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Immortal of My Heart

Page 15

by Unknown

  “W-where am I?” Kaelyn asked as she moved her gaze around the room. It most definitely was a tent, about the size of a twelve by twelve foot room. Furs lined the floor, a huge chest stood along one side of the tent wall, an aged desk on the other where the candelabras sat along with parchment and a feathered quill for writing.

  The man must be educated, she thought. A table and two chairs sat in the other corner. A bowl with steam drifted out and a bottle of a dark, burgundy liquid sat on the table. Where was she? Were these people friends of Cain? Or the odd woman she had met at the lake?

  “Are you hurt?” the man quietly asked, still facing the candles. Kaelyn didn’t know what to say. Was he going to hurt her, or help her? She raised her hand to her head feeling the quarter sized lump. It was tender, but that was it.

  “I’m okay.”

  “I’ll kill them if they hurt you,” the man said fiercely through clenched teeth.

  “Who are you?” she asked hesitantly. “Do I know you?” Kaelyn noticed the man’s shoulders tense. He slowly turned around. Bringing his large tan hands up to his hood, he pushed it back.

  Kaelyn sucked in a breath. “It’s you!”

  * * * * *

  Alexander stayed back, hidden in the trees, watching as twenty men guarded their leader’s tent. He ran a hand through his hair. If those gypsies harmed one hair on Kaelyn’s body….

  Alexander had followed the gypsies out of the meadow after finding Kaelyn’s tartan floating in the water, which had made him nearly collapse with grief, thinking she had drowned. He’d think about his reaction to that later. He had then discovered the distant glow of torches and followed the men’s trail soon realizing they were a group of gypsies that frequented the area.

  When he came upon them, close enough to see they had Kaelyn, they had already entered their camp. Alexander may be immortal, but it would be hard for him to win against fifty men. He could heal, but not fast enough to help Kaelyn. Not with all the men educated in swords and combat.

  As Alexander stared daggers at the leader’s tent, he noticed the soft glow lighting up the tent from within. Was Kaelyn safe? Was she still alive? Did the leader force her this very moment? With that thought, Alexander made up his mind. He’d go through fifty men for her, or as many as it took.

  * * * * *

  Kaelyn slowly rose and walked over to the man standing motionless in the middle of the tent. “Is it really you?” she asked, barely audible. Slowly, she reached out, touching the short, cropped beard on the strong, chiseled face.

  The man slowly raised his hand over Kaelyn’s. “Yes, it’s me…Hunter.”

  Tears came to Kaelyn’s eyes as she shot forward hugging him, holding on tight. “I thought you were dead,” she choked out. “I thought I’d never see you again!”

  Hunter sucked in a deep breath, inhaling the lavender from Kaelyn’s hair. “I won’t lie. When I first arrived and realized where and when I was, I wanted to die, but as you can see,” he said gesturing to his tent and trinkets surrounding them, “I’m a survivor…and prospering at that.”

  Kaelyn stepped back and looked at him in awe. “You’re their leader?” she asked incredulously. “How did you manage that so fast? It’s been barely a month and a half since you were thrown back in time.”

  Hunter’s features hardened and his jaw clenched shut. “Kaelyn,” he said quietly, “it’s been five and a half years since I arrived.”

  Kaelyn’s forehead creased. “But it was just-.”

  “Trust me,” he said roughly, releasing his arms from Kaelyn. “I’ve counted every day since I came here.” He quickly grabbed Kaelyn’s shoulders. “I didn’t know whether you were dead, alive, in horrible agony…. Do you know what that did to me? I had to try and forget you, try and forget those bastards who did this to us!” He released her as a thought occurred to him. “Speaking of which, where’s your warrior?” he sneered.

  Kaelyn stepped back from him. She took a good look at Hunter and realized he was no longer the man he used to be. He appeared harder and rougher around the edges. “What’s happened to you?” she asked sadly.

  “What’s happened to me…,” he growled taking a step closer to her. He was about to say something but stopped. Instead, he just stared into her wary face. He sighed as his shoulders dropped and he looked down at the ground. “I loved you, Kaelyn,” he said quietly staring at the fur lined floor. “That day, when I disappeared with the last memory of you hurt, a madman at your door, and a…whatever that beast was, who looked at you like you were dinner-.” He pressed his mouth together in a thin line getting a hold on his anger. “I re-live that day every single time I close my eyes.” Hunter looked back up at Kaelyn and softly ran his thumb over her cheek. “You were taken from me and I never even got to tell you how much you mean to me.”


  “No,” Hunter said silencing her. “I felt like you were the only one who ‘got’ me. I know your secrets too, that doesn’t scare me,” he added to her doubtful expression. “If this isn’t fate telling us to be together, than I don’t know what is. You fell in my lap, Kaelyn. We belong together. Besides…where else will you turn?”

  Kaelyn opened her mouth, but nothing came out. What was she to say? Hunter was right, where else would she go? Alexander left her. She had doubts about finishing her journey alone, a journey she had to finish.

  “Hunter…I…I don’t know what to say.”

  Hunter’s face turned red with rage. “It’s him, isn’t it?” he spat. “It’s that bastard that wouldn’t leave your side!” Hunter put his hands on his hips. “Well, where is he, Kaelyn? I found you in a pit all alone! Surely he would have rescued you if you were worth anything to him!”

  “Stop!” she screamed.

  “Well,” he said more softly, “where is the bastard?”

  Kaelyn went to turn, to hide her face, but Hunter reached out stopping her. Her chin quivered even though she fought with all her might not to cry. “He left me,” she barely whispered. Speaking the words aloud, cut through her.

  Hunter swore under his breath. “I’ll kill him if I ever see him again.”

  Kaelyn sniffled and tried to smile. “He’s immortal, remember? He’ll live forever.”

  “Not if I find him,” Hunter said under his breath.

  * * * * *


  Hunter slowly pulled Kaelyn into his arms breathing in her scent of lavender again. “We’ll take it slow, okay?” He leaned back and wiped a tear from her cheek. “You’ll see, we’re made for each other.”

  Hunter leaned down and lightly kissed her forehead right as a commotion sounded outside the tent entrance. As Hunter and Kaelyn looked up, still holding onto each other, they found themselves looking into a set of livid, golden eyes.

  “Speak of the devil,” Hunter said setting Kaelyn off to the side. “Just the man I want to see.” Hunter walked over to where Alexander stood with two men struggling to hold on, even though Alexander barely fought. Hunter’s stride didn’t slow. When he stood in front of Alexander, he greeted him with a strong uppercut. Alexander’s head snapped back as Kaelyn gasped and Hunter cursed him.

  Kaelyn quickly ran forward, placing herself in between the two men. Hunter watched satisfied, as Alexander fell to his knees as a small drop of blood trickled down from his right nostril. Kaelyn bent down trying to see if Alexander was alright. The two guards looked questioningly at Hunter. He waved the guards away and stood back, seething, as he watched the woman he loved, coddle the man he wanted to kill.

  Alexander gazed into Kaelyn’s eyes. “I had to leave ye, or else she’d kill ye-“

  Kaelyn’s brow furrowed. Someone else wanted her dead beside Cain? Great! It wasn’t bad enough she had one lunatic after her, but now two!

  “Get up, asshole!” taunted Hunter. “We’re not done yet!”

  “You’ll never beat me,” Alexander said coldly as he glanced up at Hunter under half-closed lids. “Let’s leave it at that.”
br />   Hunter laughed incredulously. “Leave it at that! Are you fucking stupid? You left the one woman I care about in this whole goddamn world alone, and in fear for her life!” Alexander glanced at Kaelyn, shame falling over his features. Hunter turned toward Kaelyn continuing his tirade. “Do you believe the bullshit spewing from his mouth, Kaelyn? He left you to die! He doesn’t give a damn what happens to you as long as he gets you to give him a good fu-“

  Without warning, Alexander jumped on Hunter with a loud roar, buckling him at the knees, toppling him over. Alexander straddled Hunter, pounding his fist into his face. After the third punch, Hunter flipped Alexander over and rolled him onto his back. Hunter returned the punches.

  Kaelyn sprung up and yelled at the top of her lungs for them to stop. Both men ignored her and continued beating each other to a bloody pulp. Kaelyn let out a fed up growl and marched to the entrance of the tent where she stuck her head out and yelled for the guards. Four men hastily ran inside and pulled the men apart receiving kicks and blows themselves for interfering.

  “Enough!” Kaelyn yelled when both men were subdued and held by others. “What’s your problem? Ugh!” she screamed, clearly frustrated. “You know what? Kill each other, I don’t care anymore. I’m probably better off by myself!” Kaelyn spun on her heal and marched out of the tent disappearing into the crowded campsite.

  Hunter eyed a bloodied Alexander. And Alexander eyed a bleeding Hunter. Hunter angrily shook off his men and strode out of the tent. Alexander glared at the two men holding onto him. They quickly let go and followed their leader out of the tent.

  Alexander stood in the quiet tent wiping the blood away from his perfectly healed face. Being immortal did have its advantages. He turned and glanced at the tent entrance. Now, the hardest part…trying to get Kaelyn to trust him again. He ran his hand over his face, sucked in a deep breath, and passed through the flap out into the night and to the woman he had hurt.

  Alexander easily walked through the crowded campsite as the gypsies parted ways for him, but gave him looks that could kill. He walked around for a good fifteen minutes before finding Kaelyn sitting on a stump around a huge bonfire. She held a wooden bowl in her hands and its contents steamed as she blew softly over it. He paused and stared at the woman who was slowly melting his heart. What was it about her that stole his breath away? The glow from the fire danced over her delicate features and he cursed himself again for ever leaving her in the first place. He built up his ardor and strode up to where she sat taking a seat on an empty stump next to her.

  “Where’s Hunter?” he asked roughly.

  Kaelyn let out a laugh. “Are you serious?” she asked in amazement.

  Alexander shook his head. Why was it so hard to talk to her? Whatever he tried to say always came out wrong. He cleared his throat and began again. “I wanted you to ken I willna leave ye again.”

  “Whatever,” Kaelyn said shrugging her shoulders. She sipped a mouthful of hot broth from her bowl before she glanced at him, which was a mistake. Her words froze on the tip of her tongue as she gazed into his fierce stare and ruggedly handsome face. She cleared her throat, continuing. “I’m beginning to think traveling with you was a mistake in the first place. Maybe, I should find Cain and put everyone out of their misery.”

  “I didna want to leave ye…if that means anything.”

  “Right. You had to because some crazy bitch wants to kill me.” She raised the bowl to her mouth and took another sip.

  Alexander’s jaw ticked. Now, he knew why he didn’t know what to say to her…because the lass was bloody difficult! Alexander leaned closer to Kaelyn. “I can explain everything if there is somewhere we can go in private. I willna speak of her when the wind can carry my words to her ears.”

  Kaelyn paused with the bowl halfway to her mouth and glared at Alexander. He looked serious and sounded sincere. Against her better judgment, she nodded. “Fine. I’ll listen to your excuse…this once. But if I find out you’re lying….”

  Alexander swiftly raised his hand. “I swear to ye. You’ll ken the truth.” Alexander waited quietly as Kaelyn finished her broth. Neither of them spoke about anything and Hunter was no where to be seen, that is until they both rose to find a private spot.

  “If he’s bothering you, Kaelyn, just say the word,” Hunter sneered appearing at Kaelyn’s side.

  Kaelyn glared at both of them. “Hunter,” she said sternly, “I need to speak with Alexander in private.”

  Hunter glared at Alexander for a moment before turning to Kaelyn. “A tent has been prepared for you. Use that.” Without another word, Hunter strode off.

  Kaelyn furred her brow as she watched Hunter disappear into the night. He wanted something she couldn’t give him. At least she didn’t think she could. A throat cleared and she turned finding Alexander waiting impatiently. She narrowed her eyes, remembering how she found herself at Hunter’s camp in the first place.

  Before Kaelyn could start into Alexander, he focused past her shoulder. Kaelyn turned and found a beautiful black haired young woman walking toward them. She wore a bright, red dyed skirt and a white peasant shirt. She smiled warmly to them as she approached.

  Kaelyn smiled back and felt a tinge of jealousy as Alexander smiled, even if the smile didn’t reach his eyes. Kaelyn shook her head scolding herself. Why should she be jealous? One day ago, he had left her. She could have died! If Alexander wanted to get to know this woman, there’d be no stopping him. As much as Kaelyn wanted to not feel anything, she did…and it made her furious. How could she like someone that could turn away from her so easily?

  “Greetings, my name is Miriam,” the young woman said, her voice sounding as beautiful as she looked. “Follow me. I’ll show ye to your tent.”

  Kaelyn glanced over at Alexander and he gestured with his arm out for her to go first. Kaelyn followed Miriam, weaving through the gypsy campsite staring at the swaying hips in front of her. Miriam talked the entire time, her Scottish accent soothing to Kaelyn’s ears.

  They made their way to the edge of the clearing where a row of small canvas tents stood. Miriam stopped in front of one, which had a soft glow from within. “Here ‘tis,” she said pleasantly.

  “Thank you,” Kaelyn said pushing back the tent flap. Kaelyn stepped inside. The tent was an eight foot by eight foot area. The floor was covered in furs identical to Hunter’s. A crude looking lantern hung from a wooden pole in the middle casting a soft, comforting light.

  “Weel, if there be nothin’ else….” Miriam said fidgeting her hands, looking at Kaelyn expectantly.

  “No, thank you,” Kaelyn said gratefully.

  Miriam smiled and nodded. Kaelyn made herself comfortable on a pile of plush wolf pelts.

  Alexander walked in, his testosterone filling the intimate area. His hair was wind tossed, his shirt dirty, and he smelled of sweat. With any other man, that combination would have Kaelyn running in the opposite direction. But Alexander pulled it off, looking like some wild warrior that couldn’t be tamed.

  “So, you said there was a Guardian, and that’s why you left me alone in the woods…even though Cain was hot on our trail! So, please, I’m dying to hear how you’ll stay by my side now and why I should trust you again,” Kaelyn said sweetly.

  Alexander drew in a deep breath. If her tone was any indication, Alexander knew she wanted to skewer him. As he gazed into her strong willed expression, he saw the hurt behind it. That was the worst. Knowing he had caused it. Kaelyn cleared her throat and tapped her fingers impatiently on her arm.

  Alexander stepped over and sat down next to her on the furs. “Her name is Rowena,” he said quietly as he stared down at his hands. He paused, as if he waited to see if Rowena would show. When no interruptions happened, he continued. “She’s one of the Guardians, one of my creators-“

  “I remember the story you told me,” Kaelyn said impatiently.

  Alexander gave her a pained look. “For some reason, I think you’re a threat to her.”

Kaelyn laughed. “Yeah, because I can see shadows creep across the walls every six months,” she said sarcastically.

  “Ye dinna ken how close ye were to having your bonnie throat shredded to pieces while ye slept. She bade me to leave or she’d kill ye. I had no choice!”

  Kaelyn’s mouth closed. She noted the panic in Alexander’s eyes. Was it genuine? Did he care? “Why’d you come back?” she asked quietly. Alexander glanced up from where his hands twirled the fur. Without warning, Kaelyn shoved his chest. “Why’d you come back!” she yelled. “She’ll kill me for sure! I’m better off by myself!”

  Alexander grabbed her wrists. “I’ll keep ye safe.” Kaelyn tried to pull her hands away. Alexander tightened his grip until she looked up at him. “I will keep ye safe,” he said fiercely. “I promise.”

  Kaelyn stared at him for a minute. She pulled away and Alexander let go. Kaelyn turned her back to him as she began removing her boots and snuggling under the furs. “I’m going to bed,” she said, still not looking at him. “Stay if you want, I don’t give a damn.” Kaelyn squeezed her eyes shut as tears began leaking out. Curse him! Why did she cry over him? Because you want to believe him, the little voice in her head cried. And as much as she wanted to doubt him, she knew in her heart he was sincere.

  A rustling sounded and she heard the flap of the tent move, along with a slight breeze. He left. Kaelyn wiped her eyes as more tears gushed out.

  Alexander heard the ragged breathing and sighs. He knew Kaelyn cried. He sat quietly in the corner of the tent after closing the gap in the flap and watched her. An odd feeling came over him. He wanted to comfort her. His entire life, when women cried because of him, he had simply walked away. Now, he couldn’t walk away…and didn’t want to. Kaelyn opened her eyes when a warm, masculine hand snaked over her waist.

  “Look at me, lass.” Kaelyn rolled over as Alexander’s hand guided her side. He leaned over, locking her in. “I’m sorry. I mean it.” He brushed a piece of hair off her forehead. “For some reason, ‘tis killing me that ye dinna trust me.” He leaned down, never breaking eye contact with her. He lightly kissed the tear on her cheek. “Dinna cry, lass.”


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