Their Captive : A Dark Reverse Harem Romance

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Their Captive : A Dark Reverse Harem Romance Page 3

by J. L. Beck

  My father would never hurt someone like that. I consider the possibility that they’re lying but looking at his expression, the pain in his eyes, I can see that he is not. He really believes what he is saying, so there is only one explanation in my mind left. They must have the wrong guy, it must be a mix-up, they just got wrong information somehow.

  At my words, he raises his head and his eyes meet mine again. I can see the conflict within his gaze. He hates me for some reason I can’t comprehend, he wants to hurt me, but every once in a while, I see something else flicker across his face. Something I didn’t find in Trey’s eyes… compassion, kindness.

  “You have to have the wrong person. My father would never hurt someone. I’m sorry for what happened to them, your parents and sister, but there is no way it was my father.” Fire flickers in his eyes and his fists clench at his sides. His biceps bulge and I know he wants to hurt me. His mouth opens and it looks as if he is about to say something, but then the door opens and the other two walk in.

  Trey is holding some camera equipment in his hands while the one so adamant on killing me is simply holding a black duffle bag. He throws the bag on the ground next to the door and I can hear some metal rattle around inside of it. I watch him kneel down beside the bag unzipping it, a rope appearing in his hands a moment later.

  “Please, you don’t have to do this,” I start to beg. I refuse to just give in, refuse to not struggle, or cry, or plea. I will do everything I can, use every emotion I can to manipulate them.

  When he straightens up and turns, he crosses the room with three large strides until he is right beside the bed. I look into his dark brown eyes and I find something completely different than I had from the other two. There is neither hate nor compassion, and no matter how much, or for how long I look into his eyes, searching for something…anything, there is nothing. Either he has no feelings at all, which I doubt, or he’s a master at hiding them, which is much more likely.

  “Ready when you are,” Trey announces, the camera set up pointing right at me. My chest is so tight I can barely expand it enough to take a breath. My heart is seconds away from exploding and it feels like I’m going to have a full-blown panic attack.

  “Please…I’m begging you. I’m not lying…I swear you have the wrong person. I didn’t do anything.”

  “Yeah, neither did our family,” Trey growls, the muscle in his jaw tightening.

  Our family? Does that mean they’re brothers?

  “Declan, tie her up,” Wes orders and like a feral cat, I press up from the mattress. I know my escape may be pointless knowing it’s three against one, but I’m tiny, and maybe they just would never expect it. Maybe I’m faster than them. I need to try something, I just can’t let them tie me up, rape, and kill me.

  I don’t even make it close to the door. Trey grabs my arm, yanking me back. I cry out in pain while he pulls back my arm roughly and pushes me back toward the bed. I trip and fall into Declan’s arms, who then shoves me back on the bed. In the process, I lose what was left of my shirt, leaving me in nothing but my white cotton panties.

  Trey is on me next, holding me down by my shoulders while Declan starts tying my wrists to the headboard. That’s the moment I give up fighting. There is just no way I can overpower three guys. I feel like any further struggle is only going to make it worse for me now. So instead I relax my body as much as I can and stare at the ceiling covered in cobwebs, imagining I’m anywhere but here.

  “Already lost all your fight, Princess? I expected better.” Trey smirks while Declan finishes tying me up. His hands are gentle which is surprising given the emotionless look in his eyes. When he is done, both of my wrists are tied to the headboard and both of my ankles are tied to the footboard. I’m exposed, humiliated beyond belief and I know it’s only going to get worse.

  “If you stop now, maybe I can convince my father to help you find out who really did this to your family.” I’m grasping at straws, hoping I can end this before it turns into a complete nightmare.

  Trey laughs, nudging Wes in the shoulder. “You hear that? She’s bartering. Acting like she doesn’t know what kind of man her father is.”

  My stomach rolls and I swear I’m seconds away from vomiting. I pull against the ropes, wishing for an escape.

  Trey’s words only ignite the fire in Wes’s gaze.

  “You’re going to help us whether you want to or not,” Declan answers this time.

  “Camera is ready,” Trey announces, and I go back to staring at the ceiling. Maybe if I crawl deep enough inside my mind, I can escape this moment. I grit my teeth, trying to stop my trembling lips, my trembling body. I feel the bed dip before Wes starts talking right next to me. Tears spring from my eyes, sliding down my cheeks, and still, I keep my gaze on the ceiling.

  “Jonathan, remember us? You’re probably surprised to see us since you had the hotels where we were staying blown up. Unfortunately for you, we had already left. I’ll spare you all the boring details on what we’ve been up to. None of that is important. What is, however, is who we have with us today.” I don’t glance over to see his face but can hear the amusement in his tone. He is enjoying this, enjoying hurting me, my father, even though neither of us has done anything.

  “As you might recall, you sent us a video of how our family died. We were just thinking since we have your daughter here, we should return the favor…unless you are willing to give us what we want.” He pauses briefly, and I hold my breath wondering what will happen next.

  “Hand over the USB stick and we’ll let your daughter live. Of course, we need to make sure you understand how serious we are, so we’re going to give you a little taste of what’s to come.” He barely finishes the words before I feel his huge hand around my neck, squeezing it until it’s hard to breathe. My lungs burn, and spots form over my vision.

  No! No!

  Another hand shoves my panties to the side and rough fingers start to rub against my tender flesh. They aren’t gentle and I try to squeeze my thighs together to stop the assault, but the rope won’t give away even an inch. Another hand gropes my breasts and pinches my nipple much harder than Wes or even Trey had done earlier. A scream tries to escape my throat, but I bite the inside of my cheek and swallow it down. I won’t give them the satisfaction of hearing me.

  “Scream, Princess, scream for your daddy,” Wes says right beside my ear, so close that his minty breath fans over my face. Then he comes even closer, his lips graze my earlobe right before I feel his teeth biting it. His grip on my throat loosens just as he bites down hard.

  “Scream!” Trey orders on the other side of me. Time stands still for a moment and I see Wes and Trey exchange a look.

  “Oh, you don’t want to beg us anymore?” Trey sneers and then out of nowhere a finger sinks deep inside me, it’s thick and intrusive and it remains still inside of me. At the same time, my nipple is twisted painfully. My eyes are closed again, and I don’t know who is doing what, all I know is that there are multiple hands on me, touching me all over.

  The finger inside of me moves a little, but it’s surprisingly gentle, almost like he’s curling his finger inside of me hitting some spot that sends a jolt of pleasure through me. I want to hold onto that feeling but with all the other hands on me…hurting me, I can’t concentrate on it. Everything runs together, pain and pleasure bleed into each other and the onslaught of sensations becomes too much to contain the scream waiting to pass my lips.

  I want to believe they won’t take it further, but I’m not dumb. They want revenge, they want my tears, my pain. They want me to feel all that they have. Fear grips me, sinking its claws deep inside my chest. And with that, I release a cry of pain that echoes through the room and probably all the way down the hall.

  As soon as the scream leaves my lips, I regret it. I don’t want my father to see me like this, to be afraid for me. I don’t want to give in to their demands. I don’t want to believe the vile things they’re saying about my father. I suck in a shaky breath, t
rying to get my erratic heartbeat under control.

  “Trey, turn off the camera,” Wes orders and the hand on my breast disappears. A moment later so does the finger from inside of me. I open my eyes, blinking away tears. It isn’t until I turn my head, that I notice Wes isn’t gripping my throat anymore.

  His hand is simply holding my chin now, his thumb running over my jawline in a soothing manner. Before he lets go completely, our eyes lock and for a second, I see something that looks a lot like regret in his eyes. He averts his eyes and when I follow his gaze, I find Trey and Declan standing beside the bed looking at me. To my shock, I see the same whirlwind of emotions reflected in Trey’s eyes. Declan’s gaze stays emotionless just as before.

  “What now?” Trey asks.

  “We’ll send the video to Richards, give him until tomorrow to respond.”

  “And…?” Trey nods his head toward me.

  “We can’t leave her here, the door won’t lock. We’ll take her upstairs,” Declan says and starts to undo the rope on my ankles. Apparently, this is not something they have to vote on because Wes starts to untie one wrist while Trey does the other. My body starts to shake uncontrollably and my teeth chatter together.

  “Are you going to hurt me more?” The words quiver from my lips.

  “Not tonight, Princess,” Trey says softly, softer than I thought possible out of his mouth. I’m almost hyperventilating, relief flooding my veins when I realize they aren’t actually going to rape me, or beat me…at least not right now.

  Trey slides his arms under my body and picks me up like I weigh nothing and something inside of me cracks at that moment. I’m so confused, hot and cold all at once. I know I can’t trust them, that I shouldn’t crave their touch, but I feel broken and I can’t help leaning into Trey’s chest to seek comfort and warmth.

  When we walk out of the room, I notice that they leave everything in there, the camera, the duffel bag, and even the ropes are still partially tied to the bed. It’s then that I know they are planning to bring me back here and do worse…but by then everything will be straightened out. They’ll contact my father and realize that they made a mistake.

  By tomorrow everything will be back to normal, and I can forget that today ever happened. When we get back into the elevator my eyelids are impossibly heavy, exhaustion washes over me, making my limbs feel like lead. I think I used up all my adrenaline reserves and I’m now running on fumes. I don’t know what time it is, but it must be past three in the morning. None of the men say anything, their silence lulling me into darkness. My eyes drift closed and all I hear is Trey’s steady heartbeat against my ear as I quickly drift off into a deep sleep, praying for a better outcome tomorrow.

  Chapter Four


  I can’t stop looking at her face. Her eyes are closed, but the skin around them is red and puffy from crying. Her bottom lip is still trembling, even though the rest of her body seems to have stopped shaking. Trey is holding her almost naked form close to his chest as he carries her out of the elevator.

  We take a few steps into the living area and stop. For a long time, we just stand there in silence. No one has said a word since we left that room, but one look at my brothers and I know we are all thinking the same thing.

  We are crossing the line.

  We have tortured and killed countless people, many when we were still working for the government, a lot for our own gain and some simply for vengeance. But this is different. She is innocent, I know it and so do my brothers. Even though hurting her would be the best and most brutal way to get to her father, it would also mean we would cross a line we haven’t before…a line we are hovering over right now.

  Two hours ago, I was ready to cross that line without a second thought. Now I’m not sure anymore. When I heard that guttural pained cry coming from her throat, things suddenly changed. It wasn’t the physical pain that formed her cry into a knife slicing through my chest, it was the emotional hurt hidden in it. Judging by my brothers’ reactions and the look on their faces now, they felt it too.

  “Well, that didn’t go as I thought it would,” Trey finally breaks the silence.

  “You think?” Declan replies dryly. “What are we going to do with her now?”

  “Let’s sleep for a few hours and regroup then.” I turn to Trey. “But first, I need you to send the message. Here, let me have her. We’ll put her…” I trail off, looking at her already roughed up wrists. If we tie her up again tonight, her wrists will be bloody by the morning, and I can’t risk her getting an infection.

  “I’ll put her in my bed tonight. Maybe we can turn one of the rooms downstairs into a cell tomorrow.”

  Trey hands her over to me and in her now sleeping state, she cuddles into my chest.


  I carry her to my room and deposit her on the bed, where she curls up into herself. She’s so fucking tiny and looks like she belongs in my bed. Shaking my head, I pull the blanket over her before leaving the room. I feel like I need to step away from her for a moment. Seeing her, smelling her, touching her…it’s messing with my head, making me think things I shouldn’t be thinking. I need to focus on what’s at stake here, not the temptress laying on my sheets.

  Declan is waiting outside my room, arms crossed, scowling at me like I’m about to get a lecture…which I’m sure is coming in a matter of seconds.

  “We should have just killed her when I told you to. This is a fucking mess. We all would have been better off if she was already dead…her included. I can tell what happened back there is weighing on you. If you can’t handle it, I’ll do it. Just say the word brother.”

  I grind my teeth together. I know Declan means well, and he might be right, she may wish she was dead when all this is over, but I’m not ending her life, not yet.

  “Let’s just see what happens after he gets the video. He could give us the stick as soon as tomorrow. Then we’ll have the info we need, and we can put an end to all of this once and for all.”

  “Message sent,” Trey announces, gliding around the corner. “Let’s hit the hay.” He walks past us and strolls into my room as if he belongs there as well.

  Declan just shakes his head and storms off. I walk back into my room to find Trey undressing. I do the same and when we are both down to boxers, we slip into the bed on either side of her. I don’t tie her up again, we are both light sleepers and there is no way she leaves this bed without one of us knowing. Plus, even if…where is she going to go? The elevator won’t even open for her.

  “I still want to fuck her,” Trey whispers once we are settled in the bed. I already know he wants her…wants her pleasure more than he wants her pain. He is trying to hide it, but he can’t hide anything from me. We’re brothers. Family. All his sick and twisted wants, fantasies, I know about them. All the things he’s done, all the people he’s killed, the blood, the guilt that stains his hands. I know all of it.

  “I figured that’s why you’re here…I want her too.”

  “I know.”


  The moment I feel something move next to me, my eyes fly open. Jessa is lying on her back, slowly scooting up a few inches while clutching onto the blanket in front of her chest like it can save her from us. What she doesn’t know is there isn’t any saving her. She’s in the lion’s den, and we plan to ravage her until there’s nothing left.

  “Morning, Princess,” I murmur and prop myself up on my elbow while taking in her bare shoulders. I want to rip that comforter from her hands so I can see her again, but I’ll give her a minute to wake up first. I’m a dick, even on my best days, but nothing compared to Trey.

  “Please, stop calling me that,” she says softly, her voice small and fragile, just like the rest of her. I like knowing that the little nickname we gave her makes her uncomfortable. At the very least, I can keep her squirming in her skin while we wait for her father to give us the answers we need.

  Trey stirs on the other side of her, sucking in a deep breath and stre
tching his arms above his head. A smirk pulls at his lips when he realizes where he is, and the events that took place over the last few hours.

  “Morning, Princess,” he yawns, cracking his neck. She sighs in annoyance.

  “Why are you covering up?” Trey purrs a moment later. He is far less patient than me and tugs on the blanket right away. The fabric slips from her hands, leaving her completely exposed minus her panties. Her chest starts rising and falling at a quicker than normal pace and I can’t help but watch her tits sway with each breath. Trey slides up next to her, his sudden movement making her flinch.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.” Trey grins like a menacing lion that hasn’t eaten in three days, and I feel my dick harden knowing exactly where this is going. Since the moment I saw her, I’ve wanted to fuck her, mark up her beautiful skin.

  Sharing with my brothers has always been our thing, we share our home, cars, jobs, we even shared women before…and now we’ll share her too.

  “In fact, you’ll be thanking us by the end, Princess. Maybe even begging for more.” I wink, giving her my best boyish grin.

  Her eyes move quickly between Trey and myself, and I would bet anything that her heart is racing inside her chest, pounding against her ribs, threatening to break free. Beaming Trey moves in on her, pressing her body against the headboard, leaving her nowhere to escape. Keeping eye contact, he takes one of her already hard nipples into his mouth. She gasps, her eyes shoot up, connecting with mine, and I watch as the panic in them slowly dissipates. I can see the flames of arousal flickering, her creamy white cheeks darken with crimson, giving her away.

  “You want this, don’t you? Two of us, maybe even all three of us? Together. Inside you.”

  She licks her lips and another soft sound emits from her throat as Trey continues to suck on her tit. It wouldn’t matter if she said no, she knows we’ll take whatever we want from her either way, but knowing she wants this, us, only heightens the pleasure. I lift my hand and graze her knee, testing the waters, letting my fingers trail up over the inside of her thigh. She’s soft all over, but I can’t wait to get to the softest part of all…her pussy.


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