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Mark Of The B*E*A*S*T*

Page 4

by Rebecca Goings

  Robyn's breaths came in short pants and she took another step closer. “I want to. I want to know everything about you. I want to know what drove you to find me on your own. I want to know...what we shared."

  He stared at his feet, seeming to concentrate on staying calm after she'd spoken. But his scent was now spicy. His passion had returned.

  "I may remember Jet's face, but I remember your scent. And it makes me wonder if..."

  "If what?” he prompted, lifting his gaze just enough to peer at her through his lashes. That look made her forget to breathe. It reached into her chest and took hold of her heart.

  "If I'd remember more by kissing you again. If I knew what you tasted like, it might trigger something else. I want to remember you, Mackenzie. More than anything."

  Within two strides, he came right up to her, invading her personal space. He grasped her shoulders with his strong hands. “I can't kiss you."

  He might as well have slapped her. Robyn tried to step back, to put some distance between them, but he held her fast.

  "Listen to me.” His voice was quiet and smooth, almost like velvet caressing her skin. “If I kiss you, I won't be able to stop myself. If I kiss you, I'll touch you. If I touch you, I'll make love to you. On this patio, in that pool, on the stairs, in my bed..."

  Robyn's nipples responded almost painfully, hardening

  beneath her robe. The terrycloth chafed her while her legs trembled under the weight of his gaze. The man was electrifying, burning her to a crisp with the heat of his words.

  "I've been waiting far too long to find you just to stop at a kiss. You might not remember that time in the truck, but I do. I remember how you taunted me, goaded me to touch you until I couldn't stand it anymore. And the way you pressed into me, wanting full contact, demanding it... It's all that's sustained me these months. I knew when I found you, we'd be able to finish what we'd started.

  "But Christ, Robyn, you don't remember any of it! You remember Jet of all people. It's like starting over. I can't pick up where we left off. Not anymore. I'm a stranger to you. Knowing we have a history probably intrigues you, but you're not ready for any of it. Maybe you never will be. And I've got to come to terms with that. I've got to—"

  Without thinking about her actions, she stood on her tip-toes and kissed him, fully on the mouth. Mac yelped in protest and pulled away, but her fingers were locked in his hair. His warm breath puffed on her face and she breathed it in, desperate to get as close as she could.

  She flinched as his eyes shot daggers at her, flashing gold in the night, but he didn't push her away. His fingers dived into her hair and held on tight, before yanking her mouth back to his.

  Nothing was gentle about him. All his pent-up rage, expectation, and disappointment was in that kiss, as his tongue opened her mouth to taste him. He was in full command, delving, groaning, forcing her to keep up with his heady onslaught.

  And she did.

  His lips were firm, moving against hers with the force of his passion, bruising her mouth, yet exciting her more than she ever thought possible. His tongue battled with hers, prompting her to open even wider for him.

  Mac's flavor was rich, a strong, potent tang she couldn't get enough of. It stirred her thoughts, lighting a flame of remembrance that hadn't been there before. She'd kissed him wantonly, just like this, once before. She'd be willing to lay money down on it. The way he cradled her head was so familiar, but it was like trying to recall something

  through a wall of fog.

  The slide of his palm caressed her bare waist, and somewhere in her befuddled brain, she realized he'd opened her robe. His touch sizzled on her skin and sent sparks of desire shooting all throughout her body. She ripped her mouth away only to draw breath. His hand curled to the small of her back, pressing her closer into his body.

  "Why did you do that?” he growled roughly as he bit his way down her neck.

  "I needed to know.” Her voice wavered.

  Robyn shivered when his hand slid lower, cupping her bottom.

  "You're playing with fire, little girl."

  Her fingers threaded through his hair in an effort to keep herself upright. Despite the warm night air, she was cold and Mac was her only source of heat.

  "I remember the taste of you,” she whispered in his ear.

  He leaned his forehead on her shoulder and took a deep, shuddering breath. “Robyn...” His voice sounded tortured. “My God. I need to stay away from you."

  Her arms tightened around his neck. “Don't you dare. You're all I know."

  "That's not true,” he said with a forlorn chuckle. “You know Jet."

  When he lifted his eyes to hers, they were red-rimmed. Robyn's heart hitched in her chest with the knowledge that Mac's own heart was breaking right before her eyes.

  "But he doesn't get my motor running."

  Mac grinned. “That's good, sweetheart. Otherwise I'd have to kick his ass."

  "Mmm, so subtle about claiming your territory."

  He shook his head. “I have no claim on you."

  "You're a liar. A very bad liar."

  "Just because I want you in my bed doesn't make you mine."

  "You're telling me if I decided to run away with Jet you wouldn't stop me?"

  He released his breath in a long sigh, but didn't answer her. In fact, his arms tightened, as if to ensure she

  couldn't get away from him.

  She continued. “If I told you to go to hell would you step aside and let me go?"

  "First of all,” Mac whispered ominiously. “Jet wouldn't have the use of his legs in order to run away with you. And secondly, I've already got my bus pass to hell, so if you can fight your way out of my arms, I'd let you go."

  Robyn grinned. He might not be willing to call her his mate, but he acted like she was already. “Then I'm not going anywhere. I quite like it right where I am."

  Mac looked relieved. With a quick kiss to her forehead, he hugged her. “You'd best be careful, Ms. Groves. I won't let you change your mind."

  "You came for me,” she breathed. “You care for me. Mackenzie, I'm not going to change my mind."

  She knew he was fighting with himself not to make love to her. The muscles of his chest tensed and his roving hand had stilled. He didn't want to push her into sleeping with him, but her words weren't making things any easier. Robyn couldn't help it. Right now, Mac needed her honesty. After being mind-wiped and experimented upon by B*E*A*S*T*, she couldn't bring herself to tell him any half-truths.

  She'd thought Dylan was her mate. But in only one day, Mac had shoved his way into her life and taken root in her heart. She knew him before she knew him. It hurt her head to think about, but she'd found her kindred spirit.

  After a few quiet moments holding him, she said, “I'm so tired. Is there somewhere I can sleep?"

  She wanted nothing more than to sleep in his arms, but he'd probably deny her on the pretense of being a gentleman. But if that kiss he gave her was any indication, he was no gentleman.

  "You'll be sleeping in my room.” It wasn't a request. “I have a master bedroom with a private bath. It's for us. But don't worry, I'll be sleeping on the floor.” He must have smelled her surprise. She'd assumed he wouldn't want her anywhere near him after what he'd admitted a few minutes ago.

  Robyn nodded and pulled out of his embrace reluctantly. With slow hands, she retied the belt on her robe.

  This time, Mac didn't turn away.

  When she was finished, he offered her his hand, which she took gladly after she scooped up her clothes. He led her back through the house, ignoring the others, making haste as he climbed the stairs.

  Once they were in his room, he closed the door behind them, then turned and locked the door.

  "Afraid I'll run away?” she teased.

  "No,” he said with a grin. “Don't want to be disturbed. I'm dead tired. I'm assuming you are as well?"

  Robyn yawned, confirming his words. “I don't have anything to sleep in.” She loo
ked down at her robe.

  "Sleep in the buff. It's what I do."

  Her stomach leapt into her throat when he winked at her and began laying blankets on the floor at the foot of the bed. Great. Now images of his naked body were going to haunt her for the rest of the night.

  Yanking on the belt of her robe, she decided to haunt him as well. She let the garment fall to the floor before peeling back the covers of the bed. When she crawled in, she chanced a glance at Mac, who was now standing stock still with his mouth wide open.

  "You are an evil woman."

  She gave him a wink of her own and turned off the lamp on the bedside table.

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  A scream pierced the air, howling all around her. Robyn didn't know where it came from, until she realized she was the one screaming. Her face was wet and her heart raced with panic, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't keep from wailing.

  Suddenly, someone was there, holding her, pressing her into his warm chest and breathing gentle words into her ear.


  Robyn grabbed hold of him, trying to get closer, and reveling in the haven of his arms. She climbed onto his lap and held on tight, sobbing into his shoulder. Her entire body shook from head to toe as she curled into a ball, terrified her nightmares would come true. Again.

  "Shh,” he uttered, stroking her hair. “I've got you, Robyn. It was just a dream."

  A pounding on the bedroom door made her jump in Mac's embrace.

  "Everything okay in there? I heard Robyn scream."

  It was Jet. Mac growled and pulled her closer. “Go back to bed. I've got it covered."

  It was a few moments before she heard Jet's footsteps fade down the hall. The sky outside the window was purple, a sign that dawn wasn't too far behind. But Robyn wasn't sure if she'd be able to get any more sleep.

  Mac kissed her temple but didn't say a word.

  "I haven't slept as a human since they rebelled."

  "Who?” he asked.

  "The others. The shifters who attacked the compound.

  Since I've been free, I've lived in the Everglades as an owl. I don't dream as an owl."

  He remained silent so she continued.

  "I actually don't remember the last time I slept as a human at all. When I was in my cage, I was shifted. And...with Dylan."

  "You're with me now.” His voice was soft, yet she didn't miss his tone. He was territorial, all right, whether the man wanted to admit it or not.

  Her fingers traced circles on his chest, playing in his coarse hair. His heart pounded beneath her hand and she pressed her palm against him to feel it.

  "You're warm. I'm always so cold."

  "Then come here.” Mac pulled the covers back and laid her next to him. Once the blanket covered them both, he drew her back into his arms and held her. Robyn tucked her elbows into his belly, shivering at the cold sheets. He was just as naked as she was, but she tried hard to ignore it. Right now, all she wanted to do was melt into his warmth.

  "Feel better?” he asked.

  She nodded, too afraid to look into his eyes. Images of her dream still fluttered in her mind. He'd be able to see her fear. He could probably still smell it.

  "Want to talk about it?"

  She took a few shuddering breaths. Her dream had been so vivid, so real, it had almost been like she'd been back at B*E*A*S*T* and strapped to the examining table. “I—I think I remember when they mind-wiped me. There was so much pain. I couldn't close my eyes—they were held open. I don't know by what. And I was trying so hard to break free. I couldn't shift. I was helpless. But..."

  "What?” he asked, his voice husky with emotion.

  Robyn sat up and gazed into his eyes with a look of amazement. “I know what my last thought was. Before everything was gone."

  Mac cupped her cheek, his scent despondent. “Tell me."

  "You! Mackenzie, I was crying out for you. Oh, God!"

  A torrent of tears followed her words. It was hard to draw breath when he crushed her to his chest.

  "Jesus, Robyn, I'm so sorry. I wasn't there for you, I

  didn't save you."

  He buried his face in her neck and wept right along with her.

  She had no idea how long they cried together, but she wouldn't have pulled away from him for the world. As much as he needed her, she needed him as well. The memory from her nightmare bonded her closer to him. Everything he'd claimed had been the truth. Robyn had felt every terrifying moment of her dream. The panic, the hopelessness, and the relationship she'd once had with Mac not too long ago.

  "You can't blame yourself,” she whispered, attempting to calm him by running her palms over his neck and shoulders.

  "Like hell I can't,” he moaned, tucking her hair behind her ear. “If I'd given in to you, if I hadn't been such a coward in the first place, I would have been in your bed at that hotel. Lucian still would have escaped, but he wouldn't have taken you. And...and..."

  His eyes filled with tears. She sniffled herself, feeling her eyes burn as well.

  "And I would have saved us both from two months of hell."

  "You couldn't possibly have known. I know you're frustrated and pissed off. I would be too. But we're together now. Doesn't that count for something?"

  He gave her a bitter chuckle and angrily wiped his eyes. “You have no idea how thankful I am that you're here, naked in bed with me. But this will never be what it could have been."

  Robyn tried hard not to take his words personally. “No, it won't be,” she said. “But that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's something new. We have to accept that. I care for who I used to be. But now, this is who I am, Mackenzie. I don't know if I'll ever be the Robyn you almost made love to in the back of your Hummer. But can you care for who I am now?"

  Her chin trembled as she waited for his answer.

  "I already do."

  Relief flowed through her like water. His acceptance meant more to her than even she realized. It was surreal, only knowing him for a day, and yet, knowing him for much longer than that. Perhaps she was still the Robyn he'd fallen for, somewhere deep inside her heart.

  Resting her head in the crook of his neck, she yawned. He followed suit and yawned as well.

  "Let's get some sleep,” he said.

  "Stay. Don't leave.” If he returned to the floor, she'd follow him.

  "I'm not going anywhere. You're safe now, Robyn."

  She looked into his eyes and saw both his tenderness and his conviction, as if by his presence alone he could keep her nightmares at bay. For her own sake, she hoped he could.

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  "So, let me get this straight,” Rogan said, his eyes twinkling. “You slept in the same bed with Robyn, butt-ass naked, and didn't take advantage?"

  Mac growled low in his throat as he tried hard not to crush the soda can he held.

  "I'm surprised to wake up this morning and not smell the reek of your mating permeating the house!"

  "Rogan, behave yourself.” Marlie stood from the couch with her hands on her hips. “Leave Mac alone. Besides, I seem to remember a certain wolf who slept with his wife yet didn't touch her when they'd first been reunited either."

  Mac gave Rogan a sideways glance. “Is that so?"

  Rogan cleared his throat. “Yes, well, I made up for it the following evening."

  "Robyn's a scared little thing,” Marlie said, walking to the kitchen counter to join them. “At least you, Rogan, had an idea you were married once before. Robyn was under the impression she'd already had a mate. She had no memory or knowledge of Mac until he saved her."

  "Does she remember anything?” Rogan asked, his hand on Mac's shoulder.

  "Bits and pieces,” he answered, taking another swig of his drink. “She remembers my scent and my...taste."

  A look passed between Rogan and Marlie right before they grinned at each other.

  "I remembered Marlie the same way. Must be due to the strong link between smells, flavors and memories."

  Mac nodded. “Yeah, I figured. But she had a

  nightmare last night."

  "Heard her screaming. Is she all right?” Marlie turned to look out the open back door as Noah, Lanie, Trevor, Wade, Keira and Robyn swam together in the pool.

  "She remembered the moment of her mind-wipe."

  "Christ.” Rogan whistled through his teeth.

  "You can say that again,” Mac said. “She remembers screaming for me."

  Marlie gasped. For once, Rogan was speechless.

  "She needed my comfort last night, not my passion."

  Rogan gave him a nod and pushed away from the counter. “What are you going to do now?"

  "I don't know.” Mac crumpled his now-empty can. “She's terrified I'll leave her again. But being so close to her is killing me. I want her something fierce."

  "Why don't you just take her, then? If she's willing, I don't see the problem."

  "He doesn't want to take advantage of her,” Marlie said, looking at Rogan as if he was an idiot.

  He arched a brow. “Marlie, my sweet wife, I merely meant that the woman might as well be his mate.” He glanced at Mac. “You were insane with the need to find her for weeks on end, then you went off on your own despite our better judgement. Now that you found her, she's in your bed and kissing you senseless. Oh yeah, I can smell that much."

  Mac sat in silence.

  "Do you want her for your mate?” Marlie's hand patted his.

  "I can't imagine being with anyone else, if that's what you mean. The thought of another man touching her makes my hackles rise."

  Rogan chuckled and looked out the back door. “Then you'd best go claim her before someone else gets any ideas."

  He turned to look. “What are you talking about?"

  "Oh, come on, jaguar, you can't tell me you've never noticed Jet glancing at her when you weren't looking? Even before Lucian took her, he would—"

  Rogan didn't finish his sentence before Mac was on his feet and walking toward the pool. Jet was going to get a mouth full of his fist if he got any ideas.


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