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Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1)

Page 28

by Rhonda Brewer

  They pulled into the driveway. The house looked dark with the exception of the light over the front door. John walked around the car to open her door. He grabbed her hand and almost ran toward the house.

  “Are you sure they’re home?” It was strange that none of the family’s cars were in the driveway. Supper at the O’Connor’s was usually all hands on deck.

  “I’m sure.” John opened the door and motioned her to go ahead of him. Stephanie walked into the living room. The sudden burst of light didn’t startle her as much as the loud chorus of voices screaming “Surprise!”

  Stephanie jumped back against John.

  “Happy Birthday, sweetheart,” He whispered into her ear as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “Oh my God. This is why everyone was acting so weird.” Tears filled her eyes. “I thought everyone was ignoring me.”

  “Nope! Just trying to pull off a few surprises.” John whispered and kissed the top of her head.

  Stephanie wasn’t even sure who hugged her because as soon as one set of arms let her go, another embraced her. She looked around as much as she could in between the hugs and happy birthdays. A huge banner with ‘Happy Birthday Stephanie’ hung above the fireplace. Balloons and streamers were all around. She glanced at John. He leaned against the doorframe with a huge smile on his handsome face. He was pretty proud of himself. A loud whistle made her jump. Stephanie turned. Aaron was in the middle of the room.

  “Okay everyone. Let the girl breathe.” Aaron chuckled. “Before we get this party started, there are two presents Stephanie has to open right away.” Aaron pointed to a huge sheet draped in the corner of the room with the word Surprise written across it.

  “Just pull it down. Your first surprise is behind that sheet.” Nick said. Stephanie stared at John. He nodded. She slowly made her way toward the sheet.

  “Wait! Is someone going to throw a cake in my face when I pull this down?” Stephanie narrowed her eyes at Aaron and Nick. They were jokesters, and she didn’t know what they were up to.

  “I promise you nobody is going to shove anything in your face,” Keith she trusted almost as much as she trusted John.

  Stephanie grabbed the sheet in her fists. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and gave it a hard yank. It dropped to the floor and she opened her eyes. Marina stood there holding Danny. Stephanie gasped and wrapped her arms around her sister and nephew.

  “That’s why you weren’t answering me.” Stephanie cried as she pulled back from Marina.

  “Sorry, it was a surprise.” Marina laughed. “Before we talk, your other surprise is right here.” Marina pointed to three balloons floating up from the table behind her. Each balloon had a small envelope attached to it.

  “What’s this?” Stephanie asked.

  “They’re numbered. You’ve got to open them in order and read them out loud.” Marina stepped away as Stephanie pulled off the first envelope. She opened it and read it aloud.

  “Happy Birthday My Love, I Love you with all my heart.” She looked around, but John had disappeared. Marina nodded for her to continue. Stephanie pulled off the second envelope. “Pull off the next envelope and turn around.” She grabbed the third envelope and turned around. John was behind her.

  “Open it and read it.” He smiled. Stephanie quickly opened the envelope.

  “Stephanie, you’re the love of my life and although this is your birthday, I’d like you to give me the best present in the world and be my wife.” Stephanie gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. She looked up from the note and John was on his knee holding a red velvet box.

  “Will you marry me, Stephanie?” John’s voice was shaky. Stephanie couldn’t find her voice. Tears streamed down her cheeks. John was staring at her. “I don’t know if crying is a good sign. You’re kind of scaring me, sweetheart.”

  Stephanie took his hands and pulled him up.

  “It’s a good sign. These are happy tears.” She laughed. “I love you so, so much and yes, I’ll marry you.”

  John slipped the ring on her finger and Stephanie stared at her hand. The gold band was simple with a sparkling diamond in the center surrounded by smaller diamonds. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Soon they were surrounded.

  “Another one bites the dust.” Mike roared from the other side of the room.

  “We get to have a bachelor party.” Nick chuckled.

  “Strippers.” Aaron hooted and quickly turned away when he got a stern look from Nanny Betty.

  “Can I get everyone’s attention?” James shouted. The crowd quieted down as Keith and Ian stepped forward with trays of champagne. Stephanie beamed at John. She loved this man so much and now he was going to be her husband. Forever.

  “I’d like to say Happy Birthday to the beautiful birthday girl, and congratulations to my brother and Stephanie. Bro, you have a gem there. I’d like to wish you guys a long and happy life together. Cheers.” James held up his glass. The crowd followed suit and a round of congratulations went around the room.

  Stephanie pulled Marina aside once the excitement had settled a little. Danny was in a playpen with James’ son Mason. They eyed each other curiously. They were almost the same age. Stephanie laughed as Mason passed Danny a block. Danny didn’t seem to want it at first but took it cautiously. Soon the two babies were giggling and babbling as they passed the blocks back and forth.

  “When do you go back?” Stephanie really didn’t want to know.

  “I’m not.” Marina grinned.

  “Really?” Tears filled her eyes. Again. At this rate, she was going to be dehydrated before the night was over.

  “I’m home for good.” Marina’s boss wanted her in Newfoundland to ensure everything was on track. She’d be working from home until the office opened. So until she found a place to live, and a daycare for Danny, she’d be staying with their parents.

  “Besides, I missed everyone. I missed home.” A tear ran down Marina’s cheek. Yep. Marina and Stephanie were both big babies.

  “I’m so glad you’re back.” Stephanie hugged Marina.

  “Me too.” As she released Marina, James walked by.

  “James, you remember my sister?” Stephanie grinned.

  “Of course. It’s nice to see you again.” James smiled at Marina.

  “Marina, you remember James.” Marina shook his hand. Then pulled her hand back and her cheeks flushed. Interesting. James quickly excused himself.

  “Isn’t he gorgeous?” Stephanie whispered in Marina’s ear.

  “Aren’t you engaged?” Marina reached down to kiss Danny’s head.

  “He’s a widower.” Stephanie nudged Marina with her shoulder.

  “I know, Stephanie.” Marina groaned.

  “Not all men are like Marc.” Stephanie put her arm around Marina.

  “I know that Steph, but I’m nowhere near ready for dating. So don’t start any matchmaking.” Marina warned. John walked up behind her.

  “Would you mind if I dance with my fiancée?” John kissed her cheek.

  “Not at all.” Marina smiled as John pulled Stephanie out to the dining room. It had been turned into a dance floor. Stephanie scanned the room. Aaron was dancing with a girl she’d never met. It was obvious they knew each other very well. Aaron had one hand on the girl’s ass and the other she couldn’t see. According to John, the girl was Aaron’s flavor of the week. Nick was dancing with another girl she’d not met. Mike was dancing with Jess. They were doing everything to annoy Nick and Aaron.

  “I love you.” John pulled her into his arms as the music slowed down. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “I love you too.” John placed a soft kiss on her lips.

  “Thank you for everything, John.” She rested her head against his chest and listened to the steady beat of his heart

  “Thank you for saying yes,” John whispered into her ear.

  The party started to wind down. Cora bragged about being right again. Nanny Betty made her promise to take care of her
grand-son. She got several suggestions from Aaron and Nick on how to celebrate their engagement. John chased them off with threats of showing some naked baby pictures to their dates.

  She lost sight of John for a few minutes but found him talking to Kurt in the kitchen. John was holding a large brown envelope in his hand. They were deep in conversation and didn’t notice her come in.

  “Something wrong?” Stephanie asked. Kurt congratulated her then left the kitchen.

  “This was sent to the police station by Marc’s lawyer.” John’s body was ridged.

  “Do we have to end the night with bad news?” She groaned.

  “Actually there are letters in it from Marc to Marina, your parents and you.” He held out the envelope. She stared at it like it was going to bite her. Opening it could cause a lot of drama if it was bad news. She sighed and took the envelope from John.

  Inside there were three smaller envelopes. Each one was labelled with names. One for her parents, one for her and a larger one for Marina. Stephanie pulled out hers. She opened it and began to read. The letter was a long apology. Marc was in rehab and making amends to people he hurt. He hoped someday Stephanie could forgive him for hurting Marina. He wouldn’t be bothering them again. He’d sent Marina documents giving up all his parental rights.

  Stephanie read it several times before it sunk in. She searched for Marina and her parents. She found them talking to Sean and Kathleen in the living room. Stephanie gave her parents their letter and held out Marina’s.

  “I don’t want it.” Marina snapped.

  “I think you need to read this.” Stephanie held out the letter.

  Marina shook her head. “I’m done with him.”

  “Honey, you need to read it.” Janet took the letter from Stephanie and placed it in Marina’s hand. “We’re here with you.”

  Marina opened the envelope. Her hands were trembling. James was standing off to the side. His eyes glued to Marina. Really, interesting. Marina read Marc’s letter. When she finished she looked up.

  “He’s not going to bother you again, Rina,” Stephanie said.

  “You’ll never have to worry about him coming after Danny either.” Doug pulled Marina into his arms.

  “Is this real.” Marina held up the documents. Stephanie assumed they were the papers dissolving his rights. “Are these papers real?” Marina didn’t seem to believe what was happening.

  “Mike look at this.” Kathleen motioned to him. Mike was a lawyer and specialized in family law. Marina handed him the papers and he scanned through them. While they were waiting for Mike to finish, John wrapped his arms around Stephanie’s waist.

  “Is it legal, bro?” John asked.

  “It’s ironclad.” Mike read the last page. “Basically it says, Marc has dissolved all his parental rights to Danny. The last clause says he can never dispute this.” Marina picked up Danny and hugged him tightly against her.

  “I’m going home.” Marina snatched the diaper bag off the floor and weaved around everyone. Stephanie tried to run after her, but Janet grabbed her arm.

  “Let her go, honey,” Janet said. “She just needs time to process this.”

  “I for one, am glad the ass is out of our lives,” Stephanie said.

  “But you weren’t in love with him or have a child with him.” Janet touched Stephanie’s cheek. “I’m sure she’s happy. It just has to be hard to find out your child’s father doesn’t want anything to do with him.” Her mother’s words hit hard. Stephanie had a wonderful man and she was going to marry him. Marina was a single mother, whose ex-husband basically cut himself off from his own son. Stephanie couldn’t imagine how that would feel. The only thing she could do was wait until Marina wanted to talk.

  They pulled into the driveway. Stephanie gazed at the house she now considered home. This house was where her life changed. The house where she lived with the man she loved with all her heart. It was crazy.

  “You going to stay in the car tonight?” John chuckled pulling her from her thoughts.

  “No, I’m going into the house with my fiancée.” Stephanie took his hand.

  “Yes, you are.” John pulled her against him and kissed her lips gently.

  “I love you so much, John.” Stephanie cupped his face between her hands.

  “I love you too.” He gazed into her eyes.

  “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” Stephanie pressed her forehead against his chest.

  “Sweetheart, the day you walked into that house, was the day you saved me,” John whispered in her ear. “You saved me from living a life of self-pity because everything I did to get better was all because of you. I fell in love with the woman who gave me back my life.” Stephanie would be spending the rest of her life with this man. There was nowhere she’d rather be.

  Chapter 29

  18 months later….

  This was really happening. Today was the day. Stephanie stood in front of the long mirror in her old bedroom. She didn’t recognize herself. The white dress signified the start of her new life. A life with the man she loved. She glanced over her shoulder at her sister. Marina held a long sheer veil in her hands.

  “I’m really getting married today.” Stephanie giggled.

  “I hope so, since there’s over two hundred people waiting at the church.” Marina laughed.

  “Why am I not nervous?” Stephanie asked while Marina pinned the veil in place. “I mean aren’t brides supposed to be nervous?”

  “Only if they’re not sure they’re marrying the right person,” Donna said. Stephanie turned. Sandy and Donna walked into the room with their matching black cocktail dresses. It was the only dress that all six of her bridesmaids could agree on. It was also a dress they could wear again.

  “I don’t think there’s any doubt you’re marrying the right person.” Sandy smiled. “That man adores you.”

  “I’m pretty sure she adores him too.” Kristy glided into the room followed by Isabelle and Jess.

  “Stephanie, you look so beautiful.” Jess gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. Jess’s eyes began to glisten.

  “Jess, don’t you dare make me cry,” Stephanie warned.

  “It’s okay to cry,” Kim spoke behind her. “The makeup I used is tear proof.” Stephanie and Kim had become friends. Not besties, but at least they could go out to dinner together with Sandy. Kim had gone back to school and completed a cosmetology course. So she’d offered to do Stephanie’s makeup. The bridesmaids too.

  “Very smart.” Isabelle giggled.

  “Are you ready, Princess?” Doug stood in the doorway. He looked so handsome dressed in his black tuxedo. All the girls hurried out of the room whispering something about daughter and daddy time.

  “I’m ready, Dad.” Stephanie smiled up at the first man to hold her heart. The man that showed her how a man should treat the woman he loves. The man that protected and loved her until she found the love of her life.

  “I don’t know if I want to give you away.” It was the first time she’d heard her father speak so low.

  “Dad!” A lump formed in her throat.

  “I know he’ll make you happy, and that’s the only reason I’m agreeing to this.” Doug narrowed his eyes. Stephanie stood up on her toes and kissed his cheek.

  “Thank you, Dad. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Princess.”

  The bridesmaids slowly made their way to the front of the church. John couldn’t stand still. He hadn’t seen Stephanie in over twenty-four hours and he didn’t like it. He was about to bolt to the back of the church to see her, but the doors opened. She was there. A beautiful vision that made his heart stop and his breath catch.

  “Don’t drool, bro.” James chuckled in his ear.

  “I’ll do my best.” John’s eyes locked with hers as she glided closer to him. Nothing else existed outside of the angel coming toward him. If he lived to be a hundred years, he’d never forget this moment.

  If anyone asked John what happened
during the ceremony, he wouldn’t be able to tell them. He was hypnotized by Stephanie. He’d recited his vows and his eyes filled with tears. When Stephanie finished reciting her vows, Aaron stood next to the microphone and sang Ave Maria. That was it. John couldn’t hold the tears back. Especially, when Stephanie had tears flowing down her cheeks. He wasn’t an emotional man. At least he never used to be. After all, they’d been through anyone would be emotional.

  “How do you feel, Mrs. O’Connor?” John whispered into her ear while they waltzed at their reception.

  “I feel extremely happy, Mr. O’Connor.” Stephanie pressed against him. “And did I mention that you look incredibly hot in that tuxedo. I can’t wait to rip it off you.” Stephanie whispered into his ear. John groaned. Her words went straight to his dick.

  “Not fair, sweetheart.” John pressed his lips against hers.

  “Get a room.” Nick, Mike, and Aaron yelled from the side of the reception hall. John saluted them with that special finger and pulled his new wife tighter against him.

  James moved through the crowded reception hall to where his cousins were entertaining his son. Mason loved spending time with Isabelle, Jess, and Kristy. Probably because they spoiled him rotten, and with all the men in the family, three females fussing over you would make any guy happy. Even if you were just three years old.

  “Don’t tell Daddy I gave you that candy,” Kristy said as James walked up behind her. Mason giggled and covered his mouth.

  “I think you’re busted.” Isabelle pointed toward James.

  “Darn cops. Sneak up on you every time.” Kristy turned around. James loved his cousins. They were like the annoying little sisters he never wanted.

  “He’s going home with you.” James narrowed his eyes at Kristy. Trying hard to keep a serious face.

  “That’s fine because we’re taking Danny tonight too.” Jess linked her arm into his. Why were they taking Marina’s son?

  “Yeah, maybe you can make a move since you’ll both be childless tonight.” Isabelle nudged him.

  “Not happening,” James growled as he pulled free from Kristy and reached his hand out to Mason. The little boy stuck out his bottom lip and put the forbidden candy into James’s hand.


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