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Big Sky Bride, Be Mine!

Page 18

by Victoria Pade

  “I can see in the crystal ball that we will, yeah,” she assured him.

  “And they’ll be our kids exactly the same way Abby is our kid.”

  “And they’ll all take us for granted,” Jenna teased him.

  “Good!” he said victoriously.

  Jenna merely smiled at that. “I do love you.” She whispered it this time, because the happy tears she was holding back were quieting her voice.

  “I do love you,” Ian echoed.

  And even though it was time to get up and go home, Jenna stayed where she was for another moment, savoring what she’d found with Ian and thinking about those dark clouds he’d said she’d been under since J.J.’s death.

  Even in the black of night now, she knew those clouds had lifted. That Ian had lifted them. That with him to share her life, they were gone for good.

  “Come on, let’s go home,” he urged with another kiss to the top of her head.

  After hugging him tightly for a split second, Jenna let go of him so they could get up and return to the place that had brought them together.

  The place where they would live out the rest of their lives.

  Peacefully, joyfully, contentedly.

  And for that, she didn’t need a crystal ball to be sure.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-0932-9


  Copyright © 2011 by Victoria Pade

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  *Baby Times Three

  **Northbridge Nuptials

  ‡‡Most Likely To…

  ¤Family Business

  ¶Montana Mavericks:

  Striking It Rich

  ††Back in Business

  ‡The Foleys and the McCords

  ¤¤The Fortunes of Texas:

  Lost…and Found




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