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Immortal of My Heart

Page 9

by Unknown

  A bright light shot out of the sky from above, encompassing them. Kaelyn held on for dear life as her breath stole away. It felt like she rode on an ultra fast roller coaster. She squeezed her eyes shut against the wind gusting over her. Her backpack shook on her back, but she continued holding tightly around the one immovable force. Alexander.

  His arm squeezed tighter around Kaelyn as he continued to repeat their destination. He knew she held on with all her might. All at once, everything stilled. The bright light disappeared. The air took on a gentle breeze filled with the smell of rain and heather. He was home. The island of Skye…Scotland.

  * * * * *

  Alexander opened his eyes to a wooded area south of clan MacLeod’s castle, that is, if the crystal placed them where he had wished. The chieftain, Ewan MacLeod was a personal friend of Alexander’s. He knew he could count on Ewan for a room and food for as long as they needed. Alexander let go of a shaky Kaelyn. She wavered, immediately falling to her knees.

  Alexander reached out. “Whoa! Easy, Kaelyn.” He steadied her, slowly leading her to a nearby stump where she could sit.

  A tremendous, painful pressure filled Kaelyn’s sinuses, almost as if she did a summersault underwater. With an unsteady hand, Kaelyn pushed her hair back from her face. She felt wetness above her lip. Blood covered her fingertips.

  “That happened to me too, the first few times,” Alexander said. He handed her a handkerchief and bent down to the ground where the packs lay. Items spilled out of her pack littering the ground. Figuring he’d help as she cleaned herself up, he began picking up her belongings. Jeans, tampons, Alexander paused. He held up a small piece of black lace between his fingers.

  He glanced over his shoulder at Kaelyn. She was busy trying to clot her bloody nose, oblivious to what he was doing. Alexander’s mouth curved up. “Only the necessities,” he said under his breath with a smile. He stuffed the last few things in her pack and zipped it up.

  “Do you know where we are?” Kaelyn asked still bending her head down between her legs.

  “We’re close to the Clan MacLeod.”

  “Are they friendly?”

  Alexander grinned. “To me.”

  Kaelyn gave a weak laugh slowly standing up. Alexander studied the sky and then turned to his immediate right. “We need to go this way.”

  “Is it far?” She had to admit, the whole time-travel thing had made her sick. Her body still felt like it continued to glue atoms together.

  “About a half day’s walk,” he said handing her pack over.

  Kaelyn checked the zippers on her pack and glanced up at him when he continued to stand in front of her with a grin. “What?”

  “Nothing. I hope ye didna forget anything.” Kaelyn furrowed her brow when he abruptly turned and began their trek. They headed toward a lush green field with black sheep grazing. Kaelyn slowed, getting a good look around at the scenery. It was breathtaking. She had never been to Scotland, but it was one place she might have to visit when she returned home. Bright green rolling hills filled the horizon, which Alexander had told her were called Cuillin Hills.

  She had never traveled anywhere in her life, being she preferred to live in the vicinity of the Rockies. Not at any time had she ever regretted being a homebody, but now she wasn’t so sure. Frighteningly, she realized her body hummed with recognition. Home, it called to her.

  “There’s a small creek up ahead,” Alexander said from a ways in front of her. “We’ll stop and rest for a bit.”

  Kaelyn watched as Alexander continued to trudge through the tall, green grass creating a path for her behind him. He had barely said anything to her as they hiked, let alone glance back and see if she still followed. He’d occasionally point out landmarks, but that was about it. Maybe, someday she’d understand his mood swings.

  Another fifteen minutes of brisk walking brought them to the edge of a ridiculously small creek. Kaelyn could basically straddle the thing. They both sat down on the edge removing their packs.

  Alexander glanced over at Kaelyn as she bent down and scooped up a handful of water. She definitely knew how to take care of herself. He admired that about her. He had never known a lass that wasn’t needy or didn’t hang all over him. She’d be a good wife to someone. Alexander’s forehead creased. Why did that bother him? He’d never marry. Even if he did, it’s not like he’d turn into a mortal human. Then, another thought crossed his mind. Ewan. He was a lady’s man. No woman from his time was immune to his charm. Would Kaelyn be?

  Alexander glanced at Kaelyn. She wrung out a bandana and wiped the wet fabric down her face and neck. He clenched his teeth. No. He decided he wasn’t going to find out. No man would touch her while she was under his watch. When this business with Cain was over they’d go their separate ways, and only then, would he forget about her wellbeing.

  But, that still didn’t help the problem with Ewan. He was a gentleman around married woman and respected their situations. But single, attractive lassies were another thing. If Ewan knew Kaelyn was single…. Och! Alexander didn’t want to think about it. What to do. Ewan wouldn’t even place them in the same room…not unless they were married.

  Alexander paused for a moment. That was it. He and Kaelyn could pretend they were married. He’d be able to watch Kaelyn and make sure she was safe from Ewan…and Cain of course. That was the only reason he’d play this charade. At least, that’s what he told himself. He glanced at Kaelyn, who now rooted through her backpack. Would she go along with it? There was only one way to find out.

  “Do you want half?” Kaelyn asked holding a power bar in her hand.

  “Nay.” Kaelyn rolled her eyes and un-wrapped the bar as a ray of sun danced over her face. Alexander cleared his throat. “I was thinking….” Kaelyn looked warily over at Alexander. “When we arrive at Castle MacLeod…it would be best if ye…pretend we’re married.”

  Kaelyn sputtered and choked. She pounded on her chest. That was the last thing she had ever thought Alexander would say. When she caught her breath, she choked out, “Why?”

  A flush crept up Alexander’s face. “If we pretend we’re married, it willna look suspicious when I’m with ye all the time. I dinna want to ruin your reputation. And remember, ye still need to be within ten feet of me.” He wouldn’t mention Ewan was an avid believer of magic and that he had cast wards over his entire castle to protect anyone inside from dark magic. Or that he didn’t want another man handling her.

  At the mention of Cain’s name, Kaelyn fervently nodded. “That sounds fine.” She’d do anything if it meant never seeing Cain again! Then a thought crossed her mind. Would they share the same bed? Surely, he wouldn’t keep the farce up behind closed doors, would he? Kaelyn glanced over at Alexander, who brushed off his pants, and instantly admired his muscular build.

  “Ready?” Alexander asked rising.

  Kaelyn blinked feeling heat inch across her cheeks. She prayed he hadn’t seen her staring at him as she gathered her things. “Yeah, let’s go. Do you think we’ll make it before nightfall?”

  “We should arrive by sundown.”

  “Then lead away.”

  * * * * *

  A loud trumpet sounded behind the large castle walls. Kaelyn hoped the inside of the castle was cleaner than the parapets protecting it. Green moss covered dark, dirt-encased, pitted stone walls. It appeared the castle had been involved in hundreds of battles…maybe, losing quite a few of them? Guards meandered atop the parapets glancing down at she and Alexander every now and then.

  “Wait here,” Alexander said, stopping Kaelyn with his hand. They waited about fifty feet out from the closed portcullis. Kaelyn noticed arrows targeted down at them from above.

  “I thought you said you were friends with the laird,” she whispered fiercely.

  Alexander shrugged. “I am, but Ewan doesna take chances. He’s most likely being summoned. We wait until they ask us the first question.”

  “Who goes there?” A loud voice boomed from overhead.

sp; Startled, Kaelyn glanced up into the darkening sky. She squinted, but couldn’t make out the man other than a shadowy figure.

  “An old friend,” Alexander yelled. “’Tis I, Alexander MacLeod.”

  Kaelyn gasped, staring up at Alexander. “You’re brothers?” she whispered.

  “Alexander?” The man said. “’Tis really ye? Wait there! I’m coming down.”

  A brief moment passed before the portcullis rose. A large, attractive man with reddish blond hair and a trimmed beard strode out with two guards flanking him. Kaelyn assumed this was Ewan.

  “Ewan, ‘tis good to see ye,” Alexander said as the men grasped each other in a friendly hug.

  “Same here,” Ewan said with a sparkle in his eye. “Good to see you’re still alive. I was worried,” he said with a smile. Alexander glanced over at Kaelyn. Kaelyn read the warning in his eyes loud and clear. Ewan didn’t know Alexander was immortal. Ewan suddenly turned toward Kaelyn. “And who is this lovely creature? A sister perhaps? A cousin?”

  “My wife,” Alexander choked out. “This is Kaelyn.”

  “Ah, weel then, I can see why ‘tis been years since I’ve seen ye. I wouldna leave the bedroom either if I had this fine lass under me.” Alexander cleared his throat. Kaelyn blushed profusely. Ewan bowed down in front of Kaelyn placing a light kiss on the back of her hand. “Think of my home as yours, lass.” He smiled over at Alexander. “Och, and ye, too! Stay as long as ye need.”

  Alexander nodded. “My thanks.”

  After being led into what was a very wealthy castle hidden behind the deteriorated walls, Kaelyn and Alexander were left in a large room on the fourth floor. A big stone fireplace sat on one wall with peat burning, keeping the chill from the room. Two tall, skinny, rectangular windows adorned the other wall with long, maroon, velvet curtains. The four-poster stood over three feet tall with a small step up into a large overstuffed mattress covered with matching maroon, velvet bedding and a red, blue, and yellow plaid lying over the end. Candles sat on each ornate nightstand flickering in the dim lighted room as Kaelyn walked open mouthed looking at everything.

  “I’ll have food sent up shortly since ye missed the evening meal,” Ewan said to Alexander at the doorway. “’Tis a shame Kaelyn is married…and especially to ye,” he said glancing over Alexander’s shoulder, taking the sight of Kaelyn in. “I do believe…this is the first time I’m jealous of ye.”

  “And hopefully the last,” Alexander said lightly.

  Ewan smiled wickedly. “Sleep tight.” He eyed Kaelyn once more, before Alexander shut the door pushing him out. Once the door closed, Alexander released a deep sigh. Now, if only he could make it through the night without jumping on top of her.

  * * * * *


  “This is unbelievable,” Kaelyn said looking out the window over the dark hills.

  “’Tis one of Ewan’s best rooms. He always gives this one to me when I’m here.”

  “It’s understandable since he’s your brother.”

  “’Tis not what ye think.”

  Kaelyn turned, watching Alexander. He crouched down in front of the fire, stirring it up. His strong arms flexed in his black t-shirt. “He’s not your brother then?”

  Alexander stopped prodding the fire. With his back still turned to her, he answered, “When I was six, my ‘human father’ sent me here to learn to fight as a knight. Shortly after I arrived, I became good friends with the Laird’s son…Ewan. Alexander briefly closed his eyes. “After being here for little more than a month, I learned my human parents had contracted the plague and died. Ewan’s father thought of me like a son from that day on, giving me his clan name. We’ve been ‘brothers’ ever since.” Why did he just tell her that? He had never told anyone before, certainly not a woman.

  “Human parents?” she asked confused. “Aren’t you immortal?”

  He looked at her over his shoulder. “All Immortals were birthed by human mothers, and most of us have human fathers.”

  “But you said you have…Guardians…right?”

  Alexander released a deep breath. This was the last thing he wanted to talk about tonight…or ever. He slowly rose and turned toward her. If he wanted a good night’s sleep, he knew he’d have to answer her. “Aye. A Guardian created each one of us inside a human female. Upon turning twenty-five, our Immortal blood began to hum through our bodies, beginning the call of the Guardians, leading us to fight for all eternity.” Kaelyn made a silent “oh”. Just then, a knock sounded on the door. Alexander opened it, mumbled something and then shut the door with his foot as he carried a large silver tray into the room and over to a small wooden table with two chairs.

  He set down the tray and removed the lid. Potato cakes, salmon with dill sauce, cherry tarts, meat pies, and plums filled the tray. Kaelyn licked her lips when she saw the food as her stomach rumbled. She settled in a seat across from Alexander as she watched him scoop up a piece of the salmon with a wooden spoon. He handed her a spoon and she licked her lips again, unable to decide what to eat first. She grabbed a small meat pie sitting close to her hand.

  “Mmm, this is delicious,” she said with a mouthful of food.

  Alexander watched the brown sauce dribble down her chin. He began to reach out, pausing when she met his gaze. “Ye have…gravy on your chin.”

  Kaelyn wiped her face with her hand. “Did I get it?”

  Alexander was about to describe where it was when he changed his mind. Leaning over, he wiped the drip off himself. His thumb brushed the side of her chin. “There.”

  Kaelyn watched him as he continued eating avoiding eye contact with her. “Thanks,” she said quietly. Alexander grunted in reply as he stuffed a plum in his mouth.

  “I need to know the next part of the riddle,” Alexander suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

  Kaelyn licked her fingers. She recited the riddle in her head, figuring out where they had left off. “Where three of three of three have died,” she said. “You think it’s a graveyard?

  Alexander paused. “Do ye ken how many graves there are?”

  “It was just a thought.”

  “We’ll sleep on it.” Alexander cringed as soon as the words left his mouth. Tension returned between them. Alexander chugged down half his goblet of ale. He licked his lips. “We need Cain to follow us. Most likely, he’s trying to read our trail.”

  “Read our trail?”

  “Aye. Every time Cain or I travel through time, we leave a ripple. If ye ken what to look for, ye can follow the ripple, hence follow the person. ‘Tis time consuming and tedious. We’ll be safe here for a while before Cain arrives.”

  “How long until he gets here?”

  “A fortnight or so.”

  “Two weeks! I only have two pairs of jeans.”

  “Lass,” Alexander said roughly, “You’ll need to blend in while we’re here. The women of these times wear dresses.”

  “Unh unh.” She shook her head. “I don’t do dresses.”

  Alexander paused, the spoonful of food half-way to his mouth. “Aye, ye will. I willna have a wife running around in tight breeches causing every randy lad to follow her!” Where the hell did that come from! Alexander silently cursed. “Besides,” Alexander quickly added, “ye willna find any woman’s breeches around here.”

  She’d see about that!

  They finished eating and Kaelyn walked back to the window. Torches lit the courtyard below as villagers milled about. It seemed more like a vacation at a medieval fantasy land than a mission to do…who knew what. A small knock sounded on the door. Kaelyn glanced over her shoulder as Alexander opened the door.

  “My lord,” said a young servant. “Laird Ewan sent me to give ye these.” The young servant handed the armful of clothes over to Alexander. Alexander bid the girl goodnight and dumped the armful of garments onto the bed.

  Kaelyn walked over. “What’s all that?”

  Alexander glanced at her as he divided the clothes between “his” and “hers�
�� piles. “I mentioned to Ewan that we lost our clothes. If anything, he makes sure his guests are comfortable.”

  “Oh, pants!” Kaelyn yelled in excitement grabbing a pair of brown breeches before Alexander could touch them.

  “Go ahead,” he grumbled, “they willna fit.”

  Kaelyn held them up. Sure enough, they were made for a man the size of Alexander. Kaelyn blew out a breath. Guess she’d have to look for a boys’ pair.

  Alexander held up a light pale yellow gown with silver trim and bell sleeves. “Now, this is what ye need.” Along with the black lace undergarment, he thought.

  Kaelyn laughed. “I will never wear that!”

  Alexander pressed his lips together, tossing the dress on the bed. “Weel, ye better find something for the morrow,” he said gruffly. “We need to blend in. No one here kens I’m immortal, or that I can time-travel. We’re lucky enough Ewan thinks I’m ‘well traveled’ and hadn’t asked about our clothes.”

  Kaelyn sighed digging through the “hers” pile. “I guess I could make this work,” she said holding up a royal blue, linen dress. It had a modest neckline with no trim.

  Alexander handed her a red, blue, and yellow plaid. “Ye can wear this with it if ye like,” he said sheepishly. “Most women here do.”

  Kaelyn knew clans had their own plaids. She looked up at him. “Are these your colors?”

  Alexander continued shuffling through the clothes, avoiding her gaze. “Aye.” After a moment of silence he added, “If ye wear my plaid, the men will ken ye belong to me…for the purposes of our fictitious marriage,” he added quickly.

  Kaelyn nodded slowly as a thought ran through her mind. What would it be like being married to him? She shook her head. That would never happen! He had said so himself, and besides, she wasn’t the marrying type. She couldn’t deal with someone giving her orders, telling her who she could and couldn’t spend time with…. Or having someone who cares about you, being able to fall asleep against that one special person every night….


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