Spike (Spark Series #2)
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“You say that like it’s something new,” she says and giggles.
I roll my eyes at her, as we walk to a table in the corner of the café. We peel off our coats and scarves. Crystal sweeps her long, blonde hair from her face and winks at me.
A young red-haired girl comes to take our order, fumbling with her pen and paper.
“What can I get you?” she asks shyly.
“Two large flat whites, thanks,” Crystal orders for both of us.
The waitress nods and moves onto the next table.
“You look tired. What’d you do last night?” Crystal asks. What didn’t Aidan and I do last night?
Of course, my cheeks run hot, thinking exactly what we did do. That thing he does with his tongue …
“So, last night?” she says.
“Oh, I’m good, tired, but good. Aidan and I have just been, um, making up for lost time.”
She gives me a cheeky smile. “Yeah, I bet you have. I’m just so glad you guys are together. You’re perfect for each other.”
“Aw, thanks. I still can’t believe he asked me to move in with him.” It feels like a dream. I wonder if things will change, living together …
“Why wouldn’t he? He can’t get enough of you. No point fighting it.”
“I don’t intend to. It’s just sometimes I have to pinch myself knowing I have him. He’s everything I ever wanted.”
Crystal gives me a genuine smile, and takes my hand across the table. “You know, when I first met Aidan all I could see was the eye-candy, but he’s so much more than that. He has the heart to match, and he’s fucking crazy about you. He’s forever material, Eevie.”
She’s right, and don’t I know it. “Yeah. He is.”
She takes her hand from mine as the waitress shakily places our coffees between us. Poor girl; it’s probably her first day. I give her a smile and thank her.
I pour in some sugar and start stirring. “So, have you found somewhere to move into yet?”
Crystal’s face breaks out with a beaming grin. “Yeah, we’ve found a cute townhouse over in Weston Creek, and we’re looking to move in next month. I can’t believe we’ve been dating for nearly three years now. It’s such a big step moving in together, but we’re joined at the hip anyway. You never know, maybe it won’t be long before he asks me to marry him.” Marriage?
“Wow, things must be serious. Rob’s a great guy. I’m glad things are moving along for you.”
Crystal’s smile fades as she goes about stirring her coffee. “Listen, Eevie, I just wanna say I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner about Rob asking me to move out. I just didn’t think you needed something else to deal with, you know?”
I know she’s still carrying the guilt over the night my drink was spiked and I was almost raped. Really, she needs to move on.
“I keep telling you, Crystal. You don’t need to worry about me. I’m fine now. And besides, I have a kick-arse boyfriend to look out for me.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear,” she says, nodding. “And even though we won’t be living together anymore, it doesn’t mean we can’t still catch up. I miss you. Maybe we should make an effort to meet up at least once a month, for lunch or dinner or something.”
I’m relieved she didn’t mentioned drinks. I haven’t had any alcohol in public since that night. The only person I’ve been able to trust myself to indulge in a few drinks with is Aidan.
I take a few long sips of my coffee. “Sounds great. Aidan’s training and travelling pretty much every second weekend now, so it’d be nice to have some company when he’s away.”
“Cool. Oh, I nearly forgot, do you remember Emma from my work?”
I shrug. I would have only met Emma that night out, and I’d been working hard to forget everything about what was the darkest hour of my life.
“Well, Emma and her sister are keen to move into the unit when it’s vacant. She’s already filled out the application forms with the landlord, and they’ve been approved. They can move in whenever you’re ready.”
“Wow, that’s great. I can’t believe it’s been this easy to sort out. It’s all just falling into place, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. Pretty cool, huh?”
“I guess now I’ll work out with Aidan a good weekend to move the big stuff, but I might start taking a few smaller things across.”
I’m moving in with a guy. Eek! I could die with excitement, because every time I think about living with Aidan I get a weird flutter in my stomach and wanna high-five the crap out of the nearest person.
“At least I don’t have that much to move. There is one thing I’m not looking forward to, though,” I say, spying the girl at the next table reading a chunky book.
“What’s that?”
“The shit Aidan’s gonna give me about the copious number of boxes of my romance novels.”
“He totally will,” she says and laughs.
“Mark my words, he’ll call me a desperate romantic and shake his head.”
I wonder if he’ll sneak a peek at them. If anything, I should write one about him. He’d put half the heroes I’ve read about to shame.
“Oh, before I forget. I brought your mail,” she says, stalling my thoughts from wandering into naughty territory. “Hopefully it’s something more exciting than bills. Nothing good ever comes in the post.”
Crystal hands me a few envelopes, and I flick through them. I recognise the handwriting on one of them. Tara. Fuck me. Have I got a stalker on my hands? God knows what this letter will say. Psycho.
I stuff the mail into my handbag, and try to hide my annoyance. Without even reading the letter, she’s tainted what was otherwise a nice day.
“Thanks, Crystal. You up for another coffee?” I say, trying to divert my attention from Stalker Girl.
She sips back the last few mouthfuls of her drink, and clangs her empty cup on the saucer. “Does the Pope wear tighty-whiteys?”
“What the hell?” I frown, wondering why she’s asking me what the Pope wears under all that.
“I was tryin’ to be funny, Eevie. In other words, yes.”
I laugh out loud as I wave the waitress over to order another round.
“You’re a worry, Crystal. A real worry.”
When I get to my car a short time later, I open the letter.
Please call me. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.
- Tara
I know exactly what I’m getting into, Tara. I’ve found the piece of me that’s been missing, and I’m happy. Shout-out-to-the-stars-above kind of happy. No ex is going to ruin that for me.
She’s got to be an ex for a reason. If she keeps this up, I’m going to have to tell Aidan about these letters, but right now he doesn’t need the distraction. He’s got the next round of Motocross Nationals to focus on, and I’ve never seen him more excited. This bullshit is the last thing he needs.
After a convincing win the following weekend, Aidan is now a close second on the leader board. At this point in the season it’s hectic, to say the least. It’s an exciting time for Aidan, although the phone has momentarily taken over our lives, buzzing with calls from local media, race organisers and sponsors. Every now and then, when Aidan has had enough talking, I play secretary and screen his calls. Just yesterday, he convinced me to do it dressed as ‘Office Eevie’: tight shirt, short skirt, heels, glasses, and my hair in the librarian-style bun he’d been begging for. It was fun—no, that’s not an accurate description, it was hot as all hell—but it was counterproductive as I was not in a position to answer the phone. Insatiable.
Just as we were about to take a shower together, because we’re environmentally responsible like that, Aidan’s phone rings. Again. He motions for me to answer it and carries on walking down the hallway, stripping his clothes as he goes.
“Is this the number for Aidan Stone?” A male voice asks.
“Yes it is.�
“Can I speak with him?”
“Just a moment.” I cover the phone with my hand and yell out to Aidan. “Surprise, surprise, it’s for you.”
“Who is it?” he calls from the bedroom. I uncover the mouthpiece.
“Can I ask who’s calling please?” I ask sweetly.
“His father.”
The thud of the phone hitting the carpet brings me out of my trance. His father? The man who has been missing from Aidan’s life since he was a toddler? Now he wants to talk to him? This can’t be happening. Is this some sick joke?
I pick up the phone and with a shaky hand, disconnect the call, not knowing what else to do. I flop onto the couch as I try to handle the sudden surge of adrenaline pumping through my body. My heart pounds violently as the fear of what this means bounces around in my head.
“Who called?” Aidan asks, joining me on the couch. His fresh aftershave pulls my head out of the murky fog. How long have I been sitting here for? Did he just have a world-record speed shower?
“Um, they said they’d call back,” I say.
And I hope he doesn’t.
Aidan shrugs.
I can’t believe I just lied to him. Right to his face. Something I swore to myself I would never do.
But I know exactly why I’m doing it. It’s pure instinct. A protective measure. I’d had years of practice looking after my three younger brothers. When times get tough, you do anything to protect the ones you love, and I love Aidan, with every piece of me. I can’t let him get hurt by the one man capable of turning his world upside-down. He hasn’t been a part of Aidan’s life in forever. Even with his long absence, he’s still managed to hurt Aidan and his mother over and over.
I won’t let him do it again. Not when Aidan’s worked so hard to get where he is.
No child deserves a shit father, or even an absent one. But even with the absence of paternal guidance, it didn’t stop Aidan from becoming a man to admire, to be respected, and a person that anyone would be honoured to call a friend. Aidan fought all his life to become that man. Without his father.
I don’t know if I can stop him from talking to Aidan, but dammit if I’m not gonna try.
“Holy shit, Aidan. You asked her to move in with you? Bit early don’t ya think?” Connor spits into the phone.
“What, you’re a fuckin’ relationship expert now, huh? At least my girlfriend doesn’t carry my balls around in her purse.”
He chuckles. “Ha ha, fucker. Just as long as you’re ready to run to the store for tampons and other girly shit, and you don’t mind her wanting to know where you are every second of the day.”
Some girls are hard work, but not my Eevie. Yeah, she continues to drag information out of me on a daily basis, but it’s something I can’t help but love her for. I get a kick out of knowing the little things about her, and as quirky as it is, I like to tell her stuff about me. Even though I act as if I don’t. But I know, no matter how insignificant, Eevie cares about the little things: the bad habits, the childhood memories and fantasies. I’m stoked to have someone to share all that with.
“Not worried about a thing, mate.”
“Well, good luck with that. I’ll catcha next time I’m in town.”
“See ya, mate.” I put down the phone, and go back out the front of the house to unload yet another box of books from the back of my Ute. Is it normal for a chick to have this many romance novels? My sexy little bookworm.
Today she’s here. All moved in. The stupid fucker of a smile I’m sporting hasn’t left my face. I don’t think it will anytime soon.
I’ll be the first one she’ll see when she opens those beautiful blue-green eyes of a morning. A taste of Eevie used to put me in the best fucking mood for days, walk-on-water kind of shit, but lately it’s not enough. Not nearly fucking enough.
Now there’ll be no more coming home to an empty house, because Eevie makes this place a home. No more jerking off when I can’t see her for a week. No more lying in bed thinking about her riding me, because that’s exactly what she’ll be doing—riding me into the sunset. No more waking up alone. I won’t be spooning my pillow, I’ll be spooning Eevie’s sexy arse. Oh yeah.
But I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve. This living-together shit is gonna be fun. Little does Eevie know I’m about to extend the ‘no clothes to bed’ rule to the whole damn house. Well, maybe the kitchen can be the exception. There are some precious bits I’d like to protect from hot splattering stuff on the stove. Especially with the way I cook.
This morning, Eevie is up before me for a change. She’s cramming for an exam, so she needs as much time as she can to prepare since I kept her away from it the last few days. I just couldn’t seem to keep my hands off her. Let’s call it our little way of ‘warming’ the house, and ensuring every room felt the love.
I move into the bathroom, and in a cloud of steam, Eevie steps out of the shower. Dripping … fucking … wet. My favourite kind of Eevie. Maybe moving in together wasn’t such a good idea. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to work on time again. And she thought I’d be the bad influence.
“Hey, sleepy-head,” she says as she leans her head to the side, drying her long, chocolate-brown hair. Teasing drops of water run down those perfect tits.
I shake my head. “And you think I’m fuckin’ distracting,” I say, palming my semi-hard cock.
Her eyes travel down my body, and a glorious smile creeps over her lips. It only makes me harder.
“This is why I need to get up and shower before you get outta bed, Eevie.”
“Surely we can exercise a bit of self-control.” She deliberately drops her towel before she finishes drying herself. Tease.
“Yeah, you’d think that, but it goes out the window when I see you wet.” I press her up against the wall. She shivers as her bare skin comes into contact with the cold tiles. Before she gets a chance to try and talk me out of it, I slip a finger between her legs.
I’m gonna be late for work but right this second, touching her sweet wet pussy, I don’t give a fuck.
I move my finger in and out of her slowly, my palm massaging her clit. It renders her speechless, if only for a minute. Yeah baby, you like that, don’t you?
“Aidan,” she says softly, tilting her head back against the wall. She closes her eyes, her long lashes fluttering.
“Uh-huh,” I say as I lean down and wrap my tongue around her hardened nipple. I move two fingers deep inside her, and her body shudders as her tight muscles wrap around them.
“Ahh, won’t you … be late?”
“Uh-huh,” I repeat. I seize the other nipple in my mouth, and delay what she wants by slowing down the pace. Her little moans and whimpers let me know she’s close.
She grabs my hard cock, squeezing and stroking it in her soft hand. “I want you inside me,” she says, breathless.
“Are we right now? You know, with the pill?”
“Good to go,” she says and smiles.
I turn her to face the wall, and she spreads her long legs. I position myself at her wet entrance and slide deep inside her. A guttural moan rises up through my chest as her heat surrounds me, tight muscles holding me firmly in place.
“Fuck, you feel amazing,” I say, low in my throat. Incredible.
“Mmm, so do you.”
Man, I’ve gotta slow it down. I imagine taking a cold shower to stop myself from coming like a horny teenager. I move slowly in and out as Eevie braces herself against the wall. Her ribs expand with each shallow breath.
“Harder,” she whispers, as if she’s afraid to ask. It’s about time she started telling me what she wants. She can be so shy sometimes when it comes to sex. Asking me to go harder? She doesn’t have to ask twice. If she wants more of my touch, more of me, then it’s another little part of my soul I’d happily give to her. Hell, she can take it all. The animal inside of her is coming out. Just when I thought our sex life couldn�
�t get any hotter.
I pump into her, harder and faster. When she calls out my name, her insides pulse around my cock. It only takes another thrust to come hard inside her. Gripping her hips tight, I close my eyes as I lose myself just that little bit more to the woman I adore.
Breathing heavily, I regretfully withdraw from her. Eevie turns and looks up at me through hooded eyes and sighs. I did that. I planted that satisfied look in those beautiful eyes. I fucking love that I can do that to her. I love her.
Her smile melts me from the inside out. Looking at her like this, she could ask anything of me and it would be hers. I meant it when I told her I’d do anything to protect her. Whatever it takes. No one is ever going to spoil the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
“That’s what I call a great start to the day,” she says, running her hand through my hair.
“Yeah. Unfortunately, the rest of the day is gonna be a letdown.” I lean into the shower and turn the tap on. “I better take a shower and get goin’.”
Eevie kisses me, tugging playfully on my lower lip with her teeth. “Well, I’m afraid you’ll have to share that shower, because I’ve gotten all dirty again.”
Christ. That’s gonna add another ten minutes. The foreman on site will have my arse.
“Okay, but no rubbing up against me, touching me and stuff, otherwise …”
“Otherwise what?” she says, and then presses her lips together. She joins me under the hot water.
“Stop it, Eevie,” I warn, but a chuckle rumbles up my throat.
I can’t help myself around her. Yeah, sex is on my mind a lot, but how can I just finish having spontaneous fuck-her-up-against-the-wall sex and only minutes later want to do it again? You’ll never hear me complain. Ever. There’s a fucking lot to be said for good sex. And I don’t know whether it’s related or not, but my performance on the racetrack has never been so good.