Book Read Free

An Opportunity Seized

Page 8

by Donna Gallagher

  “Thank you, Nathan. My flight was fine. I think having Jason with me helped. It’s all just so awful what’s been going on, all those people injured. I’ve been so worried for the families involved.” Toni could feel the tension in the air between the two men. She just hoped her words helped the situation and didn’t make it worse for Jason. “Do you have any news on what’s been happening at the mine site? Do you know if they’ve found everyone yet?”

  “Let me fill you in once we’re on the road, Miss Grimaldi.”

  “Toni. Please call me Toni, Nathan. I’m not too fond of my last name at the moment.” Toni turned her focus toward Jason and held her hand out to him. “Let’s get our bags then.”

  Please take my hand, Jason. C’mon, don’t let them come between us so soon. I need you.

  Just when Toni was about to give up, her hand dangling now for an awkwardly long amount of time, she felt the familiar warmth of Jason’s touch. His hand wrapped around her own.

  Thank you, God, universe, Mother Earth.

  “C’mon, luv, let’s go.” His voice was gruff, maybe held a bit of embarrassment in its tone, Toni wasn’t sure. She was just so grateful that for the moment at least, she still had Jason in her life—that he was prepared to show her affection in front of his boss, even if it was just by holding her hand.

  “Nate, stop with the deadly glare, already. It’s not going to work, you know. I’m not scared of you like some rookie might be. I’m not stepping away from this, just in case that thought might have crossed your mind. Toni is my responsibility. Mine. Got it?” Jason said, as he gently tugged on her hand. Turning their backs to Nathan, they headed toward the baggage claim area.

  Toni’s heart beat a little faster as she waited for Nathan Haven to respond to Jason’s rather aggressive statement. She liked the sound of his ‘mine’ in reference to her.

  “You and I are going to have a conversation very soon, Beck, but for now, I think we all just need to focus on the matters at hand.”

  Toni stood by a trolley, Nathan at her back while Jason collected their luggage—she let out a little sigh at the sight of Jason’s bicep flexing as he easily swung the bags from the moving carousel like they weighed nothing, reminding Toni of the times he’d swept her up into his arms just as effortlessly, making her forget for a few moments that she was overweight. “So sexy, mmm.”

  “He’s not the settling down type, Toni. Never seen him with the same woman twice.”

  The deep whispered voice came from behind her. Toni hadn’t realized she’d voiced her thoughts until she’d heard Nathan’s warning. She wasn’t even sure it warranted her reply, but she couldn’t help herself. She turned to face him, angered at not only his disloyalty to Jason but the fact that he believed he had a right to comment on their relationship. “Jason and I have spoken of his past and mine—not that this is any of your business, Mr Haven. I have no need of or interest in your input on how I choose to live my life.”

  Once again Toni was shocked by her behavior—shocked but pleased that she was finally finding her voice and standing up for herself and what she wanted. Being with Jason had certainly drawn her out of her mousy disposition, and Toni found she liked this new side to her personality, a lot.

  “That is where you are very much mistaken, Miss Grimaldi. At the moment your life is my business and you will listen to what I have to say. Your safety depends on it.”

  Nathan’s tone was so grave it caused a shiver to run along Toni’s spine.

  Wow, these guys really take their jobs seriously. I can’t see how these threats can be all that dramatic to warrant this kind of attention. I bet that’s all this is about, someone trying to get a bit of attention. Dad’s probably concocted the story to get some sympathy from the press. Toni’s last thought turned her stomach. Oh God, he wouldn’t have…

  “All set, luv. Let’s roll— Toni, are you all right? You’ve gone pale.”

  So upset at her current line of thought, Toni threw herself in Jason’s direction. She needed to have his arms around her, needed him to distract her, chase away the horrible images she’d formed of what her father might be capable of. Jason caught her, tucked her safely against his body but it didn’t feel like the same kind of embrace as the times he’d held her over the past few weeks. This was more like Jason was shielding her from an imminent attack. “Whoa there, Toni, what is it? What’s happened? What the fuck is going on, Haven?” he roared.

  “I dunno, Jase. One minute she’s giving me a mouthful, the next she’s looking like she’s seen a ghost or something,” Nathan answered. “Let’s just get out of here. Maybe it’s jet lag or shock setting in. With everything that’s been going on, you couldn’t blame the poor kid for losing it.”

  Kid? Toni couldn’t believe her ears. What the hell? I’m twenty-six years old, for heaven’s sake. Why does everyone always treat me like I’m some helpless teenager? ’Cause for the past twenty-six years, that’s how you’ve let them.

  As Toni let Jason lead her out through customs, his body somehow blocking her view of the terminal and the goings-on around them, she made up her mind to change her life. It was time to stand up to the people that continually tried to control her—her father and mother top of that list. First she needed to find out what was being done to help the families that were suffering because of the mine collapse. Even if it meant calling in on each family personally, to check on their well-being or pass on her condolences, Toni was going to make it her priority.

  Toni was still making notes in her head, a mental checklist of what needed to be done, as she sat in the car traveling toward the city and her father’s office. It was comforting to have Jason sitting beside her, his hips and thighs so close to hers that they touched. Holding Jason’s hand was giving Toni strength to feed her new outlook on life and to bring those ideas to fruition when she heard her name.

  “Toni? Are you listening? I think it’s important you have all the facts and I can also fill you in on the latest developments with the search and rescue teams.”

  His mention of the search and rescue teams garnered her full attention.

  “So let me start from the beginning… The mine collapse two weeks ago—”

  “Two weeks ago?” Toni parroted Nathan’s last words in disbelief. “How did I not hear about this before now, if it happened two weeks ago? The first I heard was when Charles rang me last night, in London, however many hours ago that was…”

  “That’s a good question, Toni. Maybe you were too busy enjoying other things to worry about what was happening in the world.”

  Toni did not miss Nathan’s verbal slap.

  “Fuck off, Nate. I doubt the English newspapers were running it as their top story and Toni was on holiday. Catching up on the news isn’t usually top billing on your itinerary when there is so much to see and do. Maybe someone should have taken the time to let her know,” Jason snapped back in her defense.

  “Anyway,” Nathan continued, ignoring Jason’s outburst, “there is still no clear evidence as to the cause of the explosion that caused the cave-in. Preliminary reports are suggesting a gas build-up in one of the tunnels could be to blame. The total number of injured is eleven men. Five are still in a serious condition with crush type injuries.”

  “How many are dead, Nathan?” Toni asked, tears already threatening to fall just from hearing the number of injured, dreading Nathan’s answer but needing to know all the same.

  “Six, counting the three poor souls still missing. Search and rescue teams don’t hold out much hope of finding anyone else alive.”

  “Oh my God!” Toni sobbed.

  “What about the threats? What’s happening there, Nate?” Jason asked, as she battled to control her emotions, images of those poor men lying crushed and alone under a wall of rock filling her head.

  “It’s been a cluster fuck from the get go. I didn’t get wind of anything until Mrs. Grimaldi’s car was purposely run off the road…”

  “Is Mum okay? What happened? When
did this happen?”

  “Your mother is fine, Toni. She was a bit shaken up and as much as I hate to say this, it has made my task of protecting you all a lot easier. She and your father are finally taking the threats seriously. And I can guarantee no one will get that close to her or you again. Fuck, it wouldn’t have happened in the first place if I’d actually been informed of the notes and calls your father was receiving. It wasn’t until after the accident that Grimaldi—I mean your father—brought me up to date. Since then, we’ve managed to intercept a suspicious parcel addressed to your little girlfriend, Jason. Nasty piece of work it was too. Had to hand it over to the local boys after I defused it. Stupid cops got all up in my face for touching the evidence. Had no clue the fuckin thing might have gone off at any second. Didn’t have time to wait for the bomb squad to roll on in.”

  “Got anyone in the frame for it?” Jason asked.

  Jason’s grip on her hand tightened. It was almost painful. She wasn’t about to make him let go any time soon, though, after hearing that a bomb had been sent to her.

  “Well, my gut feeling is that this has nothing to do with what’s going on at the mine. The wording of the threats, the earlier ones, don’t even mention the cave-in. It’s like the un-sub has just used that accident as a convenient excuse. Maybe head any investigation in that direction.”

  “Un-sub?” Toni cut in, not understanding what Nathan Haven had meant.

  “Unknown subject,” Jason answered.

  Nathan continued speaking, completely ignoring Toni’s question.

  “This is personal. Someone wants Grimaldi to suffer. Unfortunately, I can’t find any firm reason why or what Grimaldi might have done to warrant this kind of hatred, revenge. To build a fucking bomb and send it to his daughter? That’s just fucked up.” Nathan looked directly at Toni, his lips drawn together in a firm line.

  The way he was staring at her—his eyes the color of a winter’s night and just as cold—made Toni uncomfortable. It was like he was reading her mind and what he found there was not to his liking.

  Then just as abruptly, Nathan looked away from her. “No one is talking, telling me the truth so I can find the bastard or bastards that are doing this.”

  “I will,” Toni said. “If it helps keep us all safe. I just don’t know much about the business…yet.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Traffic was heavy as usual at this time of day in the city so Jason had time to make the most of the close contact he and Toni shared in the car. It was probably the last time for a while that they could be themselves. In a few minutes, Toni would be thrust back into the life of excess and luxury. Jason was worried that between the stress of what was happening in her life and the influence of her family, he would get shoved aside.

  He was so proud of her, though, the way she was dealing with it all. Jason had nearly lost his mind when Nate had calmly informed them of the device he’d intercepted. The sudden urge he’d felt to punch Nathan in the face for telling Toni about it so callously, was hard to resist. The bastard was an insensitive arsehole. Didn’t he even think how that sort of information might affect her? It wasn’t a normal occurrence to be sent a bomb with your name on it. Stupid fuckwit.

  Glad he knows what he’s doing, though. Better to have Nate on my side than the other. Wouldn’t mind running a check on her father, though. Got to be something in his past… Something he has done that’s putting my woman in danger. Jason paused as he reflected on his choice of words. My woman? Yeah, I like the sound of that. Jason swiveled his head so he could catch a glimpse of Toni’s face as she rested against his shoulder. There were dark circles under her eyes, her lips were turned down and there was a frown, owing to her lack of sleep or maybe just sadness.

  Jason lowered his head until he could brush his lips over her temple. “It’ll be okay, luv. I’m not gonna let anyone hurt you. Nate’s the best man I know for this kinda thing. We’re lucky to have him on board. It’s going to be all right.”

  Jason didn’t respond to Nathan’s snort.

  The car finally pulled to a stop outside the high-rise building that housed Grimaldi Holdings. He and Nate had already decided that the underground car park was not where they wanted to be, given that the un-sub had experience with explosives. Better to make a quick dash from the curb, both men shielding Toni.

  All hell broke loose, though, the second the entourage entered the Grimaldi building. Security was everywhere, unfortunately not all of it Haven men. Police were crawling all over. They were just about to enter the lift when Jason felt a hand on his shoulder.

  “I need you to step away from the elevator door, sir, and identify yourself,” someone demanded from behind him.

  “Not a chance, bud. I’m taking Toni up to speak to her father and no one is about to stop me,” Jason replied with enough of a threat in his voice to make it clear he was dead serious.

  “I said stop… I’m a police officer and have given you a clear directive. If you don’t comply immediately, I will arrest you.”

  Jason heard Nathan chuckle. If he wasn’t so pissed off with this skinny kid—the one who couldn’t keep from prancing from foot to foot, showing just how nervous he was about the confrontation—Jason might have laughed too. But the reality of the situation Jason did not find amusing in the least. This cop wouldn’t have a clue how to stop a real threat to Toni’s safety. Jason just growled in the kid’s direction and directed Toni through the now opening lift door, checking first that the car was empty.

  “He’s with me, Constable. I’m Nathan Haven, head of Mr. Grimaldi’s personal security.” As the lift doors closed, Jason glimpsed Nate holding out his identification.

  “I hate coming here,” Toni’s voice was a whisper beside him.

  “We stay until you tell me it’s time to go. Okay, luv?” Jason used his index finger under Toni’s chin to tilt her head up, so he could look into her face. “I do what you want. Remember that. Your father doesn’t have a say anymore. It’s me and you.” Jason brushed his lips quickly over Toni’s, heard her little sigh as their mouths connected and felt a sense of relief. It was the same sexy sound he had come to enjoy over the past weeks.

  “Most people, including myself, find it difficult to go against my father’s wishes, Jason, so I will understand if you can’t hold up to that promise. Just don’t disappear without letting me know, okay?”

  She still doesn’t get it. There’s no one on earth that could keep me from her side. Nate, Grimaldi… No one. I’m with her for as long as she wants. Toni not wanting Jason around would be the only reason he’d go and it was a reason he hoped he didn’t have to face at all. He’d be happy to add the word forever when it came to Toni but Jason still feared that would never happen. Eventually Toni would see him for who he was—an uneducated ex-soldier with nothing to offer her and she would move on to some man more acquainted with her way of life.

  The lift doors opened and Jason had his first glance at what it was like to be a Grimaldi, to live in that kind of world. The view from the floor-to-ceiling glass windows looked out over the city and harbor. It was spectacular. Turning his head to the side just a little so he could see more of the panoramic view, Jason let out a whistle.

  “Okay, so the view is quite breathtaking. I’ll admit it.” Toni shrugged her shoulders. “Just not enough of a payoff for the rest of the visit. Just wait, you’ll see what I mean, Jason.”

  “Miss Grimaldi, finally! Your father has been waiting for you all morning.”

  A squirrelly looking man hurried toward Toni, and Jason automatically took a step in front of her, blocking the squirrel’s path. He felt Toni’s hand on his back as she stepped up beside him.

  “Please, Charles, give me a break. You and my father knew exactly what time my plane touched down and how long it would take me to get here from the airport. Go be useful. Organize some coffee for Jason and me. Oh and, Charles, we’ll have it in Dad’s office.”

  Jason watched on in amusement as Mr. Squirrel’s eyes
grew round and a big blue vein popped up on the squirrel’s head. Jason thought the guy was going to blow a fuse. Toni had given him a bit of an earful. Jason had never really heard her stick up for herself like that. She never queried waiter mistakes or got annoyed if people pushed in front of her in a queue. She was normally so calm—perhaps a little timid. But this Toni was staring Mr. Squirrel down. Jason couldn’t help chuckle when the squirrel lowered his head and scurried away, muttering something inaudible.

  “Way to go, luv. Don’t take shit from anyone. I’ve got your back.”

  Toni turned to face him. “I wish you had me on my back.”

  Jason nearly swallowed his tongue. His dick, in complete agreement with Toni, started to twitch, show its interest.

  “Antoinette… Antoinette. I thought I heard your voice. Thank God you have returned, my darling daughter, where I can see for myself that you are safe.”

  Frank Grimaldi in the flesh, as the average height but quite rounded figure rushed up to Toni and threw his arms around her.

  “I’m so glad to see you, Antoinette. Thank you for coming here first from the airport and not home. I’m sure you are weary from the long flight but I needed to see you were safe with my own eyes,” Grimaldi gushed, and Jason swore he saw a tear in the old guy’s eye. This was not the greeting he had been expecting from Toni’s father, considering the way she had spoken of the man.

  Grimaldi finally stopped hugging Toni and turned his attention toward Jason.

  Jason readied himself, sure that he was about to hear Grimaldi dismiss his services, now Toni was safely back in her father’s arms.

  “Jason Beck, I presume,” Grimaldi said. “I’ve heard good reports about you from Mr. Haven. He says you are his best man. I’m hoping the last few weeks keeping my daughter safe have not tired you and that I can count on your continued services to keep my Antoinette out of harm’s way?”


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