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Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1)

Page 22

by Rhonda Brewer

  “Save me.” She groaned.

  “What’s wrong?” John laughed.

  “I don’t think it was a good idea for our parents to be in the same room.” She cringed. “I’ve found out things I really didn’t need or want to know. Especially about our parents.”

  “Let me guess, they’re swapping sex stories.” John rolled his eyes.

  “Yes!” She sighed. “Oh, and we’re not going to mom and dad’s for supper Sunday. It’s been decided we’re all having supper at your parents.”

  “Oh, is that good or bad?” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

  “I’m not sure.”

  Sean and Doug’s laughter boomed behind them. It was probably a story John didn’t want to hear.

  “I can see why Stephanie fell for John.” Janet nudged Kathleen with her elbow. “He’s a very fine looking man.”

  “Yes, all my boys are just as sexy as their dad.” Kathleen pinched Sean’s cheek.

  “I hope they have my stamina too.” Sean winked at his wife.

  “Okay, way too much information, Dad.” The last thing John wanted in his head was how long his dad could last.

  “Does everyone have a way home?” Ian stood next to the table holding a clipboard.

  “I’ll get them home, Ian.” John nodded toward Janet and Doug.

  “Nick is driving us home.” Sean tossed back the rest of his drink.

  “I guess this party is all set then.” Before Ian walked away Stephanie introduced him to her parents.

  “You certainly have the recipe for handsome looking men.” Janet winked and he blushed. Ian quickly excused himself and almost tripped over a chair. Yep, that was Ian.

  The first thing John noticed when he pulled into the driveway was the front door wide open.

  Stephanie gasped and grabbed his arm.

  “Stay in the car. I’m gonna check out the house.” He was sure he locked the door when they left. He crept up the front steps wishing he had his magnum strapped to him. He scanned the porch and front door. Back against the wall, he entered the house. John pressed his back against the foyer wall and slid along the wall until he could peer into the living room. His heart was thudding in his chest. All the police training he had taken over as he eased through the rest of his house. Nothing seemed out of place. The computer, television, and sound system were still there. John checked the rest of the house, but nothing was missing or out of place. Something didn’t feel right. Did he close the door all the way? He’d been distracted by how sexy Stephanie looked when they left.

  John did manage to retrieve his magnum on his sweep of his house. He was about to check Stephanie’s apartment but quickly checked outside to make sure she was okay.

  Stephanie was crouched down next to her car. John ran toward her. The two tires on the driver’s side had large slashes in them.

  “Someone slashed my tires.”

  His blood ran cold when he rounded the car. All four tires were flat. What the fuck?

  “Stephanie, come inside we’ll get it fixed tomorrow.” John scanned his front yard. “This is getting ridiculous,” He said through clenched teeth.

  “I’m calling Uncle Kurt.” He closed the door and picked up his phone.

  “I’m going to get out of this dress.” Stephanie opened her apartment door and shrieked.

  John grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

  “Stay behind me.” John entered her apartment. Smashed picture frames were scattered across the floor, furniture was slashed, her laptop was smashed in pieces and her clothes were thrown everywhere. John retrieved his phone from his pocket and dialed 911.

  “They have to find Marc.” Stephanie sobbed.

  John held her against his side as he waited for an operator. “It’s not Marc.”

  “What?” Her voice came out in a whisper.

  John steered her into his living room and sat her down on the couch. She was trembling. Who the hell was doing this? What did they get by frightening her? All he knew was it wasn’t Marc. Someone else was doing this. He just wished he knew who and why?

  Chapter 24

  Stephanie’s hands were shaking and her heart was thundering in her chest. Two nights in a row the police filled the house. Marc wasn’t the one who shot at them. Then who? Who would hate her this much? Sure Brad was angry but he wasn’t crazy. This whole thing was insane. This whole thing was disrupting everyone’s lives. It was putting John in danger too. What was she going to do?

  Of course, John’s family swarmed the house as soon as he called. She didn’t want to worry her parents so she asked John not to call them. At least not until they knew more. Nanny Betty was the first one to arrive after the police. Like a tornado she whirled through the house and sat next to her.

  “Don’t ya worry, ducky, Kurt, and his lads will find out who’s up to this nonsense.” Nanny Betty rubbed a hand up and down Stephanie’s back. She wanted to believe the woman, but at this point she was terrified.

  “I hope so,” Stephanie whispered.

  “Ya know, Johnny’ll keep ya safe. That lad loves ya.”

  Stephanie didn’t doubt John loved her, but could he keep dealing with all this? He was just getting back on his feet and going back to work. He didn’t need this.

  John entered the living room followed by Kurt.

  “Stephanie, can you think of anyone who would want to hurt you?” Kurt was blunt.

  “Kurt Patrick O’Connor, who in heaven’s name would want to hurt this sweet little girl?” Nanny Betty snapped. “What kind of question is dat?”

  Stephanie held Nanny Betty’s small hand. She didn’t have an answer.

  “Mudder, I have to ask. So let her answer, please.” Kurt spoke to his mother firm but with respect. Nanny Betty huffed and patted Stephanie’s back.

  “The only one I can think of is Marc.” She sighed.

  “It wasn’t him tonight. He’s still locked up until court on Monday.” Kurt informed her.

  “What about Brad?” John’s question sent chills down her spine. Could he really be capable of this?

  “Who’s Brad?” Kurt asked.

  “He’s my ex-boyfriend, and we’re in a bit of dispute over money, but I really don’t see him doing something like this.” Brad was a jerk, but he wouldn’t stoop to this level. Would he?

  “That’s the guy we questioned when you were drugged?” Kurt said.

  Stephanie nodded.

  “And there’s nobody else you could think of?” Kurt asked.

  Stephanie shook her head. She never had a reason for anyone to try and hurt her. Donna was constantly telling her she was too nice to people.

  “What about that trollop ya got rid of, Johnny?” Nanny Betty obviously didn’t think too highly of Kim.

  “Nan, whoever is doing this is not trying to hurt me. They’re trying to hurt Stephanie.” John sighed.

  “Does she know you’re dating Stephanie?” Kurt asked.

  “Yeah, but…” John plowed his hands through his hair. “I don’t know if she’d do this, but maybe you should talk to her.” Could Kim be that obsessed with John? She was at the restaurant when she was drugged. The lump in her throat felt the size of a golf ball. She tried to keep it together, but the tears were burning her eyes. Then they started to fall.

  “Sweetheart, don’t cry. We’ll find out who’s doing this.” John knelt in front of her and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

  “That’s right dear, my Kurt is a good police officer and he’ll catch this son of a gun.” Nanny Betty said. “Or I’ll bust his arse.”

  Stephanie couldn’t help but laugh. Thinking about the tiny woman putting John’s Uncle over her knee and spanking him was just too funny.

  “Mudder, one of these days you’re going to realize I’m not a little boy anymore.” Kurt rolled his eyes.

  “If I told ya once, I told ya a thousand times. Ya might be bigger than me, but I can still swing up at ya.” Nanny pointed her bony finger.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Kurt l
eaned down and kissed her cheek.

  “See, he’s a good boy.” Nanny Betty stood up and headed to the kitchen. “I’ll make some tea.”

  “Nan, I’ll get it.” John stood up.

  “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. I’m not too old to make a pot of tea.” She snapped. “Stay there and look after the girl.” She disappeared into the kitchen.

  “There’s no dealing with that woman.” John sat next to Stephanie and wrapped her up in his arms. “We’ll find out who’s doing this, honey. Nan’s right about one thing. Uncle Kurt’s one of the best cops in Newfoundland.”

  Stephanie closed her eyes. She let the warmth and strength of John’s embrace comfort her. She was exhausted. The voices of the police and John’s family swirled around her. As they began to fade, she felt herself floating and then sinking into a soft warm cloud. Her eyes fluttered open and John stood over her smiling.

  “Just sleep, baby. I’ll be right here.” John’s voice lulled her into a deep sleep.

  Two weeks later things were back to normal. Whoever was terrorizing her had given up. At least she hoped so. John was back to work and she had her new patients.

  Today Stephanie was visiting one of her new patients. Frank Carter was a widower, and recovering from hip surgery. She really liked him. Frank was always pleasant with a funny story or joke for her. He lived with his son Bill and daughter-in-law, Marg. Frank worked hard to get his mobility back. The man was in his late seventies and told her that working hard made you live longer. He’d probably never be as mobile as he used to be. Nevertheless, Stephanie could help him at least get to a point where he could move around the house without a wheelchair.

  “Good Morning, lovely lady.” Bill greeted her at the door.

  “Good morning, Bill.” Stephanie stepped inside the house. “How’s Frank today?”

  “See for yourself.” She followed Bill into the small living room off the main hallway. He was standing by his wheelchair holding onto a walker.

  “Hello there, my love.” Frank beamed. “Watch this.” He pushed the walker a couple of inches and then took two steps. He did it a second time. Then a third.

  “That’s wonderful, Frank. I see you’ve been practicing.” Stephanie smiled. “But I don’t want you to overdue it.”

  “I won’t, but it feels good to be on the old feet again.” Frank chuckled as he sat back in his chair.

  “I’m sure it does.” Stephanie crouched down next to him. “Do you feel up to doing some exercises?”

  Frank nodded and rubbed his hands together. The man seemed to be ready for anything. She should introduce him to Nanny Betty. That woman would have him running in no time.

  Stephanie was getting ready to leave as Marg walked into the living room with a young woman. She looked to be a little younger than Stephanie but very beautiful. She wore her black hair down and it flowed in loose waves over her shoulders. Stephanie noticed Marg was clinging to the girl as if she was a lifeline.

  “Stephanie, I wanted to introduce one of our children,” Marg said. “This is our daughter Belinda.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Belinda.” Stephanie shook the girl’s hand.

  “It’s so great to meet you, but call me Billie.” Billie smiled at her. “Pop adores you from the way he talks about you.”

  “Your Pop is a wonderful man,” Stephanie said.

  “Belinda is working on a Bachelor degree in Social Work.” Frank wheeled himself into the hallway.

  “That’s great,” Stephanie said.

  “I still have a couple of years to get there, but I love it.” Billie smiled at her grandfather.

  “She’s going to be the best Social Worker St. John’s has ever seen. Do you know why?” Frank boasted. Stephanie couldn’t miss the pride on Frank’s face.

  “Why?” Billie rolled her eyes.

  “She cares about people, just like you.” Frank boasted. “She’s working with deaf people now while she’s in school.”

  “Really!” Stephanie smiled.

  “It’s only part time, Pop.” Billie laughed. “My best friend is deaf, and I’ve learned sign language from her. She teaches at the school for the deaf.”

  “I think it’s great.” Stephanie smiled.

  “I really need to go, but it was really nice to meet you, Stephanie.” Billie leaned down to hug her grandfather and then kissed her mother on the cheek.

  “I should be going too,” Stephanie said. “I’ll see you in a couple of days, Frank.” Stephanie followed Billie down the front steps.

  “It’s so strange to see Pop so immobilized,” Billie said.

  “He’s doing really well. He should be back on his feet in no time.” Stephanie could see the sadness in the girl’s eyes.

  “I know he’ll get some back, but with his age he’s not going to be able to do the things he loves.” Billie gazed at the house. “I’m just afraid if he can’t do those things, he’ll start to slip away.” Billie obviously loved her grandfather dearly.

  “We’ll just have to keep him busy with other things.” Stephanie squeezed Billie’s shoulder.

  “I’m moving to Labrador at the end of the summer. I already have a work term set up there. My mom is worried, and she doesn’t want me to go, but I’ve got to do it. Maybe you could keep me up to date on his progress.” Billie said. “My parents tell me he’s doing well, but I think they just tell me what I want to hear.”

  “Sure. You give me your number and I’ll call you with updates.” Stephanie passed her cell phone to Billie and she punched in her number.

  “Thanks, Stephanie.” Billie waved and she got in her car. “Maybe we can go for coffee before I go.”

  “I’d love that.” Stephanie waved. “Call me next week and we can meet at Tim’s.”

  “I will.” Billie waved as she backed out of the driveway. Billie would be perfect for Mike. Stephanie shook her head and laughed as she got into her car. Cora was rubbing off on her.

  Stephanie opened her car door when something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. A black car was stopped at the end of the driveway. A chill ran up her spine. Stephanie clutched her cell phone in her pocket, but the car drove off. Stephanie chuckled. She was becoming really paranoid.

  After an exhausting day of driving all over the city for patients, the ten-minute ride back to Hopedale was heaven. All she wanted to do was spend a quiet evening at home. Maybe watch television and veg out on the couch. John was working and wouldn’t be off until seven and it was only a little after five.

  Stephanie took a quick shower and pulled on a comfy pair of pajamas. There hadn’t been any incidents in the last couple of weeks, but she was still nervous. She was pouring a cup of tea when a loud knock startled her. Of course, she couldn’t tell John. She opened the front door and gasped. Marina stood on the step with a huge smile. Stephanie squealed and wrapped her arms around her sister.

  “Steph, you’re choking me.” Marina laughed.

  “I’m just so happy to see you. What are you doing here?”

  “The company I work for is opening an office in St. John’s.”

  Stephanie’s hand flew to her mouth. “Really?” She motioned for Marina to come in and shut the front door.


  “Come in the kitchen and have a cup of tea, and you can tell me all about this.” Stephanie took her hand and led her to the kitchen.

  According to Marina, Popular People, the publisher she worked for as an editor, was opening an office in the city. The owner, David Molloy, was from Newfoundland and wanted to move home. David offered Marina the position of head editor because she was the only one from the province. He was also impressed with her work.

  “So you’ll be moving back home?” Stephanie was so excited she hugged Marina again almost knocking over the cup Marina was holding.

  “Yes, but I’m worried.” Marina looked like the weight of the world was on her shoulders.

  “Why?” Stephanie asked.

  “Dad told me about Marc har
assing them.” Her eyes filling with tears. “And he could be the one trying to hurt you.”

  “Aww.... Rina....Don’t worry about him.” Stephanie hugged her tightly. “We’ll make sure he doesn’t bother you, and he was in jail when the shooting and the break in happened,” Stephanie said. “Besides I don’t think Marc has bothered mom and dad in a while.”

  “I just don’t understand why he’s looking for me. The last time I talked to him he told me he wanted nothing else to do with me, and he definitely didn’t want Danny.” A tear ran down her cheek.

  “Don’t cry over him Rina. He isn’t worth your tears.” Stephanie grabbed a couple of napkins off the counter and handed it to her sister.

  “I’m not crying over him. It just kills me he doesn’t care about his own son.” Marina took a deep breath as she wiped the tears away.

  “Danny’s better off without him.” How could a father reject his child? Marc was a huge asshole and Danny didn’t need him. Stephanie had her arms wrapped around Marina when she heard a deep male voice. The one that sent shivers of pleasure through her. Marina and Stephanie turned. John was in his uniform and he looked sexy as hell.

  “Hey! You’re home.” Stephanie sighed.

  He glanced between Stephanie and her sister. “Yes, I am.”

  “John, this is my sister, Marina, when she’s not screaming in pain.”

  Marina held out her hand. “Officer Hunky.” Stephanie poked her, making Marina giggle.

  John raised an eyebrow. “Pardon me?”

  Stephanie shook her head. “Nothing.” John didn’t need to know how Marina referred to him.

  “It’s nice to see you again, Marina.” John’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “The last time you were digging your fingernails into my arm.”

  “Oh! Yeah, sorry about that.” Marina said. “I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

  He waved her off. “I’ve had worse. I’m sure it was nothing compared to what you were feeling.”

  He headed to the laundry room. It was where he kept his gun safe, and always the first place he went after work.

  Marina mouthed the words ‘oh my God he’s hotter than I remember.’


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