War of the Holies
Page 21
“ Huh, did I inspire him?” Satan asked.
“ Who had dragged and inspired King Herod to find and murder the infant Messiah that caused lives of many infants in Israel?” God continued.
“ Huh, did I inspire him ?” Satan asked.
“ And for generations and generations that had passed, leaders of many nations and the inhabitants thereof had not been righteous because of your sins.” God explained.
“ You have nothing to cite as your righteousness, for men have sinned and fall short to my glory.” God said.
“That’s why I had sent the Messiah for my people in Israel to gather and save them. Israel was my first born who had first served me and yet they also sinned. That’s why they scattered the face of the earth when they received the consequences of their sins. But many in the last day would be saved and many would die the second death. The worst had come to them when you inspired the gentile Hitler to annihilate millions of young and old souls. ” God continued.
“ For generations that passed Lord who had become your people after Israel ?” Satan asked.
“ For the last time, I sent my Son, the Messiah to save the remaining inhabitants thereof, and you know that Satan. After Israel, my holy testaments were sealed and only the chosen people would be able to know its mystery that unsealed them. They preached throughout the world and had been resurrected. ” God said.
“ Yes, Lord. And I saw how the glory of the Messiah’s descension to earth and at the twinkling of an eye the dead and the living in Christ were changed and met Him in the air.” Satan said.
“ What happens to those dead that were not resurrected ?” he asked.
“ They will rise to face judgment in the last day together with those that will not believe the Messiah after a thousand years .” God explained.
“ But, how about your people now? Where are they now ? “ he continued.
“ They have been resurrected but some were left behind because of sins.” God replied.
“ Where are the resurrected ones now ?” Satan asked.
“ They are in my hands now.” God said.
“ Did you have some more people left on earth?”
He asked.
“ They have repented and returned to me. Again, many will be saved and many will perish. I won’t tell you where they are.” God said.
“ You will continue in your evil ways Satan and will deceive many for the last time even the very elect. Angels will continue to fall and the great battle in heaven will occur soon before the end.” God added.
“ What is it that you want to insinuate Lord ?” Satan confusing asked.
“ Go away, Satan” God commanded.
“ Yes, Lord.” He replied.
The devil’s advocacy continued to destroy man on earth. Francesco and his cohorts were at the city as commanded by Satan. In the habits of reverend servants they would mingle and began to execute their mission. He approached Dominique Gaviola, one the remnants of Lucianus, who was then serving as assistant to the parish priest.
“ I am Francesco, Satan’s emissary. You are commanded by our Master to join us to destroy the works of the Messiah.” Francesco sighed.
“ Really?. Did he talk to you personally?” asked Dominique .
“ Yes. What are you doing now?” Francesco asked.
“ Assistant to the Parish Priest in Florence.” He replied.
Dominique and five others abandoned the place and went with Francesco to their hiding place. Again, their rituals prompted Satan to appear before them. Dominique and his group were astounded and vowed down.
“ What can we do Master?” asked Dominique.
“ I want you to go and destroy the works of the Messiah and if possible include him.” Satan commanded.
Immediately they proceeded to China where millions of people heard the Messiah and worshipped Him. Francesco and Dominique led the band to chance the Messiah while in his ministry. A bewildered 50-year old Chinese Televangelist, named, Pastor Shin Jin, professed he was Christ’s disciple got a chance to get closer to the Messiah. And speaking in Mandarin language the man was somewhat scared and guilty.
“ Lord, I have been a televangelist for more than twenty years teaching your word. I traveled the world to evangelize many nations, but I and my congregation were left behind when the rapture occurred. Why ?”
The Messiah looked at his eyes.
“ Have you been collecting tithes and preaching the right contexts? “ the Messiah asked.
“ Yes, Lord as it is written in the holy testaments. I collect ten percent of my members’ earnings and I spent the proceeds to my evangelization.” Shin Jin explained.
“ Have you not read the New Testament about the law on giving?” the Messiah asked.
“ Yes, Lord, in fact the testament instructed us to collect ten percent in Hebrew 7:5-12 , “ Now the law requires the descendants of Levi who become priests to collect a tenth from the people that is, their brothers even though their brothers are descended from Abraham.”Shin Jin explained.
“ To whom that law was commanded?” the Messiah asked.
“ Descendants of Levi” Shin Jin replied.
“ Are you a descendant of Levi and Israel? You have been using the verse to justify your personal motive. To enrich yourself all the days of your life.” the Messiah insinuated.
“ But Lord, I was not aware of that restriction” Shin Jin said.
“ Because your mind has been overwhelmed with all the material and financial favor you can enjoy.” the Messiah continued.
“ What law should be followed ?” asked Shin Jin.
“I Corinthians 9:7, “ Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” the Messiah explained.
Shin Jin and his followers wept and repented “ Forgive us Lord. What shall we do to be saved for the last chance? “
“ Go and sin no more” said the Messiah.“
“Thank you my Lord. We won’t do it anymore.” He said The group went away with penitent hearts with the hope that they would be saved for the last chance. Meantime, Francesco and Dominique learned that the Messiah had visited Guandong, China. They hired some native Chinese rascals to assist them with their evil schemes.
“ The Messiah is scheduled to embark on the boat with his followers to cross the other town. Sink the boat when along the way to the other side.” Dominique commanded his men.
Together with Chinese rascals the band moved to set their evil scheme below the water. They swam their way while the big boat loaded with around fifteen people including the Messiah sailed to cross the other town. In their frogmen suit, the rascals created holes into the wooden belly of the boat allowing gradual spilling in of water.
When the water began to pour into the floor of the boat, men and women began to panic and got scared. “ The water is coming in ! Lord, the boat is sinking ! “ a woman shouted.
“ Lord, Lord, we are sinking ! “ others shouted.
“ Don’t be scared !Have faith in me ! “ the Messiah exclaimed.
The crowd was silenced as they all looked at the Messiah with all their confidence and adoration. As the boat slowly sunk , their feet began to feel the cold water rose to their legs and knees.In their astonishment they all floated into the surface of the water as the boat totally sunk.
“ Come and follow me.” the Messiah said.
The followers kept silent but focus their sight to the Messiah as they walked and followed his command. The frogmen that did the sinister that were beyond the incident emerged from the waters somewhere and were shocked what they witnessed.
“ Is this real ? Am I not dreaming ?” one frogman said. “ Unbelievable, they walked on the water ?” the other said.
The Messiah and his followers trod their way to the shores of the town as if walking on the dry land. They were met by the multitude of believers that were amazed by the strange sightings of Divine miracle on the water. The Chinese ras
cals and the band went back to Dominique to report the startling occurrence.
“ Are you sure of what you saw ?” asked Dominique.
“ Yes, Master, We could hardly believe on the weird event that we saw.” One band member said
“ I can’t believe it. He was like God that saved his followers.” Another band member said.
“ They said , He was really God. I shall go back to Francesco to report this miraculous incident.” Dominique said.
Soon, Dominique and his band went back to Francesco and testified the incident that led to their failure to consummate their evil scheme cannot fight this man, called the Messiah. He was like God when he walked with his followers on top of the water!” Dominique explained.
“Really, they said it right. Satan would be enraged when he knows about our failure.” Francesco said.
The group returned to the rustic- ghost town where they assembled and talked to Satan about their own debacle.
“We can’t really conquer nor destroy him because he is a powerful God.” Satan said.
“ Yes, Master. We can’t fight the power of their God” Francesco said
“What do we do now Master?” Dominique asked.
“ Forget about the Messiah. We will resume creating sinister for his workmanship.” Satan said.
“ What workmanship, Master ?” Dominique asked.
“ His masterpiece, mankind.” Satan replied.
“ What shall we do ?” Dominique asked.
“ We will drive them to trouble and convince others to be part of our advocacy.” Satan insinuated
“I am a church man and they expect that I will do good to the people.” Dominique said.
“ You have plenty of church associates. Gather them and show them your power to excel you.” Satan told him
“ What power, Master? I am just a normal man how could I have supernatural power to amaze them ?” Dominique replied.
“ You and Francesco are my faithful servants. I will assist your religious activity to flaunt eerie phenomenon that will amaze your colleagues and the crowd.” He insinuated.
On the other hand, the Messiah and the congregation arrived at Venizia, Italia to spread the gospel. Francesco and Dominique continued to trail the ministerial path of the Messiah to discover the secrets of his marvelous and alluring evangelization which they would want to emulate in order to convince followers for their Satanist church. In one occasion of the Messiah’s ministry, the two were able to sneak from the multitude of eager followers.
“ If you are still under the power of darkness and have not seen light, I have come that you may have light in your lives. Believe in the second resurrection of the dead. Receive me and my teachings for the last time that you may be saved from lake of fire.” the Messiah pronounced “ Did you hear that Dominique ?” Francesco asked.
“ Yes. Loud and clear. What second resurrection is he talking about?” Dominique asked
“ He means that there is second resurrection of the dead including us who are still alive in order to be saved from fire.” Francesco explained
“Therefore, the one that the world had witnessed was the first resurrection of the dead including the living that met the Messiah in the clouds?” Dominique asked. “ Exactly, that’s why he’s right here in our presence to save his followers for the last chance from the what he said the lake of fire?” Francesco insinuated.
“ So, it means he’s really the Savior and he will save us from the lake of fire after the second resurrection in the judgment day?” Dominique continued.
“ Exactly. That’s why we have to snatch his followers to be part of our cult that will glorify Satan, our Master.” Francesco said
“ And what is the promise of Satan to us? Shall we also be saved from the lake of fire in the day of judgment?” Dominique asked
“ No. We are doomed to hell of fire .” Francesco said.
“ But why? Is Satan our Master that will also save us from hell?” Dominique asked
“ Exactly. But he is also destined to hell. We only serve him because he is our Master and he has also power but not as great as the Messiah.” Francesco said.
“ Therefore, we are all idiots, It doesn’t make any sense serving an inutile Master of this world if we will only be destined with him to hell of fire in the judgment day.” Dominique concluded
“Exactly correct. Don’t say those insulting remarks. Satan is just around us.” Francesco sighed
“ Aren’t you scared in the lake of fire?” Dominique asked
“ Well, I am somewhat horribly scared. But I am even more terrified to Satan with whom I had sold my soul. That’s why I am like his puppet following orders.” Francesco explained
“ How did you sell your soul to Satan and why ?” Dominique asked
“ When Lucianus ordered us to take allegiance to his Satanic creed, we were obliged to shed blood in the holy grail that would be a mark of the beast or the so-called triple 6 in which he was the Master. It was meant to kill us anytime if we break the covenant and turn against him.” Francesco explained
“ Now that he is gone. Is it still in effect?” Dominique asked.
“ We don’t know. But a covenant is a covenant and as a follower , the oath still subsists until we die.” Francesco said
“ But you are not sure whether it is still in effect on you. Why not test if it is effective on you? See what will happen to you. “ Dominique asked “ Are you turning your side to the Messiah? You are squealing for him? Francesco asked “ When I was a young man, my Mom used to bring me in the Christian church and I heard sermons of the church man about the coming Christ and the everlasting torment of sinners in the lake of fire.” Dominique said.
“ I was misled and my life was wasted to nothing when I joined the street gangs. You know, I had all the vices in life and I even took my own life but I was spared when my Christian friend led me to righteousness before the coming of the Messiah. He was gone in the air.” Dominique explained
“ What do you mean now?” Francesco asked “ Let’s listen to the pronouncements of the Messiah.” Dominique said.
“ Hey, Dominique, we will not be convinced by his teachings. We are only here to observe his wonders that he may exhibit to the people.” Francesco said.
“ I know, but how can we know if we will not listen to his teachings. There’s nothing harm when you listen to someone’s message, right?” Dominique insinuated.
“ I am only warning you. We will be liable to our Master for the consequence of our actions.” Francesco added.
“ I know that. Even Satan listens and knows the word of the Messiah in the bible.” Dominique added.
Dominique dragged Francesco’s right arm towards the Messiah to hear more pronouncements
“ Listen to me Dominique, we are here to spy on the Messiah’s activity so we can emulate the powers that he has been exhibiting to the people. We are bound to return to Satan to report his activity.”Francesco explained.
“ Why not Satan come and see for himself the Messiah’s activity?” Dominique asked.
“ He can’t do it because he will be driven out by the power of the Messiah. He’s afraid and can’t stand the light emanating from the Messiah.” Francesco said.
“ And only humans have the ability to come nearer to him. It means we have chances of talking with the Messiah. Yes, I know that’s why we have to come nearer to him to hear his message.” Dominique said.
“ Remember, Dominique, don’t squeal and both of us will be punished by Satan.” Francesco said. The two were able to sneak from the throng of eager and anxious crowd as the Messiah continued to deliver his message. “ Come to me, you who are heavily burdened and I will give you rest.” the Messiah said.
Meanwhile, Satan emerged from an old-giant oak tree behind the crowd and was trying to figure out the whereabouts of Dominique and Francesco. But the simmering lights that emanated from the Messiah were like scorching heat that forced him to get far away from the c
rowd. When the Messiah trod his way to the crowd as he came nearer to Dominique while Francesco was scared and shunned away. The Messiah stood in front of him and looked at his eyes. Dominique was scared but was nailed in his position when he promptly turned his back. He could not move and lift his legs and felt that a strange force was holding him back.
“ You have been lost for many years, Son. You were once my follower but turned to the evil desires of your flesh. Now, you are serving my adversary. You were not that bad, only you were misled because of the lack of knowledge.” the Messiah said.
Dominique was astonished when he was rebuked unexpectedly. He could not utter a word but remained looking at the Messiah as he listened to his words.
“ The man who shunned me was Satan’s cohort. It’s not too late for you, Son. Return to me and be saved for the last resurrection.” He said.
The word was like a double-edged sword that pierced the heart and inner being of Dominique. With a penitent heart, his tears began to roll down and found himself kneeling in his feet.
“ Forgive me my Lord.” Dominique cried.
“ Go my Son and sin no more.” the Messiah said. “ Thank you, my Lord. I shall turn back from my evil ways." Dominique said
Francesco walked away and learned that Dominique had squealed that irked Satan.
“Why did he do that ?” Satan asked.
“He was a back slider and had learned the ways of a good follower.” Francesco explained.
“ What are you going to do with him now that we have lost him ?” Francesco asked.
“ We would get him back. He was emotional and just blinded by his former faith.” Satan replied.
“ But how?” Francesco asked.
“He is a church assistant right?” Satan asked.
“Yes, in Florence.” Francesco replied.
“ He would surely go back to his church where he lives.“ Satan insinuated.