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The Dark Lands (Angelbound Origins Book 5)

Page 17

by Christina Bauer

  Across the crowd, I spy Cissy and Zeke. My bestie was beyond thrilled when she got the invitation to this house warming. Ciss believes this is a great chance to build diplomatic bridges with the Dark Lands. And if anyone can manage that articular feat, it’ll be Ciss. Spotting me, she gives a wink. My bestie is in a deep discussion with a ghoul ambassador, so I plan to catch up with her later.

  Lincoln and I don’t step far into the house when Happy races up to us. She wears a yellow bustle gown for the occasion as well as a wide grin. Dazzling.

  “Hey there!” cries Happy. “I want you to meet my parents!”

  Grabbing our wrists, Happy guides me and Lincoln over to a man and woman who are also dressed from the 1800’s. Happy’s father is dapper with his high-breasted coat and bowler hat. Her mother wears a yellow gown that matches Happy’s. They all have the same ebony skin, mismatched eyes, and excited vibe.

  “We’re so pleased to meet you,” says Happy’s father. “I’m Leo.”

  “I’m Prudence,” says Happy’s mom. “Our daughter told us not to address you formally. I hope that’s acceptable.”

  “It’s perfect,” I say. And I mean it. This is like my first normal party with regular people, meaning they are mostly not in medieval garb. Plus, no one’s treating me like a queen or Great Scala. I’m having the time of my life.

  “We can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done,” says Leo. “There’s a new Chosen One every two hundred years or so. It’s unusual for one so young to be sent to Black Wing Manor, but the Viper had been breaking in. Obsidian needed extra help.”

  “Plus,” adds Prudence. “Happy isn’t a typical girl. And we knew she had Jaime to watch over her.” She sighs. “I wish we could have stayed here as well.”

  “Trust me, Mom. You wouldn’t have liked it.”

  I raise my hand. “I’ll vouch there.”

  We then have a lovely conversation, mostly discussing ideas for incorporating the true mission of the House of Victoriana into official thrax life. The whole Lucifer prison aspect will stay a secret, but it’s important that Victoriana enhances our alliance with the Dark Lands. If this experience has taught us anything, it’s that we all need better bridges between our various realms.

  Eventually, we leave Happy and find the cookie table area. Walker approaches. Tonight, he’s in his artist get-up of jeans and a paint-splattered T-shirt. “Hello, uh, Myla. Lincoln. How are you?”

  I try to talk through a mouthful of cookie. “Fine. Where’s Drayden?”

  “I need to talk to you about him,” says Walker. “It’s very serious.”

  Lincoln leans against the table, an unreadable look on his face. “What is it?”

  “Did he lose his magical intellect?” I ask. “I put your healing mojo in his head, just like we planned. He’s been fine ever since. Super smart and everything.”

  “It’s not that,” replies Walker. “Drayden’s genius is still intact.”

  My insides twist with worry. “Then what is it?”

  Walker lets out a dramatic sigh. “Myla, Drayden’s in love with you. He created this little shrine to you in the bathroom and everything. I don’t know what to do.”

  My mouth falls open. Bits of cookie tumble to the floor. “What?”

  Walker points right at my nose. “Got you!” He swipes his hand over his cheek and head, revealing that the classic Walker hairstyle of sideburns and a brush cut was just drawn on. This isn’t Walker. It’s Drayden.

  I groan. “Good one. You totally got me.”

  Walker steps out from the shadows. He’s wearing the same outfit as Drayden. Both start laughing their asses off. The real Walker points at my nose. “You should have seen your face!”

  “Ha, ha.”

  It takes ten minutes for Walker and Drayden to move on from the topic of their awesome prank. But it does happen. Soon we launch into a chat that ranges from our favorite new painters to the best old battle tactics. The conversation eventually veers onto Armageddon.

  Drayden shakes his head. “I can’t believe he turned out to be such a terrible character. Last I heard, he was just a common demon.”

  So that segues to a long retelling of all the Armageddon adventures. Drayden seems suitably astonished. I assure him that after our last close encounter with Armageddon and Lucifer’s Coin, that the King of Hell is officially out of chances to escape and ruin our lives. There’s no way we’ll hear from that guy again. Hopefully.

  Next Drayden shares his plans for a multi-year world tour. Afterwards, I pull Walker aside and push him about the archangel stuff. My honorary brother shuts me down every time. Walker wants his archangel nature kept a secret. He won’t even show his wings anymore. According to Walker, the world must see him as a ghoul, period. And no, I still can’t tell Mom and Dad.

  Whatever. I’ll get the truth out of Walker eventually. I always do.

  Lincoln steps up and reminds me we have an early morning appointment. I need my rest. Sadly, that means we have to leave.

  We make our goodbyes and head back to Purgatory. This is one appointment that I don’t want to miss.

  Chapter 30

  A few hours later, Lincoln and I wait offstage at the set of Good Morning Purgatory. This time, I’m totally awake and alert. I didn’t even drool on Lincoln’s suit.

  A short distance away, Becky Tizzle speaks to the camera. “Next up, we have the Great Scala and her Consort! Let’s give them a big round of applause!”

  Lincoln and I walk on stage and take our classic positions on the love seat across from Becky.

  The host pulls up a clipboard. “You both ran off on me last time. Very naughty! I have a long list of questions for you.”

  Lincoln leans forward. “Myla and I promised to report back on the Viper. So we’ve returned with an exclusive round up of how this fiend was captured and killed.”

  The audience gasps.

  Becky almost falls out of her seat. “Tell me you have video.”

  “We do,” I say. “Roll it, Fred.”

  What follows next is a mostly true telling about the Enmity brothers. We cover how they found Lucifer’s Gauntlets, turned to a life of crime (that’s the true stuff) and eventually died during a shoot out at their farm (and that’s the not so true part.) We include lots of magically created video that shows Zeke bravely leading the charge at the farm shootout. We also share updated video on the recovery of the Viper Brothers’ victims. By using Lucifer’s Gauntlets and Walker’s ability to heal, everyone’s had their original demonic abilities returned.

  And so it goes. Becky asks lots of questions. We answer with as few lies as possible. My tail makes periodic waves to the audience for attention. That always gets a big laugh.

  “Well,” says Becky at length. “That was an amazing exclusive. The President of Purgatory will be on our show later today for a mayor’s conference recap. Will she have any comments about the Viper Brothers?”

  “She will,” I reply. “My mother will also provide instructions for how to properly handle unknown magical items. Lucifer’s Gauntlets are now safely stored in Heaven. If the Enmity Brothers had reported them right away, all this could have been avoided.”

  “Thank you so much, Great Scala and Consort.” Becky turns to the screen. “And now, we have a real treat for you. A surprise guest!”

  I grab Lincoln’s had. We both know who the surprise guest is here. I fight the urge to bounce up and down on the loveseat.

  “We’re starting a new segment on supernatural child rearing,” announces Becky. “And here’s our guest host, Xavier, Purgatory’s First Man!”

  Dad walks out on set wearing jeans, a button-down, and a massive backpack that holds baby Maxon. Lincoln and I stand up, give them hugs, and let Dad take the stage. Lincoln and I step off camera, where Mom waits in her purple suit. She’s smiling her face off. “I’m so proud of Xavier. I’m so proud of you two. Hell, I’m proud of everyone!”

  Back on stage, Becky blushes up a storm. I forget how most women f
ind my father crazy-handsome. “Would you like to sit, Xavier?” asks Becky.

  “Easier if I stand,” explains Dad. He points behind him, as evidence of why vertical is the best position. For his part, Maxon pops his cherub head over Dad’s shoulder, gives a gummy grin, and says: “Pop pops.”

  I blink back tears while Dad pulls a few crackers and hands them to Maxon. My son chows down while my father talks.

  “Today, I’m going to discuss the importance of scheduling with child rearing.”

  “And why are schedules so critical?” asks Becky.

  “You have to find a balance. Too much detail, you lose the child. No context or structure, and you can have a tantrum on your hands. Roll the tape, Fred.”

  The show cuts over to various videos of Dad and Maxon. Reading books. Eating lunch. Tickling.

  “What do you think?” Mom whispers.

  “Xavier’s doing a phenomenal job,” replies Lincoln. “No one would guess he was struggling just a month ago.”

  Mom lowers her voice. “To tell the truth, I knew I’d be called away to the mayor’s conference. When it comes to kids, sometimes you just have to jump in.”

  We all return our attention to Dad’s presentation. He’s segued onto his top ten nutrition tips. Maxon has taken to gumming his hand. Suddenly, Mom’s previous advice about Dad comes back to me in bright red letters. Sometimes, you have to savor a beautiful moment.

  I slip up beside Lincoln, rest my head on his shoulder, and enjoy.

  —The End—

  The adventure continues with THE BRUTAL TIME,

  Book 6 in the Angelbound Origins Series

  Next In Angelbound Series – THE BRUTAL TIME

  Don’t miss THE BRUTAL TIME, Book 6 in the Angelbound Origins Series.

  Angelbound LINCOLN

  Experience the events of ANGELBOUND from Prince Lincoln’s point of view!

  Christina Bauer’s MAGICORUM

  Modern fairy tales with sass, action, and romance.

  Christina Bauer’s DIMENSION DRIFT

  A dystopian adventure with science, snark, and hot aliens.

  Christina Bauer’s BEHOLDER

  A medieval farm girl finds necromancy and love.

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  …Please consider leaving a review, even if it’s just a line or two. Every bit truly helps, especially for those of us who don’t write by the numbers, if you know what I mean. Plus I have it on good authority that every time you review an indie author, somewhere an angel gets a mocha latte. For reals.

  And angels need their caffeine, too.



  Double gulp.

  I’m taking the plunge and have decided to become an author full time.


  Did I mention that I’m freaking out? Well, I am.

  Here’s the story on my full time fears. On the next few pages, you’ll see the somewhat insane list of books that have been lurking in my brain and can now get OUT OF MY FUCKING HEAD over the next few years. I’m told it’s too aggressive and might overwhelm you, my dear readership.


  Still, I can’t help it. Stories churn around my soul. If don’t release them in time, I worry they’ll evaporate into the ethos. Besides, my internal reality is really fractured. It helps to share it with others who go: wow, that’s kind of cool!

  So there you have it. Thanks in advance for your support and understanding, because I’ll definitely do something stupid as I make this journey. But no matter what turns this path may take, I’d like to commence by showing my appreciation to the team of crazies who’ve helped make this all possible.

  First, there is the amazing team at Inscribe Digital. They believed in me and my vision from the start. Thank you, Kelly Peterson, Ana Szaky, Katy Beehler, and Allison Davis. You’re marvels!!!

  Next, there’s the wonderful team at Monster House Books. Arely Zimmermann, where would I be without you? I shiver to even think about. Plus, I’m incredibly proud to see you grow as a businesswoman and editor.

  And I can never forget you, my dear readers and bloggers. You guys are the best, end of story. Thank you for every high five, sweet idea, and suggested change. Mwah!

  Most importantly, my deepest appreciation goes out to my husband and son. Your patience and support mean everything. I love you both with all my heart and soul.

  Collected Works

  Angelbound Origins

  About a part demon and part human girl kicking ass

  .5 Duty Bound – a prequel from Lincoln

  1. Angelbound

  1.5 Lincoln – Angelbound told by Lincoln

  2. Scala

  3. Acca

  4. Thrax

  5. The Dark Lands

  6. The Brutal Time (Fall 2019)

  7. Armageddon (already here, long story!)

  Angelbound Offspring

  The next generation takes on the after-realms

  1. Maxon

  2. Portia

  3. Zinnia (Summer 2019)

  4. Kaps (Summer 2020)

  5. Huntress (Summer 2021)

  Angelbound Worlds

  Inside stories about your fav characters

  1. Xavier (Spring 2020)

  2. Cissy (Spring 2021)


  A medieval farm girl discovers necromancy and love

  1. Cursed

  2. Concealed

  3. Cherished

  4. Crowned

  5. Cradled

  Fairy Tales of the Magicorum

  Modern fairy tales with sass, action, and romance

  1. Wolves and Roses

  1.5 Moonlight and Midtown

  2. Shifters and Glyphs

  3. Slippers and Thieves (Fall 2019)

  4. Bandits and Ballgowns (Fall 2020)

  Dimension Drift

  A dystopian future with science, snark, and hot aliens


  1. Scythe

  2. Umbra


  1. Alien Minds (Spring 2019)

  2. ECHO Academy (Spring 2020)

  3. Drift Warrior (Spring 2021)

  Publisher's Note: Christina Bauer is a non-linear thinker who came up with ARMAGEDDON and then went back and wrote some earlier books. This is why you'll see ARMAGEDDON (Book 7) and the Offspring series available before THE BRUTAL TIME (Book 6). We've told her to stop this practice, but she keeps giving us lewd hand gestures in response. Apologies in advance for any inconvenience.

  About Christina Bauer

  Christina Bauer thinks that fantasy books are like bacon: they just make life better. All of which is why she writes romance novels that feature demons, dragons, wizards, witches, elves, elementals, and a bunch of random stuff that she brainstorms while riding the Boston T. Oh, and she includes lots of humor and kick-ass chicks, too. Christina lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby.

  Stalk Christina on Social Media – She Loves It!



  Twitter: @CB_Bauer


  Web site:


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  Author Note

  Welcome to the last bit of the book! Since we’re both hanging here, I’ll share some behind-the-scenes facts about THE DARK LANDS.

  The character of Jaime is inspired by Jane of Jane Eyre, aka one of the classics of Gothic-ness. From the same book, Obsidian is a version of Mister Rochester, only instead of (SPOILER ALERT!) an insane wife in the attic, Obsidian endures having all his brothers and sisters frozen outside. IMHO, Obsidian has the harder deal. And I ship Jaime and Obsidian far more than Jane and Rochester. But then again, I may have an teensy bias.

  In keeping with the Jane Eyre theme, Ha
ppy is a re-imagining of Jane’s student, Adèle. I always thought that Adèle got a little shafted in terms of character development when it came to being fierce. Let’s be honest; that girl was a dingbat. So I had fun making Happy both smart and badass.

  There’s also a lot of Edgar Allen Poe in here. Why? I was a wee bit obsessed with Poe as a teenager. Hence the ravens. So many ravens. I tried to have heartbeats in the floor or bury someone in the wall. The closest to got was slapping the Labyrinth Master to a rock. Thank you, EA Poe.

  In general, I had a freaking blast writing this book. I hope that shines through on the page! Creating the scenes with Xavier and Maxon was especially fun. Everything was based on my actual experiences as a parent, and it was a joy to relive-slash-share those memories.

  On a final note, I’m thrilled to more fully introduce the villain of Lucifer, as well as his not-yet-defined relationship with Walker. I’ve had this stuff outlined since Angelbound Book 1, and it’s beyond awesome to start that journey with you.

  I look forward to seeing you again at THE BRUTAL TIME (Angelbound Origins Book 6). Happy reading!



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