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Screwing the Mob

Page 36

by Luciani, Kristen

  He runs a hand through his hair and lets out a sigh. “I’m sorry, Shaye. I’m just a little tense. This has been difficult on everyone. I’m just thankful you’re all okay.” He opens his arms, and I hesitate for a split second before I allow myself to fall into them. It doesn’t go unnoticed, either…by my father or Max.

  “I’m sorry for lashing out like that.” I lean my face against his chest and inhale the scent of his cologne. “It’s just…I guess I’m a little strung out. Tonight was…” I shiver against him, unable to even utter the words racing through my mind. “I didn’t mean to accuse you of anything.”

  He hugs me tight and drops a kiss on the top of my head. “Everything is fine, sweetie. Nobody is going to hurt you again. I promise.”

  I pull away, a small smile on my face. “I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you, too.” He flashes a tight smile and his eyes flicker in Max’s direction. “We’ll talk tomorrow, then?”

  I turn toward Max to see him nod once.

  Dad smiles at me and tousles my hair before heading, once again, toward the exit.

  “God, I feel like I’m losing my mind. Today, tonight…Jesus, I’m a freaking wreck. I need sleep. And some hot chocolate.” I shake my head at Max. “What’s the deal with you and Dad? What were you arguing about now?”

  He rubs the back of his neck, averting his eyes. “It was just business stuff, about the construction site. Nothing for you to worry about.”

  I fold my arms and cock an eyebrow. “Really. Is that why you can’t even look at me right now?”

  “Shaye, can you please just drop it? There’s nothing to flip out about. I’ll handle it.”

  “Handle what? Is there a problem with the project? Are you—?”

  “Hi, guys.” Sloane approaches, a tentative smile on her face. “I don’t want to interrupt, but Nico is looking for you, Shaye. He’s still in with his dad, but I think he wants to make sure you weren’t hauled away in the paddy wagon.” She lets out a soft giggle, her eyes darting to Max.

  “Go and tell him you’re not being thrown in the clink after all. Give him one less thing to worry about tonight. I’ll keep Sloane company.” Max’s gaze flickers toward Sloane. “If she’s cool with that.”

  Sloane’s cheeks flood with a deep pink color and she nods. “Yeah, I’m actually on a quick break if you want to grab coffee?”

  I back away since they clearly don’t need me cramping their style, and I walk through the double doors leading to the curtained-off rooms. I turn left at the end of the hallway leading to Mr. Salesi’s room and let out a loud gasp. Nico is sitting on the polished tile floor, hunched over, his head in his hands.

  I sprint toward him and sink to my knees. “Babe, what’s wrong?” I turn my head wildly in every direction, my voice rising in panic. “Can someone please help us? Please, we need a doctor now, he’s—"

  Nico shakes his head and waves away the nurse that runs up to us. “I’m fine. I promise. I just needed to rest for a minute.”

  The nurse lifts an eyebrow. “Why are you out of your room? The doctor still needs to see you again before you’re released.”

  “I know, just please give us a second, and I’ll go right back there.”

  She narrows her eyes at him and then at me. “Call me if you need help getting him back there.”

  I nod and turn back to Nico. “Baby, what is it? Talk to me.”

  He raises his head, his one good eye bloodshot, the other dark purple and bandaged. “I could have lost everything tonight. I don’t fucking want this, Shaye. I only want you. A future where we can be happy without constantly looking over our shoulders and wondering if someone’s going to yank away everything that’s good in our lives.” He rests his head against the cinderblock wall and lets out a shuddering sigh. “But I have responsibilities. People to protect. Businesses to run. Money to make. Can you deal with this life, Shaye? Is this really what you want for yourself?”

  “Did you get hit on the head a little too hard before?” I gently caress the side of his bruised face. “I know exactly what I’m signing up for, and as much as it scares me, it will never be enough to make me walk away from our life together. You’re it for me, Nico. You have been since the time you made me that horrible, watery hot chocolate.” A tiny giggle escapes my lips. “I knew back then that you weren’t perfect, but would always try to make me happy. That’s all I want. And it’s all I need.”

  He groans and shifts against me. “You’re young. You’ll wake up one day and realize you can do better.”

  “Maybe it would be less complicated and less bloody, but never better.” I lean forward to graze his lips without making him flinch then hold out my hands to pull him to his feet. “Come on, let’s get you back to your room. I think you might need some more morphine.”

  He wraps an arm around my waist, and I hold him against me as tight as possible without disturbing his bandaged and broken ribs. Slowly, we walk down the hallway, closing yet another chapter of our tumultuous story…a forbidden and twisted fantasy come true.

  My fate was sealed a very long time ago, and it’s going to take a hell of a lot more than a few murderous goons to chase me away from the love of my life.

  I choose him.

  I choose us.

  One Month Later


  Shaye walks toward me slowly, swinging her slim hips, long dark waves streaming over her bare shoulders. The white dress clings to every curve of her body, the bottom barely grazing her upper thigh. She’s got on those shoes I love so much, the ones I’m going to fuck her in again. Here. Tonight.

  Her full lips curl upward as she approaches. The soft glow of light dances on top of her hair, and I run my fingers through the soft waves. “I’m liking this brunette thing on you.”

  “I figured this look could be my deviant alter ego. But I think we should name her, too,” Shaye whispers, nipping at my ear. I groan. Damn, she knows all of my buttons and never hesitates to press them.

  “How about Alexis?”

  She taps a finger against her mouth, pretending to think. “I like that. She sounds sexy, mysterious, and seductive.

  My fingers reach around her back and toy with the zipper on the back of her dress, sliding it down halfway. “Are you ready for this, Alexis?”

  She bites down on her lower lip and nods. “This is going to be so insanely hot.”

  I grin. Now that things have settled down as much as they can in our lives, I decided to give Shaye the night she’d been craving since our first time at Culaccino together. I want to block the ending of that night from my mind forever, so we need to create a new memory.

  And my little deviant is desperate to dip her toes into the taboo.

  The past month has been long and trying on all of us. My dad is on the mend, and the Cappodamo family, what’s left of it, is flailing in all directions. With Frank, Luca, and Matteo gone, they’re struggling to keep their businesses afloat without leadership. All of the alliances Frank and Matteo had established with other families crumbled like stale cookies and a new boss hasn’t taken control.


  And we have to be prepared.

  But I’m not thinking about any of that tonight. I’ve got other things on my mind, like how many different ways I’m going to fuck this gorgeous woman in front of me and give her the most erotic experience of her life.

  Shaye’s fingers tremble a bit as she unbuttons my shirt and fumbles with my belt buckle. A small crowd has gathered around us to watch; men with their hands down their pants, topless women flicking their nipples. With a quick look to her left and right, she slowly sinks to her knees and grasps my cock, stroking it with her warm hands.

  I’ve never put myself on display at my club. Anytime I have sex, it’s in my own private room, never mingling with the guests. I’ve always felt the need to be on the outside, to maintain control, image, and perception. Tonight, that changes. Tonight, Shaye and I are sharing our first experience together.

bsp; And hot is a gross understatement.

  I gasp when she takes my throbbing cock into her mouth, her lips tight around my shaft. She traces over the sides with her tongue, squeezing my balls with each suck and tug. Low moans erupt from the voyeurs enjoying the pregame show. My fingers tangle in her hair, and she takes me deeper, so deep that I hit the back of her throat. I clench my gut. If she keeps this up for much longer, I’m going to blow like fucking Old Faithful. Peanut butter, decapitated deer, hair in my food…I try to think of anything that’ll make me last.

  Because I know once we get inside the play room where all of the fucking takes place, it won’t be long at all before I explode.

  I gently tug her head back and she rises from the carpet, her lips scorching a path up my chest. I adjust myself so my dick isn’t hanging out of my pants, although…I check my surroundings…nobody else seems to care what they look like or what state of undress they themselves are in.

  “Are you ready?” I whisper.

  “Yes.” Her cheeks are flushed a deep pink, her eyes glittering with excitement and anticipation. I thought she’d be a little more apprehensive about this next part, but lust has overtaken my girl. I give her ass a squeeze, making her squeal, and pull her toward the doorway.

  We walk inside the darkened space where other couples and threesomes have already claimed their own areas. There’s a long leather couch along the back wall, illuminated only by purple and red flickers of a strobe light spinning overhead. Guests line the perimeter of the room, some just watching, some women finger-fucking themselves, some guys jacking off to the orgy.

  I pull Shaye over to the corner, and she turns her back toward me. “Take it off,” she breathes, swaying her hips to the music pumping into the room.

  “Oh, you’re gonna do a little dance for me first, aren’t you? Alexis?”

  She shimmies her hips, running her hands down the sides of her torso then up the sides of her legs. The dress slides up her thighs, exposing that perfect ass I want to fuck with everything I have in me.

  I tug the zipper down, exposing her heaving tits to our audience as the straps fall from her shoulders. The fabric falls from her body, pooling at her heeled feet. I reach around her, dragging a hand down the front of her chest as she backs into me, her pussy wet and pleading for my hand. I bury my head in her neck, tasting her soft skin, nipping at her ear with my tongue and teeth. My fingers plunge into her soft walls, feeling her muscles squeeze them tight, urging them deeper. My cock slides against the smooth skin of her ass as I tease her clit, making her writhe against me. She thrusts against my hand, fast and frenzied, her juices flowing over my fingers. “Oh God!” she moans. “Fuck me, Nico. Please fuck me now!”

  I flip her so her back is against the wall, and she steps onto the couch with one foot, opening her legs for me and for the crowd gathered around us. I snake an arm around her waist, my stiff cock grazing her slick opening. “I fucking love you,” I whisper, my voice low and gruff. “Forever.”

  She is still breathless, her cheeks glowing in the light, eyes bright and very much aware of what we’re doing and for whom. “I love you so much,” she murmurs back. “Now make love to me. The way you always wanted to. Let’s give these people the fucking show of a lifetime.”

  I crush my lips against hers, digging my fingers into her hips. She hinges upward, and I drive my dick deep inside of her. It’s warm, soft, wet, and all for me. I thrust in and out, rubbing myself against her clit with each movement. But she doesn’t like it when I tease her. She wants all of me. Always. I plunge deeper and harder, rocking against her. Our bodies are slick with sweat and dripping with arousal.

  I push her into me with as much force as I can, and she lets out a loud scream. “Oh my God, you’re so fucking amazing!”

  My cock pulsates inside of her, drowning in her juices. I drive deeper, a slow explosion rumbling in my core. The deep ache in my balls is slowly relieved as nerves fire throughout my groin, igniting every cell in my body. I slam into her one last time, her thighs tight around my waist. My body shudders as I erupt inside of her, giving her everything I have.

  I lean my head on her shoulder, my breathing ragged. For a few seconds we stand together, our heaving chests sliding against each other. I don’t want to pull out…ever. I just want to stay buried inside of this woman for the rest of my days.

  “That was so incredible,” she murmurs against my ear.

  I nip at her ear. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

  She tilts her head backward, a teasing sparkle in her eyes. With a wide smile, she nods. “Encore?”

  Read on for Max and Sloane’s story! One-click Betraying the Mob now!

  An Excerpt of the next book in the Mob Lust Series, Betraying the Mob

  Six Weeks Ago


  An ominous chill settles into my bones as I walk down Decatur Avenue in the armpit of Brooklyn on this frigid night. I flip up the collar of my coat to form a barrier against the heavy wind that nearly blew my car off the Verrazano Bridge a little while ago. Sidestepping puddles of half-melted ice from the last snow storm, I peer around at the darkness consuming the dilapidated buildings, trying to make out any shapes that are lurking in alleyways, ready to pummel, but there are none.

  I guess criminals celebrate Thanksgiving too.

  Nico would kick my ass if he knew I was here. Alone, no less.

  My phone vibrates against my leg. I glance left and right before pulling it out to read the text from Sloane.

  Where are you? We just finished dinner, and I made your favorite for dessert. Is everything okay?

  I tug down the rim of my worn Yankees baseball cap and shake off the useless guilt that’s been hovering over me ever since I made a sudden turn in the opposite direction…away from Sloane’s house and toward the New Jersey Turnpike.

  I should be with Sloane right now, sitting in the dining room at her dad’s house, eating her tiramisu…the best damn tiramisu on the planet and the one she always makes any time I come over. I’m so fucking deep in the friend zone that the only thing I can get is dessert. Or Raisinets when I show up at her apartment with the bullshit excuse that I want to play Fortnite. Video games. That’s the only way in, so I’ve been reduced to fucking Player Two.

  Things between us fell apart the last time because my priorities were fucked up. Funny how shit comes full circle. I’ve been dicking around for the past couple of months, trying to figure out how to tell her that I want to give this thing between us another shot, but something always stopped me from saying the words.

  That was gonna change tonight. I was gonna lay it out there for her, to see if there’s a future for us, to see if I can get the second chance I’ve been waiting for. And here I am in Brooklyn with my priorities all fucked up again. Maybe it’s a sign that she’s better off without me and my jacked priorities.

  But that phone call…how the hell could I have ignored it? I know being here violates all sorts of rules, but I still came.

  You always repay your debts.

  Besides, I’d never let those bastards win their sick, sordid game either.

  When they violated our territory and went after our business, they fucked themselves.

  I’m just here to finish the job. It’s what I do. It’s what I’m good at.

  Except this time, I don’t have backup.

  This is something I have to do by myself. I put Layla in this position, and now I need to get her the fuck out of it.

  I mentally flip through attack strategies, squinting at the numbers on the buildings along the desolate road. There could be anywhere from one to five guys inside, based on what she whispered into the phone.

  They’re baiting me. I know they’re not gonna do what they threatened to do. But Layla wasn’t taking that risk, and now I’m here to save the fucking day.

  I stop short, my ears straining to hear what sounds like very determined footsteps approaching me from behind. My throat tightens, and I stuff my hands deep into my poc
kets, gripping the handle of my trusty switchblade.

  I pick up the pace, knowing I’ll have milliseconds to pull out the blade, swivel around, and lance the fucker. The footsteps get louder and heavier, splashing through puddles.

  The dipshit isn’t even trying to be stealth anymore.

  I glance left and right, and still, the street is empty.

  Save for two people.

  At least.

  The bar is up ahead on my left. If this prick is one of theirs, I don’t want to take him out here in the open, so I dodge left and dart between two buildings, crouched low so I can spring at the bastard when he comes for me.

  My moves take him by surprise and he sprints toward me, hood pulled over his face. I can only make out a profile, but I’ll slash first and ask questions later.

  As always.

  I grip the blade in my hand and release its gleaming metal tip. Ready to slice.

  “Max!” A male voice whisper-shouts my name. “What the fuck?”

  I furrow my brow. “Gabe?”

  Gabe pulls off his hood. “Yeah, man. What the hell is wrong with you? I could have been a cop, for fuck’s sake!” He points at my blade. “You were just gonna fillet me without even finding out who it was?”

  I retract the blade and stick it back into my pocket, letting out a deep sigh. “This is a shithole neighborhood, if you haven’t noticed. And if the cops came down here more often, it probably wouldn’t be as bad as it is. So, yeah, if someone is following me in this place, I’m slicing first, worrying about it never.” I lower my voice. “What the fuck are you doing here, anyway? Shouldn’t you be at your mother’s house right now, sleeping on the couch after stuffing your face with enough food to feed a third world country?”

  “Screw you.” Gabe grinned. “I already did all that. And now I’m all fueled up and ready to bust some fucking skulls. Where are they?”

  I nod in the direction of the dilapidated building. Layla didn’t have an exact address, but she sent pictures. I did the rest with the help of my young protégé, Sammy, who also happens to be a tech genius. Fucking kid. He could do so much more with his life than be a hacker for the mafia, but then again, nobody ever asks if you’re gonna join the party.


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