A Forever Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 1)

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A Forever Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 1) Page 17

by Krista Lakes

  Alexander's room was done in shades of blue and orange, with sports equipment and several signed football jerseys decorating the walls. Alexander sat on the foot of his football themed bedspread with a deliriously happy look on his face as he stared at the wall with the jerseys of his heroes.

  Mia left him to find Grayson pretending to drive his race car bed around the room. The youngest boy's room was painted to look like a racing stadium. Painted crowds cheered as Grayson made engine noises and shifted a pillow gear shift.

  “You outdid yourself,” Mia told Carter as she came back to the common room. She couldn't believe how amazing this all was. Even the common room was made for comfort. There was a large leather couch and a big screen TV. “I can't believe you did all this.”

  Carter shrugged. “I was thinking about it the other day. I'm planning on having more foals, and the hay wasn't that comfortable,” he explained. “This way, they have a place to stay.”

  “Just for foaling?” Mia asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

  “Yeah.” He shrugged as if the complete home makeover was nothing more than getting a couple of extra pillows for the couches.

  She went to her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “I think those kids might be growing on you.”

  He chuckled. “Maybe a little.”

  With a smile, he took her hand and together they went to tuck the kids into bed for the evening. Although, given how excited they all were, Mia doubted they were ever going to go to sleep.

  Chapter 28


  Mia kissed Grayson's forehead as his eyelids fluttered shut in the dim light of his nightlight. Even his nightlight was race-car themed with the light coming out of a pair of headlights on the wall. She carefully closed the door and stepped into the common room. The other two were tucked in bed with books and heavy eyelids that didn't look like they were going to last long.

  Mia thought that the kids were going to stay up all night, enjoying their new rooms. It was the first time they'd each had their own room, let alone a room decorated to suit their preferences, and Mia has figured they'd be living it up.

  However, the events of the day had worn them out. It was a testament to how well Carter had crafted each room that the kids all fell asleep in less than thirty minutes once teeth were brushed and pajamas on. The kids felt like they were at home and fell asleep with ease.

  “Well, that was easier than I expected,” Carter announced as they slipped upstairs to the living room. “And they say parenting is hard.”

  Mia laughed. Then they both held their breath as they waited for one of the kids to prove them wrong. After a statement like that, it was practically inevitable that one of them would call up the stairs needing a glass of water or needing just one more hug.

  Nothing came, and slowly they let out their lungs.

  “No more jinxing things,” Mia whispered. She gave him a gentle punch to his arm.

  “How about a drink?” Carter offered.

  “I'd actually love a cup of cocoa,” Mia admitted. “Your machine makes the best I've ever had.”

  “The best you've ever had, huh?” Carter winked. “Do I need to pick up some pointers?”

  “Be made of melted chocolate?” Mia offered. “You're already hot.”

  Her compliment made him laugh as they walked to the kitchen. From there, Carter went to the cabinets and pulled out the cups and prepped the espresso machine with the cocoa pods. It hummed to life, frothing milk and heating the water.

  It wasn't long before Carter handed her a steaming mug of perfect hot chocolate. She took in a deep sniff and let out a ragged sigh of pleasure as she took a sip.

  “That's basically orgasmic,” she said, taking a deeper and longer sip.

  “Keep that up, and I'm going to get jealous,” Carter remarked. He was watching her drink with laughter in his eyes.

  “Jealous, huh?” Mia looked up at him and innocently batted her eyelashes before taking another sip. This time, she made a show of it. Closing her eyes, she drank deeply, then moaned low and ragged. Her back arched, pushing out her chest and she bit her lip before opening her eyes to look at Carter.

  Carter's pupils dilated, turning his eyes into deep pools of desire. Mia's core flashed hot, and it wasn't from drinking the cocoa. Lust fluttered in her stomach, quickly flying south and heating everything on the way.

  “And what are you going to do about it?” Mia asked, her voice going husky.

  Her temperature only increased as Carter stepped next to her, putting his lips next to her ear.

  “First, I'll take you away from the bad influences of this drink,” Carter whispered, tracing a finger down her shoulder. “Then, I'll take you upstairs and show you just what I've got that your little chocolate drink can't compete with.”

  Mia shivered. She set the mug down, her thoughts no longer on the chocolate.

  “Show me,” she whispered. The lust in his eyes made her breath come in short gasps.

  The corner of his mouth turned up in a cocky smile. He held out his hand for her to take. She stood up, the drink completely forgotten at this point. The only thing on her mind now was getting to a room with a door and a lock. The kids could get their own damn water.

  Together, they tiptoed past the basement stairs, straining their ears for any sound before hurrying up to the bedroom. Carter led with big, confident steps that were just fast enough to keep Mia from getting frustrated and running ahead of him.

  Once in the bedroom, Mia turned and shut the door, carefully locking it behind her. This was going to be way better than any chocolate drink.

  The two of them threw themselves at each other, kissing furiously. His hands were all over her, from her hair to her back to her sides to her ass, touching every part they could. The callouses on his hands from working with cars and horses caressed her, giving extra sensation to every touch.

  He grabbed her hips, pulling her into him with strong fingers. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, tangling fingers in his hair as they stumbled towards the bed. She giggled, feeling like they were sneaking off from their duties to make out. It made her feel like a naughty teenager, hiding from her parents.

  They paused at the edge of the mattress, giggling and panting. Carter put both his hands on her cheeks, his eyes soaking in the features of her face. She felt beautiful when he looked at her like that. From the look in his eyes, she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He kissed her again, proving his point.

  His hands went back down to her hips, and his fingers began to pull upward, bunching her silk shirt up and baring her skin. With every stroke of his finger against her hip, she felt shivers up her spine. His hands shifted to undo the button on her jeans. She reached down and wiggled out of them before he even had the chance to struggle with it.

  He licked his lips, looking over her with nothing but her shirt and panties on.

  “Still jealous of the hot chocolate?” Mia teased, making sure to give him the best angle to look at her.

  “I think I've got the chocolate beat,” he replied, his voice rough with desire. It heated Mia's blood.

  He kissed her again, spinning her around before pushing her onto the bed. Her body was on the edge of the bed with her knees bent and feet on the floor. Mia relaxed back, as he looked her over. He growled, low and appreciative before going to his knees before her. Mia tensed for a moment, then forced herself to relax as he positioned himself between her open knees. This was going to be good.

  His fingers hooked the edges of her underwear and pulled down, revealing her to him. He let out a low moan of desire, and she nearly came just from the sound. He wanted her, and only her.

  He leaned forward and kissed her where her legs joined. This time, it was Mia that let out the groan of desire. Carter didn't hesitate. He put his tongue to work, teasing her and pleasuring her with every lick.

  His fingers joined his mouth. He used them to discover every inch, every pleasurable inch of her body until she was undulating, her finger
s white-knuckling their grip on the bed. Her eyes closed, and she lost herself to his touch.

  “Definitely better than chocolate,” Mia gasped once she could breathe again. Carter looked up at her with a pleased smirk.

  “All chocolate, or just cocoa?” he asked, rocking back on his heels and watching her come down from her orgasm.

  “You might have to show me again,” Mia replied. “You've got cocoa beat, but all chocolate?”

  Carter chuckled and stood, putting his knees on either side of her hips on the bed. He still had his jeans and t-shirt on, but it was very obvious that he was enjoying this.

  “You have too many clothes on,” Mia complained, her hands going to his belt and jean button. He chuckled, taking off his shirt as she worked on freeing him from his pants. He stood up again, kicking his pants to the side and tossing his shirt to join them. All he was left wearing was a pair of boxers that were straining to contain him.

  “Now you've got too many clothes on,” Carter replied. He reached down and splayed his hands on her bare stomach, slowly moving them up and taking the shirt with them. She raised her head and arms, and he pulled the silk shirt from her, tossing it to join his clothing.

  “Now we're even,” she whispered, looking up at him. Good lord, did she want him. Every fiber of her being called out to have him within her. She needed him to be a part of her, to touch her and become one with her. She didn't want to wait, no matter how much fun waiting was.

  Carter ran his hand over the tips of her bra, making her nipples react under the soft satin. Mia quickly sat up and undid the bra, tossing it to join the rest of the clothing.

  “Now you're winning,” Carter whispered. He leaned down, taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking. His hand went to the other breast to give it attention too.

  “Hurry and catch up, then,” Mia replied, arching her back. Her words ended in a moan as he flicked his tongue against her nipple, sending a rush of pleasure down her spine. His hand let go of her breast, and he used it to wiggle free of his boxers. At last, they were both naked.

  The heat from his skin was heavenly. His chest pressed against her stomach, his mouth still working a nipple, and the body heat was better than a warm blanket.

  “Chocolate might be winning,” Mia whispered, reaching down and stroking his manhood. She didn't want to wait anymore. She wanted him now.

  He chuckled as let go of her breast, fisting a hand in her hair, he pulled her head back to kiss her. His hand gripped her hip to hold her right where he wanted her. “Is that so?” he whispered.

  His erection throbbed against her thigh, the heat of him coursing through her. His need mirrored her own, as she buried her nose into the curve of his shoulder. He smelled so good, the clean scent of hay and the outdoors filling her nose. How was it possible for a man to smell so damn good?

  “Mia,” he groaned, burying himself into her. The sudden completion made her gasp and writhe beneath him. How could she ever go back to being the way she was? How could she ever live without his touch again? She needed him in her like the desert needed the rain.

  She reached up, stretching to kiss him and bring her lips to his. He dipped his head, kissing her as he rolled his hips, filling her yet again and again. His hands went to hers, pinning them beside her head as he worked his hips in a languid loop, filling her over and over again.

  She lost her mind to the pleasure. He completed her so perfectly that she couldn't imagine ever feeling this incredible. Then he shifted his weight, going deeper inside of her, and she decided that was the most amazing feeling.

  Skin pressed to skin, their pace quickened. Frantic need began to overtake slow desire. Her body arched and writhed to meet him, wanting him to fill her ever deeper. His strength filled her, pushing her pleasure higher and higher with every thrust.

  What he had done with his tongue earlier had been spectacular. This blew that out of the water. She shattered completely, Carter's name on her lips as she ascended into ecstasy.

  This was so much more than just physical release. It was a merging of souls. Carter and Mia, they were meant to be together, and Mia could feel it with every atom of her being. They were made for one another.

  Carter groaned, his breaths coming quick and ragged. Her orgasm was fueling his, sending him up and over the top of pleasure. She reached up her hand to his cheek as she smiled.

  “Come for me, Carter,” she whispered. “I want you.”

  “Mia...” His body stilled, tensing and trembling as he lost all his senses. She loved the way his eyes dilated, the way that he held her to him like she was the most precious thing he had ever known. Even with his mind lost to pleasure, he was aware of her.

  Mia melted into him, absorbing everything about him. His heat filled her, and she whispered his name. She rocked her hips, taking every inch of him that she could. He gasped her name again, whispering it as he fell forward, covering her body with his own.

  She held him to her, her fingers tracing designs along his beautiful muscular back. His weight felt right against her, holding her to this earth and keeping her content. If he wasn't there, she was so happy she felt like she might float off like a helium balloon.

  Carter nuzzled her shoulder, giving her soft kisses and humming into her skin. She was deliriously happy for no other reason than she was with him. How was it possible for someone to make another person feel so complete?

  “How was that?” Carter asked, his voice muffled by her shoulder. She chuckled, still coming down off her orgasm.

  “Okay,” she said after a while. “You beat chocolate.”

  Chapter 29


  Mia walked down the aisles of the grocery store humming softly to herself. It was the first time in what felt like weeks that she'd had a moment to spend on herself and get to the grocery store. She was nearly out of food, but luckily, the only thing that sounded good lately was cereal, so she wasn't in too bad of shape. However, she'd run out of toothpaste this morning and was now at the store on her lunch break. She could deal with cereal for every meal, but she wanted to have nice breath when she kissed Carter.

  She wandered through the pharmacy, picking up some antacids. Her stomach had been a little queasy the night before, so she wanted to stock up. As she passed through the aisles, she came to the feminine hygiene aisle.

  The aisle was relatively unmarked, but there was a half empty stand of chocolate bars on the end-cap, so someone knew what they were doing. She chuckled to herself and tried to remember if she needed to pick up more supplies for herself. She did the mental math, trying to remember if she'd bought a new box of tampons last cycle, or the one before.

  She nearly dropped her basket of groceries as she realized she was well over two weeks late. She'd completely forgotten about it. While never exactly regular, she had only ever been this late in a cycle once in her life. It was when she'd miscarried and found out that she would never have kids.

  With worried hands, Mia grabbed the cheapest pregnancy test and tossed it in her basket. Suddenly, she didn't feel like wandering the aisles anymore, so she hurried to the self-checkout lane and quickly scanned everything. She tried not to blush as she scanned her pregnancy test, but no one was watching anyway.

  Outside the sun was shining, but it was colder than Mia expected. Mia shivered against the sudden temperature change. Winter was coming, but it was still Fall for now. She tried to make herself excited for Halloween and Pumpkin Spice lattes as she walked to her car, but the small blue and pink box in her bag had hold of her thoughts.

  The drive back to her office was uneventful, yet it seemed to take forever. She made it back with five minutes still left on her lunch. Even if she'd been hungry, the thought of taking the test was more powerful than the pull of food. She ducked into the employee bathroom and went to her favorite stall.

  She sent a silent thank you up to the heavens that the bathroom was empty as she opened the box and pulled out the plastic stick. She followed the instructions, her heart in
her throat as she finished and set it down to dry.

  She leaned against the stall door, feeling a little silly. It was probably nothing. The doctor told her that she would never get pregnant. She probably just wasted a nice latte's worth of money on a test she didn't need. Her body probably just skipped a cycle due to stress or something.

  The timer on her phone went off indicating that it was time to check the results. Her hands shook slightly, and she tried to ignore her nerves. She picked up the box and reread the directions just to make sure she was doing this right: two lines meant she was pregnant and one meant she was just being silly.

  She set down the box and picked up the pee stick. Two pink lines filled the square. Mia blinked twice and re-checked the box. She reread it three more times, comparing the picture on the box to the test just to make sure. She wished she'd splurged and gotten the one that spelled out clearly “YOU'RE PREGNANT” instead of the cheap one that just had lines.

  Two lines meant pregnant. She stared at those two lines for a moment, unsure if she was excited, scared, upset, or worried. Probably all of the above, she decided.

  There was a chance that it was a false positive. The doctors had told her that she would never conceive, yet here was a positive test. She didn't want to hope if it wasn't true.

  She picked up her phone and quickly dialed her OBGYN. Upon explaining her situation and history, she was able to get an emergency appointment later that day. Her boss would be okay with letting her out a little early, especially if it was for a doctor's appointment. Given how much the fundraiser had raised, her boss was willing to let her do just about anything.

  With shaking hands, Mia put the test in the box and put that in her purse. She felt a little weird saving something she'd peed on, but she wasn't sure if the doctor would want to see it, so she was keeping it. Besides, it was the only thing that told her this was real.

  Mia let out a long breath and tried to figure out how she was going to get any work done until her appointment.


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