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A Fistful 0f Cyborg (Cyborgs On Mars Book 2)

Page 10

by Honey Phillips

  “I want to see you too,” she whispered.

  The words had barely left her mouth before he had stripped out of his clothes. Her eyes widened and she bit her lip. He could see the mixture of desire and trepidation on her face.

  “Don’t worry, Addie. I won’t do anything unless you want me to.”

  “I want you,” she whispered and stepped closer, running her small, soft fingers along his shaft. Despite his attempt at control, his cock jerked impatiently at her touch, but rather than flinch away, she hummed approvingly and tightened her grip.

  Before she could test his patience any further, he swept her up in his arms and then lowered them both to the mattresses. Her eyes had gone wide again so he forced himself to slow down, kissing her until she was squirming eagerly beneath him.

  “Please, Sam.”

  He stroked a hand between her legs, delighted to find her slick and hot, ready for him. He continued to kiss her as he carefully notched the head of his cock at her entrance but as he slowly pressed against the tight ring of flesh, her body suddenly tensed. He stopped immediately and raised his head to look at her. Her eyes were screwed shut, her mouth in a tight line.

  “What’s the matter, Addie? Did I hurt you?”

  Tears shimmered on her lashes. “No. It’s nothing. I’m just being silly. Just go ahead.”

  Anger raged inside him, but he kept his voice low and calm.

  “You’re not being silly and I’m certainly not going to do anything until you’re ready.”

  He remembered that they had been in this same position the first time she had been scared and he sat up, bringing her with him so she was cradled in his lap instead. Some of the tension immediately left her body.

  “Is this better?”

  “Much better.”

  She nestled against him and he stroked her back. His cock throbbed between them, but he ignored it. If she needed more time, he would wait. But just as he was about to suggest that they try another time, he realized that she was rubbing against him, tiny little movements that were slowly covering his shaft with her juices. He looked down and his mouth went dry. His cock was pressed between her folds and she was rocking her clit against the hard shaft. Pink covered her breasts and her nipples were tight little buds.

  His hands slipped from her back to her ass, taking a firm grip as he helped her move faster, harder, until he felt her shudder and a fresh rush of heat covered his cock. For a moment, she collapsed against him, but then he felt her rise to her knees. As he reluctantly started to help her get up, she lowered herself instead, her hot, wet entrance kissing the head of his cock.


  “I want this, Sam.”

  She pushed down as she spoke and he couldn’t resist a groan of ecstasy. God, she felt amazing, so tight she was practically strangling him with her sweet little cunt, but he forced himself to check her face. Her teeth were fastened on her bottom lip again, her brow furrowed, but she smiled when she met his eyes.

  “You feel so big,” she whispered and pushed down another inch. They both shuddered.

  “Is it too much?”

  “No. I’m just so full.”

  He could feel her walls pulsing, trying to adjust, and he reached between them, gently stroking her swollen clit. A startled cry escaped her lips and he felt the fresh rush of liquid bathing his shaft, easing her down further over him.

  “Do that again,” she said urgently, and he obeyed.

  She pushed harder, trying to take more of him but he held her back.

  “Slowly, angel.”

  By the time he was fully embedded, they were both shaking. His hips twitched, wanting to thrust, but he forced himself to be still. His thumb was still circling the sensitive pearl of her clit and he could feel her tightening, poised on the edge of climax. He gave her one last stroke, then pressed firmly against the swollen flesh and she exploded, her back arching as her channel convulsed around him, and he was lost. His hands gripped her hips, holding her as he thrust upwards, once, twice, three times before fire raced down his spine and his own climax roared over him, pulsing inside her in endless jets until they collapsed against each other.

  When his nanites finally managed to get his breathing under control, he hugged her, then lifted her carefully off his cock and lowered them both down to the mattresses. She nestled against him and he could feel her smiling.

  “I never knew it could be like that.”

  A confused mixture of pride and anger filled him. The knowledge that he had pleased her filled him with satisfaction but he hated knowing that she had been hurt. Why had she done it? The words escaped before he could call them back.

  “Why did you do it, Addie? Why did you betray me and marry Mingol?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Addie’s body went stiff and for a moment he thought she wasn’t going to answer him.

  “I had no choice,” she said finally, her voice soft, almost impossible to hear. “He found out what we were planning and he threatened to take you to an underground lab. He was going to tell the government that you had died. You would have been in his power forever.”

  A growl escaped before he could control it and she patted his chest almost absently.

  “He said the only option he would permit would be to give you back to the military. And only if I agreed to marry him.” Her tone was still absolutely flat. “I was a challenge, you see. But the kind he liked—the kind who couldn’t fight back.”

  He had to force himself to keep his grip light. It wasn’t the first time he wanted to kill the sick bastard, but he’d never hated him as intensely as he did at this moment.

  She gave a little shrug. “He told me he needed a wife and I was suitable. Pretty enough, smart enough. Of course, he didn’t think that for long.”

  The stupid fucking bastard.

  “Why did you let me think you were a maid, not a scientist?”

  “I was always ahead of my age.”

  Remembering how young she had looked, how young she still looked, he suspected that the words were somewhat of an understatement.

  “People tended to act like I was some kind of freak. I was afraid maybe you would look at me differently if you knew.”

  Would he have? Perhaps.

  She shrugged again. “And it was my first job after I got my doctorate. I didn’t really feel like a true scientist.”

  “But once I was back with the military? Why did you go through with it?”

  “I gave him my word.” Her eyes finally rose to meet his and tears trembled on her lashes. “And I didn’t think I deserved anyone better. I traded your freedom for your safety but it wasn’t my decision to make.”

  “You should have told me,” he agreed. “But I think I understand why you didn’t.”

  “Can you forgive me?”

  “I already have,” he said, surprised to realize that it was true. Even though he refused to admit it until now, he suspected he had forgiven her the first time he had lifted her into his arms. “I think you need to forgive yourself.”

  An odd expression flickered across her face. “Sam, I—”

  “Enough talking,” he said. “We’re together now and that’s all that matters.”

  He bent his head and kissed her neck, loving the way she shivered with pleasure at his touch. He was determined to replace all of her unhappy memories, beginning now.

  Two days later, Addie stretched in sleepy contentment before nestling into the mattress. Sam had left a short while ago with the rover. He intended to drive to the nearest power station to see if he could purchase some additional building supplies. Even with his big body cradling her, sleeping on mattresses on the floor had not been particularly comfortable and after two nights, he had decided that they needed an additional dome to use as their bedroom. Their bedroom. She hugged herself.

  Even in her most hopeful dreams, she hadn’t expected that he would forgive her so quickly. Far more readily than she could forgive herself. But now they were together and wi
th him at her side, she knew that she could make the project succeed before the deadline. The work she had accomplished during the past two days had been very promising. She needed to check the last set of tests but perhaps she could nap for just a little longer first. I didn’t get much sleep last night, she thought with a satisfied smile. But as she snuggled into the pillow, the communicator went off.

  Sam must be calling. Did he miss her already? She wrapped the blanket around herself and went to answer with a smile still on her face.

  “You look like you had a rough night. Or is your age catching up with you?”

  “Derrick?” Her mouth went dry. The all too familiar face on the screen filled her with loathing, immediately followed by panic. “Where is she?”

  “With me, of course.”

  Her mind still didn’t want to believe that he was real. “But you aren’t supposed to be here yet.”

  “You act like you’re disappointed.” He raised an eyebrow. “I thought you’d be happy.”

  His words finally penetrated her shock. “No, no, of course I am. Where are you?”

  “At the GenCon lab complex.” His lip curled. “Although calling it that seems like rather an overstatement. And I must say I don’t think much of that assistant of yours. He can’t follow a single order.”

  She ignored his complaints, too focused on getting back to the lab to pay attention.

  “I’ll leave right—” Her words ground to a halt. Sam had taken the rover. “I mean, I’ll be there as soon as Sam gets back.”

  “Sam?” he sneered. “You mean S-756. You just keep pretending he isn’t a fucking machine, don’t you?”

  “He isn’t a machine,” she said automatically. “We’ll leave as soon as he gets back.”

  “I’m not waiting around for you. If you really want to see her, you’ll find a way to get here. Now.”

  The screen went blank as she tried frantically to think. How long would Sam be gone? He had said several hours and she didn’t trust Derrick not to play some sadistic game if she didn’t at least try to get there. Could she start walking? If she left a note for Sam, she was sure he would come after her as soon as he returned and Blackie would be much faster than the rover. Blackie! If she rode him, she could be there in no time. But would he take her?

  As she threw on some clothes, she considered the idea. She knew that the horses were only supposed to obey their masters, but Blackie liked her; she knew he did. He had listened to her before. Would he understand her urgency this time?

  After leaving a quick note for Sam, she threw a few emergency supplies into her pack, pulled on her mask, and went to find Blackie. The horse was standing slack-legged by the boulder she had sat on the first day, absorbing the sun’s rays.

  Hoping that was a good sign, she climbed up on the rock, then leaned closer and placed a tentative hand on his back.

  “I’m going to get on now, okay?”

  He shifted his head back to look at her, but he didn’t move away, and she cautiously climbed on his back. Her perch seemed a lot more precarious when she didn’t have Sam’s comforting arm around her. She took a firm grip on the ridge of the built-in saddle. What had Sam said—that he guided him with his hands and knees. She tried digging her knees in, but the horse didn’t move. Then she remembered that Sam had also mentioned voice commands.

  “Can you go forward now, please?” she asked, and to her delight, Blackie began to move.

  “I want to go back to the GenCon lab. Do you understand that?”

  Once more the horse looked over his shoulder at her and she could have sworn he looked disapproving.

  “It’s really important, Blackie. Please. Can you take me to the lab?”

  After another moment, he turned his head back to the front and began trotting down the slope into the valley. To her relief, once they were on the flat land, he headed in the direction Sam had pointed out. After some cautious urging, he increased his pace as she clung even harder to the saddle.

  “Wait for me, Derrick,” she whispered to herself as they flew through the rocky landscape.

  Sam found himself on the way back to the habitat sooner than he had expected. The supply manager at the power station had been more than happy to take his credits in exchange for an additional dome. The man even had the parts already loaded on a trailer. Sam suspected that it might have been intended for someone else but he didn’t press the matter. His angel deserved a comfortable bed, one big enough for the two of them.

  As the rover plodded slowly back down the valley, a warm feeling of satisfaction filled him. He liked knowing that his woman was waiting for him and he liked knowing that he was providing for her. But she was more than just his woman and he understood why Morgan and Clint had wanted marriage ceremonies. Ceremonies that should be legal, dammit.

  He couldn’t perform the ceremony himself, but the replacement he sent for also had the credentials. Perhaps after he arrived…

  He was still contemplating the idea when he pulled up onto the plateau. He half-expected her to come rushing out but there was no sign of her. She must be lost in her experiments. He could picture her bent over the microscope, that cute little frown on her face. Too impatient to wait until after he unloaded to see her, he entered the airlock.

  “Addie. I’m back.”

  Only silence met his call. More than that, there was a stillness in the air that indicated the habitat was empty. All of his senses went on alert and his heart began to race. Where was she? He rushed into the lab and found it just as it had been when he left. As he turned back to search the living quarters for some clue to her whereabouts, he saw the scrap of paper on the table.

  Derrick is at the lab. I have to go.

  Love, Addie

  That bastard Mingol was here? On Mars? And why the hell had she raced off to meet him? Why hadn’t she waited for him? Horror filled him when he realized that since he’d had the rover, she must have set out on foot. He shuddered at the thought, rage and fear vying for dominance. As soon as he caught up with her, he was going to spank that perfect ass of hers for putting herself in danger. At least she couldn’t have gotten very far.

  He strode back outside, calling for Blackie. When the horse didn’t appear, he headed for the transport shed, only to find it empty as well. That was when he realized that somehow, she had managed to get the horse to take her. Fuck.

  The rover was far too slow; it would never catch Blackie. That left only one alternative. His mouth set in a grim line, he took off down the slope at a swift jog. He had no idea how much of a head start she had but his cyborg strength meant that he should be able to keep pace with the horse, even if he couldn’t overtake him.

  Why? Why? As he ran along the valley floor, the question beat at him. Why had she left? He couldn’t believe it was because she cared for the bastard. Her disgust and her fear had been all too clear. Or had they? By the time he reached the halfway point, a shadow of doubt had started to creep in. Even after she told him the full story of what had happened back on Earth, he had still felt as if she was holding something back. And if she hadn’t told him the whole truth, how much of what she told him was actually true?

  By the time he reached the GenCon lab complex, he was in a towering rage. He wanted answers and he wanted them now. He almost snatched the outer door of the airlock away from the building before he remembered to temper his strength. As he turned to close the door behind him, a sharp spike of pain pierced his neck. He instinctively clapped his hand to the spot and found a dart embedded in his skin. He yanked it out but as quickly as he had removed it, it was already too late. He could feel the paralysis drug spreading through his body, deadening his nanites.

  “S-756.” The hated voice was rich with satisfaction. “It seems that once again my dear Dr. Montgomery has played her part admirably. You will once again be the subject of my experiments.”

  The icy pain spreading through his veins was nothing compared to the agony in his heart and he was almost relieved when darkness t
ook him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sam kept his eyes closed as he regained consciousness and tried to extend his other senses to identify his surroundings. He could feel chains around his wrists and ankles and even without testing them, he was sure they were titanium. The drug had almost completely left his system but he wasn’t surprised. Mingol preferred him to be at full strength, reveling in his power over him.

  A rustle came from behind him and he tensed, trying not to reveal the fact that he was awake.

  “Are you asleep, mister?”

  The soft little voice was so unexpected that his eyes flew open to find himself face to face with a child—a little girl perhaps five years old. A pair of enormous purple eyes stared back at him. Addie’s eyes.

  She had a child? Why hadn’t she told him?

  Then he took in the rest of the little girl’s features. Straight black hair, high cheekbones, a small straight nose. Even softened by her youth, the resemblance was unmistakable. Mingol. Addie had given birth to Mingol’s daughter. He closed his eyes as agony seared through him. No wonder she hadn’t told him.


  This time a tiny hand patted his cheek but he ignored the child. Why couldn’t she go away and leave him to his misery?

  “Mister, please. Mama’s crying.”

  “What?” His eyes flew open and this time he saw the tear-stained cheeks.

  “Mama’s crying. ‘Cause of that man.”

  “What man?” He was afraid he already knew.

  “That man,” she repeated, her small brows pulling together. “He told me she wasn’t coming back. But she did!”

  “Of course she did,” he said automatically. He couldn’t imagine Addie ever voluntarily deserting her own child. Although, how had she ended up on Mars without her daughter? “I’m sure she wouldn’t have left unless she didn’t have a choice.”

  “She says we can live with you now. So can we go? I don’t like it here.”


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