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Seducing Sarah

Page 3

by Jinx Jamison

"Good, I'm glad you two seem to be getting along. It's imperative that a student feels comfortable with her handler given the intimate nature of the instruction here. You're in excellent hands, Ms. Caldwell."

  Sarah blushed. She'd forgotten Madame X was still in the room. If she was honest with herself, she'd forgotten where she was too. Staring into Master Q's eyes had damn near made her forget her own name.

  "Yes, of course. Thank you, Madame X."

  The older woman inclined her head before leaving, pulling the door to the room closed behind her. Suddenly the silence in the room seemed very loud.

  Master Q turned to her and his eyes narrowed behind the thin black mask.

  "It's time for your orientation. Let's get started."


  QUINN HELD HIS BREATH as Sarah squeezed past him into the hallway. He was supposed to escort her to her classes but the only thing he could focus on was what Jackson had told him he'd walked in on.

  Sarah coming on her own fingers while watching another student's oral sex test.

  "So, Jackson tells me you're quite the rule breaker." He stopped at the entrance hall to the classrooms, an idea forming in his mind.

  "H-He did?" Sarah bit her bottom lip and took a sudden interest in the pattern of the wallpaper. "What exactly did he say?"

  Quinn stepped closer and tipped her chin up with one finger. "He said you look beautiful when you come. And a few other things I won't repeat."

  "Wow. Honesty is definitely overrated." Sarah covered her face with her hands.

  Quinn grinned. "Come on, there's something I think you should see."

  He put his arm around her shoulders and steered her gently to the left. The hallway was completely silent. It would have been eerie if he hadn't known all the rooms were soundproofed. They stopped in front of a door that read simply:


  Sarah looked up at him, her brown eyes huge in her face. "Am I in trouble, already?" There was a slight hint of anticipation to her voice even though she seemed nervous. Like she secretly hoped she was.

  "You're not in trouble. I'm just showing you the different areas of the school. Let's go in."

  He pushed open the door and stepped into the room, pulling Sarah with him. She clung to his arm and stayed behind him. When he caught sight of the woman at the front of the room, he cursed inwardly. He'd hoped to be able to avoid his past for a little while but apparently luck wasn't on his side.

  Luck had thrown him face to face with the reason he'd left The Madame X School in the first place.

  SARAH LOOKED AROUND THE room in trepidation. The dark-haired boy strapped to a wooden chair in the middle of the room barely looked like he was out of college. What would they do to him? Although, she knew some people were into pain, she doubted she'd be able to stand watching if they were going to whip him or worse.

  "Hello, Master Q." The woman at the head of the class had finally noticed their arrival and smiled flirtatiously in their direction.

  Master Q stepped forward. "Sorry to interrupt, Mistress Rain. We have a new student and I'm conducting her Orientation. I hope you don't mind if we observe."

  Mistress Rain sauntered over, her eyes gleaming. She obviously didn't mind Master Q's presence if the way she devoured him with her eyes was any indication. Her tongue dipped out to wet her bottom lip and Sarah had to bite back a snort. The woman couldn't have been more obvious if she'd leaned over and licked him.

  "You know you're always welcome in my classroom. It's been awhile since you've been around. Tired of normal life already?" She didn’t wait for his answer, just turned giving him a look at the back of her dress which dipped low enough to reveal the dimple at the top of her ass cheeks before she sashayed to the center of the room.

  Master Q shifted awkwardly next to her and Sarah wondered if his sudden return was something she should worry about. If he hadn't been here in awhile, where had he been? The paperwork she had found time to read indicated that most of the teachers resided here full time.

  Why didn't Master Q?

  "So, this is the punishment room. Our students are expected to follow instructions and those who don't end up here. The punishments vary but are tailored to the individual student's needs." He looked at her then, his dark gaze rife with promise. "And I am extremely creative at coming up with punishments."

  Sarah gulped. "They aren't going to whip him or anything, are they?"

  Master Q grinned. "He might actually wish they had before it's over."

  "Everyone, this is Jason." Mistress Rain stood in the center of the room and gestured to the boy tied to the chair. "He's a student in my Erotic Massage class who is being punished for insubordination."

  She motioned to the doorway and a long line of girls rushed in and stood in a single file line. They all wore white collared shirts and black pleated skirts.

  "Do I get a naughty schoolgirl outfit, too?" When he nodded, she stopped laughing. "Damn, I was just kidding. There is no way I'm wearing that."

  Master Q leaned over and whispered something to one of the girls. She giggled and whispered "Fellatio 101". Master Q threw his head back and laughed.

  Mistress Rain gestured to the girl at the front of the line. "Melanie, you're up first."

  Melanie dropped down on the ground and placed her hands on Jason's thighs. The other girls jostled good-naturedly, pushing each other out of the way to get a better view of the front of the room. Melanie glanced over her shoulder once, her cheeks turning pink before she took the tip of Jason's cock in her mouth. His head fell back and a harsh groan escaped his lips. She licked awkwardly up the shaft, her tongue leaving a gleaming trail. Then she gripped him and took him as deep as she could, the muscles in her throat working as she swallowed around him.

  "Oh fuck, yes." Jason tried to pump up into her mouth but he was bound too tightly to the chair.

  "Hold still, Jason." Mistress Rain rapped him lightly on the head with her palm. She looked down at the girl bobbing over his cock.

  "Excellent work, Melanie. Now show me how we treat the head." The girl pulled back and twirled her tongue around the head over and over. The tip glistened with her saliva, the head as red as a ripe plum.

  "Oh shit, Madame. I won't do it again, I swear." Jason strained against his bonds as Melanie took his cock between her lips again enthusiastically, sucking like her life depended on it.

  "Take your time, Melanie. This isn't a race." Mistress Rain circled behind the girl, observing her technique. She pursed her lips as she watched, even going so far as to come up behind the girl and re-position her so that she could take more cock down her throat.

  Master Q stepped closer, the warmth of his body enveloping her in a cocoon. Heat rushed through Sarah like a furnace turned up to the highest setting. She closed her eyes against a wave of longing. Arousal was like a drug in her system. How she wanted to turn and pull his cock into her mouth and start practicing her own blow job technique.

  Instead she gestured to the classroom, striving to sound nonchalant. "This doesn't look like a punishment to me. What guy would turn down a blow job?"

  "Just watch." His breath tickled her neck.

  She turned back to the erotic tableau. Melanie had finished and another girl took her place, a diminutive redhead with a face full of freckles.

  She licked up and down the length before sucking on the tip. Although she put a lot of effort into it, she couldn't find a rhythm. Every time Jason was close to climax, she faltered. He cursed loud and long after the fourth close call.

  "Please, Madame. Please, I need to come. I need to come. Fuck…"

  "I want you to watch, Sarah. I want you to watch the power you'll one day hold over a man. The power you'll one day hold over even me." Master Q held her chin and forced her to watch the erotic scene.

  A tiny blonde was now on her knees licking and suckling like a pro. Sarah watched amazed as she alternated between sucking on the head and licking the tight sac that hung beneath. Her rhythm never faltered but she loo
ked up at Mistress Rain as if seeking permission.

  "Oh, go ahead. I suppose he's suffered enough." Mistress Rain stooped next to Jason and ran a possessive hand over his hair. Despite his turmoil he turned into her touch, seeking her caress. She indulged him, running her hands over his face and down his chest before taking his cock firmly in her grasp, holding it steady as the blonde began sucking with a swift, steady rhythm.

  "Come for me. Come now." Mistress Rain purred in his ear and Jason bucked under her touch, his entire body going rigid before he cried out.

  "Fuck, yes." His eyes opened briefly and he clenched his teeth as he came. She could only watch in stunned silence as he shuddered his pleasure into the mouth of the blonde at his feet.

  Sarah wanted to reach down and touch herself but was afraid of what Master Q would do if he saw her. He wouldn't give her a public punishment like this one, would he? As much as her mind told her she would never allow it, a secret part of her purred at the thought of a line of eager pupils each taking a turn at licking her pussy.

  "Don't worry, little Sarah. As long as you're a good girl you'll never be in that chair. I'd prefer to deliver most of your punishments myself, anyway." His arm curled around her waist and he steered her back out into the hallway. Her skin burned wherever he touched her, like it was crying out for what only he could provide.

  "Now let's take a look at one of the classes you'll be taking." He gestured for her to follow him as he walked down the hallway and stopped at a door on the left.

  Sarah gulped. If what she'd seen so far was just the "detention", what the heck was an actual class like?

  "I don't have to actually do anything yet, right?" She tried to smile but it came out more like a grimace.

  Master Q put his arm around her shoulders and squeezed. "Take a deep breath. You're here to learn. No one expects you to be an expert."

  She nodded and rubbed her damp palms on the legs of her jeans. After a quick glance back at Master Q, she stood on tiptoe and peered through the small oval window in the door.

  "Okay, at least they've all got their clothes on." She gripped the edge of the door and tried to rise higher. She could sense Master Q laughing behind her. "I'm sure this is all old hat to you but I've never…I'm just not used to so much nakedness."

  "What? You mean you haven't seen that many cocks before?" He came closer until he stood directly behind her, until she could feel the hard press of his cock pressing into her back.

  "Yes… uh, I mean no." Sarah laughed nervously and tried to focus on not pushing her ass back into the hard length at her back. God, he felt huge, hard and ready. Her skin heated at the thought of all that prime male flesh pressing into her. Preferably when they were both naked.

  "Say it." His words were a harsh growl in her ear, the rumble of sound sending skitters of arousal down her spine and a wave of moisture between her legs.

  "Say what," she breathed.

  "I want to hear you say the word. Say 'cock'. Now."

  Sarah whimpered as his hands snaked around her waist, lifting her into position so he could press his cock between her ass cheeks.

  "Cock. I haven’t seen that many…cocks." She whispered it, looking behind her to see if anyone else was in the hallway observing them.

  Master Q put his arms up, trapping her against the wall, caging her in. "Uh uh, don't worry about who's watching us. The only thing you need to worry about is right here." He pressed into her again, this time sweeping one hand down and capturing her right breast.

  "Oh yes." Her head fell forward limply as she surrendered to the sensation. Her nipples immediately peaked, pressing outward, seeking his touch. He skimmed over the tip before cupping the full weight of her breast.

  "You're more responsive than I would have imagined. It'll be interesting to see how you react in class."

  With that, he pushed open the door to the classroom and Sarah found herself looking at a group of knowing faces.

  A stunning brunette in the front of the class raised her hand. The instructor pointed at her and said "Yes, Veronica?"

  Veronica stood, tugging on her short skirt without actually pulling it down any before turning her attention to them. "Mistress E, Master Q is here."

  The instructor turned to them with a smile. "Well, hello. You have perfect timing. We haven't started yet. Come in, come in."

  Sarah walked in and immediately took a seat off to the side. Master Q sat directly behind her. Even out of the way she still felt like everyone was staring at her.

  "We're just going over the prior week's lesson. Veronica, would you like to recap the prior lecture before we start the practice session?" Mistress E gestured to Veronica who sprang up out of her seat and sauntered to the front of the classroom.

  Veronica picked up a piece of white chalk and wrote the word Touch on the board behind her. "Touch is the most important part of sexuality. The largest sex organ is the skin. Last week we learned about how touching certain areas of a man's cock can increase his arousal before fellatio begins."

  "Excellent work, Veronica." Mistress E walked over and held out a thin textbook and a spiral bound notebook. Sarah tried not to giggle when she saw that the picture on the front of the textbook was a shot worthy of any porn flick.

  "But Mistress, I thought I was supposed to do a demonstration?" Veronica pouted. "I thought since Master Q was so kind as to escort his student here, that maybe he wouldn't mind volunteering." She looked over at Master Q innocently.

  "That will be all, Veronica. Take your seat." Mistress E raised an eyebrow and waited pointedly until Veronica sat down. Once no one was watching, Veronica looked over her shoulder at Sarah and rolled her eyes.

  "So, I see we have the usual Queen Bees just like in any other school. I wonder if she'll ask you to Prom." Sarah whispered over her shoulder. She heard Master Q snort.

  "Don't worry. I'm sure Mistress E will be sending a message to her handler before the day is over." He dug into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone. "As a matter of fact, that gives me an idea for the next stop on our tour." He typed rapidly, his fingers flying over the keys.

  "Okay, so students grab your partners and practice the grip we learned last week." The room was suddenly chaos as chairs were pushed back, papers were shuffled and bodies rearranged. The man sitting across the row from Sarah unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. It was easily eight inches long.

  "Damn." She covered her mouth and hurriedly flipped her book open, hiding her face behind the cover. When she peeked out, he was looking at her with a little grin on his face.

  "I can tell you're new. But it's okay, I was the same way when I came here the first time." An older woman with dirty blonde hair came over and kneeled at his feet. She gripped his cock in a double-fisted grip.

  "I'm Charles, by the way." He gestured with his head at the woman at his feet. "This is Naomi. She's been a student here multiple times, too."

  Naomi glanced her way with a friendly smile. "Hi. Nice to meet you." Then she turned and took Charles' cock all the way to the back of her throat.

  Charles groaned long and low. "Damn. You know what Mistress said last week. You aren’t supposed to skip ahead to that part."

  Naomi pulled back but took a few last lingering licks of the head before she resumed her gentle stroking. "I really like this class. Let me know if you need any help with the grip. I can show you what we learned last week."

  Sarah looked away, not sure how to carry on a conversation while watching such intimacy. Naomi rhythmically stroked up and down Charles' cock until his head fell back and several drops of pre-cum leaked from the tip. All her earlier fears about nudity melted away as she looked around and saw that no one was looking at her. Everyone was busy. This was what she wanted for herself, the ability to live in the moment and freely enjoy her sexuality. It was the reason she'd come here.

  "Your turn, Sarah." Master Q tugged on her arm until she half fell out of her seat. Sprawled on the floor in front of him she had the perfect vantage p
oint to watch as he slowly unzipped his pants. Everything around them ceased to exist.

  When he finally pulled his cock out, she sighed in appreciation. Thick and long with a large plump head, it was just as big as she'd thought it was earlier.

  If this is practice, I'm not sure I can handle a test.

  She reached out and took him between her palms. His thighs jumped as she moved closer and leaned into the cradle of his body.

  "Fair warning, I'm not very good at this."

  "You don’t have to be. All you have to do is touch." He arranged her hands around the base until she felt the rhythmic throb of his pulse. The scent of his arousal was in her nose, drugging her with lust. Going on instinct, she stroked up his length and around the head, over and over, feeling the velvety soft skin sliding over the hard steel beneath. She looked up into Master Q's eyes, surprised to find them open, watching her.

  "I thought you said you weren't good at this." He leaned closer, his hand coming down to trap hers against him. He guided her to stroke the full length and then carried her hand lower to fondle his balls.

  "I'm not good at this. I just love the way you feel," she whispered.

  Something dark passed over his face before he leaned forward and seized her mouth in a kiss. She could hardly believe the things he did to her mouth, his tongue conveying the message of what he planned to do to her with his cock. All while her hand squeezed and fondled him.

  A soft bell rang and a flurry of activity erupted as the other students stood and gathered their things. Sarah jumped back and the spell was broken. She whipped around and made a show of stacking her book and notebook on top of each other, using the time to gain her composure. When Master Q stepped up next to her, he looked so put together she would have never guessed he'd just had his cock in her hand and his tongue down her throat.

  "We're going to follow Veronica to her next class. It'll make you feel better, I promise." Master Q stood and stretched, the material of his black polo shirt stretching over his chest and arms.

  "Really? Well, unless it's a game of erotic dodge ball and she's in the center, I'm not sure how that could be true." She forced herself to look at the floor as she followed him into the hallway instead of at the perfect way he filled out his jeans. "Where are we going anyway?"


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