdered allowed a counselor some perks. But when we got there, I didn’t see them. All I saw was the fanciest black SUV I’d ever laid eyes on.

  I didn’t know cars but True clapped her hands to her mouth at the sight of it. “Oh my God! Is that a brand new Mercedes Maybach? This car costs almost two hundred thousand dollars!”

  She ran over with glee while I stared in wonder. There had to be some mistake. How could a camp counselor own a car that expensive?

  But as she ran over, Xander got out and Levi followed. There was no mistake. This was the car they were going to use to take us on our double date.


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