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Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1)

Page 30

by Pam Funke

  CHAPTER one hundred and twenty-four

  Serenity was tired from all the excitement and soon fell asleep. When Katy came downstairs to check on Serenity after dinner she saw her sleeping peacefully. Katy quietly closed the door. Now was as good a time as any to talk to Ezekiel and she went upstairs to find him. She found him in the kitchen helping Meredith with the dishes.

  “Hey Zeke, can we talk out here for a moment?” Katy asked motioning for him to follow her to the living room.

  “Sure Katy. What’s up?”

  “I don’t know about this, Ezekiel. I don’t trust Serenity. There is just something about her. I don’t know what it is, but something is very wrong Ezekiel. How did those people find us so quickly?”

  “What’s wrong Katy? Has she done anything to make you not trust her?”

  Katy was quiet. How could she say what she knew and thought about Serenity without telling Ezekiel about Operation Dark Angel and what she herself had done? She wasn’t ready to trust anyone with that secret just yet, not even Ezekiel. Ezekiel looked at her.

  “Is there something you’re not telling me, Katy?”

  “It’s just a feeling I have. Besides what do we really know about this girl? She’s a bomb survivor, which means maybe someone tried to kill her. We also know a very powerful man and some unknown people are looking for her. For what reason, we don’t know. I just don’t think anyone around her will be safe.”

  “I know Katy, but as children of God, isn’t it right that we help her? Is this not what God would want us to do? Look, Katy, I know you’re worried, but with God on our side we have nothing to fear. God is our refuge and our help—He will protect us.”

  “You’re right Ezekiel. I should have more faith.”

  CHAPTER one hundred and twenty-five

  Nicolaitanes stood looking out of the window. He called for Rosalind to join him using the voice. Within minutes, she entered the room.

  “Yes, Nicolaitanes. You called for me?” she asked taking a seat at the table.

  Nicolaitanes turned to look at her, “I want you to handle things here for a while. I will be returning in a few days. I need to go handle some business.”

  Rosalind just stared at him. “You’re……you’re leaving now? But Nicolaitanes, we are in the middle of things here. Where are you going that is so important?”

  “It is all part of the plan, Rosalind. Now can you handle things here or not?”

  Rosalind looked down at the table, “Yes, Nicolaitanes. I can handle things around here until you return.”

  “Good. Make sure things go accordingly. Everything needs to happen at the right time. I trust you, don’t make me regret it,” Nicolaitanes replied leaving the room.

  I wonder where it is that he is going. How can I be his protector if I don’t even know where he is? He’s never gone anywhere without telling me where he was going. Very strange. She headed down to the mess hall for a cup of coffee. She was going to need it.

  CHAPTER one hundred and twenty-six

  Gage was rushed into surgery upon arrival at the hospital. Byron wasn’t sure yet what was going on, but he hoped Gage was going to be alright. Byron had a slight concussion and a few cuts and bruises so they were keeping him overnight for observation. He hoped his family was okay. Byron was still trying to figure out what exactly had caused the accident. He didn’t remember anything odd happening right before the accident. He and Gage had been talking about the object Gage found amongst the rubble. He wondered if Gage had found out what the symbol was. Is it tied to President Nicolaitanes Balac’s architect company? Is it possible this is the reason why we are in the hospital now? He didn’t know for sure. Where is the object Gage had found? He did not remember seeing it after the accident. That couldn’t be good. He hoped that Gage had taken photos of the object and the symbol. If not, they would have no proof of its existence if it was gone. What caused us to have the accident? He was still trying to figure that one out.

  “Nurse?” Byron called to the woman walking past the room.

  “Yes?” the nurse replied sticking her head into the room.

  “My friend. The guy that came with me in the ambulance,” Byron said.

  “What about him?” the nurse said.

  “Is he out of surgery yet? How is he? Can I see him yet?”

  “Right now he is in the recovery unit. You will be able to visit with him once they move him to intensive care. As far as I know, he is stable right now,” the nurse replied leaving the room.

  “Wow. Where is her bedside manner?” Byron mumbled.


  General Ludlow couldn’t sleep. No matter how hard he tried, he kept waking up every few minutes. What is the problem? He was extremely exhausted. He really needed some sleep, if only for a couple of hours. Alexander decided to get up and make a glass of warm milk. He remembered his mom used to make it for him as a small child when he couldn’t sleep well. He hoped that it would work now. He stared at the pot waiting for the milk to boil. Mom was so right. A watched pot never ever seems to boil.

  CHAPTER one hundred and twenty-seven

  Halle Smith was really worried about everything going on in the world around her. It had been a while since she last heard from her husband, the world was going berserk, and she still had no clue why no one had shown up for church the other day. In fact, she had gone back to the church a couple of times since then, but it was still unlocked and empty. It seemed really strange to her. Where did they go and why?

  “Lord, I don’t know where everyone has gone and I really need them right now. I have so many questions and no one to answer them for me? Please send them back so that I know they are okay. The world here has gone crazy, but I guess you know that already. Please send me someone who can help me, Lord. Thank you so much. Please watch over my husband; help him to make good decisions about whatever it is that he is doing. Please reveal yourself to him and give him the desire to seek after you. I ask all of these things in Jesus’ holy name. Amen,” Halle prayed.

  She sat alone in her living room staring at the television. She really did not want to spend another minute alone. Making up her mind, she grabbed a bag and packed it with some clothes, a couple of bottles of water, some food, the first aid kit, a pillow and blanket, and her Bible. She put the bag in her car, walked through the house making sure that everything was turned off and locked up as she wasn’t sure when or if she would be coming back. She then got in her car and backed down the driveway, pausing for a moment to look back at the house again before driving away.

  Halle was now on a quest to find someone who had the answers she was searching for. She would start by going to the church one more time. If nothing else, perhaps she could find the church directory and go to some of the members’ homes.

  When Halle arrived at the church, she was happy to see a few other cars in the parking lot. Maybe I just had the times and days wrong. Excited, she parked the car, grabbed her Bible and went inside. She did not see anyone. How strange? She went to the sanctuary and could not find a single person although she could hear voices. The voices seemed to be coming from somewhere behind the altar. Who is back there? What is even back there? I don’t remember ever seeing anyone use that door before. I wonder where it goes. I wonder what they are talking about. No matter how hard she tried to listen, she could not understand what the voices where saying either. What language is that? It doesn’t sound like anything I have ever heard before. She walked curiously towards the altar.

  Halle was almost to the altar when a man she had never seen before stepped out of the shadows startling her. He placed a finger over his lips signaling Halle to keep quiet. Halle took a couple of steps back. Who is he? Where did he come from? What does he want with me? He turned and motioned for her to follow him out into the hallway. Halle followed timidly. She was not quite sure if she should follow this man; let alone trust him.

  “Who are you?” Halle asked after the sanctuary doors closed behind them.

  “I Am has se
nt me to warn you,” the man replied handing her a folded sheet of paper. “Keep searching for the answers you seek. Do not look for them here for it is not safe for you to do so. The lion is on the prowl seeking whom he may devour,” he continued and was gone. Halle blinked and rubbed her eyes.

  “Where did he go?” she peered up and down the hallway.

  She peered into the sanctuary, the man wasn’t there either. Curious. I wonder what he meant by that. What lion? So where am I supposed to go now? Halle walked back to her car. She sat there wondering what the man had meant by the things he said. She had no idea. She still wondered who was in the room behind the altar. What were they doing back there?

  Realizing that she never even looked at the paper the man had given her, she took it out of her pocket and unfolded it. Written on the paper was an address with some strange quote and directions. This was really weird to her. What should I do now? Perhaps this is some sort of clue as to where I will find my answers. She looked at the paper again before entering it into her GPS. Halle wondered whose voices she had heard in the church and what they were saying.

  Had Halle glanced in her rearview mirror at that moment, she would have seen three strangers leave from the church only moments before the church was engulfed in flames.

  CHAPTER one hundred and twenty-eight

  Andrew came waltzing back up to the old woman’s house as though nothing was wrong. Tara stared at him.

  “Just where have you been?!” she yelled. “I have been looking everywhere for you! I’ve been searching the house for hours while you’ve been doing what exactly?”

  Andrew rolled his eyes. He was highly annoyed. Just who does she think she is? I don’t answer to her. That woman is impossible to work with. I shouldn’t even bother explaining to her where I went and what I found out, but I will just to get her goat. It’s going to be me that Nicolaitanes praises, not her.

  “For your information Tara, when I looked through the downstairs portion of the house I found this paper by the telephone. It’s an address with no name or phone number which seemed really odd to me, so I went to check it out. It turns out that it’s a church a couple of blocks from here. It was locked up—no one was there so I came back. Maybe they know where the old woman is,” Andrew replied.

  Tara was quiet; she had been so sure Andrew had been goofing off somewhere.

  “What are the hours of the church?” Tara asked.

  “They are open this evening around 7pm,” he replied.

  “Well I guess that we shall be going to church tonight,” she replied sarcastically. Finally, some good news to give Nicolaitanes.

  CHAPTER one hundred and twenty-nine

  Richard couldn’t wait to get out of the situation room. He was glad that Nicolaitanes had practically thrown everyone out as Richard’s Bible was calling to him. He could not wait to read some more. Richard was like a sponge absorbing everything he could about God. I was hoping to be able to make Bible study tonight, but I guess not. Richard looked at his watch and figured Bible study would be over before he could drive back out to the church. He decided to do a little Bible study on his own and headed out to his car to grab his Bible. Richard decided to read down in the cafeteria, but something told him that it wasn’t a good idea to be seen reading the Bible. He did not know why. Changing his mind he went down to the cafeteria to pick up a couple of sandwiches and a sweet tea before heading to the car.

  Now where did I leave off? Richard flipped through his Bible trying to remember, but he couldn’t. He finally gave up and started reading a passage that seemed to jump out at him.

  “Psalm 18. I love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised and I am saved from my enemies,” he read out loud. He closed his eyes contemplating what he had just read.


  Sampson stood in the shadows watching Richard. He sure is acting oddly. “Now what is he doing sitting in his car? “Looks like he’s talking to himself or something,” Sampson muttered to himself. He watched Richard for a while before walking away.

  CHAPTER one hundred and thirty

  Patriarch Josef Bartola arrived in California just in time for the UWR formation meeting.

  “Welcome, Patriarch Bartola. Do you have the document prepared?” the board member asked.

  “Yes, yes I do,” Josef replied unrolling his document.

  Nicolaitanes was anxious to hear what Josef had to say. Nicolaitanes wasn’t sure yet, but he thought Josef Bartola was someone that he needed to bring on board. Nicolaitanes intended to use Josef to his advantage if Josef was who he thought he was.

  “Will you please read it to us?” the board member continued. Josef beamed—he was so glad that his ideas were coming to pass.

  “United World Religion Rules and Regulations. The people of the world will serve one unified god. All people are welcome to worship; no one will be turned away no matter their lifestyle. A new worship book will be written incorporating things from the various world religions and will be distributed worldwide. It will also include a copy of the rules and regulations. This religion will be the only tolerated religion practiced. No other god will be allowed to be worshipped. The Bible, Torah, and any other forms will be destroyed and illegal to have. Those who do not follow the rules will be swiftly punished. We need to be prepared because the Christians are going to be troublesome. I am passing around a more in depth copy of my proposal.” Patriarch Bartola said.

  “Excuse me, but how in the world are we going to initiate something like this? The people of the world aren’t going to just sit quietly and allow this to happen. We are going to have to convince the world that they need this; that this is the answer to everything,” a delegate inquired as she looked through the proposal.

  Nicolaitanes smiled, “I believe I can help with that. All that you are seeking will come to pass.” Yes, it most certainly will. He approached Patriarch Josef Bartola with a smile and pulled him to the side—he was about to give him an offer that he couldn’t refuse, nor would he want to. Now for the next part of my plan. Nicolaitanes left and headed for the airport. Just one more thing to take care of before heading back to Fort Stewart.

  CHAPTER one hundred and thirty-one

  The man stood sadly outside of the UN building. A few minutes later, he silently entered the building and walked to the assembly room. He looked at each face as he walked by them. No one seemed to even notice him as they were all preoccupied with other things. How sad. He stood in the center of the room, speaking boldly and with great authority.

  “Another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed,” the man said looking around the room.

  Once again no one seemed to pay any attention to the man; no one seemed to care. The man simply walked away.


  Patriarch Bartola arrived back in Rome. He was feeling really good. Things had gone extremely well at the UN meeting and just when he thought things couldn’t get any better, they had gotten even better. He was still thinking about his private meeting with Nicolaitanes Balac—what a team they would make. He sat in his room relaxing for a bit. He would meet with Pope John and the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See later that evening to go over the past day’s events. He could hardly wait.

  Lou quietly knocked on Josef’s door; he didn’t want to wake him if he was resting, but he wanted to hear all about his trip and all that had transpired. Besides, he wasn’t invited to the meeting with the Pope that evening. He did not hear any movement and decided that Josef was probably asleep. Sighing he turned to walk away when Josef opened the door quietly and peered out.

  “Lou, did you need something?” Josef asked

  Startled Lou turned back, “Well, I was wondering if you would tell me about your trip? You seemed really excited when you got back. I would be happy to listen if you would like to talk.” He looked eagerly at Josef. Please don’t be too tired to tell me what happened. I’d really like to know what all transpired at the meeting.

  Josef looked at him for a moment. He really does seem interested in knowing. He’s almost like a little kid right now. I guess that I could humor him. Besides, he has been extremely kind to me and I really am anxious to tell someone.

  “Well, I suppose that I can spare a few minutes for you, Lou. Come in please,” Josef said trying not to seem too eager.

  Happily Lou entered the room closing the door behind him. Josef told Lou all about his trip to include his meeting with President Balac. Lou was very impressed.


  Gage was finally in recovery. He looked awful, but Byron was glad he was alive. The doctor said Gage would be okay and able to leave the hospital in a couple of days. This was good news. Byron sat quietly by Gage’s bedside patiently waiting for him to awaken. I am so glad you are all right my friend. God has kept His hands on us and kept us safe. Thank you, Jesus. I don’t know what we would do without you, Lord. There’s been nothing, but turmoil for us since we arrived in Israel. Someone keeps attacking this country and someone or something attacked our car. It is almost as though someone doesn’t want this story that Gage is working on to be reported. Someone doesn’t want us digging around. I can’t wait until he wakes up. Perhaps he will remember seeing or hearing something before the crash. Maybe he even knows what happened to the object he found.


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