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Their Captive : A Dark Reverse Harem Romance

Page 15

by J. L. Beck

  “Are you sure, brother?” Wes asks, his eyes mirroring the same adoration for Jessa that mine and Treys do, and for once it feels like I can breathe again. I’m not worried about her betraying us, about fighting with my brothers over what happens to her next. It’s almost like I’ve found my own little slice of peace.

  “Yes. She needs to know the truth. Her father doesn’t deserve her love, and even if she does fight us on it, she’ll get over it eventually. She’s ours now.”

  “What happened between you two that changed things?” Trey asks, and I know he’s curious to know if I hurt her, and I’m not even remotely mad at his questioning. He’s my brother, and he cares for her greatly, he also knows I have a darkness that lingers right on the surface and that when it comes to her, it could’ve gone either way.

  “She asked me to hurt her. To cut her.” My throat tightens at the memory of her blood on that knife. There are other ways to hurt her, to bring both pleasure and pain, ways that don’t involve, drawing her blood.

  “Did you?” Wes lifts a questioning brow.

  “I did.”

  “Seriously, Declan!” Trey growls, slamming his laptop closed.

  “I had to do it. I had to find out if I really needed her blood or if I was just enthralled at the idea of getting my revenge on her. As soon as I saw her blood on the knife, I put it down. It didn’t give me the feeling I thought it would.” I shake my head. “I don’t know what the fuck happened, but it’s not her that I want to hurt anymore.”

  Wes grins. “This is good, brothers.”

  I push from the couch and go into the kitchen for a beer. I grab Wes and Trey one as well and hand them each a bottle once I enter the living room again.

  “So we all agree, we’re keeping her?” Trey questions before taking a pull from the beer, his dark gaze flickering over mine as if I have the final say.

  “Yes. We’re keeping her. We’re killing her father, and then we are keeping her. I think...after we get our revenge, after we end this, maybe...maybe we can find peace with her.”

  “Peace?” Wes’s voice rings in my ears.

  I haven’t felt that emotion since before we lost our family. Is it even possible to feel at peace again? I don’t know, but right now all I know is that I care about Jessa and I want her with us.

  I shrug, “Maybe eventually, but right now, no. We need to figure this shit out. Then we can focus on our own personal stuff. Let’s convince Jessa to stay, show her what we need to show her, and then see what happens.”

  “Thank fuck you jumped on board,” Trey chuckles.

  “And why is that?”

  “Because I was seriously considering beating the fuck out of you.”

  “You could try little brother, but all you would’ve gotten is your ass handed to you.” I grin, feeling more relaxed. I’m finally back on the same page with my brothers, and the little temptress down the hall is making me feel it all for the first time in years. I’m getting back to being my old self… slowly but surely.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I open my eyes and yet again, find myself in a room I haven’t woken up in before. Declan’s room is very much him. His sheets are black, the walls are painted a stormy sky grey, and the bed and dresser are made of wrought iron.

  The mattress is soft beneath my body, almost like a pillow, and the blanket thrown across me feels as if it’s full of down feathers. Yawning, I sit up and look around the room. I’m alone.

  Where did he go?

  He was here when I fell asleep. I felt his body pressing up against mine, his warmth seeping into my bones. My heart beats faster just thinking about it. I’ve never felt so content, so wanted, so cherished, as I did when Declan held me in his arms last night. It was a big step for him and something he didn’t have to do, but chose to.

  Sitting up, I reflect on everything that happened last night. The knife, the blood. The way he owned my body, my soul. I think about what it meant. I already know what it meant for me. My feelings haven’t changed. After last night, they’ve only solidified.

  I was already prepared to stay with them. I wanted nothing more than to be theirs in every way. The question now is, how does Declan feel about this? Has he finally agreed with his brothers, or was last night a one-time thing? The thought of losing them, it hurts, like a branding iron pressing against my heart. If Declan rejects me after what we shared… I don’t know if I’ll come back from that.

  A memory from last night tugs at me. I was nearly asleep when he said the words, but I’m positive he meant them. “As it turns out, I think I want to keep you around after all.” I smile to myself as I crawl out of bed. It’s unlike the brothers to give me free rein as they’re doing right now. I haven’t so much as done one thing by myself on this level. So their trust in me must be significant, which is surprising after my actions yesterday. Though I suppose saving Declan’s life saved my ass.

  Padding into the bathroom I turn the light on. My bladder is currently screaming at me. My eyes catch on my reflection in the mirror. The small red gash on my stomach sticks out like a sore thumb against my ivory skin. I almost wish it was a permanent gash, something I could look at often to remind me that all of this is real, that Declan doesn’t want to kill me anymore.

  When I’m done in the bathroom, I start to move around the bedroom, feeling a little lost. The need to go and search for the brothers intensifies with each second I’m left alone. It’s like finally, after all this time of wanting them to leave me alone, I miss them not being right there. In need of clothing, I open the first drawer of Declan’s dresser and luckily find his shirts.

  Pulling the over my head, I let the fabric drop down my body. It fits me more like a dress, coming to rest just above my knees. I involuntarily shiver and my nipples harden at the coldness that cascades across my flesh. I walk to the door and reach for the knob, hesitating for a moment.

  A sliver of doubt takes root in my gut. Are they going to be okay with me just walking around? Going where I please? Or did Declan want me to stay in bed? Maybe they even locked the door? I shake my head, willing the thoughts away as I twist the knob. The door opens and a small wave of relief washes over me. Clearly, they don’t see me as a captive anymore. As soon as I step into the hallway, my ears perk up.

  I hear voices coming from the kitchen and I follow the noise until I’m standing in the entryway of the kitchen. For some unknown reason, I’m nervous. Every interaction we’ve ever had has revolved around sex, and now it seems we’re going to be interacting as, well, almost as couples. I take in the scene before me. Trey is at the stove flipping a pancake, while Wes sits at the kitchen table, fork and knife in hand. Wes notices me first and gives me a wicked grin that has my already out of control hormones on fire.

  Trey’s head pops up and turns in my direction almost simultaneously. It’s almost like they can sense my presence or something.

  “Hey, sleeping beauty, come sit with me.” Wes waves me over to him, pulling out the chair beside him almost at the same time.

  “Are you sure?” I question nervously while nibbling on my bottom lip.

  “Yes…unless you want to sit on my lap instead of on your own chair,” he teases and my cheeks flame. I make my way across the kitchen and take the seat next to him. A moment later a plate with two steaming hot pancakes appears in front of me.

  “Ladies first,” Trey says as he sets down the plate and hands me a fork.

  “Fucker, I’m starving,” Wes complains.

  “Patience, asshole. Let her eat first, she needs to get something in her stomach before she takes her meds.”

  “Thank you,” I mutter feeling shy. This is different, the interactions, their personalities, the way they’re talking. I’m not really sure how to act, or what to say. On top of that, I’m overwhelmed with everything taking place. They’re caring for me, pampering me even. No one has ever taken care of me like this before and I’m not sure if I should say thank you, or run for the hills. Are they
expecting something from me in return?

  Of course we had staff at the house who waited on me, but those people did that because they were paid to. Wes, Trey, and Declan take care of me because they want to. They want me.

  A deep growling from my belly pulls me from my thoughts. I take a large bite of my pancake before loading another huge bite onto the fork and holding it up to Wes’s mouth. He smiles at me and playfully takes it off my fork.

  “Thanks, Princess,” he mutters, swallowing the bite without even chewing. Jesus, he really must be hungry.

  I’m so enthralled eating my pancake, that I don’t even notice when Declan walks in until he takes the remaining spot beside me. He shoves down into the seat with a plate and fork in hand.

  “Are you fucking kidding me! Why does he get pancakes before me? I’m withering away over here.” Wes pouts and I softly laugh.

  “God, quit being such a baby,” Declan growls before ripping off a large piece of his pancake and throwing it across the table at Wes.

  “Wow, very mature,” Wes says, catching the pancake and shoving it into his mouth.

  I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry. I’ve never experienced anything like this. Having breakfast together with people you like spending time with, laughing and teasing each other. I’m used to spending breakfast and every other meal of the day the same way…alone.

  So this is different, but a good kind of different. This feels like…a family.

  A real family.

  Chapter Twenty


  Our lives have changed so completely it’s hard to wrap my mind around it. Never in a million years would I have figured us all to end up here. We went from kidnapping her, to fucking her, to saving her, to keeping her. It’s been two days since I was shot but I’m healing up nicely and I don’t regret taking a bullet for her. She saved my ass that day too.

  Jessa walks out of the bathroom, interrupting my thoughts. She’s smiling at me widely as she tiptoes into my bedroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around her slim body. Her still wet blonde hair lays against her shoulders, sticking to the skin there. I can’t help myself. My eyes trail down her body, over the towel, and down to her small feet and all I can think of is what’s underneath that towel. I know what’s beneath that scrap of fabric. I’ve felt it around my dick, against my fingers, and I want more than anything to feel it on my tongue.

  She most likely notices me staring because the next thing I know, she’s reaching for the towel, and undoing it. It falls to the floor, leaving her standing completely naked just a few feet away from me. Fucking little temptress. My dick goes from semi limp to rock hard in zero point two seconds, forming a good size tent within the sweatpants I’m wearing.

  “I used your razor,” she says shyly, her cheeks blushing rose red. She shaved for us. The statement doesn’t miss its mark. My eyes drop down to her thighs and I take in her bare pussy or as much as I can see of it.

  “Come here, let me see if you got it all,” I tell her. She moves toward me before I even finish the sentence. Her hips sway with each step and her firm breast jiggle gently, the pink dusky tips hardening with each step. Her body anticipating what’s to come.

  When she reaches me, I grab her upper thighs and make her straddle me where I sit. Her hands land on my shoulders to steady herself while I reach between us to inspect her handiwork. A groan slips past my lips as I caress her now smooth pussy. I run my fingers over her folds a few times, before slipping between them, finding her hardened little clit. Drawing small circles against it, I force a soft, feminine moan from her pouty lips.

  “Feels pretty good, but I’d like to take a closer look before I can be sure,” I tease pushing up from the chair with her still in my arms. She wraps her legs around my middle, her slick pussy pressing against my stomach. Feeling the heat, the want against my shirt, it makes me want to throw her down on the bed and fuck her senseless. I walk us over to the bed and place her down on it.

  As soon as her back hits the mattress, my head is between her smooth legs. She smells like strawberries and cream, the scent intoxicating. It makes my mouth water. Unable to wait another second, I place my mouth over her pussy. My tongue darts out, slipping past my lips to find her clit. Mmmm. Fuck, I want her. I need her. I flick, and tease the diamond hard nub relentlessly, alternating between her clit, and her entrance, where I lap up every gush of liquid that drips from her entrance.

  Her body arches off the bed and a throaty moan fills the room, the sound vibrating through me, sending little rivulets of pleasure straight to my cock. Her fingers sink into my hair, holding my head in place as if she would happily let me die between her thighs. Just as I close my lips around her clit and start to suck gently while nipping at the sensitive flesh the door opens and I hear someone enter the room.

  Fuckers. I know who it is, without even looking.

  “I fucking knew you would be hogging her.” Trey’s voice meets my ears and I smile against Jessa’s silky smooth cunt. “Wes, get in here!”

  Briefly I remove my mouth from her throbbing pussy to talk, and a soft whimper of displeasure meets my ears. I know it won’t ease the ache completely, but I insert two fingers into her tightness, relishing in the way she clenches down on me. I gaze up at her, over her mound. Her wet hair frames her head with a blonde angelic halo, her blue eyes are wild with need, and her cheeks are tinted pink. Her chest rises and falls erratically. Beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous.

  “Really, I was just about to come and get you,” I lie, right through my teeth.

  “Sure you were,” Wes says, walking into the bedroom.

  “Come on, Princess, don’t you want all three instead of one? Three thick cocks taking from you, giving you pleasure,” Trey questions, moving toward us. His voice is deep, growly, and he sounds just as hungry for her as I am.

  “Yes,” she admits breathlessly, and I watch her fist the sheets in her hands. Excitement twinkles in her eyes. She likes it when we take from her altogether, the power she gets from having all three of us on her at once. She might not realize it, but she’s always the one in control. The objective is always to please her.

  My brothers get undressed, shoving their clothing to the floor before crawling onto the bed on each side of her. Trey’s mouth finds one of her puckered nipples, while Wes covers her other breast with his hand. He kneads her flesh while peppering kisses against her throat and collarbone while I go back to fingering her tight hole and lapping at her swollen clit. I scissor my fingers, rubbing at her G-spot in the process. It doesn’t take long with all three of us on her for her to start shaking.

  “Give my brother your sweet cream, Princess. Let him taste you. Come all over his fucking tongue,” I hear Trey murmur.

  “Ahhh…” Jessa cries out, and a moment later her pussy clamps down on my fingers. I swear I can feel it in my cock as her pussy jerks with pleasure. That sweet cream of hers gushes from her pussy and coats my hand. I pull my fingers out and replace them with my tongue, sucking up every drop of her release, licking her as if I’m cleaning my plate at the dinner table. Once her pussy is licked clean, I move lower so I can lick right over her puckered asshole.

  She starts to squirm at the contact of my tongue pressing against her tight hole, but she’s not moving away, if anything she’s trying to get closer.

  Such a dirty fucking vixen.

  “Get that asshole nice and wet. Today, we’re going to take you all at once. Each hole’s going to have a cock in it, pretty girl.”

  At my words she starts grinding herself against my face, cries of pleasure escape her lips, while Trey and Wes pepper her with kisses and nip at her puckered nipples. Once I’m sure I’ve feasted on her asshole and pussy long enough I pull away and start peeling my own clothes off.

  The sudden movement reminding me of my still healing gunshot wound. And yet there isn’t any amount of pain in this world that could stop me from sinking my cock inside of her in the next few minutes. The world could blow up around me and
I wouldn’t stop fucking her.

  Walking over to my dresser I retrieve the bottle of lube Wes bought the other day. Coating my cock with a healthy amount I head back to the bed where Jessa is still waiting for me, her legs spread wide, giving me a perfect view of her holes, holes that we are about to fill with our cocks, and with our cum.

  Wes fists his cock in his hand, and Trey licks his lips in anticipation.

  “Come here, Princess,” Trey orders and Jessa sits up, scurrying over to him. He lays down on the bed, with his feet dangling over the edge, and pulls Jessa on top of him. Her soaking folds slide over his hardened cock and I groan at the image. Fuck.

  “Declan’s going to take your ass. I’m going to take your pussy, and you’re going to deep throat Wes,” Trey tells her exactly what she’s going to do. She nods her head, chewing on her bottom lip seductively.

  My entire body tightens with need as I move behind Jessa, Wes slides over, kneeling next to them on the mattress. Trey grips his cock, pumping it a few times before he brings it to her soaking entrance. He slips inside her with ease, and I swear watching her get fucked by my brother only turns me on more. The fact that she lets us dominate her in such a’s mind-blowing.

  The exchange of trust, the exchange of power. It’s raw, powerful, and there is nothing like it. Nothing at fucking all.

  “Fuck, sweet girl. I’ve missed your pretty pussy,” Trey groans, as he cups her by the cheeks and kisses her hard. I glance over at Wes who is stroking his cock slowly, his eyes molten lava as he watches Trey and Jessa kiss. I let Trey thrust inside her a couple times before moving into position. Spreading her creamy white ass cheeks, I press my thumb against her puckered asshole.

  Sinking inside her ass is going to be as close to heaven as I’m going to get.

  “Suck my brother’s cock. Show him how much you want him,” Trey orders, his dirty words causing Jessa to moan. She reaches for Wes’s cock and gently sucks the tip into her mouth. I can’t tear my eyes away as I watch Wes’s head tip back, his eyes blinking closed as pleasure overtakes him. This is what she does to us. Consumes us.


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