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Two Days, Three Nights

Page 6

by Two Days, Three Nights (lit)

  David broke the scorching kiss. “No, I want to see you.” He removed her hands, allowing her bodice to slide, baring her breasts to his gaze. “Beautiful, very beautiful.”

  From behind, Hunt slid his hands around to cup her breasts, as if to offer them to his brother. She leaned back against his chest and felt wonderfully wanton as David’s mouth latched onto an erect nipple. She moaned and squirmed against Hunt as his twin’s talented mouth laved and suckled her erect flesh. She started to raise her hands to touch David only to realize that her arms were held captive by her dress and Hunt’s arms. The feeling of restraint sent a rush of liquid heat through her cunt. Pinned between these two handsome creatures, she was a vessel to be filled only at their command. She ground her hips against Hunt’s lap.

  “Victoria,” Hunt suckled her earlobe, wrenching a cry from her. “Do you want us to fuck you?”

  His low, roughly worded question sent a gush of liquid heat directly to her core. Their hands moved over her body, touching her everywhere but where she really needed to be stroked. She tipped her head back and closed her eyes.

  Warm lips nibbled at her throat.


  While another pair of lips teased the inside of her knee. David. The men touched and stroked her until she was consumed with need. She knew instinctively that neither would touch her cunt until she told them what she wanted.

  “Yes,” she gasped. “I want you to fuck me, both of you.” She opened her eyes in time to see David send Hunt a triumphant look, but she didn’t care. All she wanted was a cock between her thighs. Something to drive away the ache that was slowly making her mad.

  David stood and pulled her to her feet where she swayed dizzily. He pulled her into his arms and the press of his nipple rings against her chest was erotic as his mouth took hers. He was quite the kisser, almost as good as Hunt. Her arms still trapped, she leaned into him, giving as good as she got. Their tongues tangled as she felt Hunt press into her from behind. She moaned into David’s mouth as she felt the heat of his brother’s bare body against her back. She pushed against him as she felt the heat of his hard cock against her buttocks while David pressed his jeans-covered cock rhythmically into her mound.

  She was turned around and Hunt took possession, her sensitized breasts rubbing his chest as their mouths mated. She leaned closer as his big hands moved, stroking every inch of exposed skin except where she really wanted him to touch her.

  She heard the clang of a belt hitting the hearth just a second before a naked David snuggled from behind her, his big cock pressing into her. He rubbed against her, cradling his rod in the cleft of her buttocks. His hands cupped her breasts, squeezing then pinching her nipples.

  Oh yes, this was what she wanted…

  Hunt’s hand moved between her thighs and she sobbed his name as he touched her erect clit. If she hadn’t been pinned between them, she’d have melted into a boneless puddle of lust on the floor. His hand was joined by his twin’s as he teased her damp opening. Her knees wobbled dangerously as David slid first one finger inside, then a second one followed.

  “She’s ready for us.” His words were hot in her ear.

  “Yes. Come, Victoria. Let us fuck you now,” Hunt said.

  He picked her up and carried her to a straight-backed wooden chair. It had a tall back and it was plain of any ornamentation save a notch cut into the front center of the seat. She’d noticed the chair before, thinking it somewhat out of place in the living room, but maybe it had been an antique. Hunt sat down and brought her with him, impaling her on his massive cock.

  She let out a scream as he filled her. She tipped her head back, her breasts pressed into his chest. Hungry, their mouths ate at each other as his cock slowly moved in and out of her hungry cunt. Their tongues danced as their lower bodies mated. He grabbed her inner thighs and stretched her wide as he broke the kiss. His head dipped down to watch the slide of his cock into her cunt as he fucked her.

  Behind her, she felt David press into her back. Something warm rushed down her spine and the scent of almond oil teased her senses. He rubbed the oil into her skin with strong deft movements and she turned to liquid butter in his capable hands. His fingers slipped into the crack of her ass to massage her rear entry.

  She tensed immediately.

  “She’s not ready for that, brother,” Hunt advised.

  “Have you been plugging her?”

  “Only with the smallest one.”

  David nodded and lightly bit her shoulder. “I’ll just use a finger then.”

  Victoria knew she should be mortified. This talk of plugging someone was new and decidedly wicked, but she couldn’t bring herself to object. This was her fantasy come true and then some.

  Warm liquid slid down her crack and she pressed forward as David gently massaged it into her rear. The sensation was odd, though not unpleasant. She closed her eyes and willed her body to relax. As Hunt continued with slow thrusts, David entered her from the rear with one thick digit. That was all it took to push her over the edge. Her body tightened around both men as she screamed her pleasure, the rippling waves sending shudders through her body and she dimly thought they would never cease.

  Limp, she felt both men pull away and she was aware that Hunt was still hard as a rock. Big hands turned her around until she sat on Hunt’s lap facing David. Looking down, she then realized what the notch in the chair was for. One man could take a woman from behind while the other fucked her cunt. Ingenious…

  Hunt’s cock filled her from behind as David moved forward. He ran his fingers over her breasts before taking a nipple into his mouth. He suckled one, then the other as she squirmed beneath Hunt’s slow, inexorably driving cock.

  David released her mouth then pressed his cock against her mound. Mimicking his brother’s movements, Victoria lost her breath as the twin pressures of the men threatened to send her over the edge. Four pairs of hands squeezed her breasts and stroked her back and stomach. Her entire body had turned into a ravenous sexual organ that knew no beginning or end. She existed simply to be filled and completed.

  Behind her, she felt Hunt stiffen, his grip tightening on her waist as his hot seed spurted into her hungry vagina. It was enough to send her over the edge as well. As her shudders subsided, she rested against Hunt, her eyes half-closed. She stirred only when the men lifted her, removing Hunt’s magnificent spent cock from her body. Hunt spread his legs and she felt the hard edge of the chair beneath her buttocks.

  She forced open her eyes as David spread her thighs wide, bringing her knees up to her shoulders, pinning them there with his arms as his big hands held onto the edges of the broad seat. As he entered her, she arched her back, digging her shoulders into Hunt as David’s hips set a mesmerizing pace.

  Hunt’s hands stroked and played with her nipples as he urged his brother on.

  “Come on, David, fuck that cunt.”

  “I want to see her come for you.”

  “Yeah…just like that… she likes that…”

  Victoria screamed her pleasure, once, then again as David continued his sensual assault on her body. She’d lost complete sense of self as they took her again and again, tossing her body over the edge of ecstasy.

  David came hard, his hips hammering hers as he groaned. His movements slowed and he came to rest against her, his head on her shoulder. Victoria leaned her head back against Hunt and closed her eyes. Against her back she could feel his heartbeat and against her left breast, David’s.

  * * * * *

  “Mmm.” Victoria stirred when Hunt climbed into their bed after seeing his twin off. “I like your brother.”

  He chuckled. “I’ll bet you do.” He pulled down the sheets, baring her to his gaze. He ran his hand down her stomach, enjoying the way she moved beneath his touch. “Are you sore?”

  “No.” Her dark gaze met his through narrow eyes. “What did you have in mind?”

  His hand came to rest on her mons. “Can you take me again?”

you even have to ask?” She opened to him. “Come inside.”

  He entered her slowly, her flesh damp and slick. She smelled of sex and pool water. After their interlude in the living room, they’d all climbed in the heated pool to swim and play in the soft rain. Later they’d come upstairs and curled together in his bed. After David had drifted off to sleep, he and Victoria had snuck away for a quickie in the playroom before returning in time for David to wake up and take his leave.

  “Mmm,” she arched her hips. “After all our activity, I’m surprised you want me again.”

  “How could I not want you?” He didn’t tell her it was the scorching kiss his brother had given her before he’d left. In the past, he and his brother had shared many women, but never one like Victoria. For the first time in his life, he’d been jealous of his brother as he watched him kiss Victoria good-bye. He didn’t want her going to sleep with David’s taste on her mouth or with David having given her the final orgasm of the night.

  “Because you’re tired? Because you’ve had me three times already?” She wrapped her legs around his waist. “That feels heavenly.”

  He settled into a slow thrust, his mouth teasing hers as they took their time climbing the slope. When they crested, their cries mingled and their bodies strained.

  Hunt rolled to his side, careful to stay embedded in her flesh. In the morning, he’d talk to her about continuing their relationship, but for now he just wanted to enjoy the feel of her sleeping in his arms.

  Tomorrow would come soon enough.

  Chapter Seven

  Victoria’s shoulders sagged as she glanced at the Caller ID box attached to the phone. Recognizing the number of an old friend, she walked away, thankful when her voice mail picked up and the apartment fell silent.

  She’d left Hunt’s house over thirty-six hours ago and he’d made no attempt to contact her. No calls. No emails.


  Life was back to normal. She’d returned to work, attended her meetings, dealt with the usual raft of issues that cropped up in the busy office. She’d had lunch in her office in order to catch up. She’d nailed a contract worth tens of thousands of dollars that she’d been working on for the past few weeks. She should have been ecstatic.

  Never had normal looked so dull.

  She picked up her glass of wine and strolled to the window. Below her, the verdant green of Central Park was hidden by nightfall. Lights glittered in the buildings bordering the park and the sky was clear, flecked with the few stars that could penetrate the light pollution of the city. At Hunt’s home, the stars would be magnificent.

  She shook her head.

  Regardless of how the sky looked there, she was here where she belonged. She walked to the couch and plopped down, stretching her legs in front of her, heels on the coffee table.

  Besides, Hunt had never said that he actually wanted a relationship with her. He’d wanted to master her and she’d wanted him…No, asked him to show her more of his world.

  “Now, Victoria.” His voice was a liquid caress and she felt the tip of his cock press against the entrance of her sex. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Enter me,” she whispered.

  “Master,” he prompted.

  “Enter me, Master.”

  She shivered at the thought of his broad, warm hands on her body. Her breasts ached. All too quickly she’d become accustomed to frequent, satisfying sex and her body mourned its loss. Oh well, she still had her collection of vibrators.

  It isn’t the sex you miss. It’s him.

  Her gusty sigh sounded abnormally loud. Damn, she hated it when her subconscious talked back. She did miss him, and it wasn’t just the sex. His astute mind and quick wit had attracted her long before she’d gotten her first taste of his delicious body. He’d mastered her within minutes of touching her and he’d shown her more care and attention than all of her haphazard relationships combined.

  She was in love with him.

  Victoria sank further into the leather cushions. Okay, so she was in love with him. Big deal. That and fifty cents wouldn’t get her a cup of coffee. Hunt had made no mention of his feelings or lack thereof toward her. Of course, she hadn’t asked either.

  Too afraid of being rejected?



  Most definitely.

  Brad’s rejection had hurt; there was no doubt about that. They’d been in a relationship for almost two years when he’d walked away without even a backward glance. He’d said he loved her, but he’d walked away in the end. At least when she and Hunt parted, he hadn’t been a hypocrite.

  Of course, the question now was, what did she do?

  She knew when she’d gotten into this that she’d have to see him again. He was a client and there was no getting around that reality. His account was sizable, though it was no longer imperative to OSD’s future. But she still didn’t want to lose it. Maybe he’d agree to her shifting the account to Molly’s plate. She was a pleasant accommodating woman who was very popular with the male clients—

  And very beautiful…

  A spurt of jealousy lanced her heart.

  No, Molly wouldn’t do at all.

  Mentally she ran through the list of her employees only to come up empty. They were all excellent at what they did or she’d never have hired them. But none of them were suitable for handling Hunt’s account.

  Quit lying to yourself. You don’t want to give up the account at all. You’d miss your only opportunity to see him, smell him, touch him, even if it’s only to shake his hand.

  Damn the voice of reason. She tossed her wine back and slapped the glass down. A relationship between her and Hunt was impossible, period. Get over it and move on, Victoria.

  She reached for the remote and turned on the television, hoping to drown the voices of her heart that dared contradict her mind.

  “Hey, William.”

  Hunt tucked the small box into his pocket and tamped his irritation as he turned to greet Victoria’s youngest brother.

  “Jimmy, good to see you again.” The young man bore an uncanny resemblance to his sister. They had the same brown hair and eyes, though Victoria’s was more golden than her brother’s. Even the shape of their faces was similar.

  “Are you here for a meeting with Vic?” he asked.

  “As a matter of fact, I am.” Not that she knows it…

  “I’ll walk you up. I need to drop off some papers to Molly.” The men fell into step as they headed for the elevators. “Have you met Molly yet?”

  “No, I can’t say that I have.”

  “She is hot. I mean, really hot. I’ve been wanting to ask her out for the longest time.”

  Hunt stifled a grin. He could remember being only twenty-five and the biggest challenge of his life was asking out the right girl. He patted his pocket, feeling the lump of the box against his thigh. Come to think of it, he could relate right now.

  “So are you going to ask her out?”

  “Yep. Her favorite band is coming to town and I have tickets. How can she resist?”


  The doors opened with a soft whoosh and they stepped out onto the administrative level. Jimmy led him toward Victoria’s office. Her assistant looked up with a bright smile on her face that was quickly replaced with a look of confusion. She reached for her date book.

  “Hey, Kelley. Mr. Hunter has an appointment with Victoria and I’ll just walk him in,” Jimmy said cheerfully.

  “But… wait…” Kelley spluttered.

  Jimmy ignored her, opened Victoria’s door and just walked in. “Molly, fancy seeing you here.”

  “Jimmy, what do you-“

  Her voice trailed off as Hunt entered. He inhaled the scent of her perfume as his gaze drank him in. She sat at her desk, her hair confined in a neat twist and her suit jacket carelessly tossed over the back of her chair. Her startled expression quickly smoothed into a cool, professional façade. Next to her sat a perky blonde with a pair of glasses
perched on her nose.

  “Mr. Hunter, what an unexpected surprise.” She rose from her seat and started toward him.

  “Ms. Brittain.” Hunt took her hand and thwarted her attempt to shake by kissing her knuckles. The scent of lavender hand cream sent a shiver of arousal through his system. “You look beautiful this morning.”

  A soft flush colored her cheeks and she pulled her hand away. “Molly, if you could please excuse us. I need to meet with Mr. Hunter for a few minutes.”

  “Sure, Ms. Brittain.” The perky blonde popped to her feet and gathered her planner and cup of coffee. “I’ll be at my desk. Just call when you’re ready to continue.”

  Hunt didn’t miss her speculative glance as she left with an adoring Jimmy hot on her heels. He’d bet next week’s receipts that no one in their office had ever seen the dragon-lady blush before.

  “What can I do for you, Mr. Hunter?” Victoria sat at her desk and began pushing papers around. If he didn’t know better, he’d think she was nervous.

  “So tell me, Victoria. Are you wearing panties?” He sat on the edge of her desk, deliberately crowding her.

  She leaned back in her chair, whether to put some space between them or to enable her to meet his gaze, he wasn’t sure. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business now.”

  “You and I have unfinished business. No, we are unfinished business.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “You left before we could discuss our future.”

  “We have a business relationship-“


  She ignored him. “And we have to carry forward with it. If you wish, I can have your account transferred-“

  “How can you sit there as if nothing happened between us?” He grabbed her arm and hauled her out of her chair. Startled, she was thrown off balance and had to lean into him to remain upright. Her palm scorched his chest. “I had my face in your pussy, you had my cock in your mouth and you came apart in my arms so many times that I lost count. Don’t sit there and tell me you feel nothing for me.”


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