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The Christmas Holiday

Page 8

by Maxine Morrey

  ‘You look fine.’

  I turned back to Hunter.


  ‘If you’re stressing about how you look, then don’t. You look fine.’

  ‘Well, I wasn’t. Until now.’


  ‘I wasn’t stressing about how I looked until you suggested that perhaps I should be.’

  He frowned, then shook his head. ‘No, that’s not what I said at all! I said you looked fine.’

  ‘Yeah. Fine. Wow. Just what every woman wants to hear.’

  ‘Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see the bit in my contract where it said I’m here to compliment you. I’m sorry I said anything at all now!’

  I gave him a look. ‘I’m sorry you did too.’

  I chewed on my lip a little for a moment, trying to pretend our bickering wasn’t quite as petty as it sounded.

  ‘Look,’ he said, whispering as the two of them got closer, ‘Liv’s rich, and she’s on holiday. You’re working. And you look fine. You always look fine.’

  ‘Could you please stop saying that? Honestly. You’re just making it worse. And I thought I was off duty tonight?’

  ‘Yes. You are. And what do you want me to say? You look super-hot? Sexy as hell?’

  ‘I…’ Wow. This Indian heat could really creep up on a girl, air conditioning or not. I risked raising my eyes. Hunter was clearly waiting for an answer. ‘No. Of course not. That would be…’

  Nice? No!

  ‘Inappropriate?’ he filled in for me.

  ‘Yes. Quite. Absolutely.’ I cleared my throat. ‘Look. I wasn’t fishing for compliments. I just… she looks amazing and her hair doesn’t seem to have gone all unbridled like mine.’

  He tilted his head. ‘It’s called having a designer wardrobe, and going to the hotel salon every day, Mia. It’s a different world. You have to remember that. You start comparing all the time and you’ll drive yourself nuts.’

  ‘I’m not comparing myself!’

  Hunter shot me a look that said he didn’t believe that for a minute, just as Olivia and Sandeep got to us.

  ‘Hi!’ Liv greeted us both with big hugs. ‘Oh my God, I love your dress! It’s so pretty – and that colour is absolutely perfect on you!’

  ‘Thanks! I was just saying to Hunter, you look absolutely stunning.’

  ‘Oh, thank you! I’m afraid I was bad and had a bit of a shop for the trip before we left.’

  I grinned. ‘That’s what holidays are for, aren’t they?’

  She flipped out her hand. ‘See?’ she said, catching Sandy’s eye, ‘that’s exactly what I said! Sandy couldn’t understand it and said I already had plenty of clothes.’ She paused. ‘OK. So that bit’s true. But still…’

  ‘It’s all part of the holiday ritual.’

  ‘Exactly!’ Liv smiled widely while Sandy held up his hands and Hunter remained impassive either way. ‘I just knew we were going to get on! So, how was your day? Hunter told us you were going out today to explore the city and get some work done for the travel pieces. How did it go?’

  As my thoughts drifted back over the day, I couldn’t stop the smile that formed, ‘Amazing. Totally.’


  I saw Liv’s eyes shift briefly to Hunter and then back to me. I ignored it. It was hard to blame her for thinking along those lines. He was undeniably gorgeous and I was pretty sure a lot of the other female journalists he’d worked with might have spent the afternoon discovering a whole different kind of passion for the country than I had. I was sure Olivia knew that too. But still, not me. Been there, done that. Quite literally. I was a professional journalist who could deal with anything.

  ‘Oh, bloody hell! Seriously?’ I huffed.

  OK then. Most things. I sighed as another bit of hair broke free of my plait and sproinged out at a weird angle. I poked it viciously back in with my finger as we all got into the limo.

  ‘Humidity?’ Liv asked, sympathy in her eyes.

  ‘Hmm,’ I replied, flicking my plait back behind me in the hope that out of sight was out of mind, resigning myself to the fact that sleek and chic were not going to be my watchwords for style on this part of the trip.

  ‘It still looks lovely, don’t worry. You’ve got this whole elegant, Boho vibe going on. It’s very in.’

  ‘I do? It is?’ I had to admit, I didn’t tend to follow fashion all that much and had always just worn what I liked. If I was honest, the fashion editor at the paper scared the bejeezus out of me, and if we were being really honest, I was pretty sure Jeremy felt the same way. Whenever I saw the pieces they did from the fashion shows most of it looked utterly bonkers. I just didn’t get it.

  ‘Absolutely,’ Liv nodded. ‘I’ve got a copy of Vogue in my room. There was a look in there very similar to this.’ She waved her hand over me. ‘I’ll show you. You’re totally on trend.’

  ‘Oh. Right. I guess that’s good.’ I smiled, slightly bemused. I had no idea if it was good or if I even wanted to be “on trend” but I did like the fact that I suddenly felt a lot more comfortable in Liv’s stunning presence.

  ‘I did already tell her she looked fine.’

  Olivia sucked in some air and her perfectly made-up eyes widened. ‘You told her she looked… fine?’

  Next to her, Sandeep winced a little.

  Hunter shrugged. ‘Yeah. She does.’

  Liv gave me a look. ‘Men.’

  I tilted my head at her in agreement and we both looked back out the window.

  ‘Wait. What the hell does that mean?’

  ‘It means,’ Olivia began, turning back, ‘that “fine” is not a word best used when you are trying to flatter a woman. Fine implies OK, you’ll do, it’s all right. No woman wants to hear she looks “all right”. It’s not exactly a compliment.’

  ‘I was just… Jesus… never mind!’

  Across the car, Sandy laughed.

  My sense of justice gave me a shove forward. ‘To be fair, he meant well and was just keeping things… professional.’

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Hunter cut his eyes to me momentarily. Opposite, Olivia was pondering over what I’d said.

  ‘I suppose there is that. I must admit, I’d never considered it in that light. And people are so willing to take offence these days, even when things are meant with the best intentions. Although, I can’t see that too many people would be offended if they thought you were hitting on them, Mr Scott.’

  Hunter gave her a tight smile. ‘I can do without the headache or awkwardness, thanks.’

  ‘Of course, it might just be a double bluff.’

  Hunter raised an eyebrow in query, and Sandy put his hand over his fiancée’s. ‘Liv?’

  ‘Oh what?’ she said, glancing at them both. ‘Honestly, she’s lovely! Look at her. Who could blame you?’

  Hunter’s jaw got tight and he turned back to look out of the window onto the darkened city streets still teeming with life of all levels.

  Talking of awkward… Right. One thing for it.

  ‘Thank you for the compliment, Olivia. But just so you know, nothing like that is going to happen. Hunter and I are here on a purely professional basis, and we absolutely plan on keeping it that way.’

  Sandy nodded in thanks. Liv considered me for a moment. ‘Ohhhh. OK.’


  ‘He’s not your type.’



  I was now aware that Hunter had turned his head and was watching me. I was also aware of the smile he was doing his best to hide. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen me get myself into something and it had always amused him to watch me try and dig myself out.

  ‘Very nice,’ I finished.

  ‘He is indeed. But not for you.’

  ‘No.’ I smiled at her, relieved everything was now clear.

  Liv smiled back, then turned to Sandy and they began talking together quietly.

  ‘You know she’s not done yet, don’t you?’


  Hunter put his head closer to mine. ‘Liv’s in love. And she wants everyone around her to be too. She means well.’

  ‘I’m sure she does. She’ll get the idea.’

  He put his hand up to his lips for a moment before rubbing two fingers across them. ‘Yeah… I’m pretty sure she has an idea. I’d put money on her wanting to set you up the moment you get home. Actually, probably sooner.’

  I laughed but stopped when I saw he was serious.

  ‘Oh, don’t be daft. It’s hardly like we’ll be moving in the same circles when we’re back home.’

  He did a maybe yes, maybe no motion with his head. ‘Liv and Sandy aren’t like that. They’re not friends with people dependent on the size of their bank account or trust fund. They go out to dinner with me, after all.’

  I gave him a look. ‘We both know you’re kind of a rockstar these days.’

  He dismissed the tease with a smile. ‘Right.’

  ‘Can’t turn over a society page without tripping over you.’

  ‘I’d forgotten how funny you were.’ His arched eyebrow implied that I was not as amusing as his words suggested. But the slight curve of his mouth said something else. And I was pretty familiar with that mouth. Very, in fact. ‘Are you all right? Do you want the ac up a bit more?’

  ‘Umm, no. Fine. Thanks. Really.’ I sat up straighter and surreptitiously moved further away from Hunter. Perhaps Lorelei’s constant nagging about me refusing to try any of the myriad dating apps she had on her phone had some small inkling of merit after all. Maybe it had been way too long. Maybe what I did need was just one long night of hot, unfettered—

  ‘Sorry?’ I realised Olivia was saying something.

  ‘I was just saying that I hoped this trip hasn’t caused any… difficulties for you. You know. If you’re seeing someone. I mean, two months away from home…’

  ‘Here we go,’ Hunter whispered as he stretched.

  ‘Oh! No, no. Not at all.’

  ‘Great. It sounds like she’s very understanding and supportive of your job then?’

  ‘No, I meant I’m not seeing anyone. Wait. She?’

  I turned to look at Hunter who was smiling. Liv looked between us.

  Hunter pulled one leg up across the other knee. ‘Darling Liv is under the impression that if a woman doesn’t want to sleep with me, then it’s because I don’t have the right… let’s say, equipment. Which, although incredibly flattering, is somewhat far from the truth.’

  I looked back over to where Olivia was now sitting straighter, slightly defensive.

  ‘I’ve tried to tell her he’s not all that,’ Sandy added, laughing as Hunter made a gesture involving a middle digit.

  ‘Well, you have to admit, you’re not exactly the lonely wallflower at social functions!’ Liv retorted.

  Sandy moved his head from side to side. ‘She does actually have a point there.’

  ‘Nothing wrong with company.’

  ‘I’m not saying there is. I’m just saying that’s why I maybe assumed… something…’

  Poor Liv. She looked so uncomfortable.

  ‘It’s fine, Olivia. Really. Like I said, Hunter and I are just colleagues.’

  ‘But you’d be perfect together! You even look perfect together. Hunter, seriously? You can’t not think she’s gorgeous?’

  Oh God. Please. Just make it stop.

  ‘Liv. Come on. Leave them alone. You can’t fix everyone up, you know!’ Sandy teased her.

  Hunter let out a sigh and rubbed his hand across his jaw. ‘You’re right, Liv. I don’t not think that.’

  We all took a second to sit and work out the repeated double negative.


  For the first time since I’d met him again, I saw Hunter looking like he didn’t have everything under control. As I watched, I saw Liv and Sandeep pick up on the same thing. In a valiant attempt to change the subject, Sandy made a comment about how close we were to the restaurant now.

  Oh, for bleep’s sake.

  ‘OK. So here’s the deal. Hunter and I used to be engaged.’

  Cue shocked silence. And then from Hunter, a warning ‘Mia…’

  I turned to him. ‘Look. I know it’s awkward but it will just be for a minute and it’s going to prevent a whole lot more awkwardness in the future.’


  Olivia’s eyes showed more surprise than I’d expected and I wasn’t quite sure how to take that. I guess she’d been used to him dating socialites and models and actresses. I suppose, now I thought about it, my news could well be throwing them for a loop. I motored on anyway.

  ‘Your dad doesn’t know, and we didn’t think we needed to tell him because it’s all in the past. It’s irrelevant to how well either of us can do the job, which is all that matters. I know when he finds out he’s going to be mad at me for not telling him and I could well be out on my backside, but if I’ve got a bunch of great articles to show him, and with Hunter’s incredible photos, I’ll at least have something to bargain with, and prove that it didn’t affect what either of us could do. So, I’m sorry we didn’t tell you. But it was a long time ago and we were different people and we’ve both moved on… oh, and all that crap. But basically, what I’m saying is that we’re here, we knew each other previously and we’re both really good at our jobs, which is all that matters.’

  Sandeep spoke first. ‘Nice speech,’ he said, grinning.

  ‘You’re not angry?’ I looked between him and his fiancée.

  He shook his head, and looked at Liv. ‘Not at all. Why would we be? You’ve said it won’t affect your work, and so long as you two aren’t unhappy then it’s all good as far as we’re concerned. Right, Liv?’

  Olivia was turning her clutch over slowly in her hands. ‘Well. I do wish you had told me.’

  I saw Hunter shoot me a look.

  Oh shit.

  She looked up. ‘But only because then I wouldn’t have made such an idiot of myself like I just did with… assumptions and making you both uncomfortable.’ She looked kind of miserable.

  I leant forward and put my hands over hers, stilling the nervous movement. ‘It’s no problem. We’re fine. And I know you were only trying to be kind and generous, and sweet. Really. And we appreciate all of that.’ I smiled, waiting for Hunter to back me up.


  ‘Don’t we?’ I asked, turning my head and widening my eyes at him in an attempt to encourage his assistance.

  ‘I’ve been telling Liv not to try and set me up ever since I met her.’

  Not exactly the answer I was after.

  ‘OK. So, he’s being a dick, which only goes to prove you shouldn’t waste your time and effort trying to find him someone.’ Liv giggled, and Hunter let out a sigh and a couple of choice words under his breath. ‘But I appreciate it all enormously.’

  Liv squeezed my hands back and I smiled, before we let go and I sat up straighter. Just in time for the car to brake heavily and come to a stop. Something I didn’t do immediately until I was on the floor, looking up at the others.

  ‘Sorry about that. There is a cow,’ the driver called back.

  ‘No problem!’ I waved from my new position before scrambling back onto the seat, assuring everyone I was perfectly OK, and being thoroughly British about it all.

  I settled back in the seat, furtively slipping my arm through a seatbelt that hung languidly there, just so I at least had something to grab on to should another bovine see fit to wander in front of our vehicle. From beside me, I heard a low chuckle. I decided to take the moral high ground.

  ‘I’m so glad I can provide amusement for you.’

  OK. More moral middle ground then.

  ‘I’m not laughing at you landing on your arse… although admittedly that was pretty funny.’

  I turned to face him. ‘Such a gentleman. I can see why you’re never short of “company”.’ I did the thing with my fingers and everything. Even this middle ground was starting to feel pretty damn sli
ppy now.

  ‘Point taken.’

  I glanced out of the window but my curiosity was piqued.

  ‘OK. So what did you actually find so funny?’

  ‘The aftermath, and the fact that when anything like that happens you seem to delve deep into your DNA and find the most terribly British piece of it you can.’ He said “terribly British” in a really good fake accent.

  ‘You know that’s a rubbish accent, don’t you?’

  ‘No, it’s not.’ His gaze locked on to mine, daring me to challenge him. I ignored it.

  ‘So what would you rather I do? Wail and demand to be picked up? Make a big song and dance. I slipped on my arse onto a carpeted floor. It’s no big deal.’

  ‘God, no! But you’d have reacted the same if you’d tumbled down a flight of concrete steps. You always do… I mean, did.’

  ‘And that’s funny?’

  He nodded. ‘Yeah.’ He looked up from where he was fiddling with a couple of buttons on the camera. The low light made his face all shadows and sharp planes, and his eyes looked almost black. ‘I’d forgotten that.’ His voice was soft as we held our own conversation, just as Olivia and Sandeep did across the limousine. ‘You always could make me laugh.’

  ‘By my reaction after coming a cropper?’

  I could see his smile. ‘Not just that, no.’

  I let out a sigh, turning a thought over in my mind. ‘I’m glad you can remember some of the good stuff too, Hunter. And I’m sorry I had to blurt things out there earlier, but it seemed like it was just going to get more awkward and complicated. I probably should have checked with you first.’

  ‘It’s fine. It was going to come out sooner or later anyway. And if your boss gives you any grief, get him to speak to me. I could have told him and didn’t, so I’m just as responsible.’

  ‘That’s kind, but I can handle Jeremy. Don’t worry.’


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