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Like Flies To Honey 2

Page 3

by Nicety

  Buzz, Buzz. Brittany’s cell phone vibrated all afternoon.

  “Who is that?” Derek asked grabbing her cell off the coffee table.

  “It’s my mother” Brittany snatched it out of his hand, “don’t check me!”

  “I was just making sure that asshole wasn’t calling my wife.”

  “Your wife? Nigga, I don’t remember having no ceremony.” Brittany rolled her eyes.

  In the back of her mind she wished it were him. She missed Dune even though it was hard for her to admit it to herself. She missed his charm and husband-like ways. Derek wasn’t like that. He only gave her attention when it was convenient for him and she knew it but her history with him wouldn’t allow her to abandon him.

  “You know, you should answer your phone for your mother. She needs you now that her favorite daughter is gone.” Derek popped sunflower seeds in his mouth like they were his last meal with his left hand, spitting the remains in his right.

  “Why do you always have to be an asshole?” Brittany yelled.

  “Oh, I’m an asshole ‘cause I’m stating the truth. You said it yourself. Where’d you think I got the shit? Fuck all that let’s get dressed.”

  She knew he was right but she didn’t expect for him to blatantly say it like that. She left him headed for the bathroom with her cell locking the door behind her. She turned the shower on hoping Derek couldn’t hear her talking.

  “Dune, it’s me. How are you?” Brittany whispered.


  “Um, okay well. I’m sorry I didn’t answer my ph…”

  “Is there a reason for this call, Brit?” Dune was stone cold. He had cut her off quick not wanting to hear any of the bullshit she was about to feed him.

  “Well, I just wanted to know if I could come and see you and possibly get my clothes, too. I…I wanna talk.”

  “Oh now you wanna talk. You’ll have to excuse me, Brit. I have company.”

  Brittany heard a female laughing way to hard in the background the whole time he hung up in her face. She knew that it was over between her and Dune. She was upset and broken; no man had ever treated her like that. Not only was he rude but he was also harsh like he had never shared anything with her. Brittany sat the phone down then hopped in the shower to rinse her soul clean. She washed her face then tossed Dune in the back of her mind. Tonight she was going to go out to dinner with Derek and begin a new life with him. She was going to stand by her man, guilty or not guilty.


  Adrianna sucked Dune’s dick hard and swift. She locked her fingers around it rubbing up and down simultaneously with her mouth. Dune moaned uncontrollably amazed at this girl who could understand the needs and wants of a man. He reached down to grab her tits but she batted his hand away. He reached for her nice tight ass but she knocked his hand from there as well. Unable to grab any body part he grabbed her extra long black curly hair pulling it into a tight ponytail in his hand. He figured if he couldn’t grab some skin the least he could do was hold her hair out of the way so she didn’t have any distractions.

  “Fuck my mouth, daddy.” Adrianna insisted.

  Dune did as he was told. It was the perfect dose of medicine to get over his painful few days with the true love of his life. He refused to think about her in a loving way. Only hatred grew from his heart as he almost killed Adrianna’s mouth with his elongated piece. He slammed eagerly into her mouth and she moaned heavily with each blow. Dune felt himself about to release harder than a volcano. He jerked back almost out of her mouth but like a pro she swallowed him back up.

  After his explosion, he rose buckling his pants back together.

  "Hey, are you willing to do anything to be with a nigga?"

  "Anything for you baby." Adrianna licked her bottom lip slowly.

  "Yeah well, grab that piece over there on the counter. If you down for a nigga you'll ride with me. You know how to handle it?"

  "No doubt baby. Watch me work." Adrianna cocked the piece back comfortably. She wasn't afraid to handle the steel, which made Dune's dick jump. She was rough around the edges but with a little molding he could make her a classy chick, just like Brittany.

  "Just make sure I'm wifey at the end of the day."

  "Oh you wanna be wifey huh? Yeah you sure have been putting in work these past few weeks, haven't you?"

  "You damn right, nigga! Brittany damn near kicked my ass when she caught me with Derek and your ass was in the car. You didn’t help me. Then didn’t I just fuck Derek for you the other night so he could go in the house smelling like pussy? But you thought that bitch was your wifey and her weak ass ain't even got it in her."

  "So what you saying? You better than she is?"

  "Is that a trick question, punk? Naw, the question is do you think you can ever love me more than you love her?"

  Adrianna moved in close to Dune seductively rubbing his muscle-expanded chest. He hadn't once considered loving Adrianna since turning a hoe into a housewife was nearly impossible. Dune looked down at her swooning under his nose and kissed the top of her silky curls.

  "If you shine tonight, then maybe. I’m gonna pay your brothers at the spot to get them out the way."

  He could feel her saliva drying around his piece as he buckled his pants. He reached behind his kitchen counter stuffing eight wrapped wads of cash into his waist, securing it tightly with his pants. Adrianna fixed her red halter sundress properly around thick voluptuous body then the two grabbed their pieces and headed out.


  Full from dinner, Derek pulled right up to the park in front of the lagoon. He walked around to Brittany’s door opening it for her. It was the first time since they had been together that he had done that. The moonlight created the perfect romantic atmosphere for their little love rendezvous. It was also the first time that Derek looked at Brittany in her purple halter dress that rested against her smooth yellow skin and realized how he wouldn’t have been in the mess he was in if he had only learned to love the woman he was with. He stood behind her wrapping his arms around hers indulging in the sweet smell of her hair.

  “Brit, I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you. And I know that I have been far from the perfect man but I really mean this from the bottom of my heart…I’m truly sorry baby. For everything.” Derek’s words were so genuine floating inside of Brittany’s ear she almost melted.

  “That means a lot to me.” Brittany turned around to kiss Derek on his rough sweet lips.

  He tilted his head down to her as Brittany’s eyes fixated on a masked gunman pointing a long silver piece at the back of Derek’s head. The man just stood there pointing it as if he were waiting for Derek to notice and turn around. Instead Derek leaned in kissing a frozen in place Brittany. She wanted to tell him what she was seeing but didn’t know if it mattered or not. The man was so close it felt like they were dead already.

  “Turn around motherfucker!” The gunman demanded as he grabbed Brittany’s arm whisking her around to his strong hold.

  Derek turned around looking down at the mask gunman who was as short as his hostage. He raised his hands in the air, “Hey man, we don’t want no trouble.”

  The gunman waved the gun to the right for him to start walking and followed close behind him. Another masked man was waiting a few yards down for them and escorted them into a shiny black van parked under a huge willowy tree. They blind folded Derek and Brittany as well as placed thick zip ties on their hands tying them behind their backs. The two were thrown into the back of the van one by one realizing that it had a divider inside so they couldn’t speak or feel each other.

  Brittany was scared shitless. She knew that whatever this was centered around Derek’s murder case. She just kept thinking that she if she could get to a cell phone to call Dune everything would be okay. More importantly, she should’ve listened to him. Now it seemed she would love Derek, to death.

  Derek, on the other hand, was devising a plan to bum rush the men once they let him out the van. He hoped Brittany
would grasp what he was doing and get away but the last thing on his mind was helping her. Somebody was obviously out to ruin his life and he’d be damned if he didn’t go down swinging. Derek wiggled his blindfold around squinting his eyes attempting to get it off but it was no use. He tried to listen to his surroundings but it was useless as well.

  When the van finally halted, the doors swung open letting Derek out first then Brittany. The men escorted them down a long hallway and into a room sitting them down in chairs spread a few feet from each other. The blindfolds were removed from each of their eyes vehemently. The couple looked over at each other then looked around wondering where they were. The floors were like something from an MTV Cribs mansion. The room was small and empty only providing them and a slightly dim light.

  “Well, well, well, look who we have here. The lovers have graced our presence. To what do we owe this honor?” Dune said as he entered the room from a corner deep in the darkness.

  “Dune? What the hell are you doing?” Brittany asked looking over at the gunman pointing the gun to her head.

  “What the fuck are you doing, my nigga?” Derek’s voice sounded sheepish.

  “Well you two just had to be together, right? So you will learn the truth, together.”

  The couple looked confused at what Dune was talking about. Just as he was about to begin in walked a very vivacious tall longhaired Spanish beauty. Her identity was shielded by the darkness but as she emerged, her tight red dress became more prevalent and the initial shock set in.

  “Adrianna?” Brittany whispered, “I should have fucking known. The whore of Babylon.”

  “Show some respect you stupid puta.” Adrianna uttered smirking.

  “Now that we’re all here, we can begin. Brittany. My dear sweet, naïve Brittany. I killed your slutty cousin,” Dune licked his lips and gave her a devilish look, “I killed her right after you slipped me that sweet little ass.”

  “WHAT? Why the fuck man? How did you do it with me in the bed next to her? That was my bitch! And you killed her for what?” Derek snapped.

  “I hate whores. All I had to do was hit you with a little sedative and you didn’t know shit. Besides, I told you Brittany was a good woman. You should’ve fucking listened.” Dune wiped his mouth as if he were wiping the taste of pussy from his lips.

  Brittany looked over at Derek in disbelief, “Your bitch?” She wasn’t the least bit concerned with what Dune had just revealed.

  “Yes! His bitch! You see Brit he never loved you. You were just so beautiful that he had to have you. But you weren’t woman enough for him. You were just supposed to be his trophy wife. Nothing more.” Dune said coldly.

  Brittany’s heart cracked in two and descended down her abdomen. She felt sick as the taste of vomit made it’s way to her throat. She tried not to hyperventilate as she realized what was happening, that her entire life with Derek was built on a lie and now it was too late to double back to Dune.

  “Dune, baby…I…”

  “Oh no! Don’t even try it! I gave you a chance, treated you like no man has ever treated you and this is what you do. You run back to this worthless ass dude here. When you bitches get a good nigga you don’t know what to do with them.”

  Derek just sat with his head down praying to God that he’d figure a way out of this shit. The gunman took him by the arm standing him up. Dune walked over staring his once best friend square in the eye. He sucked his teeth giving him the stink face sizing him up. Derek was slightly taller than Dune, which never sat well in Dune’s stomach.

  “So, will you die for him?” Dune turned to ask Brittany.

  Brittany cried her eyes out as Adrianna pulled a long 9mm with a silencer from around her back and pointed it dead at Derek’s head. She licked her lips softly feeling her pussy tingle as she so desperately awaited a signal to pull the trigger. Adrianna had never killed anyone before but she was eager to be the ride or die chick Dune needed by his side.

  “Will you die for him?” Dune grew impatient watching her weep for Derek’s life, “Will you die for HIM?”

  Brittany looked up into Derek’s eyes with tears drenched on her cheeks and running mascara. There was no emotion in his eyes. He stood there with his head held high and not one bit of sorrow on his face. She wanted to ask him so many questions but it all seemed pointless now. Her life wasn’t more important than his, but the thought of killing another human being weighed heavily on her soul.

  “Yes…I will die for him.” She whispered through her cries.

  Dune whisked his head around in disbelief at her answer. He wasn’t prepared for that at all. Derek looked down at her in shock as well. He knew for sure she would opt to waste his ass for the way he treated her all this time. Dune walked over to her attempting to scare her into changing her mind. He grabbed a chunk of her hair pulling her head back forcefully to look up at him. He leaned down to get a good long smell of her soaked cheek then shoved her face over in Derek’s direction.

  “I’m about to tell these fools to blow your fucking head off! Is that what you want? Huh? You want to die for this loser when there is a perfectly good man who loves you standing right here?” Dune tightened his grip with every word.

  Adrianna looked at Dune wondering what the hell is problem was. She didn’t like the fact that she had to come second to this bitch in everything. She was determined to be number one regardless of the consequences. Her trigger finger was happy and ready to blast a nigga away. She was ready and then…POP! Everyone turned in astonishment gazing at all of the blood oozing onto the floor. A loud thud filled the small room as the body hit the floor.

  “Well I guess that’s the way the cookie crumbles.” Dune said as he stepped back away from Brittany.

  Dune walked over and sucked face with Adrianna as she kicked Derek’s face off of her Jimmy Choo shoe. There was brain matter all over it but she didn’t even care. Brittany sat weeping silently curled up hoping that death came as quick and swift for her as it did for Derek. She looked over at his life less body noticing his eyes were still open and quickly looked away before the vomit hit the floor. She swallowed it back down not wanting vomiting to be her last memory before she died.

  Dune pried himself away from Adrianna long enough to focus his attention back on Brittany. He stroked her hair then pulled her up and leaned in for a sloppy wet kiss. Brittany was overjoyed knowing that Dune was doing this all just to get her back. She didn’t care anymore at this point as long as she got to live. Adrianna stood there looking down at Derek’s deceased body feeling abandoned and unappreciated. She knew Dune would never put this bitch out of her misery and make her the top bitch in his life. She knew that he would never love her the way he loved Brittany especially since she was a former whore. Adrianna decided to implement what Dune had taught her, eliminate the problem at all cost. She raised her piece, aimed, and POP POP!

  Blood splattered back almost hitting her in the face. Another thud was heard sounding like a heavy sack of potatoes. She walked up standing over the body drilling two more slugs into the head. The two gunmen, Adrianna’s brothers, that were in the room removed their scull caps and left the room. There was nothing more to do or see since the main man was dead. Adrianna looked up at Brittany solemnly. She didn’t have anything to say to her seeing as though she hated her an all. She wasn’t Perfect Patty like Brittany and she wasn’t as beautiful as her either but she felt she was smarter than her. She was smart enough not to let a fake ass nigga define her.

  “Hey you should probably get out of here you know what I’m saying. Leave town, disappear, do whatever you gotta do. Because when these dudes is found, shits gonna blow up.” It was the first time since the bust that Adrianna had said two words to her.

  Brittany nodded her head in agreement as she stood there shaking worst than a stripper on Friday night. She didn’t know whether Adrianna would put a slug in her head too. She stepped back hoping that she would just leave like the men did but she stood there staring her down with beady eyes.
Brittany was afraid to move though she slowly made a dash for the exit.

  “You wanna come with me?” Adrianna called after her.

  “You want to help…me?” Brittany asked in amazement.

  “Us females…we should stick together, ya know?”

  Brittany smirked a little as Adrianna smirked back. She didn’t know Adrianna’s motives for wanting to be cool with her but she wasn’t going to say no to a woman with a gun. Sirens were heard in the background as Adrianna stole the money out of Dune’s pants and stuffed it down in her panties, all $500,000 of it. The women didn’t know if the police were coming for them but the look in both of their eyes indicated that they weren’t prepared to find out. Adrianna darted in front of Brittany heading for the door then stopped to look around to make sure nothing was left that could link back to them.


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