Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1)

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Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1) Page 21

by Rhonda Brewer

  John was about to say something when the front door opened. Ian’s voice floated from the front hall. John ended the call with Nick and jogged to the front door. He didn’t want Ian to wake Stephanie with his bellowing.

  “Hey!” Ian held up the garment bag. “One monkey suit for you, sir.”

  “Thanks.” John hung it on the coat rack next to the door. “You want a cup of coffee or something.”

  “Would love one.” Ian followed John to the kitchen. “You’re my last drop off.”

  “So where’s the little woman?” Ian took the cup from John.

  “Sleeping,” John said. “Last night really took the good out of her.”

  “Do you really think her sister’s ex did that?” Ian nodded toward the living room.

  “He’s the only one we can think of,” John said. “I’ve got to make sure this guy doesn’t hurt her.”

  “I could really hurt guys like him,” Ian said.

  John had no doubt. Ian was ripped and a black belt in Karate. Although, John wasn’t sure what level. It was a sport their father had insisted they all become involved with as children. Kurt was a fourth-degree black belt and taught all the brothers as well as his own daughters. Jess, Ian, and Keith stuck with the sport over the years. The rest of the brothers and cousins got as far as brown belts.

  It was a toss-up of who was bigger. Ian or Keith. Ian seemed to take up working out as some sort of therapy when his ex-girlfriend left him. John figured it was better to take his grief out on gym equipment rather than stick his head in a bottle.

  “I’ve never seen you so starry eyed over a woman before.” Ian nudged him with his elbow.

  “That’s what love does to you, Bucko.” John laughed.

  “I’m not going there again. Just gonna play the field.” Ian chuckled. Almost two years ago Ian’s heart was broken. Colleen Morgan was Ian’s best friend from the time she moved across the street from his parents. Ian was about seven and Colleen was the same age. The two were always joined at the hip. When they were in high school, Ian and Colleen dated. Everybody assumed Ian would eventually marry the girl. Then Ian came home one night with a huge chip on his shoulder. Nick joked about there being trouble in paradise and Ian slugged him. John and James had to separate them. Ian finally told them Colleen ended things and was moving to Manitoba with her brother. To this very day, that was all the family knew. Ian never talked about her after that, and nobody ever asked anything else.

  “Ah, little brother it’ll hit you when you least expect it.” John squeezed Ian’s shoulder. As much as Ian joked about playing the field, John knew he wasn’t one to jump from woman to woman. He also knew Ian had it bad for Sandy. Although anytime he mentioned it, Ian would deny it completely. John was pretty sure the feelings were mutual. Sandy blushed anytime Ian was around. Maybe someday they’d get together, but John wasn’t about to turn into Cora.

  Stephanie emerged from the bedroom as Ian was getting ready to leave. She looked well rested, but when she glanced into the living room, the fear in her eyes was evident.

  “Hey there, sleepyhead.” John tried to draw her attention away from the damage.

  “Why didn’t you wake me earlier?” She sighed. “It’s almost noon.” Her eyes darted to Ian and she blushed.

  “He just wanted to make sure you’re well rested for tonight.” Ian smiled. John smacked him in the back of the head. “She needs to be well rested for the fundraiser.”

  “You pervert,” John growled.

  “Hey, your mind is in the gutter, bro.” Ian laughed and turned to Stephanie. “Watch him, Beauty. He’s got a dirty mind.” Ian ducked as John tried to smack him again. “Too fast for you old man.” Ian backed up towards Stephanie.

  “I’m not that old, asshole,” John growled.

  “Seriously, how are you today?” Ian turned to Stephanie.

  “I’m fine.” She smiled.

  “Good then, we’ll catch you tonight. Save me a dance.” Ian headed out the door but not before John took another swing at him. He ducked and laughed as he ran down the front steps.

  “Still too slow, bro,” Ian yelled. John got the last laugh when Ian tripped. Right after Sandy pulled up into her driveway. He quickly recovered and jumped in his car.

  John closed the door and turned. Stephanie’s arms were crossed over her chest and her shoulder pressed against the wall.

  “Did you sleep well?” John crossed the room kissed her cheek.

  “I think I died because I never sleep this long.” She sighed. “I seem to be sleeping in a lot lately. I’ve got to start setting my alarm”

  “You must’ve needed the rest. It was a rough night last night.” He took her hands in his and pulled her into his arms. “You want something to eat. I was just about to make myself some lunch, but I could make breakfast for you.”

  “You’re too good to be true.” She gazed up at him and smiled.

  “Trust me, baby. I’ve got lots of faults.” He took her by the hand and pulled her toward the kitchen. “I’ve been taught to take care of the ones I love.”

  “I really need to thank your mom and dad for teaching you that.” She giggled as he pulled her in his arms for a sweet gentle kiss.

  “I’ve got to thank your mom and dad for making you so amazing.” John kissed her again.

  The afternoon flew by. Keith came with a contractor and replaced the broken window. The two brothers cleaned up the glass around the room and Stephanie used the vacuum to make sure there was no glass left on the furniture.

  John looked up when Keith nudged him with an elbow. Stephanie kept glancing toward the window. It was almost like she was scared to be in front of it. He was a little nervous about it himself.

  Kurt called mid-afternoon and informed them Marc had been located but had an airtight alibi. Marc was in jail. He was picked up a little before five yesterday for impaired driving. Kurt told John to keep his eyes open. The bullets that were pulled from the wall were gone to forensics. So far nothing had showed up in the system. Not knowing who shot at them put him on edge. He did know it wasn’t random. First someone made Stephanie sick, then there was the prowler, and then the shooting. No. It definitely wasn’t random and he needed to find out who was trying to hurt the woman he loved.

  When Stephanie excused herself to take a shower, Keith assured him he was going to do his best to find out what was going on. John didn’t know how Keith could help. Although, his brother seemed to have sources the police didn’t. John didn’t ask questions. Right now, he didn’t care how they got the information. He just wanted to make sure Stephanie was safe.

  John paced the hallway waiting for her, pulling on the neck of his tuxedo. It seemed intent on strangling him. The last time he wore one was at James and Sarah’s wedding. How was he going to handle wearing the damn thing all night? He debated on removing the tie until Stephanie was ready, but the door opened. Holy Fuck!

  John’s mouth went completely dry and he forgot how to breathe. Stephanie’s long blonde hair was pulled back from her face and lay over her shoulder in small curls. She normally didn’t wear much makeup, but the understated makeup she wore now made her eyes brighter. John’s gaze traveled down her body. A pale yellow dress accentuated every sexy curve from her round full breasts to her hips. The dress touched the floor and had a slit up one side to the middle of her thigh. On her feet she wore dainty silver shoes with heels so high, he wondered how she could walk. She was mesmerizing.

  “What?” She said. “Do I look okay?”

  Was she kidding?

  “You’re stunning.” He finally found his voice. “That’s the sexiest damn dress I’ve ever seen.” Stephanie giggled as John pulled her into his arms. “I think I’ll call James and tell him I’m sick, and we need to stay home.”

  “Then my parents or your parents will be here bringing turkey soup. Or maybe your grandmother.” Stephanie pulled away from him. John groaned as she pulled him out the front door. It was going to be a long night. John scanned the st
reet on their way to the car. He was still on edge. He did his best to keep it hidden from Stephanie. She didn’t need to know how worried he was.

  The large banquet hall was filled with people. A quick glance to his left and John relaxed. Keith was standing next to the door with two other large men. Nobody was getting past those three without an invitation. Keith winked at him and nodded to Stephanie.

  Stephanie kissed John’s cheek, “Good luck.” and left him to track down her parents.

  Keith followed behind her. If Stephanie knew John asked Keith to keep a close eye on her, she’d panic.

  The band was next to the stage on the far side of the room. Ian and James were setting up microphones, and Nick was checking the instruments. The rest of the band were looking really uncomfortable. Tuxedos were not comfortable. John scanned the crowd until he spotted her. Stephanie blew him a kiss and pointed to a table directly in front of the stage.

  John winked at her.

  “Can you drool over your girlfriend after we finish playing?” Mike chuckled giving John a playful shove.

  “With that body, he won’t be the only one drooling.” Aaron whistled.

  “Shut up A.J. and keep your fucking eyes to yourself.” John pushed Aaron towards the steps of the stage. He turned around and James waved him over.

  “Kurt told me about Marc’s alibi.” James kept his voice low.

  “I’ve been thinking.” John quickly glanced around to make sure nobody else was within hearing distance. “Someone is definitely out to get Stephanie,” He whispered.

  “You’re not the only one thinking that. Keith and Nick said the same thing.” James pulled John to the side of the stage. “Have you told her it wasn’t Marc?” John shook his head. “She might be able to give us another direction. You can’t keep it from her, bro.”

  “I know and I’ll talk to her tonight after we get home.” James patted John’s back and left the stage. How was he going to approach the subject with Stephanie? They needed a list of people who would want to hurt her. Who the hell would want to hurt her?

  John was itching to take a break after the first hour. He wanted to spend some time with Stephanie, but mostly he wanted to make sure she was okay emotionally. Keith wouldn’t let anything happen to her, but he needed to see for himself. Aaron finished singing, Crazy Little Thing called Love, and John stood back from the keyboard.

  “I hope everyone’s having a good time.” Aaron cheered into the microphone. “We’re gonna take a little break, but don’t worry D.J. Cory’s gonna keep the tunes goin.” Whistles and applause erupted when Cory walked behind the computer system at the side of the stage.

  John jumped down off the stage. His parents were sitting at a table right next to Stephanie and her parents. John gave his mom a quick kiss on the cheek and shook his dad’s hand. His eyes met Stephanie’s and she smiled.

  “You guys were so great.” She kissed his cheek.

  “Thanks.” John gazed into her eyes and for a moment everyone disappeared. Someone clearing his throat broke the spell.

  “Hi, John.” Doug held out his hand.

  “Mr. Kelly, good to see you again.” John shook the man’s hand. He didn’t realize the man was so big. If he was being honest, Doug was intimidating. Janet reached out and shook John’s hand.

  “Your band is wonderful.” Janet snuggled next to Doug.

  “Thanks, Mrs. Kelly. We aren’t professionals, but we like to perform for events to raise money.” John said. “It’s lots of fun and I get to have a good time with my brothers and their friends.”

  “It’s Doug and Janet, my son.” Doug chuckled. “My parents were Mr. and Mrs. Kelly.”

  Janet and Doug sat very close together. Like his own parents, they sat so close you wouldn’t be able to get a quarter between them. It was embarrassing when he was younger. Now, he understood.

  “Stephanie tells me you’ll be returning to work soon,” Doug said.

  “Yes. It’s been a very long few months, but this pretty lady made the last couple a lot easier.” He squeezed Stephanie’s hand.

  “You two look so cute together.” Janet cooed. “Don’t they, Doug?”

  “Mom, stop.” Stephanie groaned.

  “Okay.... Okay.” Janet sighed. “You two are coming for supper on Sunday. Right?”

  “I never say no to a home cooked meal.” John chuckled.

  It was nice to actually talk to Stephanie’s parents. The first meeting was too much chaos to get to know anyone. He was deep in conversation with Doug when Stephanie suddenly tensed. He tried to follow her line of sight, but all he saw was a jungle of people.

  “Let’s dance before you have to go back up on stage.” She pulled him off the chair.

  “What are you looking for?” John wrapped his arms around her.

  “My ex is here with his new girlfriend.” Stephanie cringed.

  “Where?” John clenched his teeth.

  “Next to the bar!” She replied. “If my dad sees him he’ll freak.”

  “Don’t worry we’ll keep him away from your dad.” John scanned the room for one of his brothers. “Which one is he?”

  “Next to the bar with the blonde in the red dress.” John’s eyes locked with his. When his eyes moved to Stephanie, it made John’s body run cold. The old saying if looks could kill came to mind. The only thing that worried him more was the death stare the blonde was giving her.

  “Why would he be here?” John asked.

  “He works with the fire department,” Stephanie said. “Are they part of this?” John nodded. Someone tapped him on the shoulder.

  “Sandy.” John turned.

  “Hey, guys! You both look awesome. I really hate to spoil your evening, but I thought I’d warn you both. Kim is here.” Sandy motioned her head to the far side of the room. “She’s here with Stew Michaels.” John knew Stew was a high profile lawyer in the city. He was a good man but seemed to be a little old for Kim.

  “Great, both our exs are here.” Stephanie groaned.

  “As long as they stay away from us it’ll be fine,” John whispered into her ear. Sandy waved to them and disappeared through the staff door. He enjoyed having Stephanie in his arms, but he kept his eyes on Brad and the blonde. The daggers they were shooting made the hair stand up on the back of his neck. When he felt Stephanie stiffen in his arms, he glanced down at her.

  “Kim is heading this way.” Damn it. He didn’t want to deal with her right now.

  John smiled down at Stephanie. She picked up on his cue and smiled. John glanced toward Stephanie’s parents. They were watching like hawks. He leaned down and kissed Stephanie’s cheek.

  “Your parents are watching,” John whispered as he lowered his lips to her ear.

  “Well, it’s about to get really awkward. Kim is right behind you.” Before he could react John felt a tap on his shoulder.

  “Hi, John.” Was she really trying to be friendly?

  “Kim.” John nodded.

  “I just wanted to say it’s good to see you on your feet again, and the band is great as usual.”

  “Thank you, Kim.”

  Kim’s eyes moved to Stephanie and he could see the shadow of something in her eyes. He just wasn’t sure what. Her eyes flicked to the door where Sandy disappeared.

  “Is there something else?” He asked.

  “Umm…. no.” She stopped. “Just make sure you take care of this lady.” She walked away.

  “What was that about?” Stephanie asked.

  “I don’t know, but we’re about to have another intruder.” John nodded toward Brad. He was walking toward them, but his lady friend was still at the bar. Her face was almost as red as her dress.

  “May I cut in?”

  John made eye contact with Stephanie but before he could refuse she spoke.

  “No, you may not.”

  He’d never heard her voice so clipped.

  “Come on Steph, we need to talk,” Brad said.

  “No, we don’t.” Stephanie snappe
d. “Now if you don’t mind I’d like to continue my dance with John. So would you be so kind as to go back to your bimbo before I forget I’m a lady. I don’t think you want to sing soprano.”

  John bit back a laugh. If anyone was looking from a distance, they would say the conversation between Stephanie and Brad was friendly. She was smiling, but her whole body was tense.

  “Fine, but we need to talk sooner or later.” Brad stalked away.

  “Remind me never to piss you off.” John chuckled.

  “What? I was polite.” She grinned.

  John led Stephanie back to her parents’ table. It was empty. Keith appeared and nodded toward their parents. It looked like Doug and Janet already introduced themselves. The two couples were engrossed in a conversation as John and Stephanie arrived at the table.

  “I see you met John’s parents.” Stephanie stood behind her father and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “They invited us to their table.” Janet smiled.

  “John, we’ve got to get back on stage.” Aaron was behind them.

  “This is our youngest son, A.J.” Kathleen introduced Aaron as he leaned down to kiss Kathleen on the cheek. While Aaron kept their attention, John pulled Stephanie aside.

  “You sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine, besides, Brad won’t come near my dad.” She giggled.

  “I don’t think I want to piss your father off,” James said from behind him. “He looks like he could put a world of hurt on someone if he was pissed.”

  “Dad is a big teddy bear, but when it comes to his family he can turn into a grizzly bear.” Stephanie smiled.

  “Good luck with him, bro.” James laughed. “You better not piss him off.”

  “I don’t plan on it.” John grinned.

  From the stage, he could see Stephanie. Keith was still watching her, but it made him feel better to be able to see her himself. She danced a few times while he was on stage. One with Doug, and then Sean. She even managed to drag Keith out on the floor once. Between Ian and James, they kept her busy. John felt guilty because he didn’t get to spend much time with her.

  He met up with her again at the end of the night. She looked like she was ready to run away. Stephanie grabbed John’s hand and pulled him away from the table.


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