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The Other Earth

Page 17

by Amber LaShell

  "I don't care. I can't take another day without you touching me" I said, running my hands through his wet hair.

  "Randi" he said lightly against my ear.

  "I made sure all of the doors are locked and I'm home early, nobody will need to know anything" I said.

  He looked at me for a few seconds before pulling at my wet clothes, struggling to get them off of me as they clung to my now wet skin.

  I helped him the best I could until I was finally naked, all of my wet clothes now lying in heaps on the floor just outside of the shower.

  "It has been killing me. Staying away from you" Brandon said.

  I nodded, "I know. Take me now, please" I said, pulling myself up his body by holding onto his neck.

  He answered by grunting and grabbing my ass in his hands, quickly slamming himself into me. I screamed lightly, trying as hard as I could to keep my voice down. Brandon turned me around and pushed me up against the cold tile, adjusting the water with one hand to make the warm stream fall onto our bodies simultaneously. I held on for dear life as Brandon pounded me relentlessly, his face buried in my neck.

  Brandon was still going when the water finally turned cold, forcing us to finally separate. "What doors did you lock?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

  "I looked all of the bathroom doors and my bedroom door" I answered, already craving his touch again.

  "Your window?" he asked.

  "Closed tight" I said, thankful that I had closed the curtains and blinds earlier that day.

  He grunted his approval and picked me up as though I was his bride and unlocking the bathroom door, carried me straight to my bed. The fact that we were both wet had no bearing, and I honestly did not care that I would need to change the sheets afterward.

  He laid me down gently on the bed, taking his time to slowly kiss my neck, making me shiver in anticipation.

  "I need you, please" I pleaded with him once again.

  He looked up into my eyes and smiled at me, "Don't worry, you will have me" he said, kissing his way down my body.

  I looked up as his head disappeared between my legs, his hands pushing them apart further. "What you are doing?" I asked.

  He looked up at me, "What do you think?" he asked, his head lowering down once again.

  I gasped as his mouth made contact with the most sensitive part of my body. I hadn't had anyone do this to me in years and I gripped the sheets around me, enjoying the pure pleasure I was receiving.


  I turned and watched as Brandon slept next to me, his hands resting on my chest the way he always slept on the ship, when we had regularly slept together. It was that moment that I realized that I hadn't slept very well since we had landed on this planet. After months of having him next to me, I found it was hard sleeping alone.

  I felt him move and looked over at him to see if he was waking up. I smiled as I saw him slowly turn his head and get comfortable again, still sound asleep. I sighed as I realized I would soon have to get out of this bed and head into work. So much of me wished that we were back on that ship with just each other and we could spend our day looking out of a window again.

  I knew though that Brandon would want to finish this mission, and I was prepared to do what I had to do to finish it. I looked back down at him and pushed a lock of hair out of his face. His hair had gotten longer than I had ever seen him keep it before and I decided that I liked it, it gave him a rough look that was pretty sexy. I felt my heart swell as I looked down at him sleeping and wondered what he was dreaming about.

  I pictured the look he had on that day he first walked up to me with the heat in his eyes I had been wishing for since I realized he was a boy, someone to be attracted to. I felt my eyes start to burn as I thought about what would have happened had one of us not come on this mission, and if we were to be separated for such a long period of time. Would he be with someone else? Would I?

  I shook my head, trying to get these thoughts out, knowing that it did no good to think about what could have happened, because it was not a possibility anymore. I couldn't let the thought of another woman touching him ruin the mission for me, because if I thought about it too much I knew it would drive me crazy.

  I looked over at the clock next to my bed and sighed, I had to get up and get ready for work. I slid out of bed slowly, making sure that I didn't wake him up. Once I finally slithered my way out I looked down at him sleeping so peacefully and I realized something. I was not just infatuated with him, I was in love with him. More than I even thought was possible to love someone, and just the thought of him knowing that information scared to me to death.

  I leaned down and kissed him lightly on the forehead and feeling like I was about to burst if I didn't say it out loud at least once I whispered lightly, "I love you."

  I then turn around and ran to the bathroom, grabbing random clothes as I did, not that it even mattered as they all looked the same anyway.

  I quickly dressed and as I started brushing my teeth, Brandon walked in the bathroom and smiled, "You sneaked out on me. I have to go in today too remember? I am going to be taking some people to sector six. Give me a minute and we can leave together" he said, walking into his bedroom.

  My eyes drifted down as he walked away from me and I had to resist the urge to follow him into his bedroom as I saw his perfect naked ass walking away from me. I finished brushing my teeth and walked back into my room, looking at myself in the mirror and tried to give myself a pep talk.

  "He didn't hear you, just chill out and act like nothing happened." I said to my reflection.

  I grabbed my badge for work and clipped it to the belt loop of my pants when I heard the sink come on in the bathroom and walked over to see if Brandon was almost finished. I looked in and was surprised to see that he was already fully dressed and brushing his teeth with one hand as he quickly fixed his hair with the other. I watched as he rinsed his mouth and gave his reflection one last look before he turned to me and smiled.

  My mouth went dry for a second as he took my breath away, "Are you ready?" I managed to squeak out.

  He nodded, "Yep. Let's go." He said, turning to walk out of the bathroom door.

  I followed him out of the house and we started to walk quietly next to each other down the deserted street.

  "Do you know how many people are going to be taken over to sector six today? They didn't give me a number when I called in yesterday" Brandon said, looking up at the sky as the sun made pink streaks in the sky.

  "As far as I know there are three. There is still one last kid waiting for his results today, so it could be four" I said.

  Brandon nodded, "That seems like a lot, did Vanessa say whether or not that was normal?" he asked me.

  I shrugged, "I think it's normal. They test about fifty or so people at once and only three or four doesn't seem so bad" I said.

  "Why do they test so many people at once?" he asked.

  "Oh well, they only test twice a year. The rest of the time is spent matching people that have already been tested" I said.

  "This is all so weird. It's almost like this planet is run like something you would read in a novel, you know?" he said.

  I smiled, "Yes I thought the same thing. I keep thinking that I'll wake up and be home and this was all a dream. It just seems so surreal" I said.

  Brandon laughed, "Yeah, it is. So what kind of people are we taking today?" he asked, changing the subject back to the mission.

  I cleared my throat, "Well, there are two boys about fourteen years old that are going. One of them will probably be pretty bummed because he has a twin that passed the test and lives in sector three while he waits to get matched. There is one girl that is sixteen and she is actually really excited. She was dating this guy before that was sent to sector six last year and she is excited to see him again."

  "Yeah, I think I would want to be sent there" he said, grabbing a leaf from a tree in his hands as we walked past.

  "Why is that?" I asked.

  He shr
ugged, "I don't know, can you imagine having to be with someone that you didn't want to be with? Sector six is completely different than this place. It was almost like being back home" he said.

  I looked over at him, "Oh really? In what ways?" I asked, curious as to what he had seen there. We hadn't exactly had the chance to do much talking the night before.

  "Well, people still have their jobs and things to do, but it's like they are free. The government doesn't really pay any attention to them and they are free to be with whomever they want. There are so many more people there that are just simply happy." He said.

  I sighed, "I miss home." I said, before I could even think.

  Brandon laughed, "Me too. I miss work, and my family, and the bar" he said.

  "Yeah, I miss Stacey. I hope her and Vickie are doing well together. I made sure she didn't have to worry about rent or anything so hopefully they are just enjoying their time together." I said, thinking about my roommate and wondering what she was doing at that moment.

  "Well, this is where we go different ways Randi. Come here and give me a hug. Siblings can still hug right?" He asked, a hint of sarcasm dripping in his voice.

  I laughed, "I think it'll be okay" I said, walking over to him and letting him hold me for a few seconds.

  "Don't worry Randi. Time will fly by and we will be back with Stacey before you know it" he said.

  I smiled as I looked up at him, "I'm holding you to that" I said as he released me.

  He laughed, "I'll hold you to something" he said, turning toward the road that would take him to his job.

  "I'll see you later right?" I asked him.

  He turned back to me and smiled, "Yes, I will be in your building in a couple of hours. See you soon" he said, turning back around.

  I turned back to my own road and hurried to work, wondering what the day would bring.

  Chapter Twenty One

  I walked into Vanessa's office and saw that Andrew was already sitting there in front of Vanessa.

  "Good Morning Randi. Can you please shut the door?" Vanessa said as I walked in.

  I looked over at her and Andrew and nodded, shutting the door behind me as I walked around the desk and took an empty chair and pulled it closer and sat down.

  "What's going on?" I asked.

  Vanessa looked over at me, "Well, we have a slight problem here Randi" she said.

  I looked over at Andrew and saw that he had been crying, "Oh, what is it?" I asked, looking at Vanessa, worried about what had happened.

  "Well Andrew here just got the news that he has been approved for matching" she said.

  I looked back at Andrew, "Why are you crying Andrew? Isn't that good news?" I asked him.

  He shook his head, "No. I don't want to be matched. I have two older sisters and I have watched both of them get matched, and they are both miserable, and I just don't want that life" he said.

  "Do you want to have children?" I asked him.

  He looked at me oddly, "I don't know. I don't want to have kids if they are going to have to go through all of this too. It's just not right" he said.

  I sat back and sighed, "So what are you going to do?" I asked, looking at Vanessa.

  Vanessa looked at Andrew for a minute before speaking, "I was thinking about tweaking his results to show that he is infertile" she said.

  I nodded, "That could actually work. Brandon went to sector six and he said that it's different there. People are happier and live the lives that they want" I said.

  Vanessa sighed, "Don't I wish I could go there for good too. I go twice a year, and each time I wish I didn't have to come back " she said.

  "Do you think someone would catch you if you were to do this?" I asked her.

  She shook her head, "They don't usually come here and check my records, but I would be sure to cover my tracks anyway."

  "I just have one question. Even if you did work it out for him, wouldn't he still go back with his parents to finish school since he is still so young?" I asked.

  Andrew's head snapped up, "No, I can't go back with them" he said forcefully.

  Vanessa leaned toward him, "Why not Andrew? Is something wrong at home?" she asked him.

  Fresh tears started to run down his face, "I can't talk about it, I just don't want to go back there. Can't I finish school in sector six?" he asked.

  I looked over at Vanessa and waited for her answer. She smiled, "It will always be your choice. Even though they frown on giving someone so young a choice, they will not deny the request if it is what you have chosen." She said.

  I sighed and sat back again, "Well that's good news" I said.

  She nodded, "Yes, it seems as though something crazy is happening lately though."

  I frowned, "What do you mean?" I asked.

  She shrugged, "There is just something going on. It seems like everyone is trying to get away rather than being matched. I can just feel like something big is coming" she said, looking back over to Andrew.

  Andrew shrugged, "I don't know. There have just been a lot of talk about sector six and how much better things are there" he said.

  Vanessa sighed, "That in itself is odd to me too. Five years ago, nobody talked about sector six. It was almost as though people would pretend that their family member had died if they were sent there. People were more prone to take jobs in another sector that just forbid matching, made it look like they chose not to be matched for the job's sake" she said.

  Andrew looked away, "I think it's the telephones" he said.

  "What do you mean?" I asked him, hoping to learn a good tidbit about sector six.

  He looked around as though to make sure nobody was listening, though I had just shut the door earlier when I came in, "They have started to let people in sector six have their own phones, so they are calling people to say hello and seem so happy. Everyone in sector two is talking about it. I think it's almost like everyone would rather go there than have to go, underground" he said, whispering the last part.

  Vanessa looked over to me quickly, and I hoped she wouldn't mention to him the lie that I was from the underground, I couldn't take giving more fake descriptions of a place that I had never been to.

  "Well, I can see the appeal. In sector six you are free to do pretty much what you want and don't have to hide out from anyone and be scared that you will eventually be caught" Vanessa said.

  I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "I can't wait to see sector six myself" I said.

  Vanessa looked over at me, "We are going today" she said.

  I gasped, "What do you mean? I thought we were leaving tomorrow?" I asked, confused.

  She gave a little laugh as she looked over at Andrew, "I have a reason to leave early. It's all a part of my plan that I can quite talk about yet" she said in a way that told me we would talk about it once we were alone.

  I smiled, "Well, I guess we will make it work then. Brandon is one of the code enforcers that are going with us. I wonder if he already knows that we are leaving today too" I said, thinking of spending the entire day with him.

  "Oh your brother is going?" Vanessa said, bursting my little bubble as I remembered that everyone thought he was my brother on this planet.

  I nodded, "Yes, he told me he was going to be here today." I said, sitting back in my chair.

  We all jumped as someone knocked on the door, and then all laughed together and we realized that a simple knock had scared the living crap out of all of us. Vanessa jumped up and went to open the door. I looked around her and my heart flipped when I saw that Brandon was standing there in his uniform, looking completely perfect, like he had when he had walked away just a few minutes ago.

  "Hello, are you Vanessa?" he asked, holding out his hand.

  Vanessa shook his hand and smiled at him, "Yes, you must be Brandon?" she asked, looking back at me.

  I nodded and she smiled, turning back to him as he smiled at her, "It's nice to meet you. Randi has told me a lot about you" he said, his eyes darting over to where I was sittin
g behind the desk.

  "I hope it's all good" Vanessa said, and I realized at that moment that she was flirting.

  I watched as she flipped her hair, that she had worn halfway down that day behind her and smiled at him, slightly sticking out her ample chest toward him. A part of me wanted to jump over and push her to the side, and yell at her to never touch my man, but I knew that I couldn't do that as she was under the impression that he was my brother.

  "Of course" he said, not taking his eyes off of me.

  "Hey Brandon" I said, trying to make my smile look normal after the jealous monster that had erupted in my chest had almost taken control.

  He nodded at me and then finally looked over at Vanessa, "So, we are leaving in about thirty minutes. There is just enough time left to get anything to drink or eat for the ride" he said, staying professional.

  Vanessa nodded, "Okay, thanks. We will meet you outside" she said, turning back toward me to head behind the desk again.

  Brandon looked at me at the moment that nobody was looking at him and winked at me, blowing a quick kiss before disappearing down the hallway.

  I smiled to myself, wishing I could run after him and kiss him right there in front of everyone, but managed to keep myself sitting down in this damn chair.

  "Okay, so Andrew, can you do me a favor and go and tell everyone that we are leaving and to meet us in the front lobby in five minutes? We are going to hit up a little deli down the street for some breakfast to take with us on the road" she said, looking over at Andrew and smiling.

  Andrew nodded and stepped out of the room quickly, obviously happy that he was going to be able to go at all.

  "So is he the only one?" I asked Vanessa, looking over at her as she touched up her lipstick in a small mirror she kept in her desk.

  "No, there are a couple of other kids going, you know that" she said, not looking up from the mirror.

  I shook my head, "No, I mean is he the only one that has fake results?" I asked.

  She sighed and looked over at me, "Yes. I have had one other girl ask, last year, but I told her no" she said.

  "Why? Why now?" I asked.

  She shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe it's because I was always terrified of somehow getting caught and bringing too much attention to myself." She said.


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