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Something Just Ain't Right Part 2

Page 13

by Sheena Binkley

  “Or what? You never liked me so all of a sudden you want to talk because I’m waving a gun in your face.”

  “Will, calm down.”

  “I will not calm down. Because of your boyfriend and your damn brother, I got sucked into doing something that I didn’t want to do. Because of what they have done, I have to be the fucking scapegoat for my damn father!”

  I stared at him wondering what he was talking about.

  “What’s going on? What are you doing for Rick?”

  Will laughed and waved the gun again, causing me to flinch.

  “Rick! Rick is not my biological father. I’m adopted.”

  My mind started to backtrack to earlier when that guy helped me and how much he looked like Will. I closed my eyes, realizing what was going on.

  “What Hayley?” Tamara asked.

  Will glanced at me and smiled. “I guess you figured it out, but nothing gets past you Hayley! You always can figure everything out in an instant.”

  “Just like with me knowing what a piece of shit you are. Does this have anything to do with Craig?”

  “What?” Tamara asked.

  “Ding, ding, ding, let’s give this bitch a prize for finally figuring it out! Yes, this has everything to do with Craig. And you and Morgan fell right into it when you came to Dallas.”

  “Whatever you think we know, we don’t Will. I didn’t even know you and Craig were related.”

  “Stop playing dumb! You know everything that has happened. You probably know Craig was my uncle, and my dad wanted to find information out about you and Morgan. You probably knew that’s why you didn’t want Morgan nowhere near me.”

  “I never did that.”

  “Yes, you did! I could never get any information about him because you were too busy filling his head with all these negative thoughts, making him turn his back on me.”

  “Morgan never did that. If he did, it was because of you and how sneaky you were being.”

  He came over to me and grabbed my hair. I pushed him off of me, which led him to stumble backward.

  “I should kill your ass right now, but I can’t. Luckily for you, there were someone else who were able to get what we needed about Morgan and Lamar.”

  “What are you talking about?” Tamara asked.

  “The one person who you least expect is a part of this entire thing. In fact, this person was the mastermind behind it all.”

  My mind began to go back to what Morgan had said about his mom. It was all starting to make sense.

  “Shit,” I whispered.

  “Is it time?” Shantel asked Will.

  “No, but I decided to step it up a notch. Grab her!” He said while pointing to Tamara.

  “What about my cousin?”

  “We’ll figure her out later, but right now, get her while I get this bitch over here.”

  While Tamara was fighting with Shantel, I stepped away from Will. I was not going to let him take me anywhere. I dropped the bag I had on the floor as he tried to grab me. I pushed him away as I went to the door. I pulled on the doorknob when he swung me around to face him. I kicked him, and he stumbled back again. I looked over at Tamara and Shantel as she had Shantel by the throat. She pulled away from her hold and was reaching for Paula’s gun. I looked back at Will as he slapped me, causing me to fall on the floor. I got up and kicked him, causing him to fall back.

  “Punk,” I said.

  I went over to help Tamara when I felt a hard whack go across the back of my head. I suddenly felt weak as I fell down on the ground. Suddenly, everything was fading to black.


  After two hours of hanging out with Lamar, I was ready to go back to the house. I needed to check on Hayley. I tried calling her several times, but her phone kept going to voicemail. I knew she was probably resting, but I needed to see for myself if she was. I told Steve and Carl to take the rest of the day off. Even though Uncle Rick hired them, I didn’t need those two hanging around me all day, so I told them if there was a problem then I’ll tell my uncle that I was the one who told them to take off.

  Now Lamar and I was leaving the mall when my phone started beeping. I dug into my pocket and retrieved it, knowing it was a text. Hopefully, it was Hayley so I could stop being paranoid. I guess I shouldn’t, especially since Tamara was with her, but I had every right to be.

  I looked at the screen, wondering what the hell this was. Lamar noticed the look I had as he also looked at the phone.

  “What the hell?

  My mind began to race as I ran to the car. I didn’t even wait for Lamar as I opened the door and got in.

  “Morgan! Morgan!” Lamar yelled as he caught up to me and got into the car.

  I quickly pulled out of the parking lot and raced to the feeder road, fearing the worse. The text came from Will’s phone. If he hurt Hayley in any way, I swear I would fucking kill him.

  I sped down the road, cutting off three cars as I quickly approached the guest house. I saw Lamar’s rental car parked outside, praying that this was all a joke.

  I jumped out of the car with the engine running and ran to the door. I forgot about my house key as I stepped back and made two attempts to break the door down. I would have to pay Uncle Rick back for the door later.

  “Morgan!” Lamar yelled.

  I turned around and looked at him as he saw the scared look on my face. We both were expecting the worse as we walked inside. It was as if a struggle had occurred. And there was blood on the floor, which definitely made me panic.

  “Hayley!” I yelled, going around the guest house. I went into the bathroom to see if she was there, but she wasn’t.

  “Tamara!” Lamar also yelled. We both came back to the center of the room and looked around, wondering what the hell happened.

  “I told you Mo! I told you not to trust him. I knew he had something to do with this!”

  I ran my hand through my hair as anger started to rise up in me. I was trying hard not to break down. My fears had come true, which was tearing me apart.

  I went over to the counter, thinking about that night that Hayley and I shared as I began throwing everything on the floor.

  “Stop Morgan! That’s not going to help the situation!”

  I was about to start destroying the china near the cabinets when I saw a recorder laying on the coffee table. I went over and picked it up. I pressed play and listened to the voice of the bastard that caused all of this shit. The person that Will said that wanted Hayley.

  “I told you I would come after you for what you did. Now, I have someone that you love. An eye for an eye, right? Now, let’s see what you will do….”

  I threw the recorder at the wall, watching it fall onto the floor. I turned around and headed for the door.

  “Where are you going?!” Lamar yelled.

  I walked out of the guest house, getting ready for another battle. He wanted to see what I’m capable of. Well, get ready, because he haven’t seen anything yet.

  “Morgan, where are you going? We don’t even have a clue to where they took them.”

  “I have an idea. Let’s go.”

  Lamar gave a confused look as I went to the car. I wasn’t going to tell Lamar until we get there, but I have a good idea of where Will took Hayley and Tamara. If the other person Will referred to is there, I will kill the both of them. I did it once so I don’t have a problem with doing it again.


  After driving for 30 minutes, I asked Kyle to meet us at his club. Since this was Will that kidnaped Hayley and Tamara, I’m sure this was where he took them, only because they were nowhere else he could have went. I could be wrong, but it was a long shot.

  “Why would you think he brought them here?” Kyle asked as he walked with Lamar and me to the entrance.

  “Because I know. He knows too much about the club and since it’s closed right now, it easy access.”

  “How would he had got in?”

  “Who else. Shantel. The two has been working together,�
�� Lamar said.

  “Wait, what?”

  “We’ll bring you up to speed later. Right now, we need to get Hales and Tam back,” I said. I readjusted the 35mm I had in the waistband of my jeans. Before leaving, I went into the main house and went into Uncle Rick’s gun cabinet. I think he would have understood that I needed them right now.

  “Did you really need to bring that? It might not even be that serious,” Kyle said.

  “You don’t know the entire situation. Someone has been after Morgan for a while now and with this recent incident, it’s about to come to a head now,” Lamar said.

  “Wait, what? What did you do?”

  “I killed my stepfather and Will had something to do with it. I’m not sure what, but he does.”

  “And you got me involved in this? Don’t you think we need to call Rick or the cops?”

  “Rick’s not here. He went to Houston, which is starting to make me wonder if that was a ploy to have him gone.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “My mom mentioned not to trust Aunt Caroline. She might have had something to do with this.”

  Lamar looked shocked while Kyle shook his head.

  We went to the door as Kyle opened it. We slowly walked in, not sure what we were getting into as we stepped inside. I knew Will wasn’t dumb enough to have the two tied up in the front; more likely, they were in one of the private rooms upstairs.

  We slowly crept up the stairs as I pulled out my gun. I needed it in case there was something or someone unexpectedly showed up before going upstairs.

  “I can’t believe this shit is happening. In my damn club! I thought I had all my issues resolved.,” Kyle whispered.

  I rolled my eyes as we went down the narrow hallway to the private rooms. My hands became sweaty as I didn’t know what to expect. Hopefully, the girls were okay.

  We continued down the hall when I noticed a light flicking on and off in the last room on the right. I went towards it and stared at Lamar and Kyle. I pointed to the door and nodded, knowing what we were going to do. Lamar pulled out his gun as Kyle did the same for his.

  “I thought you had a problem with guns,” I whispered.

  “I grew up with guns, so this is not a problem for me.”

  I nodded for them to move out of the way. I went to the door and kicked it in, seeing Tamara and Uncle Rick tied up in chairs opposite each other.

  “Uncle Rick!” I yelled. I went over to him while Lamar went to Tamara. I untied him, wondering where Hayley was.

  “How did you get here? I thought you were heading to Houston?”

  “I was, until my good for nothing wife knocked me out, and I ended up here.”

  “This is unbelievable,” Kyle said.

  “Did anyone see Shantel? She was the one who brought us here. She tied us up and hasn’t been seen since,” Tamara said.

  “For all we know, she probably fled,” Lamar said.

  “How did this happen? And where are Steve and Carl?”

  “I kind of sent them away. Now, I know I shouldn’t have.”

  Uncle Rick sighed and gave me a sympathetic expression. “Morgan, I…”

  “I have an idea, Uncle Rick. I’m really sorry.”

  “No need to apologize. We have to find Hayley though. Will and Caroline took her to another location of the club.”

  Before Uncle Rick could say anything else, I ran out of the room.

  “Morgan!” Lamar yelled.

  I ignored him as I ran towards the opposite end of the hallway. They couldn’t have gone too far. I had to find Hayley. There was no telling what those two were planning to do. I had to find her in case they had done something crazy to her.


  I looked around the room wondering where I was. I knew I was inside of The Palace, but this area was unfamiliar to me.

  After I had been knocked out, I ended up here with Will and Caroline in tow. Shantel had Tamara and Rick, who was already tied up. They moved me to another room just in case Tamara and I wouldn’t try anything stupid.

  My hands and feet were tightly bound with rope as I looked ahead. Hopefully someone would come because I don’t know how much longer I could hold out. I didn’t know what these two were capable of, and I didn’t want to find out.

  I was still in shock over Caroline’s involvement in all of this. She was the nice one who never led on about even knowing Craig or Will’s father. Honestly, I still don’t know how she’s involved in this.

  Since the two were gone, I tried to move my chair over to the table near the door to retrieve the nail file someone had left behind. I knew it was a stretch that it would cut through these ropes, but I had to do something. There was no way I was just going to sit here and let them do whatever to me.

  The door suddenly opened, which led me to stay still. Will and Caroline walked in, both have mischievous grins on their faces. I didn’t like this one bit.

  “Enjoy your time alone, Hales?” Will asked and laughed.

  “What are you two going to do to me? And where’s Tamara and Rick?”

  “You don’t need to worry about them,” Caroline said as she came over to me.

  “I’m pretty sure Rick has patrolmen or someone coming to the club. Someone has to.” I whispered.

  “That’s where you’re wrong Hayley. No one will be coming for any of you.”

  “Why are you doing this? What involvement do you have with Craig?”

  Caroline sighed. “As if you needed to know, but Craig was my brother. As for Will here, when I found out my other brother, Travis, fathered him, I had to do what was needed to keep him in the family; so I adopted him and Rick never knew.”

  I shook my head at what I was hearing. So they knew all along what was happening.

  “You knew all along that Morgan killed Craig?”

  “We had an idea, but I got confirmation from Morgan himself after your birthday party. He confined in me, thinking I would help him, when all along, I was plotting revenge on him.”

  “What are you planning to do to him?”

  “Like I would tell you! You have been nothing but a pain in our side since you arrived here. And to think, I had to be nice and sweet around you when I knew what you did. Not only were you covering up for him and your brother, but you killed my friend! How can you sleep at night knowing what you did?”

  “I guess I should ask you the same thing since you’re trying to kill me.”

  “Well, you deserve it.”

  “I did what I had to do.”

  “Shut up!” Will yelled.

  We glanced at him as he went over to the corner. He took a deep breath and sighed.

  “I never agreed to any of this; now, I killed someone and could possibly kill again. I don’t want to continue this.”

  “God, you’re so damn weak! You could never be Travis’ son.”

  “You’re right, I’m not! He only wanted to be a father to me after you adopted me. If he cared so much about me, he would have been there for me, not when he felt it was convenient.”

  I stared at Will realizing he was just as damaged as Morgan. These McFarlanes were a piece of work.

  Caroline went over to him and shoved him. “Don’t wimp out on me now, Will! Travis asked you to do a job for him, and you need to carry it out.”

  “Where is he, by the way?” Will asked.

  “Right here, son.”

  The man who I bumped into at the restaurant walked into the room. He came over to me and smiled.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Hayley Stevens, or should I say, the pretty lady I saw earlier today.”

  I suddenly felt sick at how he was looking at me. I needed to get out of this room.

  “So, have my sister and son been keeping you entertained?”

  “To say the least,” I mumbled.

  “I guess you’re wondering why you’re here. Well, due to your boyfriend killing my brother, and your brother helped him cover it up, you instantly became the prime target in my master pl
an. I figured since he murdered Craig then I should do the same to you. Or as I would say, an eye for an eye.”

  “Your brother deserved it!”

  “He didn’t deserved to be killed and burned up in an open field! I admit, he made some mistakes, but he was human. He didn’t have to die like he did.”

  “So you’re saying it was okay for him to beat a woman senseless or talk down to her? Morgan did what he had to do to protect his mother.”

  Travis came over to me and was about to slap me when the door opened. Morgan walked in, pointing a gun while giving everyone a heated look. My heart started racing as I watched him. He had that look that he would normally have when he went into snap mode. If he did, this would be the only time that I would accept him being this way.

  “Well, if it’s isn’t Morgan. So nice of you to join the party,” Travis said.

  “Let her go, and I won’t have to use this,” he said as he pointed the gun at Travis.

  “What makes you think I would hand this bitch over? I’ll kill her before I do that.”

  “And I’ll kill you before you even get to that point. Remember, I killed your sorry ass brother, so don’t think I won’t hesitate in shooting you too.”

  I looked down and saw something sharp on the ground. I’m not sure if it fell out of someone’s pocket, but I didn’t care. I had to get to it so I could get out of these ropes.

  “Now, this is what I want you to do. You let Hayley go, and we’ll leave, but don’t think I won’t call the cops. I’m going to do things the right way and have you all hauled off to prison where you all belong.”

  “Just like you, Morgan?”

  “There’s no evidence pointing me to anything.”

  “What about your sweet girlfriend? She did kill someone for you,” Travis said and smiled.

  “Who would know anything? Thanks to him over there, her only eyewitness is dead,” Morgan said while staring at Will.

  Travis looked over at Will, who had a nervous expression.

  “You did what?”

  “I had no choice! She was going to kill her, and you needed her alive.”

  Travis shook his head and started to pace while waving his gun. It seemed as if this was all this entire family does.


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