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Barking up the Wrong Bakery (Happy Tails Dog Walking Mysteries Book 1)

Page 18

by Stella St. Claire

  That Saturday, with no dogs to walk, Olivia leashed Goodwin and Fender and headed out to the dog park with Andrew. Once inside the gate, she unleashed the dogs so they could run free while she and Andrew strolled along the perimeter toward the white gazebo in the middle of the park.

  “I sort of envied Yvette,â€� Olivia admitted quietly.

  “God, why?â€�

  “She always seemed to have it so easy. Even when the scandal with Jacob broke out, she didn’t seem to care. She had her business, and that always seemed to be enough for her. Do you think she really loved him?â€�

  “I do,â€� Andrew said quietly. “You didn’t see the photos. She looked genuinely happy just to be with him. I think they probably could have made it work.â€�

  “She abandoned him at the altar. How do you get over that?â€� She shook her head in amazement.

  “Sometimes, you just have to adapt to be with the woman that you love,â€� Andrew explained. “Jacob wanted to spend the rest of his life with Yvette, and he realized that he had been going about it the wrong way. He didn’t have to marry her to have her, and he was willing to be happy with that.â€�

  Olivia looked up and studied his face. “You feel that way about me, don’t you?â€� she asked, with dismay in her voice. “You have to adapt to be with me.â€�

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing,â€� he said with a smile as he tucked a flyaway hair behind her ear. “Every relationship has its give-and-take. I do have to make some changes to be with you, but the reward is always worth it.â€�

  “You don’t want to change me? You asked me time and time again to stay away from the investigation.â€�

  “I knew when I told you to stay away from Yvette’s case that you probably weren’t going to, and I did see the effort that you made to try.â€�

  “But you weren’t even mad when I broke my promise,â€� she said sullenly. “You’re never mad.â€�

  “Actually, I was furious,â€� he admitted. “But more than furious, I was terrified. You can get so wrapped up in something that you don’t even see the world around you, and I didn’t want you to get hurt. But getting mad at you wasn’t going to solve anything. I don’t want to be the man who keeps you from doing what you want, Olivia. Even if I don’t think it’s a good idea. You did get hurt, but you also caught a killer who might have otherwise gotten away. All that I can hope to be is the man who helps you when things don’t go the way you planned.â€�

  It was probably the sweetest, most romantic, and most honest thing he’d ever said. Olivia turned to gaze at the gazebo while she tried to think of a response, but for the first time ever, her mind was completely blank. It was so obvious that Andrew was the perfect man for her, but she couldn’t help but wonder if she was the perfect woman for him.

  “Andrew, do you think of me as an investment?â€�

  “Excuse me?â€� he asked warily.

  “Like, do you put up with me because you’ve already put so much time and energy into me?â€�

  When he laughed in response, her eyes narrowed. Did he understand that her concern was serous?

  He shook his head, then sobered. “Olivia, is this what’s been bothering you? What on earth would make you think that?â€�

  “I know you’re blind to it, but half the female population in this town wants you, and I know what a pain I am. Sometimes I don’t understand why you put up with me.â€�

  “Sweetheart, I don’t put up with you at all. I love you, and I accept you exactly as you are. I stay with you because you make me happy. If this wasn’t working, I’d walk away. Don’t ever doubt that.â€�

  It was exactly what she wanted to hear, and every muscle in her body relaxed. For the first time in a long time, she actually felt content.

  They reached the gazebo, and she relaxed against one of the white columns and smiled as she watched the other dogs play.

  Something cold and wet pushed into her hand, and she absently scratched at Goodwin’s muzzle. He whined and pushed his whole body against her. Puzzled, Olivia looked down. “What’s wrong, buddy?â€�

  He wouldn’t stop moving, and she reached down to grab his collar and keep him still so she could figure out if he was injured. This was his time to romp and play, and it wasn’t like him to stay glued to her side. Kneeling down, she ran her fingers over his fur. “Andrew, I think something is wrong.â€�

  “Nothing is wrong, baby,â€� he said softly.

  Puzzled, she raised her gaze and stared at him. There was something unusual in his expression. She was about the demand that he help her when her hands ran under Goodwin’s neck. As she touched the strange object, her whole body went still.

  There was nothing wrong with Goodwin.

  Holding her breath, she turned the collar until the glint of the diamond hit the light.

  Oval cut with a platinum setting. Simple. Beautiful. Perfect.

  Laughing hoarsely, she stood. “I can’t even get Goodwin to learn to stay, but you somehow trained him to do this. How did you do it? Hand signal?â€�

  “A man never reveals his secrets,â€� he said from behind her.

  A thrill ran through her, and she closed her eyes. “Andrew.â€�

  “I found that ring when I was in high school,â€� Andrew said quietly.

  Olivia turned her head and saw that he was on one knee.

  “I didn’t tell anyone because I knew that ring would lead me to the woman that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. When I took the job at Lowell Hospital, I had given up. The woman that I thought I’d loved was gone, and I was in a new state where I didn’t know anyone. I couldn’t stand the thought of starting over again. The day that I met you, I had the ring in my pocket. I was going to sell it to Stanley, but Goodwin intervened. Being with you made my life complete, and I know that you know I’ve been trying to propose. I know that you’re panicked about the thought, and I know that you’ve been dodging this moment—but I am not Jacob, and you are not Yvette.â€�

  The world drifted away as she stared at him. Since the moment she’d suspected that he was about to propose, she’d imagined this moment. She’d had no idea how she’d feel, and even now, as he spoke, emotions warred inside her. Relief that the moment had finally come. Anticipation for what he would say next. Terror over how she would respond.

  “I know that I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you, and I know that I don’t need a marriage to do that, but I also know you. You’re terrified of commitment, but if you don’t take the dive, you’re always going to wonder about our future. You’ll second-guess why I didn’t ask you. You’ll wonder if we’re meant to be together if we’re not married. So, Olivia Rickard, I’m telling you that I love you, here and forever. I am promising you that no matter what, I will always be here for you, and I accept you exactly as you are. And I’m going to ask you that question that you’ve been dreading for weeks now, and hopefully, once I ask it, you’ll realize that you have nothing to fear.â€�

  Oh, God. This is it.

  “Will you marry me?â€�

  End of “Barking up the Wrong Bakeryâ€�


  PS: Book Two of Stella St. Claire’s, Happy Tails Dog Walker Mysteries, will be out June 2017. Win a free copy of Book 2 by signing up to her mailing list.

  Stay in Touch

  Stella lives and breathes cozy mysteries! With her head always buried inside these books, it’s no wonder that she would put pen to paper to bring her own cozy mysteries to life. The words fl
ew onto the page, and she’s already teeming with ideas for the next cozy mystery series.

  With her trusted canine by her side, it seemed only natural to be inspired by her beautiful beagle Doogle and the many hours they spent walking through scenic New England villages. When Stella’s not reading books, she’s off on road trips, exploring every nook and cranny in neighboring towns, seeking inspiration for her next book.

  She’s keen to see what her fellow cozy critics think of “Happy Tails Dog Walker Mysteries,â€� so please leave a review and share your thoughts on Stella’s Website, Facebook or Goodreads!

  Meet Doogle!

  I would like to thank you for purchasing this book. If you would like to hear more about what I am up to, or continue to hear about Olivia’s superb sleuthing—then please sign up for my mailing list!

  Most importantly, you will get the cutest Beagle around hitting your inbox every month. Doogle the Beagle is my awesome canine companion and not a line of cozy mystery goodness would get written without him.

  He’s quite a talker, so I’ll let him introduce himself…

  “I’m no Sherlock Bones, but when it comes to Cozies, I know my stuff. Every plot pawblem Stella has, she comes to me. She talks, i listen and before you can say Labracadabrador she’s off typing again. Stella and I are a pretty good team—even if i have to do all the hard work…â€�


  Super-healthy Pumpkin Pebbles

  This treat won’t just get your dog’s tail wagging, it’s also very good for them—filled with fiber, vitamin A, beta-carotene, potassium, and iron.


  •1/2 cup canned pumpkin

  •4 tablespoon molasses (dog-safe sweetener)

  •4 tablespoon water

  •2 tablespoon vegetable oil

  •2 cups whole wheat flour

  •¼ teaspoon baking soda

  •¼ teaspoon baking powder


  1.Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line cookie sheet with parchment paper, foil or a silicon mat.

  2.In a large bowl, mix the pumpkin, molasses, vegetable oil, and water together.

  3.Add the whole wheat flour, baking soda, and baking powder to the mixture and stir until dough softens

  4.Scoop out small spoonfuls of dough and roll into balls on your hands (wet hands work best)

  5.Set the balls onto a lightly greased cookie sheet and flatten with a fork

  6.Bake approximately 25 minutes until dough is hardened. Check treats after 15 minutes and 20 minutes to make sure they don’t get over cooked. Cooking time will depend on size and thickness of your dog treat.

  7.Store your homemade Pumpkin Pebbles in an airtight container and place them in the refrigerator or freezer. If frozen, allow the treat to thaw for 10 to 20 minutes prior to serving to your dog. Treats can last for up to 2 months in the refrigerator and 6 months in the freezer.


  The rain came down in sheets, splattering on the sidewalk and effectively clearing Main Street. A chill wrapped around Olivia Rickard as she huddled under the awning of her sister’s bakery. She stamped her feet, in search of elusive warmth. In her arms, a small, displeased pug wriggled and cried. Holding him closer, she tried to tuck him into the front of her light jacket in an attempt quiet him and warm him up. The poor old dog suffered from arthritis and hated being out in the cold, but his owner demanded that the dog be walked no matter the weather. As it was, Olivia ended up carrying him most of the time, which seemed equally bothersome to Clyde. There was simply no pleasing him.

  His nails scraped against her neck. “Ouch,” she muttered, pushing his foot away. “Would you stop?”

  Clyde grunted in answer, and Olivia promptly set him down on the wet pavement, just managing to avoid a puddle. The pug heaved a huge sigh and looked up at her through bulging eyes as though she’d betrayed him in some horrible way.

  “This is not my fault,” she insisted. “I’m just doing my job.”

  A movement caught Clyde’s attention, and he barked in sharp yaps as another figure came rushing toward them. “Really, Olivia! People are going to think that you’ve lost your mind if you start talking to the dogs in public,” Janelle said, juggling with her umbrella in her hurry to get her keys out. Dressed in jeans and a chef’s coat, Olivia’s older sister still managed to look gorgeous despite the horrible weather. Her makeup was artfully applied, highlighting her high cheekbones and smooth olive skin. A shimmery eyeliner brought out the gold flecks in her eyes, and soft pink glossed over her lips.

  Olivia felt a stab of jealousy—although it was her own fault. The two sisters looked remarkably similar; not identical, of course, as Olivia was taller and Janelle curvier. The older sister wore her thick, lush hair in a cute, flippy short style. Olivia kept her hair longer so she could easily pull it back in a ponytail. Although Olivia obsessively watched makeup tutorials on YouTube, she rarely bothered with the stuff, which was part of the reason why Janelle looked spectacular, and Olivia looked like a drowned rat.

  “You’d be yelling at the dog too if you had to deal with him. He’s like a grumpy old man,” Olivia insisted.

  Shaking out her umbrella, Janelle shouldered her large tote and unlocked the bakery. Clyde immediately scampered in, and Janelle gasped. “You can’t let him wander loose in there! He smells awful!”

  “You’re the one who wanted me to help you buy the brownstone so I could have an office above you,” Olivia pointed out. “I do walk dogs for a living.”

  “Well, they’re not allowed to run around down here. Take him upstairs while I make us some coffee,” Janelle ordered, surveying the darkened room with a frown. “Where is he, anyway?”

  “Clyde!” Olivia called, although she suspected that the old dog was following his nose. She had recently acquired an older dog of her own, a basset hound named Fender. Mayor Hutchinson had adopted him a couple of months ago, hoping to win the affections of Lady Celeste, the town’s psychic, and when that didn’t work, he had thrust the dog into Olivia’s care. The poor thing was so old that Olivia had suspected he wouldn’t make it more than a week, but it had turned out that Fender was much livelier than anyone might expect. While he feigned deafness and occasional blindness, he had no problems sniffing out food. He didn’t even seem to mind staying at home, warm and dry and sleeping, while Olivia walked other people’s dogs.

  Olivia suspected that Clyde was rooting around in the storage room, and as it turned out, she was right.

  “I don’t understand why I had to meet you so early,” she grumbled after snagging the grunting roly-poly pup. She carried him to the stairwell. “The sun is barely up.”

  “Maybe now that you know how early I have to get up to start baking, you’ll appreciate all the treats that you steal,” Janelle pointed out.

  Olivia started up the stairs, feeling for the first few shadowy steps until light flashed behind her, lighting the stairwell wall as her sister flipped the downstairs light switch. Even better, she heard the splashing sound of her sister pouring water into the well of the bakery’s coffee machine. Her sister’s voice called up to her, “Besides, you’re so busy with wedding planning, it’s hard to get you to stand still long enough to actually talk to you.”

  Content to be inside and warm, Clyde curled up in one of the many dog’s beds strewn about upstairs.

  Listening to Janelle’s ranting, faint as it was, drifting up through the stairwell, Olivia couldn’t help but glance down at the ring on her finger. For weeks, she’d dodged Andrew’s proposal because she’d been unsure if she was ready, but once the question was out, there was only one answer.


  “I would think that you’d be happy,” Olivia called, slamming the door to keep the dog in. She jogged down the stairs. Reaching the bottom, she lowered her voice to a conversational tone. “After all,
you were the one who went behind my back to team up with Andrew in his scheme to propose.”

  Janelle shot her a disapproving look. “Really, Olivia, you’re being ridiculous. It’s a proposal, not an act of treason. I just tried to help things along. You’re happy now, so what’s the big deal?”

  Olivia knew how difficult it was for Janelle to admit that she was wrong, but her big sister had wanted a romantic proposal for Olivia, and even though things hadn’t gone to her plan, the proposal had ended up being just perfect for Olivia. Strangely enough, now that Olivia was in planning mode, her sister never seemed to want to talk about the wedding. Frustrating. “I’m here now, so why don’t you just tell me what you need.”

  The smell of coffee filled the small bakery, and Olivia watched it brew with fierce concentration. She would agree to just about anything to get a cup. Her sister’s text to meet her this morning had been unwelcome, but she’d already been up—Since the wedding preparations had begun, Olivia hadn’t gotten much sleep.

  “Sign these. Right now,” Janelle said suddenly. Her voice had a sharp impatient edge that shook Olivia out of her stupor.

  Blinking, she turned her head and stared at her sister. “What?”

  “You’ve dragged your feet every step of the way during the buying process, Olivia, but the time for procrastinating is over. Now, Franklin has patched the roof and fixed the pipes. You have no other reason to stall, so we have to sign so we can start the closing process. Otherwise, in a week, Franklin can go with another bid.”

  “It’s not stalling,” Olivia argued. “It’s making a good decision when it comes to a huge purchase.â€� She eyed her sister narrowly. “Sometimes I think there isn’t a hesitant bone in your body. You decide that you want something, and you go right for it without considering all the options.” There had been a time she’d doubted her decision to buy the brownstone with Janelle. Her sister had rented this piece of prime real estate for a year to get her bakery up and running, and when the landlord had offered to sell it to her, she’d jumped at the chance. Unfortunately, Janelle didn’t have the money to buy it herself and assumed that Olivia would help.


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