Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1)

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Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1) Page 20

by Rhonda Brewer

  The drive home seemed to take forever. Not because of traffic but because she couldn’t wait to see John. It was the first time since all this started that they’d been apart all day. She missed him like crazy. He was on the front step when she pulled in the driveway, grinning as she walked up the steps and her heart skipped. It still surprised her how he affected her.

  “Hi, sweetheart.” John gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

  “Hey.” She stood next to him on the step and gave him the short version of her day. “My parents want me to bring you for Sunday dinner,” She said reluctantly.

  “Sounds great.” John took her hand and they entered the house.

  “They’re going to the fundraiser tomorrow night and they said they want to meet you.” She glanced up at him.

  “Why do you look nervous about that?” John chuckled.

  “Because my dad tends to embarrass me, and my mom is just as bad.” She sighed when he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Isn’t that what parents are supposed to do?”

  Her hands pressed against his chest. “I suppose.” She rested her cheek on his chest. “I just don’t want them to scare you away.”

  “That’ll never happen.” John smiled. “I’m not easily scared.”

  “Good.” She played with the buttons on his shirt. “I enjoyed myself today, but I really missed you.”

  “I missed you too.” His voice was barely above a whisper. “But I’ve finally got everything straightened out with James, and I had a great day with my nephew. I found out Mom and Dad had a change of plans and they’re going to the fundraiser too.”

  “That’s great.” Stephanie gasped when his lips brushed just below her ear sending tingles down her body.

  “So now I’m all yours.” John kissed the side of her neck. “Hmm.... you smell good,” John whispered into her ear. His warm breath made her shiver.

  “You drive me crazy.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  He cupped her ass and pressed her against his hardness. “I know the feeling.” John growled and backed her into the living room.

  His lips met hers and she started to unbutton his shirt when the sound of breaking glass made them jump apart. John pushed her to the ground and covered her with his own body. Glass from the large bay window showered over them.

  “John?” Stephanie screamed.

  “Don’t move,” John warned.

  “What’s going on?” She was too terrified to move.

  “Crawl into the hallway.” John snapped.

  John jumped up and bolted to the laundry room. He returned with a gun in his hand. He cracked the front door open and peeked out. Then wedged himself through the narrow opening and disappeared.

  Stephanie was afraid to move. She glanced at the living room. The window was gone. Glass covered the floor and the furniture. What the hell just happened?

  John had his cell pressed against his ear when he re-entered the house. “I didn’t see anyone.” He paused to listen. His jaw clenched. “How the hell am I supposed to know? Just get over here. Now!”

  His gun was still in his hand but resting at his side. It made Stephanie shiver. He was a police officer, but she didn’t even know it was in the house. John shoved the phone back into his pocket and knelt next to her. “Are you hurt?”

  Stephanie shook as he checked her. When she glanced up at his face, she saw blood.

  “John, you’re bleeding.” She gasped and reached up to the side of his head.

  “I’m fine. It’s just a scratch.” The blood running down the side of his face was more than a scratch.

  “Let me check it, please.”

  He tipped his head down. A small gash ran above his ear. It wasn’t big, but it looked deep. She jumped up and ran to the bathroom, then returned with a cloth to find James, Ian, Mike, Keith and Aaron were standing in the foyer like a bunch of avenging angels. She moved next to John and pressed the cloth against the side of his head. As she turned, Nick came in through the door. How did they all get here so fast?

  “You should have called Uncle Kurt,” James said.

  “I called him.” Nick stared straight at John.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Mike asked. “First I find out someone was lurking around your house the other night, and now this. Have you even checked what broke the window?”

  Stephanie assumed it was a rock, but the look on John’s face left her cold.

  John plowed his hands through his hair. “Bullets.”

  That one little word had ice pulsing through her veins. Stephanie’s legs gave out and John grabbed her before she hit the floor.

  “A b…. b…. bullet broke the window?” She didn’t even realize she’d said the words until John sat her on a chair. “How do you.... know it was a....bullet?”

  “I know the sound of a gun and I saw it hit the wall.” He held her hands tightly in his.

  “John, what the fuck is going on? Why would someone be shooting at your house?” James roared.

  “How the fuck am I supposed to know, but I’ve got a feeling it has something to do with the prowler the other night.”

  Stephanie couldn’t stop shaking and John rubbed his hand up and down her arms.

  “Marc!” Her voice cracked. All eyes were on her.

  “Who’s Marc?” Aaron asked.

  “Marina’s ex-husband?” John asked.

  Stephanie nodded.

  “Marc O’Reilly was married to my sister. While she was pregnant she found out he was on drugs. He hit her, but she refuses to admit he hit her more than a few times.” She explained for John’s brother’s benefit. “My parents just had to get a restraining order against him because he keeps showing up looking for Marina.” Stephanie wiped a tear off her cheek. “He called me a few weeks ago and demanded I tell him where she was. I didn’t tell him, but he said I’d be in for a world of hurt if I didn’t.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about this?” John cupped her face in his hands.

  “I didn’t think he’d do something like this.” She was trembling so bad her teeth were chattering. Nick disappeared and returned with a blanket. John wrapped it around her shoulders.

  “Do you know where he lives or any of his family?” Kurt’s voice boomed from the front door.

  Stephanie slowly glanced up at him. His face was hard.

  “No. He has no siblings and both his parents are gone.” Stephanie sat up straight. “Oh my god! John. My parents.” She slapped her hands against her pockets for her phone. “I need to make sure they’re okay.”

  “Give me their address. Me and Mike will check on them.” Keith nodded toward Mike.

  Stephanie texted the address to Keith and he ran out the door with Mike not far behind him. Seconds after they left, the house filled with police. John guided her to the apartment and helped her sit on the couch. From her seat, she could see the police walking back and forth. Stephanie kept glancing at her phone. It seemed to take forever for Keith to text her. She prayed they were okay.

  “Uncle Kurt will find him, and your parents will be fine.” John wrapped his arms tightly around her. She nodded, but she wasn’t sure. Why hadn’t Keith texted her? It had been more than forty-five minutes. She was about to call Keith when her father’s voice drew her attention. Ian brought her parents into her apartment. She jumped up and ran into her father’s strong arms.

  “Princess, are you okay?” Doug kissed the top of her head.

  She nodded, swallowing against the lump that had formed in her throat and blinking back the burning tears in her eyes.

  “Hi Mr. Kelly, I’m John.” He shook hands with her father.

  “Call me Doug, please. This is my wife Janet.”

  “I wish we’d met under better circumstances.” Her mother’s voice trembled.

  “Me too, and I hate to say this, but my Uncle would like to ask you both a few questions.” He motioned to Kurt.

  “Certainly.” Doug sat on the couch but kept his arms wrapped around Steph
anie and Janet. She didn’t hear half of the conversation. The only thing she could think about was the bullet that could have killed her or John. Ian was checking the side of John’s head. John seemed annoyed, but he was at least letting Ian clean it.

  “I never thought he’d do anything like this.” Janet sobbed.

  “If it’s him, we’ll find him before he does anything else.” Kurt shook hands with Doug and patted Stephanie’s hands. “Don’t you worry. My nephew will make sure this little lady is safe.”

  “We’re finished, sir.” An officer’s voice floated in from the doorway.

  “Thanks, Simms.” Kurt acknowledged the young man. “I know you don’t want to worry your other daughter, but I really think she needs to know about this.” Kurt looked at her father. “She may be living in Ontario, but finding people is not as hard as it used to be. She needs to be careful just in case this guy manages to get off the island.” Doug nodded and Kurt left with the officer. Newfoundland was an island, but there were a lot of ways to get off of it when you had to. Stephanie hated the thought of telling Marina. Her sister didn’t need to be afraid again, but Kurt was right. Marina could be in danger.

  “You know we’re all assuming it’s your sister’s ex, but we can’t be sure until they talk to him.” Nick was practically a lawyer, of course, he would think that way. He was right because nothing said it was definitely Marc.

  “Who else could it be?” John asked. “I don’t know anyone else who would do this.”

  “Neither do I.” Stephanie agreed.

  John, James, Keith, and Mike covered the window with board after the police finished. The small holes in the wall opposite the window made her tremble. Bullets. Bullets that could have killed John. Her stomach clenched and she had to swallow to keep from vomiting.

  Kurt sent a police cruiser to watch her parent’s house. There was also a car stationed in front of John’s house too. Since Aaron and Nick still lived in town they drove her parents back home. Her father tried to convince her to go with them, but she didn’t want to leave John. Her father was reluctant, but he finally left.

  Someone knocked at the door, and Stephanie jumped. John was instantly at her side as Keith and James stood in front of them like bodyguards. Ian and Mike hurried to the door and when Mike opened it, Sandy came rushing in.

  “What happened?” Sandy wrapped her arms around Stephanie.

  “Someone shot through the window.” Stephanie explained, but as soon as the words were out of her mouth, tears filled her eyes.

  “Oh my lord.” Sandy’s face turned completely white. “Who would do such a thing?”

  “We don’t know for sure, but the police are looking into it.” Stephanie didn’t want to say anything about Marc until they were sure. Nick was right.

  “Did you see anyone around the house?” John asked. Sandy glanced at Keith. It was almost like she was asking his permission to answer. Weird. Sandy turned back to John.

  “I’ve been at work all night. I just got home and saw your window.” She said.

  “Make sure you lock your doors and windows. Keep all your drapes closed too.” Ian commanded Sandy. That was even stranger. Ian’s face flushed when all eyes turned to him. He turned quickly and closed the front door. Sandy was staring at Ian with a look that was nothing less than adoration. Ah ha! Now it made sense.

  “I will.” Sandy blushed.

  “You’ll be safe enough. There’s a cruiser outside all night. So don’t worry.” John told her.

  “I have an alarm system. I’m not really worried, but it sure helps to know the police are outside.” Sandy said. “Anyway, I need to get home but I’m so glad you both are safe.” She nodded at Keith before going to the door. Ian opened it and Sandy smiled at him. Yep. There was definitely a spark there. Had Cora ever met Sandy?

  “I’m heading home, but if you need me call. Mom has Mason for the night.” James followed Ian and Mike out through the door. That left Keith.

  “You sure you don’t need me to stay, John.” Keith was the biggest of John and all his brothers. He was like a brick wall. Large arms the side of tree trunks, tattoos around both large biceps and shoulders so wide it was amazing he got through the door without turning sideways. Keith was a construction worker, but he didn’t get all those muscles from just construction.

  “No, we’re good, bro.” John slapped his brother on the back. Keith nodded at Stephanie and left. He always seemed to be so stern. Never smiled as much as the rest of his family. One of these days she’d ask John about Keith’s story.

  John closed the door and turned to her. His face was tense and she could see the worry in his eyes. A lump formed in her throat. Things could have been so much worse. Scenarios flashed through her brain. Her body trembled, but John drew her into his arms.

  “Don’t worry, Steph.” He kissed the top of her head. “Everything’s gonna be fine.” She prayed he was right. “Let’s get some sleep.” He guided her toward his bedroom and they both crawled into bed. Would she be able to sleep? What if the shooter came back and somehow managed to get by the police cruiser? John wrapped his warm arms around her. It was like he was reading her thoughts, but in his embrace she felt safe. He caressed her back and she relaxed. His body was filled with tension. He was worried and she knew it.

  “I love you, John,” She whispered against his chest.

  “I love you too, sweetheart.” He pressed his lips against the top of her head. “Nobody’s going to hurt you or your family. Not if I’ve got anything to do with it.”

  Stephanie closed her eyes. As the adrenalin drained from her body, exhaustion set in. She drifted off to sleep feeling safe in the arms of the man she loved.

  Chapter 23

  Sleep was not his friend tonight. The few times John did drift off his dreams were filled with images of Stephanie bleeding on the floor. He’d wake and make sure she was still safe in his arms. The third time John woke he gave up. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand. It was just after five. Stephanie was sleeping soundly, much to his surprise. Carefully he untangled himself from her body. She needed sleep. His heart skipped in his chest when he gazed down her. Nobody is ever gonna hurt you.

  John quietly dressed and headed out to the front deck. The light from the rising sun was shining on the water as he glanced to the left. A warm breeze blew across his face, and the salty smell of the ocean filled his senses. It was the end of June and although it was chilly at night, the days were starting to get warmer. John glanced at the boarded up window and tensed. He needed to get Keith to fix that today. Keith really didn’t do much construction these days. The family didn’t know, but Keith started his own high-end security company. For some reason, Keith was keeping it a secret. The only family that knew were John, James, and Kurt. John wasn’t sure why his brother changed his career but stood behind him.

  With a cup of coffee in one hand and his cell in the other, John returned to the front step. He sat down in one of the two wicker chairs. It was always quiet early in the morning, except the distant sound of seagulls and waves on the beach. He scanned the road in front of his house. A black car drove up his street from the main road. John didn’t pay much attention. At least not until the car turned around and passed his house again. The car slowed and John tensed. The windows were tinted, so he couldn’t see the driver. John stood up and the car sped off. Made him wonder who the officer was in the police cruiser at the end of the driveway. John grabbed another cup of coffee from the kitchen and hurried toward the cruiser.

  “Hey, John.” Rick Avery stepped out of the car.

  “Whadda ya at, Rick?” John handed him one of the cups.

  “Good, but a lot better in about fifty-four minutes.” He chuckled. “It’s been a long night.”

  “I bet.” John looked around. “Anything strange during the night.”

  “Nothing out of the ordinary,” Rick said. “That car seemed a little suspicious. I ran the plate.”

  “Probably just someone seeing a boarded up w
indow and being nosey.” John laughed, but he wasn’t convinced he was right.

  “Yeah, typical small town. Heard you’re coming back soon.” Rick sipped the coffee.

  “Yeah, it’s been a long few months.”

  “It’ll be good to have you back, John.” Rick slapped him on the back. “You’ve been missed.”

  “It’s good to see you again, Rick. I appreciate you keeping an eye on the house.”

  “No problem. Just keep that beauty safe.” Rick winked as he slid back into the car.

  Stephanie was still sleeping. It was going to be a long day. She was going to need all the rest she could get. John went straight to his laundry room and tossed some clothes in the washer. It was good to get back to being able to do everything himself again. It was probably a good day to mow the lawn as well. John glanced at his watch. It was a little after eight. A little too early to start the mower. John’s thoughts were interrupted by the vibration of his phone in his pocket. He pulled it out and tapped the screen.


  “Hey, bro.” It was Nick.

  “What’s up?”

  “Just wanted to let you know we’re going to meet at the hotel around five for sound check,” Nick informed him. “But if you don’t want to leave Stephanie after last night, I understand, but we’re going to start playing around eight.”

  “Mike told me last night, but I’d rather not leave Stephanie alone.” John didn’t want to leave her for a minute.

  “Mike told me to call you. He’s such an idiot.” Nick complained. “How’s she doin today, by the way?”

  “She’s still sleeping, but she was pretty scared last night.”

  “You looked pretty scared yourself,” Nick said. Damn right he was scared. He was fucking terrified. The thing that scared him the most was Stephanie could’ve been seriously hurt or worse. Even the thought of something happening to her made his blood run cold. What if he couldn’t protect her?

  “Did Ian pick up the tuxes this morning?” John changed the subject. He couldn’t talk about his fears right now.

  “Yeah, he should be there soon. He dropped off mine and A.J.’s about twenty minutes ago.”


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