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Now And Always (Crown Creek)

Page 22

by Theresa Leigh

  “Because?” I spread my hand. “He’s the father. He should know.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me. “Says who?”

  “Says…I dunno…”


  “Just…general rightness? I don’t know, whoever determines what the right thing to do is, they say it, okay?”

  She lifted her chin. “Me. I’m that person. I determine what’s right here, and it’s my choice.” She shook her head. “I don’t want him anywhere near my child.”

  “But shouldn’t he at least know the child exists?”

  Her jaw dropped. “I can’t believe I’m hearing this. Are you really standing up for what’s right when it comes to J.D.? You’re being all ethical…for J.D.’s sake?”

  My stomach twisted in instinctive revulsion. I had no response to that. Claire didn't know about my visit to the pool hall. She didn't know I wasn't so sure J.D. was evil anymore.

  I still hated him though. And was not in any sort of mood to argue with Claire so soon after getting her back. "No, I guess I'm not," I said, opening my arms. "I'm sorry for bringing it up. My timing sucks."

  She tossed her head, but I saw the relief in her eyes that I was letting it go. "It really does," she laughed, but went willingly into my arms again. I touched her chin and tilted her face to mine. When my lips brushed hers, she sighed my name before kissing me back. I nipped at her lip, sucking just enough to make her gasp. The blood started hammering in my ears again. I leaned back, pulling her on top of me. I wanted to feel her go boneless again.

  Instead I felt a waft of cold air.

  Chapter Forty-Four


  The light blinked on, and I froze. Heavy treads sounded on the floor. Ethan looked at me, wild-eyed. “There’s someone here,” he mouthed.

  I clapped my hand to my forehead. “I know,” I whispered back. I’d recognize those thunderous footfalls anywhere. “It’s Finn.”

  “Claire?” my brother called.

  “Maybe she’s asleep?” Sky’s voice floated in from outside.

  I stared wildly at Ethan. We were shielded from the doorway by the back of the couch. For now.

  I slowly reached for my shirt, careful not to lift my head above the line of cushions shielding me from my brothers.

  “I’m going to check on Seth.” Rebecca sounded a little tipsy. Glad she had fun, I thought maniacally as I struggled into my panties.

  Ethan slid all the way down onto his back. “Boxers,” he mouthed.

  Another light flicked on. “Where is she?” Rachel asked. I heard the whoosh of the tap and then a clink of a glass. She was hydrating after a night of drinking the way Beau taught her, good for her, I thought, feeling around blindly for Ethan’s underwear.

  He pulled the blanket off me as I slid to the floor. He clutched it to his groin and gave me a desperate look.

  “I’ve got them,” I promised. And I did. They’d somehow gotten shoved way under the couch. If I could just reach a little farther….


  I froze in place. Then laughed and helplessly lowered my forehead to the floor. I considered staying in this position forever. Better than having to lift my head and make eye contact with my brother, who was currently getting a very unbrotherly look at my ass. Thank God I had managed to squirm into my panties, but Ethan…

  Ethan was…

  He cleared his throat. “Uh, hi there, Finn.” I lifted my head to take in the sight of my favorite brother staring down at his couch in horror.

  Ethan adjusted his grip on the blanket and extended his hand. “How are you?”

  “Um, I’m gonna pass on that handshake, if you don’t mind,” Finn drawled, eyeing Ethan’s hand.

  “Sure, no problem,” Ethan said gamely.

  Sky came around to Finn’s side. Her eyes went wide when she saw us. Then she snapped to attention. “Oh my God, Finn. Stop staring at them like a weirdo and give them privacy.”

  “Thanks,” I croaked.

  “What’s going on?” Beau called.

  “Don’t come over here!” Finn and I said at the same time.

  “Claire?” Ethan said calmly. “May I please have my underwear?”

  The next few minutes were a blur of confusion. My brothers fled around the corner to the kitchen, and whispered frantically to each other. I strained to hear them while at the same time trying to help Ethan locate all his missing clothes. By the time he and I both stood up, he was still missing a sock, but we’d silently agreed to give it up as forever lost and stepped around the corner.

  “So.” I cleared my throat.

  Finn, Beau, Sky, Rachel, and Rebecca tumbled into the living room as one, as if the horror at catching me naked had fused them into a single body. That single body had five pairs of eyes that now just stared at me.

  Ethan reached out, brushing my knuckles with his hand.

  I grabbed it and immediately felt better.

  “Hey, Claire,” Finn drawled. “Ethan. Happy New Year.”

  “Happy New Year,” Ethan and I parroted back like little schoolchildren.

  Beau raised his eyebrows. “So is this?” He pointed from me to Ethan and then back to me again. “Is this a thing now?”

  I glanced at Ethan. The corner of his mouth kicked up, but he inclined his head, indicating it was my call.

  I licked my lips, and everything slid into place. I squeezed his hand and then turned back to fused brother-creature in front of me. “Yeah. It’s a thing.”

  “’Bout time,” Sky whispered.

  “What?” asked Ethan.

  “Never mind.”

  “Hey, Beau, Rachel, congratulations by the way.” I loved how unfailingly considerate Ethan was. He seemed completely unfazed by the murderous looks my brothers were sending his way.

  Rachel slipped her arm in Beau’s. “Thank you so much. Are you coming to the wedding?”

  Ethan looked at me with raised eyebrows. “As a guest?” he asked. “Or as—”

  “My date,” I finished firmly.

  Ethan grinned and turned back to Rachel. “I’d be honored to come, but Claire hasn’t asked me yet.”

  “Are you kidding me? I just did.”

  “You didn’t ask,” he teased, turning to my brothers. “Did you guys hear her ask?”

  Finn growled. But Beau let out a short laugh. “Okay, I like him,” he announced.

  I threw my hands in the air, forgetting at the last minute that my fingers were still linked with Ethan’s and nearly yanking his arm out of his socket. “Whatever, you’re all a bunch of pains in my ass. Ethan, wanna be my date for Beau and Rachel’s wedding?”

  He looked down at his feet, a smile spreading across his face that was so achingly pure and sweet that I loved him even more for it. “Sure,” he mumbled. “But only if you tell me what to wear. You know I’m hopeless at dressing for dates.”

  I looked up. Sky had her hand pressed to her heart. Rachel and Rebecca were both mouthing “aww.” Even Beau looked charmed, while Finn stared resolutely at the ceiling.

  I couldn’t help it. I burst out laughing. “You know I will.” I reached up and brushed the hair from his forehead. “And I’ll even book you a haircut too.”

  He kissed my hand. “Whatever makes you happy, Claire.”

  Chapter Forty-Five


  We were dating now. It was as simple as that. Claire King was my girlfriend.

  I wasn’t…entirely sure what I thought that would mean. I guess I had some corny-ass vision of us strolling hand-in-hand through a butterfly garden, maybe sipping from the same milkshake using two straws. You know, the kind of shit couples do in the movies.

  Instead, I found myself working overtime as deputy-wedding-planner, and chief packer of lunches for a woman who was so busy kicking life's ass that she frequently forgot to eat.

  Yeah, Claire was my girlfriend now. But she was still…Claire.

  “You’re not overdoing it, right?” I asked for what felt like the millionth tim
e. Worry flared up as a spark of pain between my furrowed eyebrows, and I rubbed at it absently with one hand as I gripped my phone with the other.

  Beau’s wedding was this afternoon. A brief squall this morning had carpeted everything in a twinkly layer of fresh snow. I’d helped set up the heaters last night, and knew they were probably running full blast under the enclosure Claire had rustled up out of nowhere at the last minute.

  The pergola had survived the journey from my shop to the twins’ front lawn remarkably unscathed—only a few dings that I had touched up on site. And then I’d shoved my hands in my pockets and watched the Kings scurry around each other, shouting across the lawn for more tape here and another extension cord there. I’d asked Claire what she wanted me to do next, but she’d just kissed me and told me she had it under control.

  The annoying part was, she did. Which was why she laughed at me now. “I don’t understand the question. Define 'overdoing it.'”

  I sighed and rubbed that spot of pain between my eyes again. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come by earlier? Help with any last-minute preparations?”

  “The only thing I would need help with is getting these damn shoes on,” she grumbled.

  “You shouldn’t wear heels.”

  “Too late for that.” The phone was muffled for a moment, and I heard her tell someone on the other end that she had extras in her purse.

  I couldn’t help my grin at how prepared she was. “I can’t wait to see you. Even if I have to share you with your family.”

  She cleared her throat and then lowered her voice. “Hopefully you won’t have to share me for too long.”

  A jolt of awareness surged through my body. “Yeah?”

  “I miss you, Ethan. And you look damn good with that new haircut of yours.”

  “I miss you, too. I’ll be there nice and early so I can inspect the work you’ve done. It better be up to my standards, Miss King, or I’m going to take you over my knee.”

  “I’d like to see you try that.”

  "I think you'd like it."

  She let out an involuntary moan. "Hurry up and get to this wedding so we can hurry up and leave."

  She didn't have to tell me twice.

  I took my place toward the back of the tent, and kept my eyes trained on the openings for any sign of Claire. My heart did a quick two-step when I caught a glimpse of her blond hair, but she was gone as quickly as she’d appeared.

  All around me, the arriving guests buzzed and murmured. The entire town of Crown Creek had to be crammed in here. The front of the tent was open, giving a view of the snow-covered lawn rolling down to the frozen pond at the bottom of the property, but the rest of the flaps were tied closed to keep away the February chill. The heaters were on full blast, and mixed with the heat of all the excited bodies, it was almost too warm under here.

  A single violinist walked up and stood to the side of the pergola. She lifted her instrument to her chin and started playing a lovely, lilting melody I didn’t recognize. A murmur rippled through the crowd, and I overheard one of the guests explain that this was a hymn sung by the Chosen at their meetings. Rachel must have wanted to keep some of her own background in the ceremony. The simple strains wafted upward, making the hastily erected tent feel as reverent of a space as a soaring cathedral.

  Then the music died away. Another ripple of excitement went through the crowd, and everyone fell silent.

  Then one of the flaps on the side opened up and Jonah King poked his face in. He grinned, then jumped out, landing in a deep knee bend like there was a spotlight on him. “Hellooooo, everybodyyyyyy!” he yelled.

  We all burst out laughing. “Woo!” shouted one of the girls up front.

  Then we laughed even harder, because Gabe had crept up behind him and put him in a chokehold. “Not your show, man,” he intoned, loud enough for us to overhear. The girls in the front laughed again, and someone whistled.

  Claire had always rolled her eyes at her brothers’ success, but as I watched them play-fight, I had to admit they were natural showmen.

  “Best man to the rescue!” Finn yelled, jumping in. He shoved his brothers into place next to the pergola and then turned toward the back. “Round of applause for my mom!” Everyone whooped as he sprinted down the aisle towards Mrs. King who looked like she couldn’t decide between laughter and murder. But when Finn took her arm, she patted his hand and gave him a look filled with such love. He led her carefully to her seat of honor in the front, making sure she was settled before returning to his post.

  He held up his hands for quiet, then clapped them together. “Everyone give it up for the man of the hour!”

  We turned as one. “Woohoo! Go Beau!” I joined in with the yelling and clapping as Beau walked down the aisle, waving sheepishly. He rolled his eyes at his brothers but allowed them to clap him on the back. I didn't know Claire's brother as well as I wanted to, but even I could see that he was over the moon. He kept his eyes fixed on the rear of the tent. Even from back here I could see he was shaking a little.

  The violinist picked up her instrument again. We shuffled in our seats. Straining.

  The first piercing note wafted up at the same moment the flap lifted. Everly Foster, Rachel’s old roommate and Gabe King’s fiancée, appeared in a floaty chiffon pink dress, a white fur-lined cape draped around her shoulders. She held a single pink rose to her chest and smiled, waggling her fingers at Gabe before making her way slowly up the aisle.

  Next came Ruby, wearing a matching white cape and a dress as red as her name. “Miss Riley!” I recognized the voice of Taylor’s niece, Maddy. The little girl was bouncing up and down, waving frantically. “Hi! Hi Miss Riley!” Ruby laughed and took a quick detour from the aisle to give Maddy a squeeze, eliciting awws from the crowd.

  Then she turned back and mouthed an apology to Sky, who'd appeared to take her turn down the aisle and was now almost doubled over with laughter. She waved off Ruby’s apologies, and the two linked arms to walk together up to the front. Finn stepped out of the lineup to give Sky a quick kiss, and Jonah mock pouted. "Hey Miss Riley, where's my hug?" he whined to his fiancée to much laughter. The laughter grew even louder when Ruby swatted him with her bouquet.

  But I whipped my head away from the antics at the front of the tent and trained my eyes on the back, because Claire was next.

  Her dress was a soft baby pink, cut high in the waist to make room for the gentle swell of her belly. It was the exact same shade of pink as her lips.

  My breath caught. With her pink lips, flushed cheeks, and sparkling eyes, she looked like the Claire I was getting used to waking up next to. With her hair pinned back from her face by a single sparkling barrette, she looked both sweet, and impossibly, gorgeously sexy.

  That’s my girlfriend! I wanted to shout. Can you believe it?

  I still didn’t. Because who could ever get so lucky?

  I finally tore my eyes away from her when the crowd gasped. Rachel's sister, Rebecca, had just stepped up, and I barely recognized her. She was dressed in a long column of shockingly fuchsia pink. Her long hair had been swept up off her shoulders into an elaborate crown, and I realized that this was the first time I’d ever seen her neck bare like this. Since leaving the compound, she’d either worn it in the usual braid of a Chosen woman or she’d let it fall around her shoulders like it was a cloak.

  Without that fall of hair to hide behind, she seemed more confident, and returned the frank, open stares of the townspeople with an amused grin.

  As matron of honor, she took her place across from Finn, who gave her an encouraging nod.

  Then the music changed. Sensing the cue, we all stood up.

  The first strains of the Wedding March began, and Rachel appeared, her arm tucked securely into the crook of Mr. King’s elbow. He patted her with a fatherly expression, and I thought about how nice it was that he’d agreed to give her away.

  But she gave him a kiss on his cheek, then let go of his arm and stood on her own. She
took a deep breath, then began her slow, stately march to the front of the tent.

  She’d grown up in a repressive cult that gave women no choice about who they were matched with. And now she was walking herself down the aisle of her own free will.

  She was giving herself away. Even the most gossipy guests couldn’t help noticing the symbolism. Old Mrs. Gaines dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. Jim Crowthers, the mustachioed Chief of Police, honked loudly into his.

  But Beau didn’t bother to wipe away his tears. As he watched his bride approach, they tracked freely down his face, getting lost in his beard. All the bridesmaids wept openly too. Claire wiped her eyes and then looked up.

  I caught her eye and smiled, but inside my stomach was roiling. What was this I was feeling? I tried to figure it out as Beau and Rachel exchanged their vows, promising to love each other forever and support each other always. Was it jealousy?

  Did I want this?

  The edges of my sight blurred with tears, narrowing my vision down to a pinpoint. It was like I was looking down a tunnel. And at the end of it was Claire.

  Claire, who watched her brother with an expression of pure love. Claire, who clapped when the bride and groom kissed, bouncing up and down on her toes like an excited child. Claire, who spontaneously hugged Rebecca after she handed over the rings.

  Claire. My beautiful, terrifying, wonderful Claire.

  When Beau and Rachel kissed for the first time as man and wife, Claire wiped away her tears impatiently, dragging the heel of her hand up her cheekbone.

  “No!” I hissed under my breath. A couple of people turned toward me, probably wondering what the hell was wrong with the guy objecting to a kiss at a wedding. But they didn’t see what I had seen.

  Claire had dragged her hand through her eye makeup. A swipe of black now marred her perfect cheek.

  I knew my girl well enough to know how much she’d hate that. “Excuse me,” I murmured, pushing my way to the far side of the aisle.

  As the officiant said the parting words, I ducked around the back of the tent. “Oh shit!” I yelped in shock as the freezing cold air hit my overwarm cheeks. But I didn’t slow down. I scurried across the snow as fast as my slippery shoes would allow, until I was just on the other side of where Claire stood.


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