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Barking up the Wrong Bakery (Happy Tails Dog Walking Mysteries Book 1)

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by Stella St. Claire

  Her sister was anxious to take possession of the building so she could make the repairs herself.

  As Olivia expected, Janelle was in the office, sitting at the desk and staring at the computer screen. Olivia polished off the scone and leaned against the doorway. No one could ever mistake her and Janelle as anything but sisters. Janelle was taller and curvier, but they shared the same olive-toned skin and long, shapely legs. They’d both inherited their father’s brown eyes and their mother’s dark, thick hair. Where Olivia wore her hair long and usually pulled back in a ponytail, Janelle had cut hers in a short and stylish fashion.

  There was a time when the two girls had been glued at the hip. Although there was a three-year age difference between them, they had grown up as best friends. Janelle was everything Olivia wanted to be. She was talented, smart, chipper, and gorgeous. Her makeup was always impeccable, and Janelle made even jeans and a chef’s coat seem fashionable.

  After high school, things had changed. Olivia had realized that she wasn’t Janelle. Not even close. Janelle was perfect. She’d married her first boyfriend, and had a wonderful marriage and a successful business. She had a great relationship with both of their parents, and she was even close with their mom’s boyfriend.

  Olivia, on the other hand, butted heads with her mother and barely saw their father. Until Andrew came along, she changed boyfriends every few months, and she had better relationships with the dogs than the people in town. She was happy in yoga pants and t-shirts, and a good day for her was when she didn’t poke herself in the eye with the mascara wand.

  When she realized that she’d never be like her sister, something changed.

  She and Janelle still had lunch and talked, but something was different between them, and they both knew it.

  Neither one of them wanted to admit it.

  It was almost ironic that the perfect sister was the one who needed help, but Janelle thought she was doing Olivia a solid. She thought she was coming to Olivia’s rescue by offering her this great office space, and maybe that was what was bothering Olivia. Janelle couldn’t admit that she needed help from her imperfect little sister.

  “I had two dozen scones in the cooling rack. A lovely round number. When I display them in fifteen minutes, will I still have two dozen?â€� Janelle asked without looking up.

  Olivia smiled. “One of them looked a little burnt, and I know how you feel about your scones. Nothing less than perfection will do.â€�

  “We don’t burn anything in this bakery,â€� Janelle grumbled as she looked up, a dusting of flour in her hair and a sour look on her face. “I’m not having a great morning, Olivia. Yvette was supposed to come by and pick up baked goods an hour ago, but I haven’t seen her, and she isn’t answering her phone. She’s supposed to come by every morning to grab fresh goods. I won’t have her selling stale products. My name is on the boxes!â€�

  Olivia cringed. “Janelle …â€�

  “And this deal with the brownstone is making me anxious.â€�

  Cocking her head, Olivia studied her sister. Was this the break that she’d been looking for? “Are you having second thoughts?â€� she asked. “Because it’s okay if you want to spend more time thinking about this. This is a big decision.â€�

  “Second thoughts?â€� Janelle asked, obviously startled. “Of course I’m not having second thoughts. This is everything that I want. I’ve been renting for years, but I need to buy. I need to put down roots. I need my customers to know that Happy Endings is here to stay—and you need a home for your business. Franklin has made it clear that it’s now or never, so I can’t let this opportunity slip through my fingers—but every time I turn around, there’s more hoops to jump through. I still need your tax information from last year so I can take that to the bank. Think you can get the paperwork to me by tomorrow? I’m trying to get to the bank by Monday. The pipes are still creaking, and Franklin won’t look into it. I need to finalize the sale and get them fixed before they break and flood the place.â€�

  I need? Didn’t she mean we need?

  Olivia’s heart started to pound in her chest, and she cleared her throat. Tomorrow was too soon. Olivia wasn’t ready. “Janelle, Yvette is dead.â€�

  There was a moment of silence before Janelle pushed her chair back and stared at Olivia. “What?â€� she asked softly.

  “Andrew and I were out walking the dogs when I spotted her food truck. She was murdered sometime this morning.â€�

  “Murdered!â€� Janelle’s eyes widened. “What happened?â€�

  Olivia hesitated. She wasn’t sure how much she should discuss about the case when Nick hadn’t even processed the scene, but this was her sister. “I think someone drowned her in her coffee vat.â€�

  “That’s not possible,â€� Janelle said, shaking her head. “No one in this town is capable of that.â€�

  “She was on the floor and soaked in coffee.â€�

  “Soaking in coffee?â€� Her sister laughed. “Olivia, she probably just spilled coffee on herself. Maybe she had some medical issue that we didn’t know about. You’ve been reading too many mystery books!â€�

  Olivia rolled her eyes in annoyance. “You read those awful romance books! I don’t bring that up whenever you try to get involved with my love life!â€�

  Janelle ignored her. “It wasn’t like she’d let people get to know her. Yvette is—was a loner. You’d think someone who served caffeine for a living would have more pep in her step. She was always alone and a little surly.â€�

  “She dated Jacob for over a year. She was going to marry him,â€� Olivia protested. She wasn’t sure why she was coming to Yvette’s defense. The truth was, Yvette always did have an attitude.

  “She literally left him at the altar. Maybe if she’d married him and put down some roots, she would have been happier.â€�

  Olivia frowned. It wasn’t like Janelle to be so judgmental. “You don’t know that Yvette would have made a good wife for Jacob.â€�

  “Speaking of Jacob, we also need to sign the paperwork for Franklin,â€� Janelle said as she reached across her desk.

  Franklin was Jacob’s father, but it wasn’t the smoothest segue. Watching Janelle reach for the papers made Olivia panic just a little, and she quickly tried to distract her sister.

  “Well, Jacob seems very happy with Samantha, and I’m sure they’ll be getting married anytime now,â€� she babbled. “Do you and Patrick have plans tonight?â€�

  “No,â€� Janelle said with a frown before her eyes brightened. “But you do. What are you wearing tonight?â€�

  Happy that they weren’t talking about the building anymore, Olivia relaxed. “What am I wearing tonight? Why?â€�

  “Andrew is taking you to a fancy dinner. What are you wearing? I’ll be happy to loan you a dress.â€�

  Wait, what? Olivia narrowed her eyes. “How do you know about the dinner? Andrew just told me about it an hour ago.â€� Her suspicions were confirmed when Janelle’s eyes widened and she started tapping her fingers on the desk. Her sister was a horrible liar, and Olivia recognized the signs. Andrew had told Janelle about the dinner.

  “We were just talking last night, and he mentioned it,â€� Janelle said uneasily.

  Crossing her arms, Olivia cocked her head. “Except that Andrew was with me last night, so if he spoke to you, it was over the phone. Why would Andrew call you?â€�

  The tapping got louder. “He didn’t call me. I called him. I mean, I called you. I had a question for you, but Andrew picked up the phone and answered the question, so I
didn’t need to talk to you.�

  There were so many holes in that story that Olivia couldn’t even figure out which to point out first, but she felt bad for Janelle and let it go. It didn’t really matter. It just confirmed what she already knew. “I’ve got some clients to take care of tonight.â€�

  “I’ll walk them. You deserve a nice night with Andrew.â€�

  “You hate dogs.â€�

  “I don’t hate dogs.â€�

  “You hate walking the dogs.â€�

  “I don’t hate walking the dogs. Go have dinner with Andrew. He already made the reservations. Stop by the house and pick a dress before you go home today. Actually, don’t do that. You’ll pick something inappropriate. Take the green halter dress and pair it with the silver teardrop earrings. You’ll look amazing.â€�

  Olivia had opened her mouth to argue with Janelle when there was a knock at the door. She turned and was surprised to find the sheriff standing in the doorway. “Nick! Finished processing the scene already? What did you find?â€�

  He sighed. “Olivia, I asked you not to talk about it with anyone.â€�

  “It’s just Janelle, and I didn’t go in detail!â€� she protested.

  Nick looked resigned as he shook his head. “My deputies are still looking everything over.â€�

  “Did you look at the surveillance camera?â€�

  “I did,â€� he said quietly. “That’s why I’m here.â€�

  Not understanding, Olivia shook her head. “You need to talk with me about the camera? I promise that I didn’t touch or fiddle with it.â€�

  “No. I’m here to talk to your sister.â€�

  “Janelle?â€� Olivia turned her head and saw that her sister had gone pale. “Janelle, what’s going on? Why does Nick want to talk to you about Yvette’s surveillance camera?â€�

  “I saw Yvette this morning,â€� she said weakly, and stood up. “But I didn’t kill her.â€�

  Nick’s face remained impassive as he nodded his head. “I just need you to come to the station and answer a couple of questions.â€�

  Shocked, Olivia stared at her sister. Why hadn’t she said something when they were talking about Yvette? “Okay, well, I’m coming with you.â€�

  “No, it’s fine,â€� Janelle said, but her voice shook just a little, and as she took a step, she looked like she might fall over at any minute.

  “It’s not fine,â€� Olivia snapped. “I don’t know what’s going on, but you’re not going alone.â€�

  “Olivia, you can come to the station, but I can’t let you in the interrogation room,â€� Nick said softly. “Policy.â€�

  “Interrogation room?â€� Janelle repeated. “A couple of questions just turned into an interrogation. Do I need a lawyer?â€�

  “That’s up to you,â€� Nick said, even more quietly.

  Janelle reached out and squeezed Olivia’s hand.

  “It’s okay,â€� Olivia whispered. “You didn’t kill Yvette. We’re just going to go, and you’ll answer his questions, and it’ll be all over. If it gets intense, we’ll have Patrick get a lawyer. There’s nothing to worry about.â€�

  “Right.â€� Janelle nodded her head. “Nothing to worry about.â€�

  Privately, Olivia didn’t agree. Unless they could prove that Janelle wasn’t the last person to see Yvette alive, her sister was going to be in big trouble.


  In the chaos of accompanying Janelle to the sheriff’s station, Olivia had left her phone at Happy Endings. The interrogation had taken much longer than anticipated, and, not trusting Janelle to actually walk the dogs, Olivia did her final round early so she could have time to prepare for her dinner date. Of course, that didn’t stop Lily, the dachshund, from breaking free and chasing after a squirrel or Goodwin from tearing down the shower curtain while she was trying to shower and get ready. It wasn’t until she was on her way to Janelle’s to get the dress that she realized she was already fifteen minutes late to dinner.

  So she showed up at L’Amore dressed in yoga pants and a tank top that said If I’m running, please call the cops. Someone is chasing me. She could tell that the hostess, a young, buxom blonde in a ridiculously low-cut black dress, was about to turn her away, when Olivia saw Andrew and rushed past her with a hurried apology.

  The blonde was showing way too much cleavage to judge Olivia’s outfit, anyway.

  Andrew, on the other hand, looked better than good. Dressed in a gorgeous dark suit with a light blue shirt and the striped tie that she’d given him last month for his birthday, he absently swept his hand through his dark, shaggy hair, wearing the most patient expression while he popped something in his mouth.

  Twenty-five minutes late. She was twenty-five minutes late, she hadn’t been able to call him, and he was still patiently waiting for her while looking like the cover of GQ.

  He was perfect. It was almost unfair how perfect he was.

  When he raised his eyes, shock registered on his face, and she struggled for words. “I’m sorry. Andrew, I’m so sorry.â€�

  “I was starting to think that you stood me up,â€� he said slowly as he stood and kissed her cheek. “I was hoping to see you in a sexy dress, but it’s just like you to surprise me.â€�

  His calm was almost annoying. He should have been outraged! It was almost like he didn’t care. “I would never stand you up on purpose! I left my phone at Happy Endings when Nick picked Janelle up to question her, and then the dogs were running rampant, and I was on my way to Janelle’s to change because she said I could borrow a dress, probably to avoid a situation where I showed up wearing something highly inappropriate like what I have on, but I realized how late I was, and I am so sorry.â€� She took a deep breath and waited to see how he would react.

  He blinked and frowned. “I’m just glad that you’re here,â€� he said slowly, giving an obviously all-purpose response. She knew she’d spoken quickly … but then comprehension dawned on his face. “Wait—did you just say that Nick questioned Janelle?â€�

  Olivia opened her mouth to explain the horrible afternoon, and then she saw the champagne bucket next to the table. Her eyes went to the half-eaten stuffed mushrooms on the table, and her thoughts raced. Andrew rarely drank champagne. Did he think it would pair well with the mushrooms? Did he want a celebratory drink if she said yes to his proposal?

  When she said yes. Because of course she would say yes. Andrew Patterson was the perfect man, and for some unknown reason, he loved her. He was patient with her. He was handsome. He was smart and stable, and Lord, could that man kiss. Any woman would be lucky to marry him.

  She’d shown up twenty-five minutes late to the proposal. She was dressed in workout gear at a five-star French restaurant. She had ruined everything. Surely he wouldn’t propose now, would he?

  As her eyes swept the room, she realized that everyone was staring. Amidst the white tablecloths and long-stemmed candles, the classy dresses and tailored suits, she stood out like a sore thumb. Tugging nervously on her ponytail, she met their disapproving glares with a haughty expression. She didn’t owe them an explanation!

  “Olivia? You’re staring at the champagne bottle. Did you want me to pour you a glass?â€� he asked softly.

  Blinking, she raised her eyes and smiled weakly. “No! I wasn’t staring at the champagne. I was staring at …â€� Her voice trailed off when she saw the couple in the corner. “Jacob.â€�

  “Jacob?â€� Andrew turned his head, and Olivia grabbed his hand in ala

  “No! Don’t look,â€� she hissed.

  “If I wasn’t so comfortable in this relationship, I might be concerned that you’re staring at another man,â€� he teased. “Jacob and Yvette used to be engaged, right? She broke off the engagement.â€�

  Olivia shook her head and spoke in a hushed tone. “Sometimes I forget that you didn’t grow up here. Jacob and Samantha were high school sweethearts. They were together all through college, and when they broke up, the whole town was stunned. You should have heard the gossip. It was even more shocking when Jacob and Yvette started dating. We all thought she was just a rebound, but they were together for a whole year. He actually proposed, and it wasn’t because Yvette was pregnant. She didn’t just break off the engagement. She never showed up to the wedding. Yvette abandoned him at the altar. It was, like, the biggest scandal of the year. Of the decade!â€�

  “Ouch.â€� Andrew grimaced. “Poor guy.â€�

  “Yeah. It was rough, but he and Samantha got back together, and there doesn’t seem to be any bad blood. Jacob actually looks sad that Yvette is gone.â€�

  “That surprises you?â€� Andrew asked softly. “He asked her to marry him. He loved her, and he thought that he’d spend the rest of his life with her, and now she’s dead. Which brings me back to what Nick was doing with Janelle today.â€�

  Sitting across from Jacob, Samantha turned her head and glared at Olivia. In high school, they had never been close. Samantha was blonde and leggy, with perfect features and a ridiculously thick fringe of lashes framing her beautiful green eyes. She had been the popular cheerleader, and Olivia had been the equivalent of a band geek. Except that their high school was too small to have a marching band.

  Samantha had never been one to keep her displeasure to herself, and she continued to shoot Olivia dirty looks. Ashamed of being caught staring, Olivia averted her gaze and shook her head.


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