Phoenix in Flames

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Phoenix in Flames Page 37

by Jaleta Clegg

  "Well, we can't do anything more for her here," Clark said. "She knows we're here."

  "Did you work things out?" Jasyn asked Tayvis.

  "Yes, I think. Although I'm ready to beat Vance's mother senseless."

  "What does she have to do with anything?" Jasyn asked.

  He shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it."

  "Then how about we all go see a vid?" Clark suggested. He studied a collage of posters on the wall near the entrance to the medical wing. "There's one starting in about half an hour that I haven't seen yet. An old Dariana Grace vid. Wings of Freedom."

  Jasyn looked over Clark's shoulder. "She's here? On the ship?" She ran her finger over the fine print at the bottom of the poster. "She's supposed to be there, in person, at the showing."

  "That settles it, we're going," Clark said. "I can't pass up that opportunity." He glanced at Tayvis. "Why are you looking at me like that? I've been a fan of hers for years."

  "You want a personal introduction?" Tayvis offered.

  "You know her?" Jasyn opened her eyes wide in surprise.

  "You could say that," Tayvis said.

  "Then we're definitely going," Clark said. "If we can find the Grande Theatre."

  "Deck six, level fifty nine, corridor seventeen," Jasyn read off the poster. "Down that way." She pointed off into the interior of the ship.

  "How big is this boat? Do you remember what they said?" Clark asked her as the three of them walked out of the medical wing and into the vast echoing space that made up the central corridor. The park-like space had live trees and birds and even running water in a brook down the center.

  "Ten miles long," Jasyn said. "Just under three wide and half a mile high. It's the biggest cruise ship ever built."

  Clark whistled. "Think they'd let me fly if I asked Roland?"

  She laughed and took his arm as they walked under a spreading tree. The pavement underneath led them discreetly into a transport hub.

  Tayvis trailed behind them, jealous of their closeness. He wanted Dace on his arm. He wanted to see her smile. He hated the blank look of her face as she'd gone into convulsions again. It scared him. Jasyn looked over her shoulder, reaching back to squeeze his arm. She smiled at him but he saw the same fear in her eyes.

  "There isn't anything more we can do except believe," she said as they boarded one of the tiny transport capsules.

  "Destination?" a sexy female voice asked.

  "The Grande Theatre," Clark answered. He leaned back in his seat and put his arm around Jasyn. His other one was still wrapped in a cast.

  "We should check in with that babysitter Roland sent," Jasyn said.

  "Bethany adores our little monster," Clark answered. "I called half an hour ago. He was stuffing his face and throwing cookies at her. She thought it was cute."

  Tayvis looked away, out the tiny window at the lights flashing past. He couldn't face their happiness. The look of loss on Dace's face as she'd admitted to him what Tivor had taken from her was devastating. He had no idea how he could help or what he could do about it.

  Jasyn watched him. "Are you all right, Tayvis?"

  He shrugged, not trusting himself to answer. He wasn't all right. He wanted to hurt the people who had hurt Dace. All of them.

  "I thought you said you'd worked things out with her," Jasyn prodded. "Did I get the wrong impression of what actually happened?"

  "Did she turn you down?" Clark asked.

  He shook his head.

  "Then what is it?" Jasyn asked.

  "You don't know? I thought you'd be the first she'd tell." Tayvis looked at Jasyn.

  "Tell me what?" Jasyn looked puzzled.

  "She can't have children. Vance's mother used it against her. They did it to her on Tivor."

  "I don't think she knew," Jasyn said. "Not before Vance. Poor Dace."

  "That explains part of why she was so upset," Clark said. "And here we thought it was just because she thought you'd dumped her."

  Tayvis winced. "I already apologized for that. It was the dumbest mistake I've ever made. And you don't need to keep reminding me. Ginni has made it clear she won't ever let me forget. At least she isn't as mean about it as Paltronis."

  "Don't bet on it," Clark said. "They might forgive you if you let them help plan the wedding."

  Tayvis shifted uncomfortably on the seat. Wedding? He hadn't thought that far ahead. But Dace had agreed to marry him, hadn't she? He wasn't exactly sure, now that he thought about it.

  "You aren't allowed to get cold feet," Jasyn said. "You aren't backing out of it this time."

  "And no fair faking your death, either," Clark said. He managed to grin while he said it.

  "I wouldn't dream of it," Tayvis said.

  The transport capsule slid to a smooth stop. "Destination achieved," the sexy voice said. "Proceed to your left, ahead three corridors, and through the double doors."

  "Thank you," Clark said to the machine.

  "You are most welcome," the female voice purred.

  "Clark," Jasyn said, elbowing him before she got out of the capsule.

  He grinned at her back. "Just teasing, sweetheart," he said as he followed her.

  Tayvis got out behind him. They walked down a broad corridor carpeted in plush blue. The walls were trimmed with gold.

  "Are you sure we're dressed for the occasion?" Jasyn asked. She looked down at her tunic and leggings. Roland had been thorough in removing their belongings from the ship while it was in drydock. He promised the move was only temporary, although he'd hinted he wouldn't mind them moving into the cruise ship permanently.

  "You always look gorgeous," Clark told her.

  They saw people ahead, congregating near a fancifully carved set of huge doors. The doors were wide open. The crowd hummed with talk as they filed inside. Laughter echoed in the corridor, rising over the babble. The three of them joined the crowd letting it sweep them into the grand lobby beyond the doors.

  "Look who's here." Clark nudged Jasyn and pointed off to their right.

  "Ginni and Doggo? Interesting," Jasyn said, craning her neck to see. "He's trying hard to impress her."

  "He'll have to try harder. Ginni isn't that easy to impress," Clark answered.

  The crowd parted in a flurry of motion to their left. An elegant older woman who could only be the legendary Dariana Grace approached.

  "Malcolm!" she said with a wide smile that was too poised to be called a grin. She threw her arms around Tayvis and hugged him. The crowd eddied back to give them room. "You look fit," she said. It was a nice way of saying he'd lost weight. "And these must be your friends." She turned her smile on Jasyn and Clark.

  "Jasyn Pai and her husband, Trevyn Clark," Tayvis introduced them. "This is Dariana Grace, my mother."

  Jasyn stared at him. Clark started laughing.

  "You never said a word," Jasyn said, outraged.

  "I didn't think I had to," Tayvis said defensively.

  "Charmed," Dariana Grace said, extending her hand.

  Jasyn fumbled for something to say. She took the offered hand and shook it.

  Dariana Grace, the legendary vid star, smiled at her. "Please, call me Deena. I do hope you'll join me in my box. I've heard so much about you."

  The crowd around them buzzed with speculation. Jasyn caught her name, and Clark's, and Tayvis', and Dace's.

  Dariana let go of Jasyn's hand and took Clark's. "It's an honor to meet you. Finally." She smiled at them like a queen. "Go on up, Malcolm," she said to Tayvis, pulling her hand free. "The usher will show you which one. I'll be up later." She smiled at them again and moved on, shaking hands politely and smiling at the people gathered to meet her.

  "Your mother," Clark said. "I never would have guessed."

  Tayvis shrugged.

  Jasyn tugged Clark's arm. "Let's go upstairs before they decide we're celebrities, too."

  The name of the Phoenix rose above the whispers of the crowd. Tayvis twitched his shoulders. Too many people stared at the
three of them, and not because Dariana Grace had favored them with a personal greeting. He caught Jasyn's name, and Dace's, in the crowd's murmuring.

  "You're famous," Tayvis said as they climbed the stairs.

  "I think you're the one they're watching," Clark said as they reached the top of the stairs. "With a mother like that, how could you avoid it?"

  "Enough, Trevyn," Jasyn said. "I think she's charming."

  "I just think it's funny," Clark said. "How come you let her call you Malcolm? It's got a nice ring to it. Maybe we should all start calling you Malcolm."

  "Don't try it, Trevyn," Tayvis answered.

  "If you start fighting, I am going to hit you both," Jasyn threatened.

  "Yes, ma'am," they answered in unison.

  Clark grinned his mischievous smile. Tayvis couldn't help his own lip twitch in response. It felt good to smile. It felt good to be with friends. He still worried about Dace, but for a few hours maybe he could push the worry aside. The medics said she'd recover. She knew he was here. Maybe. She had been heavily drugged.

  They went into the box the usher showed them. He was young and in awe of them.

  "I wonder what stories they're telling about us," Clark said as they took seats in the private box.

  "I don't think I want to know," Jasyn answered.

  Tayvis sat next to her on her other side and stretched out his legs.

  She looked over at him. "What is it about you and your name? I like Malcolm."

  "Don't even go there." He looked over the balcony railing at the huge screen. The theater was full of people talking and laughing. A ripple of anticipation ran through the crowd as the curtains eddied on either side of the stage.

  "You aren't getting away that easily," Jasyn said. "Dace never told me why you hated Malcolm. I think you should tell us now, Malcolm."

  Tayvis ignored her.

  "So what is the story?" Clark asked.

  "What does it matter?" They weren't going to leave it alone.

  "You've been holding out on us and we want to know," Jasyn said. "You know everything about us. So, tell us, Malcolm."

  "Shut up and watch the vid," Tayvis grumbled, but he did it good naturedly.

  "It hasn't started yet," Jasyn said. "Either tell us or we'll ask your mother."

  "That's low, Jasyn, even for you," Tayvis said.

  "Tell me," she said.

  The usher entered the box. "Compliments of the management," he said as he handed them several huge tubs of popcorn. He smiled as he slipped back out.

  "Your mother gets good service," Clark said.

  "How do you know it isn't you?" Tayvis answered.

  "What's that supposed to mean?" Jasyn settled back in the chair with a bucket in her lap. "And you still haven't answered my question."

  "You know most of the top people in the government here," Tayvis said, picking through the popcorn in his bucket. "And you are the trade advisor. Ow," he added as Jasyn punched him in the arm.

  "Don't remind me," she said. "I don't want to be."

  "But you are, sweetheart," Clark said. "Ow."

  "Did I ever tell you your wife is a very violent person?" Tayvis said.

  "No, you didn't mention that."

  "Shh," Jasyn hushed them. "It's starting."

  The lights dimmed.

  "Where's your mother?" Clark asked.

  "She doesn't like watching her own vids," Tayvis said. "She'll show up when she's ready."

  "I can't wait," Jasyn said. "I'm really curious about your name now."

  Tayvis sighed and gave in. "See him?" Tayvis pointed at the screen, where the young prince was posing for the credits. "Malcolm Davies, the great vid star. My mother named me after him. Only he's really a she."

  "And that bothers you?" Jasyn asked. "I think he's cute."

  "At least she picked a manly name to use," Clark commented.

  "Hit him for me," Tayvis said to Jasyn.

  "Gladly," Jasyn said.

  "Are you enjoying yourselves?" Dariana Grace asked as she joined them. "Sorry, to be late."

  "Thanks for inviting us," Clark said. "It's been a lot of fun teasing your son."

  "He needs it. He's too serious," Dariana said.

  "Can we watch it in peace?" Tayvis asked.

  "He's in the third scene," Dariana leaned over Tayvis to whisper. "The little page boy who looks like he's at a funeral."

  "I felt like I was," Tayvis said, slumping down in his seat. "Why did I agree to this?"

  "Because you needed to get out for a while," Jasyn said.

  "You'd rather sit in a waiting room?" Clark asked.

  "Right now, yes," Tayvis answered.

  His mother patted his hand. She helped herself to his popcorn.

  "There wasn't anything else you could do," Jasyn said.

  "I know," Tayvis answered. "It doesn't mean I have to like it."

  "I can't hear," Clark complained. "Can you two hold it down? Ow."

  Jasyn leaned close to Clark to whisper in his ear. He whispered back. She smiled and put her head on his shoulder. Tayvis looked down at his popcorn and wished Dace were sitting next to him. His mother squeezed his hand.

  "Will assures me she's going to be all right," she whispered. "And I'm very happy for you, Tayvis."

  He smiled at her, though she couldn't see it in the dark theater.

  Chapter 56

  I drifted in and out for a long time. Sometimes there were people I knew in the room, more often there were medics I didn't know talking over me. Sometimes I was alone. I heard fragments of conversations that meant little to me.

  "…a higher dosage of the nasgenis. What do the scans read? Try a bit more…"

  "…going to the dance tonight? That's what he said."

  "Try a bit. You can do it. Easy, now…"

  "…engines are completely shot, but they keep telling me they're paying for the whole thing. Including an entire revamp of the thruster system. You hearing any of this, Dace? Dace?"

  "I think we can back off on the sedative. See what happens. Keep a close eye on those…"

  In and out. Eyes open. Eyes closed. The universe went on without me for a while. I felt as if I were wrapped in clouds. I was floating, weightless. I was disconnected from reality. I had no idea how much time passed.

  "Rise and shine," the medic said cheerfully.

  My eyes snapped open. He was the one who had been with me the first time I'd woken up. I had a vague notion that his name was Bruce.

  "How are you feeling?" he asked with the nonchalance that medics use when they are extremely interested in your answer.

  "As if I've been drugged," I answered. I closed my eyes and took a tally of my aches and pains. To my surprise, I had very few. I was tired, slightly dizzy, and very hungry. I looked back at him. "What did you do to me? How long have I been lying here?"

  He grinned. "You'll have to talk to Dr. Sipecio to get the answer to the first question. The answer to the second is eight days. Well, not quite. It's morning this time."

  "That made almost no sense," I complained.

  He turned away from me. "If you want to eat, you're going to have to prove you can sit up. Otherwise, it's more of the restorative."

  I made a face at the thought of drinking more of the pasty yellow liquid. I pushed myself upright. I had to clutch the side of the bed. I was light-headed. I blamed it on hunger.

  He put a tray in front of me that held all sorts of good food. I looked down at the tray and remembered other food. I saw Rivian's face as he died. He'd shot Shomies to save me because I hadn't had the guts to do it myself. I hadn't been angry enough to shoot her down. No matter how horrid she was, I couldn't bring myself to kill her. Not even in self-defense. I squeezed my hands into fists. I didn't shoot Luke, either, when I had the chance. I didn't want any more blood on my hands.

  "Something wrong?" the medic asked.

  I shook my head and relaxed my fists. "Just thinking."

  He didn't say anything about my answer. He jotte
d notes on my chart as he left the room.

  I picked apart the egg dish and tasted a bite. It was bland. It was normal food. I ate it and started on the rest of the tray, my appetite returning quickly.

  The medic returned, his inane smile still on his face. He put a stack of clothing, neatly folded on the end of my bed.

  "Your friend sent these over for you," he said. "There's a shower in the lavatory. I left clean towels in there for you."

  "You're letting me out?"

  "This isn't prison, it's a medical ward. We've got one of our transitional rooms for you at the end of the hall. We need to keep monitoring your condition for a while. If you start feeling ill or dizzy, come back immediately. We'll expect you back at night for further monitoring, but you're free to come and go as you please during the day." He picked up my tray. "Dr. Sipecio would like to talk with you when you're dressed. His office is at the other end of the hall."

  He left, carrying my tray. I stared after him and then looked at the clothes on the bunk. They were mine, from the ship. Jasyn had bought them for me years earlier. I had never actually worn them. I fingered the soft blue tunic. I would give anything to be back then, when life was simple. At least what I knew of it had been simple. Not knowing is sometimes much easier.

  I slid out from under the blanket on the bunk. My feet were bare. I wriggled my toes before trying gingerly to stand. I held onto the bunk for a moment until my head stopped spinning. I took a breath and let go. I felt as if I'd been in bed for a long time. It was nothing I couldn't ignore. I grabbed the clothes and went into the bathroom.

  I pulled off the medical gown. I couldn't stop myself from looking in the mirror. I looked like a victim of starvation. My ribs showed down to the start of the scar across my left side. I ran my hand over the ridged skin. It wasn't tender any more, but it would always be there, a mess of white scar tissue threaded through with healthy skin.

  I was afraid of what I would see in my eyes if I looked too deeply. I turned away, pushing into the shower as if it were a refuge. I hit the button for water and let it run over me, warm and steaming and smelling of soap.

  I began to cry, tears running down my face. It had to have been delayed reaction. I was safe. I was alive. Tayvis was waiting for me. I leaned on the wall of the shower and sobbed with relief.


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