Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1)

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Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1) Page 2

by Pam Funke

  “Why? Do you not trust me?”

  Rosalind took Mariel’s face in her hands. She turned her hands until Mariel was staring into her face. “Look, Mariel, I have to protect you and keep you safe at all times. There are people searching for this child who don’t want him to be born. They will try to kill you if they find you. Do you understand that?”

  Mariel sat down on a step as the words sank in. Are people really going to be after me now? Why wouldn’t anyone want this child to be born? He’s come to save the whole world. Mariel rubbed her belly; a deep sadness overcame her. Rosalind looked down at Mariel and pitied her. She could understand how Mariel must feel. Rosalind decided right then and there to take Mariel under her wing. She would be the daughter Rosalind never had.

  “Mariel, everything is going to be okay. I promise. What do you say we get you settled in and go for a walk around the grounds?”

  Mariel smiled, “I’d like that.”

  She allowed Rosalind to help her up. Together they walked into the house. This is the beginning of our journey together little one.

  Nine months have passed since Mariel moved into the house. Time seemed to have flown by. Mariel sat on the edge of her bed staring out the window into the cold, dreary day. She rubbed her hands over her abdomen. The baby had dropped a few days ago and Mariel knew the time was drawing near. As she turned to walk toward the bathroom, a great pain shook her body as the first contraction nearly had her on her knees. She slowly walked back and lay on the bed. She closed her eyes. 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9…10…breath Mariel.

  Despite the dreariness of the day, Rosalind was really excited. It was almost time for Mariel to deliver her baby. Time sure has flown by. It has been great having Mariel here; she’s such a joy to be around. I can’t wait to see her with little Nicolaitanes. She’s going to be a great mom. Rosalind had been busy running errands all morning and was now heading back to the estate to prepare the room for delivery.

  Nicolaitanes was a special baby; the priests agreed there could be no outside interference. Mariel would be having the baby at home with no visit to the local hospital. She would be surrounded by her new family (those who had been chosen by the voice to protect the baby). Rosalind would be delivering the baby with the help of a few other midwives.

  Rosalind entered the house and placed her bags on the kitchen counter before going upstairs to check on Mariel. She knocked softly on Mariel’s bedroom door. “Mariel, may I come in?” Rosalind asked.

  Mariel was lying on her bed sweating and in great pain. They never said that labor was going to hurt so badly. Why does it hurt so much? I feel like I’m being torn apart by ravenous wolves. Dear Lord when will it all be over with? Please make the pain stop.

  “Come in Rosalind.”

  She relaxed as the contraction finally subsided. Rosalind rushed to the side of her bed. Mariel didn’t look so good.

  “Are you alright my dear?” Rosalind asked concerned.

  “I’m okay for the moment.”

  Rosalind touched Mariel’s forehead with the back of her hand. Mariel felt a tad bit warm; Rosalind knew that she was feverish. This cannot be good. I’ll have to keep an eye on her. We cannot have her becoming sick before the baby is here. She went into the master bath and ran some cool water into a bowl. She grabbed the bowl and a washcloth before walking to Mariel’s bedside. She dipped the cloth into the cool water, wrung it out and gently wiped Mariel’s face. She then drew Mariel’s covers back, lifted off Mariel’s nightgown and wiped her body down with the cool water before checking the dilation of Mariel’s cervix. She is dilating quite nicely. It won’t be much longer now. She smiled at Mariel and held her hand gently.

  “The baby is going to be coming soon, Mariel. You won’t be in pain much longer. I promise. Do you want me to stay here with you for a while?”

  Mariel smiled weakly at her friend. “I’m going to rest for a while. You go and prepare the delivery room, Rosalind. I will be alright,” Mariel said.

  Rosalind lifted a glass of water containing dissolved ocimum sanctum to Mariel’s lips.

  “Drink this; it will make you feel a little better. It will also help to bring your fever down.”

  There would be no man-made medicines given to Mariel; only herbs would be used during her delivery. There could be no poisons entering into the baby’s blood stream. He had to be pure. Rosalind put the glass on the night stand, wiped Mariel’s body down again, and then left the room.

  Mariel gently rubbed her stomach. “You’ll be here soon little one. Mommy can’t wait to meet you. You are such a special little boy, Nicolaitanes,” Mariel said drifting into unconsciousness.


  Elsewhere in the house, the priest was preparing himself in the study. Time was drawing near.

  “Paul, upon delivery of the child, you are to sacrifice the girl. She is no longer useful to us. We cannot have her instilling her beliefs into the child; that would be detrimental to our cause. Afterwards, you and Rosalind are to take Nicolaitanes to the house in the country. Leave no trace that you were ever here. Is that understood?” the voice said.

  Paul nodded solemnly, “I understand.” I figured as much. Too bad though as she’s such a sweet kid. This is going to kill Rosalind.


  Rosalind took the items she had purchased downstairs to the delivery room. She sterilized the bed with bleach and placed clean sheets onto it. She next placed numerous candles on the tables on either side of the bed. They were aromatic candles and would be used for their light and to help ease the childbirth along. She sterilized the baby bassinet and the tools used for cutting the umbilical cord. Lastly, she set up the altar where they would christen Nicolaitanes. She glanced around the room making sure everything was in place before turning off the lights and leaving the room.

  Rosalind then walked over to the study and nodded at the man sitting behind the desk. “Everything is ready. It is almost time to move Mariel down to the delivery room,” she said before turning to leave the room.

  The priest nodded quietly as he gathered his things and followed behind her out of the room. He caught Rosalind’s eye as he passed her in the hallway and shook his head sadly. Rosalind was saddened by this. She had come to like and love Mariel as a daughter. She had hoped it this did not have to happen, but she knew there would be no pleading or reasoning with the voice. She collected her thoughts, resigning with the decision. There could be no tears. At least, not now.

  When Rosalind arrived in Mariel’s room, she was in the middle of a strong contraction. Extensive pain was etched across Mariel’s face. Rosalind rushed over to her and held her hand. She gently smoothed Mariel’s beautiful black hair off of her forehead. When the contraction was over, she gently wiped Mariel’s body down with cool water and checked the dilation of her cervix again. My poor beautiful daughter, it will all be over with soon. I shall miss you terribly. She hugged Mariel tightly and kissed her forehead. Mariel looked at her curiously but said nothing. Rosalind smiled down at her and caressed the side of her face.

  “Mariel, it is time. I will help you walk down to the delivery room. Your beautiful son will be here soon.”

  Mariel smiled and nodded weakly. Rosalind helped her to her feet and covered her nakedness with a clean bed sheet. Supporting Mariel’s weight she helped her walk slowly down the stairs to the delivery room in the basement. I wonder why they chose one of the basement rooms for delivery. Surely there are more suitable rooms upstairs.

  Mariel looked around the room as they walked in. Who are all these people? There were numerous people standing quietly around the bed smiling at her. It was hard to believe they were all waiting for her. Why is it so dark in here? Why can I not see their faces?

  The room was dark with the exception of the light glowing from the candles. The priest from the study was kneeling in prayer before the altar. Mariel could not understand what the man was saying; she had long since forgotten her Latin, but she suspected he was saying a prayer for her an
d the baby. When had Rosalind walked away? I thought she was still right here next to me. She didn’t leave me here alone with all these strangers, did she? Mariel absentmindedly pulled her sheet closer to her body. Her legs started to shake slightly. Mariel did not know if it was out of the fear she was feeling or because of the labor. At any rate, she suddenly wished she were home with her family.

  Rosalind donned a sterile robe, pulled her hair back into a ponytail and sterilized her hands.

  “Come here, my child,” the priest said.

  Something in his voice made Mariel obey. She walked over and stood before the altar. The priest took some ashes from a tin on the altar and marked Mariel’s forehead and abdomen. He said a prayer over Mariel then kissed her gently on the cheek.

  “It is time, my child,” the priest said.

  Mariel nodded and walked over to Rosalind. Rosalind helped her onto the bed and removed the sheet from around her body placing her legs in position for delivery. She noticed that Mariel was fully dilated now.

  “Okay, Mariel, during the next contraction you are going to start pushing so we can get this baby out,” Rosalind said nodding to the two women on either side of Mariel’s bed.

  They each moved forward and helped Mariel to sit up, supporting her back and holding her hands. They neither spoke nor comforted Mariel in her discomfort. They were not there for her, but for the baby.

  The next contraction was excruciating for Mariel, she felt as though she were going to rip in half. Yet despite the pain, she pushed as she was told. Mariel was already exhausted due to the high fever. She did not think that she had the strength to go through with this. Why did I ever agree to this? It hurts so much. I feel like I’ve been run over by a semi. Mariel screamed in pain as another contraction hit. Rosalind smiled at Mariel and gave her an encouraging pat on her leg. She sure is delivering quickly; it will all be over sooner than I thought.

  Rosalind lay her hand on the top of Mariel’s abdomen then pushed gently towards herself helping the baby move along in the birth canal. She nodded again to the women supporting Mariel; they gently laid her back down to rest.

  “You are doing really well, Mariel. Don’t give up. It will be over soon. The baby’s head is starting to crown,” Rosalind smiled.

  “I’m so tired Rosalind. But, okay….I’ll try.”

  She tried sitting back up on her own, but couldn’t. The women had to help her up and supported her again.


  An unknown man stood sadly outside of the house where Mariel was giving birth. He shook his head as he glanced towards the east. A storm is brewing in more ways than one. He frowned as he looked back toward the house. Tonight evil is being born.

  “Behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. It had huge iron teeth; it was devouring, breaking in pieces, and trampling the residue with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns,” the man cried out with a bold voice.

  He looked up towards heaven and with a flash of lightning he was gone.


  A nasty thunderstorm started up outside. Huge bolts of purple lightning were shooting across the sky. The thunder was so loud it sounded like enormous cannons were being shot off inside the room. The priest smiled creepily. Thunderstorms excited and empowered him. Although he had no idea why that was. You cannot stop this child from being born. He is destined to be here. He is The Child, savior of the whole world. There is nothing that you can do. He stood quietly by the altar awaiting the birth of Nicolaitanes.

  Five contractions later –it was all over. Nicolaitanes was here and wailing away. Rosalind laid him lovingly on Mariel’s stomach and cut the umbilical cord. She then took the baby over to the small basin to clean him up before handing him to the priest. He took the baby carefully and laid him on the altar marking his forehead with ashes from the candle. He held the child up towards the heavens saying a prayer in Latin that Mariel didn’t understand. He then handed the child back to Rosalind and marked Rosalind’s forehead with the ash as well. I wonder why he’s marking Rosalind’s forehead. Why would she need the prayer? Curious. Rosalind carried the child over to Mariel and laid him on her breast so she could feed the hungry child.

  He is such a beautiful baby. I still can’t believe I have a son now. I cannot wait until I can show him off to my family. They are going to love you, little one. “My little Nicolaitanes,” Mariel said as she smiled down at her nursing son. She held him close and kissed him gently.

  Rosalind watched mother and son lovingly. She stored this memory away. This was how she wanted to remember Mariel. She nodded sadly to the woman standing next to Mariel’s bed. The woman approached Mariel and held her hands out. Reluctantly, Mariel handed the child over. She watched as the woman wrapped him in a clean sheet and placed him in the bassinet. The women then surrounded the bassinet chanting in Latin as they picked it up to carry upstairs to the nursery. Mariel held out her hand towards her baby. What’s going on?

  “Where are they going? Why are they taking my baby away? What is with all the Latin? I don’t understand any of this. Please bring Nicolaitanes back,” Mariel said softly.

  Rosalind looked sadly into Mariel’s eyes. Mariel tilted her head curiously as she caught Rosalind’s gaze. Rosalind quickly looked away before the tears she was trying so hard to hold back came spilling down her cheeks. She turned back toward the priest.

  “Must we do this?” Rosalind asked.

  “You know the answer to that,” the voice replied before the priest could speak.

  “Must you do what? Rosalind, what’s going on?” Mariel asked weakly.

  So the voice is back now. Rosalind silently walked over to Mariel giving her a hug and kissing her forehead before turning to leave the room. Goodbye, my friend. I have come to think of you as my child. If there was any way out of this…….but I know we must do what’s best for Nicolaitanes. I love you. Rosalind stopped at the doorway to collect herself. Her heart was extremely heavy.

  “Why won’t you answer me, Rosalind? Won’t anyone tell me what’s going on? Wait, where are you going?” Mariel asked.

  She struggled to get up off the bed but was unable to do so. “I’m so tired; will you help me back up to my room? Rosalind?” Mariel called out.

  Rosalind walked away without saying a word—she never even looked back. She knew better than to. She didn’t want to see what the priests were going to do to Mariel. Mostly she didn’t want that to be the last image of Mariel she had. Rosalind felt like she was sacrificing her own child; in a sense, she was.

  Mariel’s heart sank as Rosalind walked out of the room without so much as a smile. Something’s not right. Why is my heart pounding so? Mariel looked around her, suddenly terrified. She watched in horror as the robed priests walked ominously towards her. Four of the priests surrounded Mariel. Two grabbed her arms while the other two grabbed her legs. Why are they holding me down? What’s going on? Her heart was pounding so hard in her chest she could hear it echoing in her ears. This is scaring me. Wait, where’s the other priest?

  She watched in horror as the fifth priest came out of the shadows with a large curved knife in his hands. What is he going to do with that? The priest said a few words in Latin as he raised the knife over his head. All of the priests started chanting and Mariel started to shake. This can’t possibly be happening. I’m in a real live horror movie. Rosalind, where are you? Please help me!

  “Noooooo!” Mariel screamed as she realized she was about to die.

  Rosalind was halfway up the stairs when she heard Mariel scream for the last time. Her friend was dead and there was nothing she could do about it. She would now be raising little Nicolaitanes as her own just as the voice had instructed. Rosalind walked into the nursery and picked up little Nicolaitanes in her arms. Oh little one, if only you could have had the pleasure of knowing your mother the way I have. But everything will be okay; I am your mother now. Little Nicolaitanes smiled up at Rosalind wrapping his li
ttle fingers around Rosalind’s pinkie. She smiled at Nicolaitanes and kissed both of his cheeks. You are going to do great things little one. The whole world is going to love you.


  Little Nicolaitanes was a handsome and talented child. He would woo anyone who came into contact with him. He had this funny little way of making people do whatever he wanted. Everywhere they went people fell in love with the intelligent, handsome, blue-eyed black-haired child. By the time he was 4 years old, he knew what he wanted to be when he grew up—and he was going to get it no matter what it took. He wanted to rule the world.

  Throughout high school, Nicolaitanes was at the top of his class, President of several clubs and valedictorian of his graduating class. He had his master’s degree in political science by the time he was 21years old. Rosalind was so proud of him. She had thoroughly enjoyed raising him alone.

  Patriarch Bartola


  In other parts of the world, another young man was rapidly moving through the ranks of the Catholic Church. Everywhere he went people flocked to him. The archdiocese was closely watching his progress. They were enthralled by what he was accomplishing. No one had ever seen anything quite like it. It was incredible. Surely this young man was a blessing from God! They decided to have him brought from the United States to Rome so that they could interrogate him and see for themselves just how true it all was. They were very excited about it. Perhaps he was the one that they were waiting for. The one who will assist in uniting the world. The one who will be the right hand of The Child.


  Patriarch Josef Bartola was impressed with his invitation from the archdiocese to come to Rome. He was pleased with the possibilities that could come from this meeting. He was a man with a vision—to unite the world to serve one god and to bring peace and unity in the process. He was already working on this dream of his. He had thus far unified several churches in the United States, Africa, the Sudan, China, and Japan. Everywhere he went he preached the word of God—in his own words. Every time he preached, the sanctuary was filled to capacity. People flocked to hear him speak. Josef had the voice of an angel, he was told over and over again. He was touched by the hand of God others said. He didn’t know about that, but he loved all the attention he was getting. He especially loved reading and hearing about himself in the news.


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