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Immortal of My Heart

Page 5

by Unknown

  Alexander had explained he was Immortal, an inhuman capable of rapidly healing, and not to forget, he never died. He had continued by describing the Guardians, which were the Immortal’s keepers.

  “The Guardians are made up of twelve elderly men and one elderly woman. They are wise, powerful, and deceitful,” he said bitterly. “Each Guardian created one Immortal.”

  “So there are thirteen of you?” Kaelyn asked warily. Would they all be after her?

  Alexander stared quietly into the fire. “Nay,” he finally said. “There are only three left…Gideon, Cain…and me.”

  “But I thought you said you couldn’t die?”

  He eyed her cautiously. “We can ‘change’.”

  Kaelyn shifted as unease crept through her. Visions of Alexander sucking human blood passed through her head. “H-how do you change?”

  Alexander noticed her inch away from him. “Bloody Hell!” he growled. “I’m nay a monster!” He sucked in a deep breath when he noticed Kaelyn glance at the door. “An Immortal needs to find his soul mate. The ten other Immortals all found their true loves.”

  Kaelyn’s laugh pierced the air. “Sorry,” she mumbled stifling her laughter as Alexander gave her a dirty look. “It’s just…well, come on! That sounds like a corny fairytale.”

  “’Tis no fairytale,” he said darkly. “Imagine running beck-and-call for monsters. Aye, the Guardians were once sympathetic to most human’s causes, but then they realized the power they held. What would ye do if ye had a small army of immortal men who could never disobey?”

  “Conquer the world?” Kaelyn said with a laugh. She didn’t believe everything he told her.

  Alexander made a disgusted face. The lass had no concept how powerful the Guardians were. Bloody hell, she made jests! “The Guardians,” he continued, “had already made a pact with us, bonded by blood. They knew they wouldn’t have us forever.”

  “What pact?”

  “To change into mortal men. If we find our soul mate, we’ll change.”

  Kaelyn yawned even though she was wide awake. “So, you just find your soul mate and…voila…you’re mortal?”

  Alexander glared at her out of the corner of his eye. “’Tis not so easy. The Guardians are devious and continue to trick us. As for our soul mate…they can be anywhere in this world and at any time.”

  “Any time?”

  “Through time,” Alexander gritted out, frustrated. “In the future, in the past, now…’anytime’.”

  Kaelyn burst out laughing again. “Sorry, sorry,” she said as he clenched his jaw, “it’s just that are you now telling me you travel through time?” At Alexander’s tight nod, she said, “Wow! I have got to get more of that migraine medicine, because none of this can be real.” Kaelyn sat up. “I bet if I pinch myself, I’ll wake up from this bazaar dream.” Kaelyn pinched her arm. She pinched harder and immediately regretted it. Slowly, she turned toward Alexander. He nodded. Kaelyn scrambled out of the blanket, but Alexander caught her before she could get anywhere.

  Alexander pinned her down with his body and held her fists above her head. “Lass, ‘tis all true. I dinna ken what Cain wants with ye, but ye have to believe me, I’m not like him. I’ll keep ye safe.”

  Kaelyn stopped struggling. He had saved her. If he wanted her dead, he would’ve let her drown. A part of her knew this wasn’t a dream. It would just be a lot easier if she could pretend it was.

  Alexander felt her arms go slack. With one more warning glare, he let go and rolled off her. Kaelyn sat up and rubbed her wrists. “Can I go to sleep now?” she asked coldly. Alexander nodded. Kaelyn laid down turning her back to him and pulled the covers up over her. After a few minutes of silence, she quietly asked, “Do you know where your soul mate is?”

  Alexander glared into the fire as he snapped a piece of kindling in his hand. “My soul mate doesna exist,” he said dangerously calm.

  Kaelyn swallowed. The man sure had anger management issues. She cleared her throat, changing the subject. “So, why are you after Cain?”

  Alexander snapped out of his daze and rubbed his hand over his head and down the back of his neck. “It’s a mission from the Guardians. They ordered me to bring Cain to them. I’ve been after him for-.” He glanced over at her, her back still facing him. “Let’s just say a verra long time. But now, I have ye to help me,” he added, smiling a not-so-nice smile.

  Kaelyn rolled over. “That’s not comforting to know you want my help. But you did save my life. I guess it’s only fair.”

  Alexander held his hand out. “Care to shake on it?”

  Kaelyn eyed him suspiciously. “You said Cain can’t come close to that crystal?”


  Kaelyn stared at his hand as she chewed on her lip. “I’ll help you, but once this is over, I don’t want any of you ‘Immortals’ in my life again!”

  Alexander’s jaw ticked at the way she sneered at his kind. “Deal,” he ground out.

  Kaelyn placed her hand in his. “Deal.” Kaelyn rolled back over on her side giving him her back once more.

  Alexander eyed her. Little did she know, but she had no choice in whether she helped him or not. He only agreed with her simply so she wouldn’t keep running from him. She’d only be free when he was done with her.

  * * * * *

  As the night progressed, Alexander clenched his teeth. Never had he imagined it would be so difficult to sleep next to a lass. After he had lain down and began to doze off, Kaelyn rolled toward him in her sleep and curled up to his chest. Now, he lay with clenched fists at his sides while she lay half on him with one leg over his. Alexander tried to forget her soft breasts pressing up against his chest. Only the thin layer of her undergarment lay between them. If that wasn’t bad enough, his erection strained against her stomach. He willed it to stop, but it had a mind of its own and how long had it been since he bedded a woman? It seemed like ages.

  He squeezed his eyes for a moment. This is what it would feel like, his mind taunted. A soul mate in your arms you could hold through the night. Alexander’s jaw clamped shut. Kaelyn stirred, snuggling closer. Would she remember if he had one small taste of her? He could kiss her neck, her breasts, her stomach…. Would she even know, sound asleep as she was?

  Alexander cursed under his breath. He had never raped a woman before and he surely wouldn’t start with this one. Alexander gritted his teeth and tightly closed his eyes. A few more days, he repeated to himself. A few more days and he’ll catch Cain, no longer needing the soft body next to him.

  * * * * *

  The first sign of daylight crept into the small, dust covered window. Alexander moved, causing Kaelyn to roll off him. He held his breath as he crept out from under the blanket and over to his now dried clothes. Hastily, he donned his black wrinkled pants and shirt and then put the fire out as Kaelyn began to stir.

  Kaelyn yawned and stretched. She hadn’t remembered the last time she had such a sound sleep. There were no shadows, no screams in the middle of the night, no clammy skin, just a well-rested feeling. That was odd because she still had four more days to go before her body felt back to normal. She glanced over at Alexander who occupied himself with smothering the fire. Her brow furrowed. He could’ve done anything to her last night, but he hadn’t touched her. He had told her the truth when he could’ve lied. He hadn’t laid a finger on her when he could’ve taken advantage…she trusted him, she realized.

  Without turning around to look at her, Alexander curtly said, “Why dinna ye get dressed.” A chill slithered over her exposed skin. Kaelyn looked down at her meager clad body, instantly pulling the blanket up to her neck. “I’ll wait right outside the door for ye,” Alexander said, striding past without giving her a second glance. The door slammed shut behind him.

  Thankful for a few minutes of privacy, Kaelyn put on her warm clothes and tied her hiking boots. She threw her hair up into her usual ponytail and found a bottle of water next to where her clothes were. After chugging half the bottle,
Kaelyn inhaled a deep breath and looked toward the door. A shiver ran up her spine as she thought of what the day might bring. Had she really agreed to help Alexander?

  Kaelyn looked around the small room now filled with daylight. An old radio unit covered in dust sat on the desk in the corner. Excited, she hurried over. TJ would be waiting for her to check in and rangers needed to know about Bro-man and Jay. She picked up the receiver and turned the knob to the “on” position. Nothing happened. Kneeling down on all fours, she crawled under the desk. Perhaps a cord lay unplugged or the generator had stopped working.

  Alexander paced outside the shack. What the hell took her so long? He was standing close enough to the building that the crystal would protect her. Why wasn’t she coming out? Did she have second thoughts about helping him? Alexander gritted his teeth and headed back up the steps. Swinging the door open, he walked over the threshold ready to give her a piece of his mind. A brief panic set in when he didn’t see her. A shuffling noise sounded behind him and he turned, abruptly catching his breath. One of the finest asses he’d ever seen greeted him from under the desk.

  A throat clearing and a mumbled curse broke the silence. Startled, Kaelyn jerked up, cracking her head on the underside of the desk. “Ouch!” she yelled, rubbing her head.

  “What are ye doing?” Alexander said, crossing his arms over his chest. “We need to get going.”

  Kaelyn rose, massaging the tender spot on her head. “My boss is waiting for me to check in this morning and I need to alert the rangers of Cain.” Her shoulders dropped. “But the wires are chewed through. Looks like mice or squirrels stayed here during the winter.” Alexander let out an impatient sigh. Kaelyn rolled her eyes. “Guess I’m ready.“

  * * * * *

  The day, which began chilly, soon grew hot under the direct sun. Kaelyn pushed up her sleeves and wiped her head. “Do you want a drink?” she asked Alexander, holding out a water bottle to him. “There’s a gulp left.”

  “Nay,” he grumbled continuing past her.

  “I was just trying to be nice,” she mumbled under her breath.

  Alexander abruptly stopped and spun on his heal. “Trying to be nice! Ye ask me if I want a drink every five seconds! I’m Immortal, remember?” he growled. “Ye dinna worry about me!” Kaelyn pressed her lips together. Sheesh! This guy had serious mood swings. “Besides, I’m the man. I’m supposed to take care of you!” he yelled over his shoulder.

  Kaelyn arched a brow. “Oh, don’t do me any favors. I can take care of myself, Lex!”

  Alexander whirled around gripping her arms. “Dinna ever call me by that name again.” Alexander saw the fear cross her face. He let go at once and continued down the trail. He ran his hand through his hair. What the bloody hell was she doing to him? She had said another hour before they reached her base. He hoped she was right, because he was ready to throttle her.

  Kaelyn brushed off her shoulders. “Jerk,” she mumbled, as she hurried her steps and caught up with him.

  Soon, Kaelyn led the way with Alexander trailing behind her. He clenched his jaw as he watched the sway of her hips. The one important thing that should be on his mind wasn’t. The only thing he thought about was wrapping his arms around her and feeling the silky skin he knew was underneath her clothes. He had desired many attractive women before, but never with a craving like he had for Kaelyn.

  Alexander ran his hand through his hair. How did this one, skinny, mouthy, testy…long legged, soft, bonnie lass have this affect on him?

  * * * * *


  Kaelyn glanced up finding Hunter riding his horse toward her on the trail. Two rangers rode alongside him. Kaelyn sighed with relief. The horrible hike was over. She stepped out, but fell back into Alexander. His finger had snaked through her belt loop.

  “Remember, lass,” he whispered close to her ear, “Cain is waiting for ye to stray from me. Stay close.”

  Kaelyn jerked out of his grip. “You don’t have to remind me,” she said in a hushed whisper. “Hunter,” she said turning with a smile, “I’m so glad to see you!”

  Hunter jumped down off his horse and strode over to her. Pulling her into his arms, he asked, “Are you alright?” He eyed Alexander over Kaelyn’s shoulder.

  “I’m fine, but Bro-man and Jay, they-.” Hunter ran his hand down the side of Kaelyn’s face.

  “Shh. We’ll find them.”

  Kaelyn shook her head. “They’re dead,” she barely whispered.

  Hunter motioned the rangers forward. He gave them the news and then the coordinates of where Kaelyn’s campsite was. He turned back to Kaelyn wrapping his arms around her. “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you,” he whispered in her hair. A shadow off to the right on the ground moved. Hunter pulled back. He narrowed his eyes as he regarded Alexander walking up next to them. “And who are you?” he said with disgust.

  Kaelyn opened her mouth to answer, but Alexander beat her to the punch. “An old friend,” he said in a cold voice. He didn’t like this man, no correction…laddie. Alexander didn’t like the way Hunter looked at Kaelyn, or the way he held her tight in his arms with a predatory gaze.

  “You’re lying,” Hunter sneered. “I know, because Kaelyn doesn’t have any friends from the ‘past’.”

  Kaelyn reached out gently grabbing Hunter’s arm. “I never told you about him?” she said with a nervous laugh. “He lived in one of the foster homes.”

  “Which one?” Hunter asked curtly as he continued to glare at Alexander. “The one that beat you, or was it the home that starved you? No, no, I know which one it was. The one that locked you up in a closet for days on end with little food!”

  Kaelyn forgot to breathe. Did Hunter really just blurt out her entire past without even caring what it did to her? She had never told anyone those horrible memories, except Hunter, and only in the strictest confidence. Her skin grew warm and she knew she blushed with embarrassment.

  Alexander eyed Kaelyn. She stared at the ground, her features filled with shame and hurt. He ground his teeth together for the fact no one should have treated her like that, let alone her being a young child at the time. He narrowed his eyes at Hunter. The man carelessly spilled Kaelyn’s deep secrets with little heed. What he wouldn’t do to give the bastard one good punch.

  “I knew her briefly,” Alexander said. “’Tis no surprise she wouldna mention me. Those were bad times no one wants to remember.” Kaelyn slowly looked up at Alexander. With a thin smile and a small nod, she gave him her gratitude.

  Hunter narrowed his eyes at Alexander and then turned toward Kaelyn. “Come on,” he said, “you can ride with me back to the station. TJ’s going crazy wondering where you are. There are also more rangers back at base who want to talk with you. Hunter smoothed some hair away from her face and gently kissed the top of her head as he glared over it at Alexander.

  Hunter helped Kaelyn up on his horse and then jumped up behind her. He turned his horse around peering back at Alexander. “Sorry man, looks like you’ll have to walk.”

  Alexander ground his teeth together as he watched Hunter snicker and turn his horse down the trail. Alexander followed their slow gait closely behind, his crystal glowing.

  Cain lingered close by.

  * * * * *


  “I’m fine TJ, please, I just really want to go home,” Kaelyn said, gently swatting TJ’s hand away as he fussed over a small cut on her head. Kaelyn, TJ, Hunter, and Alexander were all crammed in the small office of Colorado Adventures. Hunter leaned on the half-wall studying Alexander who leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed. Kaelyn smiled to herself. Those two looked like they were having a staring contest. “Okay, enough…please,” she said feeling smothered. She stood, creating some space between her and TJ.

  TJ’s brow furrowed. “I guess you’re free to leave,” he said slowly with a hurt expression. “I think the rangers got all the information from you that they needed.”

  Kaelyn reached out,
touching TJ’s arm. “I’m fine,” she said more gently. “I only want to get home, take a shower, and go to bed.”

  TJ scratched his head and nodded. “I’d take you home Kaelyn, but I need to stay here depending on what the rangers find in the woods today.” TJ turned toward Hunter. “Maybe, you could….”

  Hunter straightened up from his hunched position. “You know I’ll take her home,” he said looking over to Kaelyn.

  Kaelyn’s mouth opened a few times. Crap! She forgot she needed to stay close to Alexander. She didn’t entirely believe Cain would continue to come after her, but she also didn’t want to take any chances. And then of course there was that little promise she had made to Alexander.

  “Don’t worry about getting me home,” Kaelyn said to TJ and Hunter’s concerned faces. “I can drive myself.”

  Hunter cut in as TJ was also about to protest. “I don’t think you should be alone. You’re in shock. I’ll go with you.”

  Alexander couldn’t help the small smile creep across his mouth. Any minute now, Hunter would learn he wasn’t taking Kaelyn to her apartment, but her “foster home” friend was.

  Kaelyn fidgeted with her hair glancing over her shoulder at Alexander. “Actually,” she said turning back toward the two concerned men, “I won’t be alone. Alexander’s coming home with me.”

  “The hell he is!” yelled Hunter as he stormed around the counter toward Alexander. Alexander leaned off the wall ready for a fight. He wanted to cuff the lad soundly.

  TJ jumped between the two. “Now, hold on,” he said placing one palm on each man’s chest. TJ glanced at Hunter. “Hold on boyo. Kaelyn’s an adult. If she says she can drive…I believe her.”


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