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Free Agent-ARE-mobi

Page 8

by Mari Carr

  The lone leg supporting her weight began to tremble when Tucker ran one finger through the juices dripping from her pussy, then moved it farther back to press it into her ass.

  She’d never been touched there. Never considered it something she wanted. Now…

  Lela exploded, Tucker’s tongue in her pussy, his thumb on her clit, his finger in her ass, pushing her into an idyllic, soul-shattering state of ecstasy. She cried loudly as her body shook violently. Tucker didn’t grant her reprieve. He kept moving, stroking, touching until every last drop of pleasure fell.

  When he finally moved away, he was there to catch her as she dropped to her knees next to him. He engulfed her in his strong arms and kissed her once more. She was overwrought and out of control. It didn’t matter. She wanted more.

  As her wits slowly began to return, she felt the overwhelming need to give something to Tucker. Anything. Everything.

  She tugged her t-shirt over her head. She reveled in the hungry, appreciative look in his eyes. She’d never felt particularly beautiful, well aware that in a world full of gorgeous women, she was fairly securely ensconced in the just-average column. Her eyes were a dull brown that matched her equally boring brunette hair. She wasn’t slim or overly endowed. She’d left the single-digit-sized clothing realm long ago.

  None of that seemed to matter to Tucker. His gaze as it traveled along her body was nothing less than adoring. God, she’d missed this feeling of being special to someone. Tucker had always made her feel loved, as if she were vital to his happiness, to his life.

  She’d let the terrible ending overshadow that memory. Now that he was here and looking at her as if she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, all the reasons why she’d fallen in love with him years ago came back to her in a rush.

  “Your turn.” She pointed to his shirt. He didn’t hesitate to comply. Lela couldn’t resist running her hand along his incredible abs. It was as if he was built of steel. He sucked in a deep breath and held it when her hands drifted lower. She worked the button on his khaki shorts free, then tugged down the zipper.

  His cock was straining against the material of his boxer briefs. Peeling back the elastic, she reached in, encapsulating the firm flesh and freeing it.

  The air he’d held in his lungs came out in a loud whoosh when she added some pressure to her grip, then started to stroke him.

  “God, Lela. When you touch me…” His words drifted away as his eyes closed. She increased her speed, and then dipped her free hand into his boxers to find his balls.

  Tucker’s hands found her upper arms even though he hadn’t opened his eyes. He stroked along her arms to her neck, then he gave her tit for tat when his hands found her hair. His lids lifted and he captured her gaze, studied her face as he drew his hands through her long tresses, and then closed his fists around the strands. Her scalp pricked with the slightest tingle of pain as he pulled her hair tighter.

  Her body responded instantly to the rough touch. This Tucker was so different from the boy she’d loved. There was something dangerously sexy lurking inside him, that made her want to throw caution to the wind, to relinquish total control to him. Which felt admittedly odd. She was typically the aggressor in bed.

  “I want you too much to be gentle,” he murmured.

  She understood the sentiment. Shared it. She squeezed his balls in response, increasing the pressure until she saw the slightest trace of a wince.

  Something in Tucker’s expression eased. The emotions that had whirled behind his eyes when he’d first arrived seemed to fade a bit, his focus less on whatever had driven him to her bed, moving completely to her.

  She wasn’t sure what had sent him to her, but she was glad he’d come.

  Tucker didn’t release her hair, using it to direct her movements, to encourage her to rise. She found her feet the same time he did. Then he tugged her forward and kissed her again. It wasn’t until that moment that she realized the restraint Tucker had been showing. Whatever had been holding him back had been freed.

  She felt the same bonds falling away as well. She tightened her hold on his cock, moving her hand faster, harder. She couldn’t tell from his grunts if she was hurting him or if he welcomed the rough touch. He didn’t ask her to stop, so she doubled her efforts, gave him even more.

  When she sensed he was close, she dropped back down to her knees, sucking his cock into her mouth.

  “Ahh!” Tucker’s hands pulled her hair harder as he used his grip to direct her mouth. She let him determine the pace, even as she struggled to keep up. His cock brushed the back of her throat. She gagged briefly until Tucker withdrew.

  “I can’t stop.” He backed up that admission with another thrust, his dick going even deeper.

  This time she opened her throat, ready for him. His hands shook, but he didn’t release her hair. Instead he continued to use them to drive her mouth on him harder, more rapidly. The pace was frantic, but neither of them sought to subdue it.

  Lela drew his shorts down to his ankles, her mouth never leaving him as he lifted his feet and kicked them—and his sandals—off. She reached around him and grasped his tight ass, using her hands to take the tempo up another notch.

  Tucker’s hips pounded forward and back, Lela’s mouth engulfing him over and over. She listened as his breathing grew harsher, his groans louder, as he gave up any attempt at remaining quiet or stoic. She could tell from his responses what he liked, so she put her newfound knowledge to use, stroking her tongue against the underside of the head of his cock, teasing him with her teeth at the tip, rolling his balls in the palm of her hand.

  He was close to coming, so she decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. She released his balls and drew her fingers along the crack of his ass. Then she pushed inward, the tip of her finger finding the tight rim of his anus. She’d only managed to work the digit in to the second knuckle when he exploded. Come filled her mouth and she swallowed.

  Tucker’s hands slackened, leaving her hair to cup her face almost reverently. She didn’t seek to move even as his cock softened in her mouth. Then Tucker pushed away.

  Reaching down, he helped her to her feet and guided her to the bed. He pulled down the sheets and together they climbed between the cool cotton. Tucker wrapped his arm around her shoulders as she rested her head on his chest. They lay in silence for several minutes, neither of them seeking to break the magic or the solitude of the moment.

  Lela was the first to move. She’d sensed Tucker getting ready to speak. She didn’t want to fill tonight with talk. She had turned a corner and she was determined to keep the past in the past. Pushing up on her elbow, she raised herself enough that she could silence him with a kiss.

  Tucker returned it willingly. Hours could have passed for all she knew as they simply lay there, getting reacquainted without words, only touch. She ran her fingers over his face, enjoying the prickly feel of his five o’clock shadow. His face had matured with the passage of time, a deep tan—indicative of how much time he spent outdoors—covered his face, enhanced the lines that had formed by his eyes and mouth. They had softened during the course of the evening, but they were still there, betraying that something was bothering him.

  As she stroked his face, Tucker used the time to caress her shoulders and back. Though he’d said he couldn’t give her gentle, there was no other word to describe the relaxing sensations his soft touch provoked.

  Once Lela had finished exploring the new contours of his face, she dragged her fingertips along the line of his neck, then briefly played with the small patch of hair around each of his nipples. She couldn’t resist the impulse to bend down to lick the tight nibs.

  Tucker sighed as she did so. “I love your mouth on me.”

  After so much time in silence, his quiet confession caused her to jerk slightly.

  He chuckled at her response. “Yep. I’m still here.”

  He meant his words as a joke, but they didn’t feel funny to her. Instead, they filled a part of her th
at had been empty for too damn long. “I’m glad you are.”

  Her seriousness caught him unaware and his face sobered. “I don’t know how I stayed away from you all these years.”

  Tears pricked the corners of her eyes, but she worked hard not to let them fall. Hearing that she hadn’t been alone in missing him soothed parts of her that had never stopped aching. She’d chastised herself for being a fool, holding on to the memory of him for so long while she tried to convince herself that what she felt was nothing more than first love. Lela had actually wondered sometimes if she was somehow broken, stuck in the past, clinging to something that couldn’t be.

  She’d never truly committed to another man since Tucker. She could admit that to herself now. Breaking things off with Carl—and the few other men she’d dated over the past twelve years—hadn’t been hard because she’d never given them her heart. That part of her had belonged to Tucker since she was fifteen years old and she’d never attempted to reclaim it.

  “I didn’t imagine this, did I? This thing between us?”

  He shook his head. “No, L.B., you didn’t imagine it. It’s always been there. It always will be.”

  She smiled, her heart feeling a thousand pounds lighter. “I’ve missed you, Tuck.”

  He gave her that same crooked grin, then rolled toward her. She fell to her back as he came over her. “You remember our first time?”

  She laughed. “Of course I do. You were a nervous wreck. I’m surprised we managed to do it at all.”

  He pressed his erect cock against her. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  She lifted her hips, capturing his hard length in the slit between her legs. They both gasped. “You don’t seem to be suffering from that same fear tonight.”

  He shrugged. “I guess I’ve just gotten better at hiding it.” He kissed her shoulder, then buried his face in her neck. His voice was deeper when he began recalling that first night so long ago. “We were so young, L.B.”

  “Very young. Sixteen.” They’d gone out for nearly a year before they gave in to the need to have sex. It hadn’t been that hard to abstain as Lela’s parents had been extremely overprotective, keeping a close eye on her. Since neither of them could drive at the beginning, they were never alone in private places. That all changed when Lela got her driver’s license. Her parents had finally consented to the two of them going out on car dates. Even then, they’d continued to go to the movies or hang out at the bowling alley or roller rink with friends.

  Tucker nipped her earlobe playfully. “The things we did in the backseat of that crappy old Buick of mine.”

  “We drove each other crazy for months, going a little bit further every time.”

  “Until New Year’s Eve.”

  She smiled. He remembered that night as well as she did. Her parents had gone out to a party. Lela and Tucker had planned to go out with friends as well, but changed their minds at the last minute.

  “We’re lucky your folks didn’t come home early and catch us. I’m pretty sure your dad would have kicked my ass, then expelled me from school.”

  Lela’s father was the principal of Quinn High School. She could only imagine how difficult it had been for Tucker, dating the principal’s daughter, always trying to walk the straight and narrow in school. He’d had a bit of the devil in him in elementary and middle school, but he’d managed to control his mischievous nature when they started dating, always worrying about whether or not her parents liked him. It had been important to Tucker that they thought he was, as he used to say, “good enough for her”. Sometimes she’d wondered if his perfect behavior was driven by his desire to prove he was nothing like his dad.

  “But they didn’t come home. And that night…it was perfect, Tucker.” She’d lit a few candles in her bedroom, put on a pretty nightgown that was far from sexy. That fact didn’t seem to matter to Tucker.

  He lifted his head and kissed her slowly. “We took off our clothes, lay down on the bed and kissed for ages.”

  They still seemed to enjoy the taste of each other’s lips. “You fumbled with the condom.”

  Tucker chuckled, and then surprised her by leaving the bed. She watched his progress across the room as he retrieved his wallet from the back pocket of his shorts and pulled out a condom. “These suckers aren’t as easy to put on as you think.”

  As he spoke, he opened the wrapper and slipped the rubber over his cock with efficient skill.

  “Looks like you’ve been practicing.”

  He crawled back onto the bed, covering her once more. She parted her legs in invitation. He placed the head of his cock at her opening. “I can still remember how good it felt to slide inside you. You were so hot and wet and tight.” As he spoke, he pressed into her pussy.

  Lela’s chest constricted as the past and present melded, memories of her first time blending so perfectly with the here and now.

  “Just like now,” he whispered as he pushed in, not stopping until he reached the hilt, filling her completely. “I was so sure I was hurting you.”

  They both froze, then Lela shuddered. “So good,” she gasped.

  Tucker remained silent.

  “You know, not all hurts are necessarily bad.” She ran her nails across the top of his back, letting him feel the burn of the scratch.

  His chest expanded then compressed several times. That damn restraint was back. She could feel it in his tense posture.

  “I’m not that inexperienced girl anymore, Tucker. I know what I want, what I need from you.”

  He caught her gaze, forced her to hold it. “And what’s that?”

  “No holds barred.” She wrapped her legs around his waist and tilted her hips, the motion driving him even deeper.

  “Careful, L.B. That opens the door to options you may not be prepared for.”

  Her pussy clenched at the dark, almost threatening tone of his voice. If it was possible, Tucker’s entire body went even harder. He wanted to move. She could feel it. It was taking a lot of strength and control for him to stay still.

  She knew exactly what he was alluding to, what he was trying to warn her about. She didn’t need his protection. She was a big girl. “Should we pick a safe word?”

  His brows furrowed. “Lela.”

  The shock in his tone caused her to laugh. “You know, you don’t have to leave Quinn and move to the big city to learn a few things about bondage and submission.”

  “Have you—”

  She shook her head quickly. “No. But I wouldn’t mind exploring. With someone I trust.”

  “You’re sure?”

  The hunger on Tucker’s face proved he wanted the same, yet even in that need, he sought to shelter her. Her heart almost ached, it was so filled with love for this man.

  “So sure.”

  “Then it’s yours.”

  All conversation ended as Tucker gave them both what they desired. He lifted his hips, then slammed home with a strength that drove the air from her lungs.

  She’d spent a lifetime waiting for this kind of passion. It was time to reveal some of her own. She dug her nails into the muscles of his back, enjoying the wince and hiss that accompanied her brutal touch.

  Tucker’s gaze narrowed when she gave him a challenging smile. “Stop holding back,” she taunted. With that, she lifted her head and bit one of his pecs.

  He jerked, but his face showed no pain. Only pleasure and something more. “Behave, L.B. You’re topping from the bottom.”

  She laughed. “I never said I’d be the bottom.”

  He captured her head, holding it firmly, as his gaze found her. “You’re mine. Now hold on.”

  His hips thrust against hers, his cock burrowing deeper on each pass. The bed was rocking loudly and she wondered briefly if her bedsprings were up to the task.

  That thought was wiped away in an instant when Tucker gripped one of her breasts in his large palm and roughly sucked on her nipple. Sparks of pain and rapture traveled along her spine, her pussy clenching.

  Tucker growled—God, an actual growl—and repeated the same brutally wonderful suction on her other breast. Her back arched, then she pushed on his shoulder, catching him off-guard. He tumbled onto his back as she came over him, careful to keep his cock inside her.

  He reached up to cup her breasts as she straddled his hips, driving the speed, the depth of their fucking. She was surprised he’d so easily relinquished the reins to her. Tucker had always had to be in control. Over the years, whenever she recalled their relationship, she’d played armchair psychiatrist, attributing his need to be in charge—on the football field and in the bedroom—to the fact he’d grown up in a house where he’d been powerless.

  Even though she hadn’t seen him since high school, she’d watched him on the professional field week after week and she’d recognized that same commanding presence. It hadn’t faded.

  The fact that he let her take over touched her, told her the trust between them flowed both ways.

  “God,” she said, her body freezing briefly when she’d taken him in at a slightly different angle. His cock rubbed against her G-spot and she trembled, the pleasure too much.

  His eyes narrowed. Then his hand drifted to her waist. He lifted her body easily, driving her back down roughly, making certain to hit that exact same place. She planted her hands on his chest, trying to regain the upper hand, but she couldn’t boost herself up again. Sheer pleasure stole her ability to move. She was so close to coming.

  Tucker lifted her once more despite her attempts to remain still, to compose herself, calm down, buy herself more time. He found the spot again.

  “Please.” She leaned forward, her forehead resting against his chest as she struggled for breath. “Can’t take any more. Just give me a second.”

  “No.” Tucker raised her off him despite her protestations. She was no match for his sheer brute strength. She’d never met anyone so damn strong.

  Within seconds, he had her facedown on the mattress as he knelt behind her. She startled when he swatted her ass. “Lift your hips. It’s my turn.”

  She responded to his command without hesitation. He’d only just left her, but her body was rebelling against the unwanted emptiness.


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