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Fallen Rogue

Page 18

by Amy Rench

  Harper laughed and turned back around to face forward. Rome’s grasp tightened, almost squeezing the breath from her gut.

  Gripping the handlebars tight, she twisted the throttle, giving the motor all the power it could manage. The bike lurched forward with the extra speed. Rome stiffened behind her and moved forward so close, she doubted any speck of air could fit between them.

  Her stomach dropped as she shot the bike down the last decline at full speed. The bike caught a little air as it snaked across the ground just ahead of the ledge.

  Here we go. Harper’s knuckles whitened as she held tight to the bike. One last pull of the throttle and she watched the slick rocks that bordered the edge of the ravine fall away to nothing.

  And she and Rome soared.

  As if looking at herself from outside her body, a perfect lightness overtook her as she savored being suspended with Rome for this one moment in time.

  Then the descent. The ground on the other side rushed at her at an alarming rate.

  They made it. As the tires hit the hard earth, they swerved and reeled. Harper barely—barely—held on, struggling against the natural forces trying to sweep the bike out from under them.

  But she did. And Rome was right behind her.

  Steadying the bike, she skidded to a stop, mud and leaves kicking out from the strain on the tires.

  She took a deep, steadying breath and gazed toward the ravine they’d just miraculously jumped.

  On the other side, the Hummer’s front wheels were hanging over the edge, the back tires squealing against the ground, trying to reverse the heavy truck fully onto the solid land as it teetered dangerously.

  The decent human being in her hoped they could right the vehicle. The fallen fugitive in her, sick and tired of being chased, beaten, and shot at, really didn’t care whether they succeeded.

  Peeling her fingers from her death grip on the handles, she turned to look at Rome, rubbing the circulation back into her stiff wet hands. He appeared stunned and invigorated all at once. Just like her.

  He leaned forward to pull her into his shaking arms, giving her a hard and deep kiss. Primal. Natural. Full of adrenaline. She kissed him back, tasting sweat and blood and the sexy tang that was all Rome.

  They broke apart and stared at each other for a long moment, just glad to be alive and in one piece.

  “Let’s get back to the Bug.” His low suggestion severed the charged air. She nodded in agreement.

  As the adrenaline of their thrill ride started to wear off, reality set in and the aches and pains came in droves. She realized that they did need to get back. Back to the Bug and back to work.

  Harper grabbed control of the bike and started off in the direction Rome pointed. It would be a longer drive now, but at least they were alone.

  And once they were back to relative safety, they could assess their wounds. And the information they’d overheard. She just didn’t know which was going to hurt more.


  Rome straightened his aching body as Harper pulled the Bug into a tree-shaded space behind a mercifully remote log cabin.

  Before they’d left that morning, he’d paid up their cheap motel room for a few more days. And added extra to pay for privacy. The front desk attendant/owner of the motel had simply pocketed the money, saying something sleazy about Harper that almost earned him a broken nose.

  As Rome glanced at her long fingers turning the keys to kill the engine and her other hand reaching down to pull the lever to pop the hood, he was enormously glad they had decided to move locations. For many reasons. Mostly, he didn’t need leering assholes ogling her. Plus their situation seemed to be only getting worse, so he’d told Harper it would be best to not stay in one place for too long.

  But right now they were about to hole up in a very nice and very private log cabin. The owner had four rental cabins that were spread out over acres and acres of family land. This particular cabin sat enclosed by the majestic woods, with a swift-moving creek just steps from the front door. One simple phone call from Rome had secured the heavenly place.

  He’d had to hide away here several times before, both professionally and personally. After a long history being acquainted, Rome trusted the owner understood the meaning of “discreet.”

  His most recent trip to the reclusive spot had been just after the loss of his team two years ago. The serene retreat possessed a cleansing spirit. The simple joy of fusing with nature had helped him send some of his demons to their lair and pacify the rest of them just enough so he could return to his job.

  The slamming of the driver-side door broke into his thoughts, and he watched as Harper closed the door again. And again. The door clicked shut for good on the third try, and he couldn’t help smiling at her fresh familiarity with the old car he loved so much.

  She disappeared from his sight around the front of the car as she lifted the hood. He guessed he’d better get out of the car and find the key the owner would have stashed under the wooden porch. He hauled himself out of the car and had to shut his passenger door several times before the latch caught, as well.

  He sucked in a deep breath and blew it out slowly, the crisp air from his mouth fogging as he tilted his head back to glance at the bloated dark clouds. It definitely looked like a hard rain was in the forecast.

  “I’ll get the key,” he said to Harper, walking gingerly toward the porch, his boots clomping against the damp, hard-packed dirt. A wave of exhaustion tingled through his body as he reached the wooden stairs.

  He was surprised Harper didn’t look ready to drop, too. Clearly she’d been through hell in their escape from the facility. He’d been so proud and admittedly a little surprised at the way she had fought alongside him. And even more surprised at how right it felt. Whatever fear she must have had, she’d masked it with a fury and resilience he’d never seen. She was a damn trouper, that was for sure.

  Case in point: She had decided to jump the gorge. It had been a lot bigger than it had appeared on the map. He thought she’d been kidding around. But the woman had guts of steel. He’d instantly realized that jumping the gorge had been their only real chance at survival. He didn’t kid himself when it came to a fight. And that fight was one they couldn’t have won.

  The only thing he could do was hold on and trust her. And one risk later, they were safe. A pure ecstasy beyond any he’d ever experienced had filled him then, almost to the point of bursting. He’d kissed her, trying to convey all that she was to him.

  Life with Harper was going to be one wild ride. And he suddenly realized he wanted it to last forever.

  But they didn’t have forever. Harper’s life was a ticking time bomb. Plus, though they’d been through a lot, he wasn’t sure he’d regained her trust.

  Rome shook the unsettling thought away. They had more immediate problems. Such as their damn injuries. So Rome figured he’d better get their asses inside to start the mending in order to find a way to make forever happen.

  He bent to one knee, briefly wondering whether he’d be able to get back up, and fished through the weeds and cobwebs to pull out a little metal box. He retrieved the old brass key, then put the box back under the stairs.

  It took all his remaining strength just to stand. The muscles in his legs cried out in protest at the motion. He was losing it. Fast.

  Turning around to check on Harper, he saw her standing there quietly, waiting for him with a quirky smile. He nearly swooned at the sight of her, partly because of his fatigue, more so because she looked like a sexy battleworn goddess surrounded by mighty Mother Nature.

  Her T-shirt was covered with dark stains of blood, sweat, and dirt under her unzipped coat. Angry scrapes and splotches marred her weary face, and her blonde locks were mussed like a pile of strewn hay.

  But she’d never looked better. He’d known her only a short time, but he was sure he’d seen her at her worst. And that didn’t even compare to anyone else’s best. The raw energy and natural essence of Harper were th
rilling in a way he’d never experienced.

  “Can we go in?” she asked with her eyebrows raised. She held their duffel bags, one in each hand.

  Rome realized he was staring like an idiot and blinked to snap out of his haze. Rubbing a weary hand over his face, he nodded and waved her forward.

  Every one of the four wooden stairs was like a mountain hike. Reaching the door, he heard the creak of the weathered wood of the porch, and then felt the comforting warmth of Harper’s body beside his.

  He slipped the key into the sturdy lock and twisted the knob to push the door wide-open. He cautiously peered inside the shadowy room, the only light coming from the windows and the open door. Everything was just how he remembered it.

  The cabin was basically one large room, built of hearty cedar planks from the forest outside. In fact, the founding trees that built the cabin had stood in the same spot, providing a sheltered and natural aura.

  A sturdy kitchen to the left was outfitted with stainless steel appliances and white tiled countertops. An island sat in the middle of the kitchen area with wooden stools standing on the open side.

  Behind the kitchen in the corner was the sizable bathroom, complete with an inviting octagonal shower. The one closet just outside of the bathroom housed a stacked washer and dryer.

  On the right side of the cabin, just inside the entryway, was a sunken living room with a cozy fireplace and cushy sofa. A bedroom in the back right corner held an enormous bed with a thick down comforter.

  Rome smiled at the thought of spending time here, in this haven, with Harper, even if it was for just a day or so.

  “C’mon in,” he said, sweeping his arm in a grand gesture, instantly regretting it when a dull twinge trickled up his forearm. Was there any place on his body that didn’t hurt? Strange. He’d never let anyone see his pain before, but in front of Harper, he didn’t feel the need to be so damn tough. She never doubted he was.

  She had to have the same draining aches, if not worse ones than he did. He knew by now she wasn’t the type of gal to really worry about pretense. And he very much appreciated that right now.

  “I had the power turned on when I called,” Rome said, closing the door behind her after she dropped the two bags on the sofa. He tossed the key on the island and moved to the wall to turn on the lights.

  “Does that mean there’s hot water?” Harper asked hopefully.

  “It should.” He chuckled. Honestly, as much pain as he was in right now, he had almost told her she’d have to wait until he was done with the shower to find out. Damn manners. “Go ahead. There should be plenty of towels in there. I’ll get the rest of our stuff.”

  He left her inside and walked out to the car to bring in the rest of their supplies and the laptop. And a gun from the small but effective arsenal kept under the hood in a hidden compartment.

  After gathering what he needed, he slammed the hood shut, then returned to the cabin to find Harper stooping by the fireplace, arranging some kindling around a couple of logs.

  Her filthy jeans were pulled taut against her firm thighs and rear. Admiring her curves, as dirty as she was, he easily remembered the feel of her grinding against him. The perfect way she fit in his arms. The wetness of her mouth.

  A spark snapped and he nearly jumped out of his skin. She had struck a match and was lighting the fire. How was it possible that he was very close to collapsing, but he wanted her with a hunger he’d never tasted?

  Rome watched her poke the fire around, then stand and turn to warm her backside. She rubbed her forearm, something he’d noticed her do in the car as he had floated in and out of consciousness. Walking over to stand in front of her, he gently clasped her arm and held it up for his inspection.

  She flinched as he peeled apart the fabric of her sliced coat. Looking inside the flaps, he saw a sweeping gash, maybe two inches long. Prodding it with his fingertips, relief warmed him as he saw it wasn’t deep. She wouldn’t even need stitches.

  As a matter of fact, as he peered a little closer, he noticed the skin was already closing.

  He glanced up from her wound, questioning her with his gaze. A chagrined expression graced her lovely face. They’d stopped at a gas station restroom to wash off the obvious blood, but he’d been in so much pain himself, he hadn’t even noticed her serious injuries. Or lack of them. Sure, she had scratches, but now that he looked closely, those were healing, too.

  “Pretty handy, huh?” Harper half grinned. He couldn’t tell whether she was happy about it or not. But he was ecstatic. Hot damn, she could self-heal at record pace. Wasn’t that a good thing? A great thing?

  “Harper,” he whispered, raising her hand to brush his lips across her lightly scraped knuckles.

  She shifted her hand out of his grasp and placed her palm against his cheek. Her touch comforted him like hot chocolate with marshmallows, warming him from the inside.

  He couldn’t help himself and leaned in to capture her lips in a much-needed kiss. But his audible wince made her pull back. Damn those bastards.

  “Rome, we need to check you out.” Harper took his hand, and he allowed her to lead him to the huge bathroom. Why would he want to fight it, anyway?

  He noticed the tremble in her touch and wondered whether she was scared. Scared about things her body was doing without even trying. Hell, he’d kill for her newest power right now. He stood still while she turned on the bright light and faced him with suffering in her eyes.

  “Harper, I think I’ll live.” Rome gave her a reassuring smile and took both of her trembling hands in his, holding them loosely. “I think you will, too.” He wanted so much to believe that.

  Harper lowered her head and gripped his hands tight. She held on for a long moment. He tried to think of something to say that would make the raw tension in her body go away. Then she let go and moved her hands under his coat to rest on his shoulders.

  “Apparently I will live,” Harper said, her voice a little stronger as she lifted her head and slipped his coat off. “For now. But let’s just make sure about you.”

  He heard the soft thud as the garment hit the tiled floor, and her surprised gasp. He looked down at himself, seeing what all the fuss was about. His T-shirt was liberally ripped and had a few slices on the side from a bullet’s graze. He wasn’t sure whether that had happened while on the bike or in the facility. The pain had just kind of run all together.

  Strong hands pulled at the hem of his T-shirt, drawing it out of the waistband of his jeans. The fabric brushed against his bruised skin as she pulled it up and over his head.

  Another loud gasp reached his ears, and then she whirled away from him to open the shower door and turn on the water.

  A light film of dried sweat coated his skin, and angry red marks dotted his rib cage, just waiting to color and bruise. Sticky smudges of blood were caked in some of the hair on his chest.

  On his right side, he saw the ruptured flesh from the gunshots that had ripped through his clothing and grazed his body. Luckily, he’d twisted the right way at the right time to avoid the lethal fire. The bleeding had long since stopped, but the skin was torn on the surface and tingling. It definitely looked worse than it was. He hoped she saw that, too.

  “I don’t know much in the way of dressing gunshot wounds,” she said, rallying, as she turned around to face him after she checked the water’s temperature with the back of her hand. “But, I do know that a hot shower always makes the aches go away.” Sweeping her hand toward the burgeoning steam billowing from the open shower, she gave him a saucy wink and stepped toward the bathroom door to leave him. “At least it does for me.”

  “Then why don’t you join me?” That damn wink had made his stomach flip.

  Her eyes hooded slightly, and she gave him a low, throaty chuckle in response as she pulled the door shut behind her, leaving him alone among the warm vapors.


  Damn, the woman knew how to flirt. She knew how to kiss, too. He wondered whether he’d ever g
et to find out just how much else she knew how to do.

  Shaking his head and chuckling, he unwrapped the brand-new bar of soap on the counter. Rome removed the rest of his clothes, a few grunts escaping with the effort, and stepped inside the hot shower. He closed the steamed-up door, sealing the hazy heat within the eight high walls of glass.

  Standing completely still, he reveled in the constant torrent of hot water raining down onto his beaten body. He lathered the fresh-scented bar of soap in his hands and then ran it across his solid chest and abdomen, stinging his cuts.

  But Harper was right. The aches and pains seemed to flow down the drain like the frothy bubbles from the soap, reviving his strength and clearing his head. He turned slow circles in the wide stall, soaping every inch of skin, and then just allowed the water to rinse it away.

  Setting the soap on a corner ledge, Rome braced his hands against the misty glass wall in front of him, bowing his head under the spray and closing his eyes.

  Images flashed behind his eyelids. His mind raced with the dark thoughts of the facility. And the experiments. And the men who continually tried to kill him and Harper.

  And Jeff.

  That’s what hurt the most. More than any of the bruises that covered his flesh, it was the stark betrayal he felt inside from learning Jeff was the one who orchestrated all of this. The one who had Bobby Kane murdered because the scientist had found out what a bastard Jeff was.

  Damn him. Rome had never really trusted his boss, but he’d always figured they were on the same side. Yet Jeff had twisted Rome’s single failure into a sick experiment that killed more people than he ever had and hurt Harper beyond repair. Now more than ever, he wanted to make the bastard pay for what he’d done.

  The hot water pounded the back of his neck, seeping warmth into his beaten body. With great effort, Rome cleared his mind, not even wanting to deal with it all right now. The only thing he wanted at this very moment was outside the bathroom door. He knew he should fight the attraction, given they had a limited future at best, but he couldn’t fight the way she’d planted herself into his soul.


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