Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1)

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Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1) Page 1

by Pam Funke

  Operation Dark Angel:

  The Rise of Nicolaitanes

  Pam Funke

  Copyright © 2013 Pam Funke

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper, magazine or journal.

  First printing

  All characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Scripture is taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 1482675390

  ISBN-13: 978-1482675399

  Books by Pam Funke

  Search for the Righteous Series:

  Sodom: A Nation on Its Knees

  The Apocalypse Series:

  Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes Balac

  The World at War

  World Deception

  A Valley Experience


  The Return of Nicolaitanes

  Restore Me


  to our Heavenly Father: who placed this idea into my head; I thank you. for Without you nothing is possible, thank you for making this possible.

  to Mom and Dad: thanks for everything! I love you guys.

  to Cathryn, Joshua, Larry, Robbie, Karen, Mary, and Amanda: for whom this book was written, I love you guys. May this book encourage you to have a closer walk with God.

  To my family and friends: keep god first in your life for He will never fail you nor forsake you.

  In loving memory

  John Walter Everett, Elizabeth Everett, Michael Everett, David Black, John Henry Jackson, Enid Dorsey, Mary White, Herman White, Victor White, John Walter Everett (SonnY), Joseph Funke, Rose Funke, Willie Johnson, Roderick C Lambert and Maurice Bell You are loved and missed so much. Thank you for touching my life in the wondrous ways that you did.

  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life,”

  John 3:16

  “I will extol You, my God, O King; And I will bless Your name forever and ever. Every day I will bless You, And I will praise Your name forever and ever. Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; And His greatness is unsearchable,”

  Psalm 145:1-3

  “For from the rising of the sun, even to its going down, My name shall be great among the Gentiles; In every place incense shall be offered to My name, And a pure offering; For My name shall be great among the nations," Says the LORD of hosts,”

  Malachi 1:11

  “He who testifies to these things says, "Surely I am coming quickly,” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen,”

  Revelation 22:20-21


  “So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”

  Revelation 17:3-5



  Mariel Balac is a young, stunning Italian woman who had lived in Rome all of her life. She lived on a large beautiful estate that had belonged to her family for generations. There was talk about it being built by her great-great grandfather, who was some famous architect. Her family was very prominent in Rome. She was, after all, a direct descendant of the Roman Emperor, Nero Germanicus. Growing up her friends had always made a big deal of this, but to Mariel it meant nothing. She had a humble heart and it didn’t matter to her if she was related to the queen of England.

  Mariel grew up attending private Catholic schools her entire life. Even now, she was attending college at a private school run by the Catholic Church. She had not picked a major yet, as she was a little unsure of what she really wanted to do.

  She enjoyed being around children and thought perhaps she would become a teacher—but at the same time she was really good with adults also. Complete strangers often sought her out to get advice from her. Even when she was a child people would come to her with their problems. She had always been a good listener. Perhaps she should become a psychiatrist. Then she could get paid for listening. Wouldn’t that just make mother’s day? Mariel laughed to herself. Her mother hated it when she would calmly listen and give advice to strangers; she felt as though it was beneath Mariel.

  One beautiful fall day, Mariel went out for a walk. It was cool out, but not yet cold. Rome is a beautiful city with all of its history. She especially loved Rome in the fall when all the leaves were changing colors. She enjoyed this time of year best. Today she planned on going to the Colosseum. She loved walking amongst the old walls imagining the history of the place. Sometimes while walking there she could literally see things that had happened there. She enjoyed the day as she continued her walk.

  “Mariel,” a voice called startling her.

  She looked around but did not see anyone.


  Mariel stopped in her tracks. She was sure that she had heard someone calling her. I’m not going crazy, am I? Someone must be playing a joke on me.


  “Who’s there?” she called out timidly as she looked all around her.

  “Mariel, you have been a faithful daughter. You have kept yourself pure. For that, I am going to bless you with a child.”

  Mariel was flabbergasted. Surely she was hearing things; someone was definitely playing a joke on her. What madness is this?

  “Okay now, whoever you are this isn’t funny! The joke is over—come out of hiding please,” Mariel said a little annoyed.

  “Mariel, this is no laughing matter. You have been chosen. You are a good and faithful servant. I am going to bless you with a very special child. This child is going to change the world.”

  Mariel sat down on the curb. She suddenly felt very light-headed. I am finally going mad, just like mother used to joke around about. Keep listening and helping those crazies, Mariel and you’ll end up just like them. Wouldn’t mother like to hear about this? No, I can’t possibly be having this conversation with no one; perhaps this is nothing more than a dream. Whatever this is, I’ll just play along.

  “Umm, is impossible. I do know what it takes for one to become pregnant and I have done no such thing! It is forbidden for a woman to lay with a man who is not her husband,” Mariel replied. How dare he suggest that I’ve done such a horrendous thing? I would be shunned from the church. “I do not even have a boyfriend for heaven’s sake,” Mariel added in whispered voice. She was a little ashamed of this last part. She had never had a boyfriend, not even in high school. She was different from the other girls.

  Mariel was a little peeved by the implication of the situation. She was pure and intended on staying that way. She thoroughly believed in not engaging in pre-marital sex as it is a sin against God and the church. She wanted nothing to do worldliness. She only wanted to serve God and help people. She started to get up from the curb when the voice spoke again.

  “You will have a son. You are to name Nicolaitanes. This child
will grow up to do great and wondrous things.”

  Wait a minute. Is the voice referring to the prophecy? Surely he can’t be talking about The Child, can he? I know that we talk about it a lot in church, but no one knows when that’s supposed to happen. Besides why on earth would I be chosen?

  “I’m sorry, but would you mind repeating that?”

  “Why do you doubt me so, dear daughter? You have been chosen for this wondrous blessing. Are you not honored?”

  Mariel stood there for a moment pondering all that she had heard. Is this truly happening to me? Why me? Am I truly being chosen to carry and birth The Child?

  “Yes Mariel, you are.”

  Mariel was stunned, she finally got it. She was being chosen to carry The Child, her. Wow. I am completely honored. I hope that father will be proud of me. This is so exciting. She truly believed this was the voice of God talking to her and choosing her to carry the Messiah.

  “It shall be my honor,” she replied joyfully.

  “And Mariel?”


  “No one must know of this. Not even your family. There will be those who will not want this child to be born. He must be protected at all costs.”

  What am I supposed to do now? I will be all alone. I cannot do this by myself. Why does God want me to not even have the support of my family? They want The Child to come just as much as I do. She sat there just staring blankly. Her joy was quickly snuffed out by sadness.

  “Do not worry child. Everything will be alright. You will not be alone. Go to the Colosseum and wait just inside the gate. There you will meet a woman named Rosalind Carey. She will be your protector. Go with her, she will help you with everything. And remember, you must not tell anyone about this conversation. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I understand. I accept this quest with a joyful heart, Lord. Thank you for choosing me to carry your beautiful son.”

  “Go now Mariel, Rosalind is waiting,” the voice said and was gone.

  As Mariel walked to the Colosseum she remembered the first time she had heard about the prophecy.

  It was a day like no other….Mariel sat on the pews of St. Peter's Basilica next to her parents. She was ten years old and enthralled with anything having to do with the church. She loved learning about God. Her mother, Camilla, said that she was just a huge sponge soaking up everything the world had to offer. Mariel supposed that was how she obtained the nickname Little Sponge that her father called her lovingly.

  She sat there observing the people around her and looking at the beautiful decorations throughout the church. She was eagerly awaiting mass to begin. She couldn't wait to hear what today's lesson was about. How could she possibly know that lesson would change her life one day?

  “Today, I humbly come before you to tell you the prophecy about The Child. The holy one who will one day be born to a virgin who is close to God's own heart. The Child will be born to bring peace to our war-torn world. He will eliminate all wars, all strife, all hunger, all poverty, all desegregation, and all religious differences. He will bring us all together. Won't that be a glorious day? I only hope that I live long enough to see it happen,” Pontiff Basil said.

  Mariel was so excited, she could hardly sit still on the pew. She swung her legs back and forth as she bounced up and down. She longed to see the face of The Child, the Messiah, the one destined to solve all of the world's problems. Will it happen during her lifetime? She really hoped so.

  Mariel stood there staring at the sky. She watched as a couple of birds flew by. “If I knew back then that I would be the one chosen to carry The Child, I don’t know what I would have done. My parents would have been so proud to know that their daughter was chosen for such a great honor as this,” Mariel said to no one in particular.

  Mariel turned and headed toward the Colosseum. If only I could tell my family.She suddenly stopped when she realized she wasn’t even going to get to tell her family goodbye. Should she return home first and say her goodbyes? She wouldn’t say a word about why she was leaving. Yes, I think that will be alright. She turned around and started walking back home.

  “What are you doing Mariel? The Colosseum is the other way?” the voice asked annoyed.

  “Lord, I just need to go home and say goodbye to my family. Besides they’ll be so worried and hurt if I leave without saying goodbye.”

  “No, my child, no one must know of this. Do you not understand the importance of this child? Now go to the Colosseum, Rosalind won’t wait much longer!”

  Mariel sighed; perhaps after the child is born she would be allowed to let her family be involved. She laid her hand gently over her abdomen and smiled. She was going to be carrying a little person inside her. Hello little one, I shall carry you with great joy! She smiled as she quickly walked towards the Colosseum and her new journey.

  Rosalind Carey was waiting patiently in the shadows just inside the gate to the Colosseum. She was anxious. The voice had told her to meet a young woman here. A pure, young lady has finally been found to birth this important little boy. It is finally time. She was glad to have been chosen as the child’s protector. What a great honor this was. She kept peering around the corner anxiously watching for the young woman.

  “Be patient, Rosalind. She will be here momentarily. Is the house prepared for her arrival?” the voice said calmly.

  “Yes, everything is ready. The others are there as well.”

  “Good. Take excellent care of her,” the voice replied and was gone.

  Mariel stood at the entrance to the Colosseum. It seems eerily quiet today. Something doesn’t seem quite right. Where are all the tourists? This doesn’t feel right to me. Should I really go inside? I….I don’t like this. She peered into the Colosseum but saw no one. Where’s the woman the voice told me to find? Mariel felt a little uneasy. Maybe she had misunderstood what the voice had said or perhaps she had dreamt it. Slowly and cautiously she walked into the Colosseum. It felt strange to her to be here despite the numerous times that she’d walked here previously. This must be how the Christians felt when they were being led to be fed to the lions. Why am I feeling this way? Something doesn’t feel right in my spirit. She shook her head and walked around. It must be my nerves. Now who is it that I’m looking for? The voice did not say what Rosalind looks like. She was a little wary.

  “Rosalind? Are you here?” she whispered.

  Rosalind stood in the shadows watching the woman walking around the Colosseum. Wow, she is incredibly beautiful. I can see why she was chosen. After a few more minutes, Rosalind stepped out of the shadows causing Mariel to jump. The woman had frightened Rosalind stepping out of the shadows like that. Her body shook a little.

  “You must be Mariel. I’m Rosalind. It is a pleasure to meet you,” Rosalind warmly extended her hand.

  She seems nice. Kind of reminds me of my friend Adrianne’s mother. Mariel shook Rosalind’s hand cautiously. “Yes, I am Mariel. Is this really happening to me?”

  “It’s kind of overwhelming isn’t it? But yes, you have been chosen to have this child. It is all very much real. Are you ready to go? I promise that I will take good care of you. I will be there every step of the way,” Rosalind smiled leading the way.

  Mariel was soon overcome with the realization that all of this was really happening. She was so ecstatic. She only wished she could have shared this joyous experience with her family and friends. How proud they would have been upon finding out the happy news and meeting her son. This must be how the Virgin Mary felt when the angel of God gave her the good news.

  As Mariel followed Rosalind out a side entrance she could hear a tour coming through. She glanced back and noticed that the Colosseum was packed full of people. Where did all those people come from? We were alone in here only moments ago. Weird. Maybe I’m just distracted by everything going on. She shook her head and walked over to the black Town car waiting for them. Rosalind helped her into the back seat of the car then got in herself.

  “This is going to be
exciting,” Mariel said. I’m sorry Mom and Dad. I love you guys. Please don’t worry too much about me. She stared out of the window in the direction of her home as the car drove away.

  No one saw the car or its occupants leave. This was a journey that Mariel would soon regret.


  The home where Mariel was taken was exquisite. Mariel was very captivated and that was saying something as Mariel was not easily impressed. Her family’s home and property were extremely beautiful, but it was nothing compared to this. Mariel got out of the car in complete awe. The driveway was lined with beautiful trees with a large rose garden in front of the house. In the center of the garden stood an elaborate fountain. Our house would probably fit into a small portion of this house and our house is huge. I can’t believe I get to spend the next nine months here.

  “Is everything alright, Mariel?” Rosalind asked. She was watching Mariel intently.

  “Everything is fine, Rosalind. I was just admiring your home. It is so exquisite. I shall definitely enjoy my stay here. Do you tend to the gardens yourself?” Mariel asked walking towards the rose garden. Rosalind followed closely behind her.

  “No, my dear, we have a gardener who tends to the grounds. Now come up to the house and let us get you settled into your room.”

  Mariel nodded and walked with Rosalind up the flight of stairs to the front door. Mariel suddenly filled with a great desire to leave. At the doorway, she hesitated, “Am I free to do whatever I want while I am here? May I come and go as I please?”

  “Mariel, you are free to do whatever you want. However, if you want to leave the grounds I need to go with you, okay?”


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