Their Captive : A Dark Reverse Harem Romance

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Their Captive : A Dark Reverse Harem Romance Page 4

by J. L. Beck

  Keeping my eyes on hers, I move her cotton panties to the side. I want to take them off of her, but I’m not sure I would be able to restrain myself. The need to fuck her senseless while my brothers possess her body consumes me beyond reason.

  I slide my finger over her silky smooth flesh, my cock twitching in my boxers as I do. Dipping my finger between her folds, I graze that sweet bundle of nerves she’s hiding. The air heats and I find my own chest heaving. I lick my lips and sink one thick digit inside her. She’s tight as hell and warm, wet, and fuck do I wish my cock was my finger right now.

  I smirk to myself feeling how wet, how turned on she is. She might be able to tell herself she doesn’t want this, but her body, oh it most certainly does.

  Trey moves over to her other breast, and a soft moan escapes her parted lips. She parts her legs a little bit more, exposing more of that pretty pink pussy for me. I don’t think she even knows that she is doing it, but then again, I don’t really give a fuck. I know she wants us, I can see her hands gripping onto the sheets as if she is fighting it, and I don’t want her to fight it. Even though I know we need her fear, her pain, I don’t want her to fight this moment. I want to see her fall apart, feel her tight pussy squeeze my fingers.

  “Pleasure, Princess, that’s what we’re giving you right now. Take it and enjoy it. That is unless you would rather have us treat you the way we did last night?”

  “No, please.” Perfectly straight white teeth sink into her plump bottom lip, and I want to bite that lip, make her bleed, listen to her moan, own her pleasure and pain.

  “Then be a good girl and let us show you how much pleasure we can give you.”

  I watch her visibly swallow, and start to move my finger in and out of her tightness, loving the way my finger simply glides in. She moves her hand as if she’s about to reach for Trey’s shoulder, but then she pulls back seemingly afraid to touch him. Maybe she thinks she’s not allowed to touch him. Truthfully, I don’t know which one, but I’m going to make sure she understands that we want her touch.

  “Touch him,” I order, knowing it’s what she wants. “You can touch him, he won’t bite…much.”

  “Okay,” she croaks. Finding some courage, she lifts her hand, bringing it to the back of his head. I watch in amazement as she pulls him closer, rather than push him away. Her fingers play through his hair, tugging on the strands. Trey groans against her skin and snakes an arm around her torso holding her close. The image before me has me nudging her thighs farther apart.

  I need her pussy, to feel it, to taste it.

  I withdraw my finger from her channel, and she lets out a displeased whimper. Such a greedy little girl. Just hours ago, she was begging for us to let her go, and now she’s all but pleading for us to touch her.

  “Your panties need to come off, now.” I dip my fingers into her waistband and pull the thin material down her legs. She doesn’t fight or protest, like one would expect of their captive. Matter of fact, she lifts her ass and legs to help me get them off easier. I stay down there, kneeling between her legs. Nudging them apart my eyes feast upon her glistening center. Her arousal coats her thighs, and I can’t help myself. My mouth is watering, begging for a taste. Just one, I tell myself.

  “I’m going to taste you, Princess,” I warn her just before I sink my head between her thighs and drag my tongue across her clit. She shudders beneath my touch and a moan enters my ear, traveling through my body, making its way to my groin.

  Fuck, my cock is so hard right now.

  I won’t, can’t deny it. I want her so fucking bad right now. I lick and nibble on her clit for a while, drawing one moan after another from deep within her chest. When I look up at her over her mound, I see Trey straightening up and shoving down his boxers. His dick springs free and he takes her hand, tugging her to it. She wraps her small hand around him, her eyes seeking his out, and I imagine her doing the same to my cock.

  Trey guides her at first, showing her how to stroke him, and how much pressure to apply. I close my lips around her clit and suck gently…then a little harder, causing her back to arch off the bed. Apparently it also makes her tighten her grip on Trey, who hisses and uses the headboard to brace himself. Her hips lift, and I grab onto them, holding her in place, while I use my broad shoulders to keep her creamy white thighs spread.

  With the way she’s bucking her hips, it won’t be much longer before she comes all over my face. I can already feel her pussy quiver every time I dip my tongue in it and that fact encourages me to lick, and suck on her little clit even harder. She moans, her body restless beneath our touch.

  I watch her stroking Trey’s cock in an uneven rhythm, probably having a hard time concentrating while I work her pussy, which I enjoy immensely. Trey doesn’t seem to care though. He looks like he is very much enjoying himself. He lets a hand roam lazily over her chest, kneading her flesh and teasing her nipple, eliciting yet another moan out of her. I feel her pussy clench, her thighs are already shaking from the release that’s about to hit her. Her body knowing damn well what’s about to take place.

  I give her one more good suck just as Trey rolls her nipple between his fingers, and she comes apart, falling into a thousand tiny little pieces right before my eyes. Her whole back rises off the bed, her eyes squeeze shut as her face contorts into a mask of pleasure. Her juices gush out on my tongue and I lick up every drop.

  I watch Trey wrap his hand over hers to give himself a few good strokes. Before the last tremors of her orgasm leaves her body, he’s coming too. Shooting ropes of sticky white cum over her tits as I watch with my mouth hanging open and my cock throbbing.

  The need to fuck her right now is almost too much, but I’m too unhinged, there is no way I could control myself right now. I would just pound into her uncontrollably…and if she is telling the truth, that she is a virgin, I can’t fuck her like this for her first time.

  I shake my head. Fuck it, why can’t I? I shouldn’t care if I hurt her or not. But it would be a waste to fuck her since the camera isn’t here. For a moment, I consider sending Trey to get it so he can film me fucking her, but my dick disagrees, he is screaming for a release right-fucking-now.

  So instead, I push up onto my knees, take my cock into my hand and pump it harshly until I feel my balls draw together. Staring down at her glistening pussy I imagine being inside that tight hole…and I will be eventually. Maybe not today, or even tomorrow but soon, soon that sweet little cherry she’s dangling will be mine.

  The grip on my cock is so tight it almost hurts and I welcome the pain, letting it mix with the pleasure until the burning in my balls becomes all-consuming and I unload my release on her creamy pale skin, shooting all over her pussy, watching as the cum runs down her slit and between her ass cheeks. The image just draws out my release further until my ball sack feels drained and empty.

  Fuck. I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard jerking myself off. We stay just like this for a moment. Jessa on her back, sprawled out on the bed with my cum on her pussy and Trey’s cum on her tits. She looks like a fucking offering…one that we just marked, and claimed.

  I glance over to Trey who has a fucking triumphant grin pulling at his lips. Then I look down at Jessa who is still trying to get her ragged breathing under control. Her gaze locks on mine and I can see the lust filled fog leave her eyes and the orgasmic afterglow wear off, slowly letting the fear return. Good, she needs to be scared, she needs to know that this doesn’t change anything. We will still make her pay…make her and her father suffer dearly.

  Chapter Five


  My skin is still tingling all over, goosebumps are scattered across my flesh. I can’t believe what just happened, what I let them do to me. I don’t think I really had a choice in the matter, but the truth is I wanted it, wanted their touch as much as I wanted to touch them back. I know it doesn’t make sense. I should be disgusted by it, shying away from it instead of leaning into it. But I can’t help myself, for whatever reason I wan
t to reach out and touch them. It’s the curiosity of it all, I think.

  “Are you guys done?” a deep voice breaks through the silence. My eyes snap to the door where Declan’s huge body is filling up the doorframe. My cheeks are flaming hot as his gaze flicks over my body. I imagine what this looks like, me sprawled out on the bed naked with cum all over me.

  “Yup, just got done, sorry you missed it,” Trey tells him, but doesn’t seem even a little apologetic. “Maybe next time you can join in.”

  Next time.

  “I found a room downstairs that will be perfect to keep her in,” he says like I’m an animal that needs to be kept in a cage. “I need you to install some cameras in there, it’s on the third floor, last door on the right.”

  Trey and Wes both climb off the bed and start getting dressed, while I just continue lying on the bed waiting for them to acknowledge me in any way. Declan steps up to the bed while his brothers leave the room and suddenly the fear I’ve been suppressing returns tenfold. Panic rushes through me, every cell in my body telling me to run. I’m naked and alone with this huge guy…a guy who wants to kill me. I’ve never felt so vulnerable in my life.

  Declan eyes me so intensely that I am literally terrified to move even a muscle.

  “Your whole body is shaking,” he says, but not in a concerned way like most people would. No, he is simply stating a fact.

  “Let’s go,” he suddenly orders and my shaking intensifies. Go where? Go back to the torture room or just somewhere he can kill me like he’s been lying in wait to do this whole time.

  “Are you suddenly deaf? Come on, let’s take a shower.”

  A shower? Just a shower?

  He folds his arms over his chest and glares at me impatiently. I have the feeling that if I don’t move soon, he is going to take me to the torture room instead. So against my better judgment, I roll myself off the bed, careful not to get the sticky, white substance on the sheet or the pillows. I don’t want to give them another reason to hurt me.

  Following him into the bathroom, I watch him undress after turning the shower on. Maybe I should look away, then again, I’m completely naked and he doesn’t seem to have a problem looking at me. Why should I give him any type of modesty?

  It’s not until he gets to his underwear that I realize his huge cock is very hard and very much pointing at me. I didn’t think he would want me like this, he hasn’t looked at me like his brothers do and usually he just talks about killing me. Actually now that I think about it, he hasn’t made even one advance toward me. I’m pretty sure he would rather watch me bleed out then screw me.

  “Get in.” He lifts his chin toward the shower, and I follow his command without hesitation this time. He lets me stand under the water first, and even squirts some soap onto a washcloth and hands it to me. Such a gentleman. Not. I wash my body thoroughly, making sure my skin is smooth and cum free. When I’m done, we switch positions, which leaves me standing awkwardly in the corner of the shower watching him as he washes himself.

  I take note of the fact that I’m no longer shivering, the warm water finally warming me up. I don’t know if it’s because I’m witnessing him do such a mundane thing as shower or if it’s because he is naked, but suddenly my fear for him lessens. Until now, all I’ve seen him as, is this big scary wall of muscle who doesn’t show any emotion. Seeing him do these normal things makes him look more human. Having this newfound knowledge that he is, in fact, a human, gives me the courage to start asking him some questions.

  “Why do you want to kill me so badly?”

  “You’re a liability,” he answers without a thought. “And a distraction.”

  “Why can’t you just let me go?”

  “Don’t ask stupid questions. Actually, don’t ask any questions at all. Just keep your mouth shut.” Knowing I should listen but that I won’t, I ask another question.

  “Why do you hate me so much?”

  “If you don’t stop asking questions, I will make you stop by shoving my dick down your throat.” His voice booms through the shower stall, vibrating off the walls and into my bones. My pussy clenches at the thought of his huge dick in my mouth and when I look up to meet his gaze, for the first time I see a flicker of emotion, one single emotion lingers there…excitement.

  I press my lips together to keep me from talking and a small smirk tugs on his lip. The excitement I saw in his eyes a second ago fades away and for some stupid reason, I don’t like that. I want to keep seeing it. I want to have some kind of connection with him. For one, it might be the only way he’ll let me live. And two, even if he kills me, at least I’ll experience this with someone before I die. I never had any kind of connection with a man before, not physically or emotionally. My father wouldn’t allow either, and right now, I just want this. I just want him.

  Gulping down my nervousness, I sink down to my knees in front of him. His eyes go wide as he raises his eyebrows in question. I look up at him, licking my lips as he turns his head sideways like he is studying me.

  Raising my hand slowly, I wrap my fingers around his thick shaft. Just like the rest of him, it’s huge. I start stroking him just as Trey showed me how to do. Three strokes in and Declan grunts approvingly. That grunt though nothing like Trey’s pleased smile, or Wes’s lust-filled gaze is something I want to hear again.

  Bringing my head closer to his throbbing cock I suck the smooth tip into my mouth. My movements are hesitant because I’m not sure how to do this, but I know I must be doing something right since Declan is moaning every time I swirl my tongue over the slit at the head of his cock.

  For a moment I close my eyes and just let myself feel, the warm water caressing my skin, the base of his long shaft in my hand and the silky tip in my mouth. Even though I’m the one on my knees, for now, I feel like I hold all the power. Right now he is at my mercy and when I open my eyes again and look up, I think he knows it too.

  His eyes soften and without warning he reaches for me lifting his hand to my face, cradling it gently. He runs his thumb back and forth over my cheek as if he’s trying to soothe some type of ache that he knows resides deep inside of me. I’m so thrown off by his touch. Utterly confused and yet panting with need. This man is a walking contradiction. One minute he tells me he wants me dead, and the next his fingers softly trace the outlines of my face.

  “You haven’t done this before, have you?” His voice seems deeper.

  I shake my head gently, hoping he isn’t going to pull away or make me stop. He stares at me for a long time, almost as if he’s trying to make up his mind all while I continue stroking his dick with my hand and swirling my tongue around the tip at the same time.

  After a short while, he lifts his other hand, placing it on the other side of my face, holding me in place. Then slowly he starts to flex his hips, thrusting into my mouth. His smooth cock slides over my tongue and all the way to the back of my throat, even though I still have my hand wrapped around the base of it. A jolt of panic rushes through my veins when I start to gag, but then he pulls back out and the feeling disappears, my panic going with it.

  “Relax your throat. Swallow when you feel like you need to gag.” His voice is low and raspy like a rumble coming from deep within his chest.

  I do as he tells me and swallow when he reaches the back of my throat. To my surprise it works, I’m barely gagging now even though he starts to thrust deeper with every stroke.

  It doesn’t take long before he sets a rhythm and I just go with it, letting him guide me, use me for his pleasure. Every few strokes, he pulls out all the way to let me suck in a quick breath. His hands remain on the side of my head, his thumbs drawing tiny circles against my heated cheeks. His tender touch is such a stark contrast to the rest of him that I lean into the touch like a purring kitten. If this is the only chance I have of feeling this side of him, then I’ll take it.

  My own sex is clenching again, gripping around nothing as I imagine his long shaft inside my pussy instead of my mouth. Without realizing
it, I moan. It’s muffled with his cock in my mouth, but that only seems to egg him on.

  His grip on my head tightens as he thrusts into my throat faster and harder. I moan again on purpose, just because I know that he likes it.

  Without warning, he lets go of me and pulls out. Sucking in a deep breath of oxygen I let my hand fall from his shaft. I look up at him, wondering for a moment if I’ve done something wrong, but then I find he is stroking himself, his grip tight, powerful. His eyes are squeezed shut, his handsome face contorted in what looks like a mixture of pleasure and pain. A moment later a grunt rips from his throat and ropes of warm, sticky cum hit my chest.

  After giving his dick a few more lazy strokes, he stops and opens his eyes again. My gaze locks with his and for a moment we just stare at each other.

  “Did my brother make you come, or do I need to take care of your pretty little pussy?”

  Biting the inside of my cheek I consider lying so he will make me come again, but then I decide to go another direction. “Can it be both?”

  He leans down and grabs my upper arms to pull me up, making me gasp with the sudden movement. He pushes me against the cold tile on the shower wall and I appreciate how it cools my heated skin.

  Immediately he steps into me, invading my personal space…all of it. I feel like there is nothing around me but him. He snakes a hand between my legs and with his skilled fingers, he finds my hardened clit. I don’t know if he is okay with me touching him like this, but I can’t help but hold on to his arms. I think I might fall if I don’t.

  He slips a thick finger inside of me while grazing my clit, I tighten my grip on his bicep and lean my forehead against his shoulder as he continues working the small nub between my legs.

  Oh my god.

  “Come for me, come while I finger-fuck you. I know you want to,” he whispers in my ear and his words are like a command…a command I follow. My orgasm washes over me just like the hot water coming from the spray above us. But the water is not what turns me boneless and my legs useless. I’m so exhausted that I nearly slump down to the floor, but Declan catches my arm and makes me stand up straight again. He holds onto me for a few moments until my legs start to work again.


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