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Spike (Spark Series #2)

Page 19

by Ryder, Jennifer

  Oh my God. This is real. He wants to marry me. My fragile heart kicks in my chest, beating out Y-E-S.

  “If I’ve learned anything about what life throws at us, it’s that we can deal with it. But all that shit doesn’t matter. It’s life. I love you with everything I am and everything I wanna be, so … Genevieve Paige Lawson, will you marry me?”

  “Yes. Yes. I … of course I’ll marry you,” I shout out, and slam my mouth into his. My kiss says as much of a “yes” as my words do.

  I wrap my arms around his shoulders the best way I can, and he links his arms behind my back. We kiss long and hard as my tears spill between us. But they’re happy tears. Happiest tears ever.

  “I love you so much,” I say, barely above a whisper.

  “Love you too, baby,” he says, and kisses the tears from my cheeks.

  “Ah, excuse me,” a male voice interrupts us. I look up at the doctor, and try to get myself together.

  “She said yes, Doc. We’re gettin’ married,” Aidan says proudly, brushing the wetness from my face. A blush of pink returns to his face, and he looks much better than he did a few minutes ago. I’m glad that at the very least, I might have given him that little bit more colour.

  The doctor smiles for the first time since I’d arrived. “Congratulations. That’s wonderful news. How about we get you down for a CT scan, just to check you’re good, and then we’ll see if we can get you out of here.”

  “Sure,” Aidan says. The doctor moves the curtain, and starts to wheel the bed down the corridor.

  “If Jones is still here do you want me to send him home?” I ask.

  Aidan’s smile fades, and he can barely hold my eye. “Yeah, tell him thanks for coming, and I’ll ring him tomorrow.”

  I hope Aidan’s not worried he’s let the team down. Maybe it’s that Jones will be itching to take his place. I won’t say it, but it looks like the season is over for Aidan. And he was doing so well. It’s so not fair.

  “Okay, I’ll pop out and tell him.”

  Aidan nods. I kiss him softly on the lips, giddy from what’s just happened.

  As I turn to walk away, Aidan’s clammy hand grabs my wrist. “Tell Jones that he’d better step up and kill it in the next round, otherwise I’m gonna kick his arse.”

  I can’t help but laugh. I shake my head, and lean in and kiss him on the forehead. “I will. You desperate boys with your toys.”

  I dash out to the reception area, and soon catch Jones’s eye.

  He walks over to the double doors. “Looks like good news, huh?”

  “Huh?” I reply, frowning.

  “That smile you just had must mean somethin’.”

  Oh, yeah. I was just proposed to, but Jones can’t be the first to know.

  “He’s just going down for a CT scan to check it’s all okay with his leg. Aidan said to say thanks for coming with him, and he’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Is he good, then?”

  “Think so,” I assure him, even though I don’t know it to be the truth.

  “Oh, well that’s good. I was kinda worried there for a sec.” He runs both hands through his slicked-back blonde hair.

  How sweet. I didn’t think he was all that fond of Aidan. Even though they’re on the same team, and there’s this tense rivalry between them, here he is offering his support. I may have misjudged Jones.

  “I’ll talk to him tomorrow, then. See ya,” he says, then presses his lips together. He places his hand on my shoulder. “He’ll be fine.”


  His eyes widen. “Yep.”

  I smile, remembering the last words Aidan said to me. “Aidan also said to kill it next round or he’ll kick your arse.”

  Jones lets out a loud chuckle and nods a few times. He winks, and leans in closer. “Tell him I will, but not because he told me to.”

  Jones turns and strides out the door, the thud of each step with his heavy motocross boots echoing in the hallway.


  * EEVIE *

  I take a paper cup and fill it from the water cooler. I slowly sip at it, settling my stomach. It’s all going to be okay. Aidan will be fine.

  I throw the cup in the bin and wave at the woman behind the desk. She smiles and buzzes the door back open.

  I powerwalk back to the bed to find Aidan lying back with his eyes shut. I smooth my hand up his arm and rest it on his chest as I sit on the bed beside him.

  His eyes gradually open, and he smiles as his eyes focus on me. “What you thinking about?” I ask.

  “Just how I’m gonna make you the happiest woman in the world.”

  Way to melt my heart.

  “You already have,” I say with certainty, kissing him feather-light on the lips.

  “No … you’re not Mrs Stone yet. Then you’ll be the happiest woman in the world. Mrs Eevie Stone … I fucking love the sound of that.”

  “Aidan and Eevie Stone. Yeah, has a pretty cool ring to it,” I say, picturing that moment we’re pronounced husband and wife.

  “Fuck!” Aidan calls out. He closes his eyes, and shakes his head.

  My heart explodes in my chest. “What’s wrong? Do you need the doctor? What?”

  He just lies there.

  “Aidan! Talk to me,” I demand, running my fingers over his jaw.

  He opens his eyes and gazes up at me.

  “Ring. I’ve asked you to marry me and I don’t have a ring. The biggest question I’m ever gonna ask in my life, and I’ve got no ring. It’s something pretty fuckin’ important.”

  “Hey … your words are what matter. You and me, Aidan. Don’t even worry about that right now.”

  “No. I’m gonna do it right. I know this isn’t the ideal place to ask, but I promise you, baby girl, when I can, I’ll do it right.” He grips my hands tight, holding them against his crazy beating heart.

  “I don’t care where we are, Aidan. All I know, is that I won’t be forgetting this proposal anytime soon.”

  The doctor returns. “I guess I’d better give you and your wife-to-be a run-through of what you’re in for recovery-wise.”

  “Lay it on me, Doc,” Aidan says and smooths his fingers over his forehead.

  “There’s a substantive amount of soft tissue swelling on your back, but physio pain meds and anti-inflammatories will help with that. And for the leg, I’ll give you some antibiotics to ward off infection. I’ll give you some scripts for some more tablets, but it’s best you go see your local doctor. The CT scan came back clear, but with the damage to the calf muscle, you’ll need to discuss your recovery with a physiotherapist.”

  “Sure,” Aidan replies.

  “We can loan you a pair of crutches as with the kidney injury, you need to keep off your feet for a while. Plenty of bed rest and sleep. Try and keep comfortable and drink lots of water to help the kidney along. Let’s see how you feel sitting up.”

  The doctor takes a remote control from the side of the bed and presses some buttons. Aidan braces himself as his upper body rises. When he’s almost sitting upright, his head bobs around and he closes his eyes. Colour washes from his face and he breathes in and out loudly.

  “Are you going to be sick?” the doctor asks.

  “Nah … just give me a sec,” Aidan says. He gradually opens his eyes and makes a whistling noise through his parted lips.

  “There’s no need to rush home, Mr Stone. Just take your time. When you’re feeling well enough, we’ll help you get dressed and organise a wheelchair.” The doctor looks to me. “You might need some help getting him in and out of the car until he can take some weight on his leg. One of the orderlies can give you a hand here, but you’ll need help once you get home.”

  “Okay, I’ll call someone,” I say. “Who do you want me to call, Aidan?”

  “Ring Rob.”


  After another hour passes by, we finally exit the hospital. And it’s dark. We’d spent almost eight hours in there, but the air outside smells sweet. It
’s the smell of going home.

  One of the male orderlies wheels Aidan out front, and I run to my car and drive it around to the emergency drop off point. The man helps me get Aidan into the front seat. It’s a difficult operation, which takes a good few minutes. I thought I was reasonably strong, but moving someone, of his height and weight, who can’t move like he wants to because of the pain, the stitches, and the bruising … Ah! I’m going to have to suck it up, because he needs me. I’m going to get him through this.

  My future husband.

  That’s the only thought I need to drag my thoughts to a positive place. We can do this. Obstacles, schmobstacles.


  When I pull up to the house, Rob’s Ute is parked on the street, leaving the driveway clear. I press the garage remote and drive in and shut off the engine.

  “Getting inside’s gonna be fun, huh?” Aidan says, wincing as he takes off his seat belt. I peck him on the lips.

  “It’s okay. Rob’s here to help. A good night’s rest and you’ll be feeling better tomorrow.” I hope.

  I get out and walk around to the passenger-side door and open it. Rob walks into the garage and nods, the corner of his mouth twitching.

  He leans down and moves his head close to Aidan. “How are ya, mate?” Rob says, his words full of empathy.

  “Never better,” Aidan replies.

  “Come on, let’s get you inside,” Rob says, resigned.

  After shuffling his legs out, Rob leans in and hauls Aidan up gently until Aidan can take his weight on one leg. I move under Aidan’s other arm, and we carry him inside. Thank God someone else is here for this. It could be dangerous otherwise.

  We make it into the bedroom without too much fuss. “Do you need to go to the bathroom?” I whisper, trying not to embarrass him in front of Rob.

  “Yeah, I’ve gotta take a piss. Grab me the crutches and I’ll see if I can stand up. I’m sure Rob’s got better things to do than watch me. Even though he probably wants to.”

  How can he crack jokes at a time like this?

  Rob supports him and I rush back to the car, and get out the crutches from the back seat. I hand them to Aidan, and he shakily takes a few steps, Rob hovering with each one, until he makes it into the bathroom. We prop him up, and Rob moves back into the bedroom. I stay close by, just in case.

  Afterwards, Aidan groans with each tortured step as I help him out to the bedroom. I pull back the sheets, and he sits down on his side of the bed. “Thanks for the help, mate. Hope I didn’t spoil your night,” Aidan says.

  “Nah, all good,” Rob says, walking to the front door.

  “No dramas,” Aidan says, nodding his head. “When I get the footage, I’ll ring ya.”

  “Righto mate, I’ll catch ya later.” Rob winks at me and then shakes his head as he takes long strides towards the door. I follow him out. His hand on the doorknob, Rob stills and turns his head towards me.

  “Ring if you need me, Eevie,” he says low enough so Aidan might not hear. “Anytime.”

  I simply nod, and then he’s gone.


  I undress Aidan, and we get into bed. I turn on the bedside light and reread the instructions from the doctor. I need to make sure he’s getting everything he needs, when he needs it. “It says you need to take the antibiotics with food. Are you hungry?”

  “Maybe just a piece of toast with vegemite. I’m not all that hungry,” he says as he shuffles to get comfy.

  “Okay. What else do you need?”

  “You know what’d be really good?”

  “What?” What dirty thought is running through his head at a time like this?

  “Just to fall asleep with my wife-to-be.”

  My shoulders drop. “Aw, baby.” How sweet.

  How bad is it that I’d forgotten about the proposal? I’d been so busy thinking about the tablets, the physio and just getting him home.

  I smile as his words resonate. Today has just been filled with highs and lows. “You got it.”

  “What did you think I was gonna say?” He smirks as I slip in beside him on his good side.

  “I thought you were gonna say something dirty.”

  “I’m open to suggestions … but maybe tomorrow. I think my cock is in shock, along with the rest of my body.”

  “Yeah, it’s been quite a day.”

  “Shit,” Aidan curses. “I’m gonna have to call my mum. I can’t have that conversation right now, but I’ll have to call her in the morning.”

  “What if it’s on the news or something? Maybe you should get it over with now, then you won’t have it on your mind. You need to rest.”

  “Can you do it for me?” He pouts his bottom lip. He thinks those pouty lips will change my mind.

  “I think this is something you have to do.”

  “She’s gonna kill me, you know. Then who will you marry? She’s always worried that somethin’ like this would happen. Maybe if I tell her in the same phone call we’re getting married she might not go so hard on me?” His eyes search mine for approval.

  “Maybe breaking the news of our engagement is something you should do in person?”

  He breathes out heavily. “Yeah, you’re right. Better hand me my phone.”

  I hand it over, and he taps it on my chest. “Last chance to save my arse?” He flashes me his perfect teeth in a smile that always does naughty things to me.

  “I’m sure she’ll go easy on you.”

  He dials the number.

  “Hey, Mum … Yes I was away riding … Yeah, about that.” He pauses and runs his fingers over his temple, squeezing his eyes shut. “I had an accident …” Her voice blares loud enough so that even I can hear it. “Mum, Mum, I’m okay. I’m home now, I’m fine … No, don’t come over, it’s been a big day and I need sleep. I’ll ring you in the morning and tell you all about it. Okay?”

  The mumble through the phone seems to quieten down. “Yes, I love you too, Mum. Talk to you tomorrow.”

  I phone Cassie and let her know I won’t be in for the week, and promise to call her in the morning with details. There’s no way I could concentrate at work. Aidan needs me. I can’t imagine going back into the office, at least not before he’s comfortable with using the crutches. Even then, I can come home in my lunch hour. If I can’t take any more time off work than a week, then maybe I can organise for his mum to drop by. We’ll work it out. There are a lot of people that love him who will be more than willing to help.

  My man needs me. Rather, my fiancé needs me.

  I’m dying to tell people about the engagement, but they can all wait. There are more important things to worry about. The love of my life is battered and bruised, but thank God he’s alive. I can’t even begin to imagine what that scenario would feel like. The emotions of the day catch up with me, and I start to cry.

  “Hey, babe, shhh,” he says, in a low soothing voice.

  “I’m sorry … It’s just been a big day. Sometimes I think about how much I love you, and then something like this happens, and my heart cramps up in my chest and I can’t breathe. If I lost you …” I’d just want to die.

  “Oh, baby girl. It’s gonna take more than a lousy tree to get rid of me.”

  “I know.” I let out a deep sob and snuggle into the doona. I’m petrified to touch him … to hurt him.

  “What I’d give to be able to make love to you, take those tears away, but I’m in a whole world of hurt.”

  “How’s the pain?”

  “Bearable. Guess we’ll see how I go with sleep.”

  “Okay. Just let me know what you need. Wake me up, I don’t care.”

  “You know there’s nothing wrong with my lips. Come on over and lend me that sweet mouth of yours.”

  I lean over him, brushing his wild hair from his face. My lips sink into his, his tongue gliding against mine, melting away some of the stress of the day.


  * EEVIE *

  “Aidan Maverick Stone,” her voice boom
s, frightening the shit out of me as she walks into our bedroom. I follow close behind her, trying not to grin. I know this isn’t funny, but I think Aidan is about to have the shit blasted through him.

  “Hey, Mum,” Aidan says, and groans as he tries to sit up further in the bed. I rush to his side and help him with the pillows.

  “I always dreaded this day,” she says, her tone softening. She sits beside him, and runs her hands through his hair before playfully slapping his cheek. She points a finger at him, accusingly. “You should have phoned me when you were in hospital. I would have been there in an instant,” she sniffs, and takes a handkerchief from her pocket and dabs her eyes.


  * AIDAN *

  “It’s not as bad as you think. I’ll be fine,” I assure Mum, but truthfully I have no fucking clue. All I know is that the pain seems distant after the tablets kicked in an hour ago. My head feels strange, kind of fuzzy, and I just wanna sleep. I can’t handle much else. My heart wanted to escape my chest when Eevie and I battled to take a shower. We nearly had to call for help to get me out of bed because my body didn’t wanna play.

  “Show me,” she demands, pawing at the sheets.

  “Hey, take it easy,” I warn, pulling the linen from her grasp. Thank fuck Eevie helped me put boxers on this morning. It took all of five minutes, but at least I’m covered.

  “Aidan,” she says, like my name is a curse word. She stares me down like I just raided the cookie jar before dinner.

  “Fine,” I mutter through clenched teeth. I lower the sheet, and lift up my shirt so she can see my back. I’d reckon I’m about to earn myself a good slap over the head.

  Mum gasps, covering her mouth. “Oh, my poor boy,” she cries out and moves in closer. I prepare for the slap. Instead she gifts me with a hard kiss to the forehead.


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