Something Just Ain't Right Part 2

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Something Just Ain't Right Part 2 Page 5

by Sheena Binkley

  I clenched my teeth at that information.

  “I rest my case.”

  “That was when Morgan and I were not together, so I can’t be mad at him for that.”

  “I know, but as I said, she gets around.”

  “Okay, let’s stop talking about Shantel.”

  “Fine with me,”

  “What about your family? Are they in Dallas?”

  Kyle nodded and sat down. “Yeah, my mom is. She moved up here when I opened this place four years ago. She wanted to help out with the financial aspects of the business, even though I had that under control.”

  “Well, she wanted to see her son succeed.”

  “Which I have. We have been through a lot, so it was good to see something go right for a change.”

  “What about your father?”

  He smirked and rubbed his hands together. “He wasn’t really around. I met him once or twice, but I was too young to understand. It has always been just me and my mom.”

  “Did your mom ever say why?”

  He shook his head. “At first, not really. I think she didn’t want me to dislike him, even though he was pretty much doing it all by himself. Anyway, I’m bi-racial. My dad was white, and my mom is black. From what I know of him, he was married and slept around with my mom and then I came along. From what my mom told me, things were great at first. He would come visit and spend time with me, but as time went along, so did he.

  “The last time I saw him was when I was six, and it was a short visit. At that age, I didn’t know any better. I thought my dad was going to be there for me and do all the things a father and son would do together, but he was never around to do all that. All because he was with his other family. A year after I saw him, I found out from my uncle that he passed away from cancer, so not only was the last day I saw him was a year ago, but I would never be around him again.”

  When Kyle said that, my head started spinning. Why did this story sound so familiar?

  “What did your father do for a living?” I asked.

  “He was an executive for some Fortune 500 company. He went on a lot of business trips which is how he met my mom.”

  “Did he have other children?”

  Kyle smirked. “Are you getting somewhere, Hayley?”

  “I’m just asking questions.”

  He got up from his seat and went to the refrigerator. I started getting nervous with the sudden silence.

  Once he pulled out a bottled water, he turned around and sighed. “He had a wife and a son. He was two years younger than me. In fact, you probably know him quite well.”

  My heart sunk at the last sentence. I already knew.

  “Morgan is your brother?”

  He smiled and took a sip of water before speaking. “You figured that out fast.”

  “Why have you never said anything to him?”

  “Why should I? He doesn’t need to know we’re brothers.”

  “I think he has a right to know. I’m sure deep down you want him to know.”

  “I could care less. Morgan has never been a concern to me and from the little time that I’d been around him, I don’t need to know him.”

  “I think that’s unfair.”

  “You can think what you want, but it’s my decision if I want to tell him and not anyone else’s,” he said while giving me an intense stare.

  “Did you hire me for your own personal reasons? You knew that I was Morgan’s girlfriend and you are casually telling me this would only make things a bit more complicated.”

  “I know you won’t say anything, will you?”

  I glanced at him while he smiled. “Just like I thought. I know I’ll interact with him more, so maybe eventually I will, but for now, I think I’ll keep that to myself.”

  “Does Will know that you’re related?”

  Kyle shook his head. “No, I’m sure his dad didn’t tell him because of Morgan.”

  I shook my head and sighed. This will definitely be awkward once the truth does come out. I really hope Morgan will be able to handle it.


  After my break was over, I was completely drained, especially from the news I’d heard from Kyle. I was ready to leave when Morgan texted me, asking me if Shantel could drop me off at the house. I didn’t know why, but I told him sure. Once my shift was over, Shantel and I headed out which I was all too happy for. Even though it was chaotic, I did manage to take with me over $300 in tips. Not bad for the first night.

  After Shantel had dropped me off, I approached the guest house ready to spend time with my man. I missed him and wondered what he was doing while I was gone. I opened the door and was completely surprised by what I saw.

  “Hey,” Morgan said, giving me a bright smile.

  The guest house was transformed into a barrage of candles as I slowly walked in. He gave me a sly grin as he came over to me.

  “What is this?” I asked while looking around.

  “I just wanted to celebrate your first day at work. I know you probably went through a lot, so I just wanted you to relax.”

  I shook my head as he gave me a kiss.

  “You like it?”

  “I love it. Thank you.”

  “That’s not all.” He said. He walked in the kitchenette and to the oven. I watched as he came back to me with two plates of what looked like my favorite meal.

  “Wow, how did you do this?”

  “I had a little help. Well, I asked Aunt Caroline to cook it. You know I would have burned the entire house down.”

  I smiled as I sat down in the chair at the table. He placed the plate in front of me and sat down opposite me.

  “Not only did I want to celebrate your first day, but also your birthday. I know it’s two weeks away, but I wanted to do something that required just the two of us.”

  I smiled. “So you’re saying my birthday will be with more people.”

  He gave a slight nod. “Something like that. Before we get into the night, there’s something I have to tell you.”

  I pulled out my napkin and looked at him. “What is it?”

  He took a deep breath and sighed. “I saw Lamar earlier.”

  I dropped my fork and gave him a surprised look. “What? What the hell is he doing here? How did he know we were here?”

  “I kind of called your mom to check on everyone.”

  “Wait, what! And you’re just now telling me this.”


  “You thought setting up a romantic dinner was going to make me understand that you called my family? You know how much I miss them. Why is it okay for you to call them, but I can’t?”

  “Hales, I did it for a reason. It was for your birthday.”


  “I was going to give you a surprise party. That’s why I called your mom. I guess she told Lamar where we were, and he took it upon himself to come here.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He and Tamara are at the main house. They’re spending the night there. Tonight, I just want you and me to enjoy our time together.”

  I looked into his eyes. Him and those damn eyes. I don’t think I could ever be mad at him. The conversation I had with Kyle came to my mind, and I felt bad about keeping a huge secret from him. I know I should tell him, but it would only bring problems, and that’s something I didn’t want to do. Especially right now since he planned this incredible evening.

  He clicked on the mini stereo and held my hand.

  “What about our food?” I asked as he held me.

  “We’ll eat later,” he said and smiled. “How was work anyway?”

  “It was actually great. I made $300 in tips.”

  He gave me a shocked look as his hands were going to my ass. I gave a smirk, and he smiled.

  “Can we have one dance that is not considered dirty?”

  “What? I couldn’t help it. $300 in tips is great.”

  “I know.”

  “Kyle didn’t try anything, did he?”

; “Why would I tell you if he did?”

  “Because honesty is part of a healthy relationship.”

  “True, but I’m not trying to have you go out and beat his ass if anything did happen.”

  “Did anything happen?”

  “No, baby, he was on his best behavior.”

  “Yeah, tonight.”

  I smiled, and he caressed my shoulders. “I’m tired of talking about him. I just want to hear you scream my name.”

  “Oh really, and how will I do that?”

  “I can think of some positions that would cause you to scream out.”

  I rolled my eyes, and he laid me down on the couch. Hopefully, no one from the main house will hear us because I’ll probably be doing a lot more than screaming.


  The next day I was dreading getting out of bed. It felt so good to be wrapped up in Morgan’s arms, but I knew I would have to face Lamar eventually. Really, I don’t even know why he was here because I don’t have much to say to him. I’m still pissed at what he did.

  After a few minutes of getting myself together, Morgan and I headed to the main house. Before going to the door, he pulled me to the side.

  “What’s up?”

  “I didn’t get to tell you that Lamar and I sort of let things go last night?”

  I gave him a surprised look. “Seriously, after everything he has done you forgave him?”

  “I did some shit too, Hales, so let’s just say we’re even.”

  “Well hell, why don’t I forgive Paula for all she has done then?”

  “What does Paula have to do with this? That was me and Lamar’s choice to squash things.

  There’s not any point in fighting when we both did our equal amount of dirt.”

  I sighed. He kind of had a point there.

  “Fine, if you two are happy, then I guess I am too. That doesn’t mean I’ll forgive him anytime soon though.”


  “He treated me like a prisoner since I was 16! I understand the reason why, but that doesn’t give him a pass to some of the choices he made. I don’t know if I can forgive him for it.”

  “Maybe you should.”

  I turned around and saw Lamar and Tamara coming out of the patio door. I sighed as I folded my arms across my chest.

  “Why don’t we give them some time Morgan,” Tamara said.

  He nodded and gave me a kiss before going in the house with Tamara. Lamar clenched his jaw at what just happened.

  “Hey, sis.”


  “Listen, I know you don’t want me here, but I had to talk to you. Too much has happened and I just want things between us to get back on track.”

  “Well, you should thank yourself for what happened. Not only were you destroying my life, but you were also trying to destroy Morgan’s life.”

  “You have to understand my reasons behind that.”

  “I understand them completely. Your ego was bruised, so you had to be the bigger man.”

  “I didn’t file any charges on him. He forgave me so why can’t you?”

  “You told me to understand your reasoning, but you need to understand mine. You put me through hell since I turned 16. I understand what happened to Samantha, but you didn’t have to punish me for it.”

  Lamar ran a hand down his fade while I closed my eyes. I knew he didn’t want to talk about it, but it had to be brought up.

  “Lamar, I know you’re still holding on to that guilt, but what happened to Samantha was not your fault. You can’t keep blaming yourself for this. It’s the person’s fault that killed her because he was sick.”

  “If I was with her, she wouldn’t have been killed.”

  “What if you were with her? He could have killed you both. Lamar, in order for you to live a good life, you have to let everything that is bothering you go. You can’t continue to live in the past.”

  “I’m trying.”

  “You’re not trying hard enough.”

  “I think I am, especially with you and Morgan.”

  “Well, you know you’re going to have to accept Morgan and me being together.”

  “Honestly, I don’t.”

  “See, Lamar…”

  “But, I’ll make an exception,” he said while staring at me. “You have to understand, it’s hard to see you, my little sister, in a relationship and actually in love with someone. I still remember you as that annoying little girl who used to follow Morgan and me everywhere.”

  “Well, I think you can now see me for the woman that I am. I know it’s hard to imagine, but bro, I’m a grown woman. I pretty much have been able to take care of myself, so I don’t need your protection.”

  “I’m starting to see that now. But Morgan?”

  I shrugged. “You can’t help who you love.”

  He laughed. “Well, at least it’s with someone that I know. I just thought since he’s not the one to be tied down to someone that he would do the same to you. Imagine my surprise that he’s being faithful to you.”

  “Isn’t that a good thing?”

  “Definitely! I just thought he would hurt you, and I didn’t want that happening to you.”

  “Morgan would never do that. He’s been wonderful throughout the time we have been together. In fact, he gave me this the other day,” I said, showing Lamar my ring.

  “Are you two...?”

  “No, but this was his mother’s ring. It was actually his grandmother’s ring, but she gave it to his dad to propose.”

  “Wow, so he really does love you.”

  “Yes, he does, Lamar,” I said with a heated glance.

  He looked at me and smiled. “I didn’t mean it like that. Morgan told me about this ring and that he would only give it to someone that he knew would be ‘the one.’ You’re his one, Hales.”

  I started to become teary-eyed at what Lamar said. I quickly blinked so I wouldn’t start crying. I knew if I did I wouldn’t stop.

  Lamar knew what I was doing, so he quickly changed the subject. “There’s something I wanted to clear up with you. It’s about Tam.”

  I glanced at him as he continued to talk.

  “I know that she called you to warn Morgan. Please know that I didn’t put her up to it. She did that on her own. In fact, she just told me the other day what she did.”

  I sighed. I knew my mom said she told Tam to call me, so I knew she was only looking out for me.

  “I was kind of pissed at her, but she’s just like you, stubborn as hell, so I knew she would do whatever she wanted. Just know that she was actually looking out for you.”

  I nodded. “I know that now. So, Morgan was planning a surprise party for me?”

  “Yeah, too bad it’s not a surprise anymore.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m just glad to know that I’ll be seeing Mom and Dad soon. Why didn’t they come?”

  “They didn’t know I was coming here this soon, but I’m glad I did since Morgan told me what happened on your way here.”

  I couldn’t hold it in any longer as a tear rolled down my cheek. I was trying to block that from my memory, but I guess that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.

  “Hales, I’m really sorry that happened to you. I know you were trying to defend Morgan.”

  “He would have done the same for me.”

  “I’m seeing that now. I guess I was so blinded by my own thoughts that I never realized a lot of things with you and Morgan. For that, I’m really sorry.”

  I nodded as he took my hand.

  “Just know that I understand what you’re going through. That night with Craig still haunts me too.”

  “I know it does. Let’s just hope no one knows about that or what I did.”

  “Let’s hope. There is one person you need to stay away from.”

  “You don’t even have to say it. I know Will is bad news. I just wish Morgan could see it.”

  “Maybe he will eventually. So, are we cool now?”

  I smiled.
Lamar and I have been through so much, but like Morgan said, he’s my brother, so I should try and make amends.

  “Of course, Mar.”

  He came over to me and gave me a hug. I held him as he did the same for me.

  “I love you, bro.”

  “Love you too, sis. I know Morgan will be there for you now, but if you need anything, I won’t be too far away.”

  “I know.”

  “Let’s head back before everyone start eating without us.”

  I smiled. “Of course you’re only thinking about food.”

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  I laughed, and he put an arm around me as we went inside. I have to admit, I missed my brother, so it was good to actually be talking to him again.


  Tamara and I were sitting at the breakfast table wondering when Hales and Lamar were coming back. They had been outside for awhile, but I guess they needed to talk out their problems which they had quite a few of.

  Tamara looked over at me and smiled. “How are things Morgan?”

  “There’re good, for the most part. I’m not sure how long we will be staying in Dallas, though.”

  “I know, especially after everything that has happened. I think Lamar has a better understanding of that now.”

  I nodded when I saw the two walk in the house. They both were smiling, so I guess their conversation went well.

  “I was thinking since we’re all in town maybe we should go out later,” Lamar said.

  “I guess we could. I’m not sure if I have to work though,” Hayley said.

  “Wasn’t that a trial run to see if you wanted the job?” I asked.

  “Yeah. Even though it was busy and I was exhausted, I enjoyed it, so I think I will be going back.”

  “Well, if you are working tonight, then I think we will pay you a little visit,” I said.

  “You don’t have to, Morgan.”

  “It doesn’t have anything to do with Kyle. I just want to see you in action,” I said and gave her a kiss.

  “It’s still hard to believe you two are together,” Lamar said.

  “Well, big bro, believe it.”

  “Why didn’t anyone wake me up?” Will asked as he came into the kitchen.

  “Why should we?” I asked when he sat down.


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