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Orange Blossom Brides

Page 22

by Tara Randel

  They stood together for a drawn-out moment. Lilli was pretty sure she had her answer. She tried to read the emotion in his eyes, but he pulled his sunglasses from his shirt pocket and slipped them on.

  “When are you decorating?” he asked.

  Grateful for the change of topic, she said, “Thursday and Friday.”

  He nodded. “I’ll bring the rest of Gram’s things then.”


  “I need to catch up on some work, so I’ll see you later.”

  With that, he turned on his heel. Lilli watched him walk to his truck, wondering how she could possibly fall for another man who could so easily walk away from her.

  * * ** * *

  THE WEEK FLEW BY, filled with finishing projects at work and last-minute preparations for the fund-raiser. Despite Jim’s offer, she ended up working all day Wednesday and most of Thursday on the new account, cutting into her benefit scheduling. Late Thursday afternoon, Lilli finally headed up the sidewalk to the club, ready to decorate the event room. She stopped short before entering the building, surprised to find Max lounging by the door and Bart hovering nearby. Her eyebrows rose in a silent question. He tilted his head toward the building. “I thought you might be uncomfortable, you know, with the memories.”

  His concern touched her. She wanted to lean on him and let him be there for her, but she couldn’t help wondering about the days, weeks and months from now when he’d be traveling. He wouldn’t be there for her then. The lonely feeling that had subsided since Max had come into her life threatened to rear its ugly head again, but she firmly tamped it down.

  “Thank you, Max, but it’s just a room. I’ll be fine.”

  He opened the door and she stepped inside, nervously smoothing the well-worn jeans she’d thrown on along with a fitted scarlet cotton shirt and sandals. With everything on her plate today, she’d dressed for comfort to set up the room for the charity event.

  “What’s up with Bart?” she asked as they crossed the lobby.

  “This is his first official on-site assignment since becoming my intern. I have the meeting with Rawlings tonight, so I’ve asked Bart to stay with you ladies while you decorate. He’ll be working Saturday night, as well, and I want the volunteers to feel comfortable around him.”

  “You’re serious about this internship.”

  “Turns out he’s a natural. He’s a pro at installing equipment and he brought in three new customers this week alone.”

  “Wow. Your business is officially taking off.” She tried to smile but didn’t think she managed it.

  “If tonight goes well.” He held up his hand with two crossed fingers. “While I’m gone, don’t let Bart get in the way.”

  “I’ll make sure he’s put to good use.”

  “On that note, I’ll be leaving shortly.”

  “Smart man. I’d keep you busy if you were staying.”

  “I have no doubt.”

  They reached their destination and Max held the door open for her. Like the other day, when she looked in, she found the event room fairly empty. Max flipped a switch and the chandeliers glowed. He continued to the wall of windows, stopping to take in the view.

  Lilli roamed the room and realized memories of the rehearsal dinner didn’t dominate her. She could actually breathe, and as she calmed, visions of how the room would be arranged for the benefit took precedence. Celeste had worked hard for years and had gained a stellar reputation in the community. Lilli wouldn’t let memories of old disappointments ruin the work her mother had started or the event Lilli had promised to finish. Not even with thoughts of Max’s departure on her mind.

  She didn’t need Max to fill her life. She’d done just fine by herself, so far. If he needed to travel for his job, well, she’d do what she’d always done: keep busy at work. Despite her reservations, she’d enjoyed working with the historical society. Maybe she could volunteer for more organizations. Before long, she wouldn’t even notice Max’s absence.


  She stopped at the one table in the room, placing her list, along with the room layout, on the surface. Max walked over and stood close behind her as he peered over her shoulder. She tried to move aside to create some space between them, but he leaned in to read.

  “You’ve planned this out.”

  “You know I’m nothing if not efficient.”

  He chuckled. His breath tickled her neck. She tried to control a shiver, but failed. Not good. Not good at all. Clearing her throat, she eased past him and walked to the middle of the room. Someone needed to keep this thing between them strictly business because any chance of developing a real relationship was going right out the door if this new client hired Max.

  “Klaus had the runway put down this morning. The stage will be set up in front of the windows. I plan to keep the drapes open so the golf course view is the backdrop.” She spread her arms, pointing toward the walls. “The dinner tables will be clustered on either side of the runway. Along the back wall is the silent auction table.” She glanced at her watch. “Jewel should be here any minute to get started. Seems she’s a closet wedding planner. This is her big debut.”

  “That explains Bart wanting to stay out front.” Max scanned the room. “She’s got her work cut out for her.”

  “She’s very good.”

  “So are you.”

  She shrugged, but enjoyed his praise. She had worked hard and looked forward to the results. “This coordinating gig is a onetime deal. Then I can concentrate on my real job, which my boss will be happy about.”

  “C’mon, you can’t tell me you aren’t having fun.”

  He grinned and stepped closer. Her heart squeezed tight and she had to admit, “Maybe a little. It’s been a definite learning experience. But I’m glad to do this for my mother.”

  His eyes turned from teasing to serious. Even in this huge room, the walls closed in around them. If he stood any closer she might stand on tiptoes and give him a much-needed kiss. Needed by her.

  “I’ve got to get to my appointment.”

  The appointment that could take him away from her. “Good luck. Thanks for stopping by.” She nodded toward the door where Jewel and Bart came in. “And bringing reinforcements.” She glanced back at him, not wanting to say goodbye, not wanting to seem needy.

  His eyes grew dark. “Sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine. Go meet your client.”

  “Gram wants to help with the decorating, so I’ll bring her tomorrow night.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  For all his talk about a meeting, he didn’t move. Could she be as important to him as the new job? Edgy now, she pushed her hair behind her ear. Max’s hand joined hers and she froze at his touch. The longing in his eyes mirrored hers.

  Her face flamed hot. Could he read her expression? She hoped not. This wasn’t the time or place to reveal how she felt. Just as he started to say something, Jewel breezed over to them.

  “Okay, the real boss is here.” She noticed Lilli’s flushed face. “Oops. I can come back.”

  Max held up his hand. “You have a busy night ahead of you. I’ll get out of your way.”

  Watching Max walk out the door with a final wave, Lilli heard her cell phone ring. Rushing to her tote bag, she pulled it out, barely saying hello before Celeste cried in her overly dramatic tone. “Dreadful news, Lillian! I can’t get a flight home in time for the fund-raiser.”

  “Oh, Mom, this benefit was all your idea. We need you here.”

  “And I want to be there, but I might have waited a tad too long to book the return flight.”

  “Can’t Dad do anything?”

  Celeste’s voice sounded funny. “He’s renting a car as we speak.”

  “Dad is still with you?”

  Her mother paused. “I
have some things to tell you, Lilli. About your father and me.”

  Celeste sighed, quiet for a moment.


  “I should have reasoned this out better.”


  “Nothing, dear. I just hope I’m not too late.”

  There was more to what her mother was saying, but Lilli decided not to pressure her. “Is there anything I can do from here?”

  “No, dear. You’ve done a wonderful job. I appreciate you stepping in for me. In the meantime, tell me how things are progressing.”

  She spent the next ten minutes bringing Celeste up to speed.

  “Sounds wonderful. You’ve made me proud.”

  Lilli’s chest tightened at her mother’s words of praise. “Call me when you get into town, Mom.”

  “Yes, dear.”

  Lilli closed her cell, wondering what was up with her parents. Celeste had always schemed to get her ex-husband’s attention, but this time she sounded different.

  “Stop staring into space and get busy,” Jewel called out, shaking her reverie.

  With Bart’s help they dragged the tables and chairs into place. Lillie was thankful the wood flooring for the runway had been laid down so she didn’t have to wrestle with it.

  Before long, Jewel dug into the big box with all the decorations, pulling out yards of tulle and fabric.

  “Now it’s time to get serious.”

  They worked steadily, getting the room set up. The hours passed and the majority of the decorating had been completed. The chairs were draped with tulle and ivory table linens set in place. Candles in Wedgwood blue and pure white adorned each table with the printed schedule of events placed at each setting.

  A table was set up to hold the three-tiered wedding cake Celeste had ordered months ago. On the opposite side of the room, tables lined the long wall for all the various silent auction donations and sign-up sheets. The display of designer gowns would be strategically placed nearby. Inside the main door a special table provided information about the Cypress Pointe Historical Society, and another table showcased Laverne’s special wedding mementos for the night. Lilli couldn’t wait to see what Max’s grandmother had in store for them.

  The florist would deliver the fresh arrangements of white peonies and blue hydrangea on Saturday morning while the volunteer brides and grooms had the final run-through for the fashion show, all culminating with Tie the Knot festivities Saturday night. Come Sunday morning, Lilli planned on hitting the beach to relax, letting the warm rays of the sun work the kinks out of her body. After that, back to the new accounts and promotion. Her work plans were coming together, even if a relationship with Max was not.

  Lilli and Jewel gathered their belongings and, with Bart in tow, headed to the door. She switched off the lights before leaving and walked with her friends to the club exit.

  “You need to rest up,” Lilli told Jewel. “Starting tomorrow, things will officially become crazy.”

  “Are you nervous?” Jewel asked.

  “No. Not with all your help.” Lilli hugged her friend. She nodded to Bart. “You, too.”

  He grinned. “Thanks.”

  As Lilli drove home, Max never left her mind. Who knew where things would go with them after this weekend? Would they run into each other in town, politely greeting each other before hurrying off in different directions? Would he even be in town? Or would they pursue their mutual attraction? And if they didn’t? She refused to think that far ahead.

  * * ** * *

  FRIDAY WAS A BLUR of activity and Lilli found herself back at the country club that evening. She placed her purse and tote bag in the corner of the room with the rest of the volunteers’ belongings, ready to dive into the final preparations. The committee women were all accounted for, setting out the items for the silent auction.

  Excited chatter filled the room and Lilli found herself getting into the spirit. The Vandermere women behaved, but Lilli figured that had more to do with Marisa’s fiancé hanging around. The lone male in the room, Chandler stood off to the side, watching the women work. Before long, Lilli lost sight of him.

  She hadn’t heard from Max all day and her nerves were ragged. How had his appointment gone last night?

  At seven, Laverne Sanders walked into the room followed by Max, who carried a large box. All eyes went to him. Mrs. Rumpold dropped what she was doing to scurry over.

  “Do you need help?”

  Max looked over the shorter woman’s head, his amused gaze meeting Lilli’s. “No. I’m good.”

  Mrs. R. sighed. Loudly.

  Lilli wanted to run over and grill him about his appointment, but if his good mood was any indicator, he’d landed the job. “Laverne. Max.” Lilli waved him to a table covered in cream satin. “Bring that over here.”

  “Gram’s things,” he told her, setting the box on the floor.

  “Figured.” Lilli took Laverne’s hand in hers. “I’m so glad you came by tonight. I’d like your input.”

  Laverne took in the activity in the room. “Seems like you have everything under control.”

  “I can always use extra ideas.”

  “Gram’s dress is out in the truck,” Max told them. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Could the suspense make her any crazier?

  While he went outside, Lilli and Laverne unpacked the framed photos. Each photo still tugged at her heart. Next she pulled out the letters and the story Laverne had written, already framed.

  “You didn’t have to go to all this trouble,” Lilli told her.

  “I found myself enjoying the process. I want to keep all the letters framed like this as my special keepsake.”

  Max walked in carrying a dress form draped with a beautiful white lace dress.

  “Just set it down there,” Lilli instructed. “I’m not sure where that will go, but we’ll move it when we’re ready.”

  He nodded and pulled Lilli aside. “I have to meet Klaus for a final walk-through.”

  She couldn’t take it any longer. “So? How did your meeting go?”

  “You’re looking at the new security firm for Rawlings National. Right after the fashion show, I’m headed to L.A. to get up to speed.”

  “Wow. After the fashion show.”

  “Flying out Sunday. Don’t worry, I talked to the chief about security for the gowns and jewelry until my friend from Atlanta gets here. I won’t leave you stranded.”

  Oh, but he already had.

  “Gotta run.”

  While her heart sank, he grinned at her before striding out the door.

  “Did he have to leave already?” Mrs. Rumpold asked.

  “Hmm. What?”

  “Is Max leaving?” Mrs. R. repeated.

  “I’m afraid so.”


  “Not tonight. He’ll finish up with Tie the Knot first.”

  Mrs. R. sent her a funny look.

  “It’s a long story.”

  Lilli went back to helping Laverne, keeping herself busy so as not to think about Max’s good fortune and her loss.

  Soon they had the frames displayed at various positions. Once finished, she walked the room, coming to stand before the display case that would house the Wingate collection. She jumped when she felt a strong hand on her shoulder.

  “Lilli, I need to talk to you.”

  She swung around to face Max, noting the serious expression on his face. “Now? We’re still decorating.”

  He clasped her upper arm and led her out of the room. “It’s important.”

  “What is it? And why are you manhandling me?”

  He stopped a few feet away from the main door, his gaze dark and troubled. Her stomach dropped.

  “Oh, no. Don’t tell me something happe
ned to the dresses after I promised Gabrielle I’d keep a better eye on them.”

  “It’s not the dresses, Lilli. It’s the jewelry collection. Some of the pieces are missing.”


  “MISSING?” LILLI SPUTTERED, her heart skipping a beat. But they were in the safe....

  He ran a hand through his already disheveled hair. “When I got to Klaus’s office he was in a panic. He’d taken the collection from the club safe to temporarily place it in the display case tonight, so we could finalize the security detail. An hour ago he got a call about a club member with a medical emergency. He left the box with Tom to lock in the safe until he came back. Later, when he went to bring the box here, he noticed the ring and bracelet were gone.”

  Suddenly her world got dark and stars flickered before her eyes. Taking a couple of deep breaths, she tried to pull herself together. “But how could that happen?”

  “C’mere.” Max led her to an upholstered bench along the wall. She dropped down, just as her knees gave way beneath her.

  “Why didn’t he call you to look after the collection instead of Tom?”

  Max’s expression grew dark. “My question exactly.”

  “Did you call the chief?”

  “Not until I’ve determined the pieces are not on the premises. If I hit a dead end, I’ll call him.”

  The serious expression on Max’s face made her realize that as much as the jewelry going missing was a huge scandal for her, it meant a logistical headache for Max.

  “Now what?”

  “I find Tom and get an explanation.”

  Lilli jumped up. “Let me go with you.”

  Using his body, Max blocked her response from the loose-lipped ladies who had come out to the hallway to see why Max had dragged her away. “You can’t. I’m hoping to straighten this out as quickly as possible. For now, act normal.”


  “Just go back and keep everyone busy.”

  He strode away, his expression taut. Lilli couldn’t help but think he vibrated like a volcano ready to blow. How could this have happened? Trying to cover her concern, Lilli went back to the event room. She encouraged the ladies to keep going and watched them chatting, laughing and working together. What would they think when they heard the news?


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