Final Dance: Part One (Alien Blood Wars Book 8)

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Final Dance: Part One (Alien Blood Wars Book 8) Page 15

by Samantha Cayto

  Christos tumbled them onto the bed, humping with gusto as he ripped at the boy’s clothing. Everything came off in shreds, regardless of his need to be careful. Even Mateo’s sneakers ended in tatters. No matter… Christos would buy him an entire new wardrobe. Nothing would be too good for his boy. Yes, my boy. Val had been right. Everyone had. Why had he fought the attraction? His concerns burst into dust with his growing quest to get inside his lover. There was no reason to hold back. No one benefitted from whatever stupid nobility he’d talked himself into. All that mattered was their flesh touching and finding their releases together.

  When he had Mateo naked, he abandoned the boy’s mouth to go exploring. There was so much tantalizing flesh to touch and lick, suck and tweak. He started with his face, over to the boy’s ears, then raced to his nipples because his throat was too tempting. He didn’t trust himself not to scrape or bite him there and tug the sweet blood coursing through Mateo’s veins. The way the boy moaned and writhed from the sucking of his hard nubs spurred Christos to do more and better.

  Anything his lips didn’t latch on to, he roamed with greedy fingers. All that silky-smooth skin was a delight to pet. Mateo was incredibly sensitive. From the sounds and movements he made, everything gave him pleasure. This was no act, either. Christos had no doubt that the reaction was genuine. He wanted to give the boy everything. And Mateo wasn’t merely lying there soaking up the attention. His small hands did some exploring of their own. He tried to feel Christos’ back under his shirt and cup his ass under his jeans.

  “No fair,” the human muttered under his breathy moans. “You’ve got too many clothes on. I want you naked.”

  “As you wish.” He lipped the taut skin of the boy’s belly while he tore off his shirt and his pants then kicked his boots to the floor. Nothing survived entirely intact. As if he cared.

  Soon there were no barriers between them, only hot skin brushing and rubbing. They mashed their cocks together, causing them both to groan. Christos nearly spent right then and there. But that wasn’t how he wanted this to go. And he wasn’t going to give in to the temptation of taking Mateo’s cock in his mouth again. Been there, done that. Tonight, he would pull out all of the stops and claim his boy completely.

  He straddled Mateo’s slender body, taking the base of the boy’s cock in a firm grip, and demanded, “Tell me what you want.”

  Mateo shuddered, his eyes barely open. Yet his answer left Christos in no doubt. “You. Inside me. Now!”

  Christos chuckled. “As you wish. Damn, condoms, lube.” He frantically fought to think of the nearest place to find such things. Body wash might work to slick the way, but that was only half the problem. Not that Mateo needed protection from him, but the human didn’t know that and Christos wouldn’t give him a moment’s worry about it.

  Mateo smiled. “Check the top drawer of the nightstand. They were there the whole time.”

  “Thank God.” He let go in order to lean over and yank open the drawer.

  It was a matter of seconds before he’d covered and slicked his cock and added another dollop or two to his fingertips. He slung one of Mateo’s legs over his body in order to more easily gain access to his hole. The boy helped by curling his legs and opening them wide, then holding that position by clasping his knees. With a slightly shaky hand, Christos went exploring. He found the exposed hole with ease and circled it to spread the lube.

  “You don’t have to be gentle.”

  Christos stopped what he was doing, holding his fingertips at the entrance to Mateo’s ass, his heart feeling as if it were being squeezed in a vise. “That’s where you’re wrong. There is a time and place for a bit of rough play, perhaps. This isn’t it.”

  He massaged in slow circles until the puckered ring softened and opened for him. Then he slid his fingers slowly inside. Mateo sighed and relaxed more, easing the way. Christos entered as far as he could go before thrusting with long, easy strokes. Mateo’s channel gave way, even as it wrapped his fingers in a warm, wet sheath.

  Christos maneuvered to kneel between the boy’s legs, pressing them wider with his thighs as he continued to prep him. With his other hand, he worked that lovely cock—not enough to get him off, merely to stoke his arousal. He rubbed the boy’s prostate with each pass, simply for the pleasure of seeing Mateo jerk and whimper. Any time he thought Mateo was getting too close to the finish, he clamped the base of his shaft again until he settled down.

  Mateo thrashed his head back and forth. “No fair. Stop teasing.”

  “Do I have your permission to enter you?”

  Mateo giggled. “I’m not some Victorian miss. Fuck me already.”

  “Gladly.” He’d made them both wait long enough. His own cock leaked and throbbed. He longed to free it from the condom, but his wishes were irrelevant. This was for Mateo.

  Taking more lube for both his shaft and Mateo’s hole, he readied the boy as best he could for what he knew would be a strain. His dick was long and wide, while Mateo’s ass was small in all meanings of the word. He wouldn’t hurt him, no matter how torturous it was to go easy.

  Satisfied that he’d prepped enough, he positioned his cockhead at the puckered ring. It took little pressure to coax it to fully blossom for him. He eased his dick past it and slowly slid it in until his balls hit Mateo’s ass. They sighed in unison, a silly, sweet sign that they were in perfect sync. He stayed where he was, clasping Mateo’s knees for him so that he could relax his arms. It felt so utterly perfect that he didn’t need to do anything more, not on his own account. Mateo had other ideas.

  The boy squeezed his sphincter tight and said, “What are you waiting for? Fuck me!”

  Mateo had meant what he’d said but hadn’t expected Christos to obey with such utter abandon. No sooner had the words left his mouth then the man began to drill his ass with long, fast strokes. Each pass of that huge dick goosed his prostate. The girth of the shaft stretched his channel to a point that was just shy of pain. He could barely catch his breath with the pounding he was taking. Then Christos leaned over and robbed him of what little he had.

  He clung to the big body with both his arms and legs, wanting more—closer, harder, deeper. Nothing Christos did was too much. Mateo’s body molded itself to the man’s, opening as much as he needed to take him as far inside as possible. There didn’t seem to be any limit to what he could take or any amount sufficient to satisfy his need. He dug his nails into the big man’s back and reveled in the shudder that he brought on.

  When Christos broke the kiss to scrape his teeth along Mateo’s jaw, he said, “Give me more, Christos. Give me what no other man can.” He wasn’t even sure what he was demanding. There was something there, lying beneath the surface. He’d sensed it from the first, especially when Christos nuzzled his neck.

  Instinctively, he turned his head to expose that part of him, understanding that Christos wanted to press his lips there. And he was not disappointed. The wetness from the man’s tongue tickled the straining tendons. He raised his hips to open himself wider, to let Christos slam far inside him. His cock bounced between them, aching for attention, the climax not quite hitting from the fucking alone. Christos wiggled his hand in place and took it in a firm grip. It took only a few tugs before Mateo was coming. He arched into the grasp and cried out.

  “Do it! Whatever it is you want. I’m not afraid.”

  The cock inside his ass swelled and pulsed as Christos climaxed a second later. As foolish as it was, he regretted that he couldn’t experience the sensation of all that cum coating his insides. Then a razor-sharp pain lanced his neck before a languid feeling stole over him. There was a rhythmic tugging at the side of his neck and his dick jerked again. Cum splashed onto his stomach and his ass spasmed around the dick that stretched it even more now. He felt as if he were floating, then he felt nothing at all.

  Mateo thought maybe he’d passed out for a few seconds, but when he managed to open his eyes, Christos sat on the side of the bed, staring at him. He was tucked
under the covers and felt refreshed with all the residue of sex seemingly having been washed away. Only a sweet, dull ache throbbing through his ass proved Christos had fucked him. He brought his hand up to touch his neck and found a little scab there.

  He smiled shyly at Christos. “Did you bite me?”

  “Are you all right?” the man answered with a question.

  “I’m fine. Awesomely so. Did you bite me?”

  Christos looked away. “I’m sorry. I got carried away. I, um, scraped you with my teeth.”

  “Is that all?” Mateo felt the spot again and wished he had a mirror. It felt as if he’d bled, although not much. “You have a blood fetish, huh?”

  The man’s Adam’s apple bobbed on a hard swallow. “Yes. Yes, I do.” He looked at him again. “I am sorry.”

  Mateo reached out to touch his arm. “Don’t be. I asked you to, remember? I knew there was something you had a kink for, and with all that stuff about vampires, it made sense.”

  “You made that connection. I am not a vampire.”

  Mateo rolled his eyes and giggled at the same time. “Of course you’re not. There’s no such thing. Honestly, I don’t mind, although I hadn’t expected to, like, faint or anything. I guess I’m not as well as I thought I was.”

  “Here… Drink some water.” Christos produced a bottle from beside his feet.

  Mateo did feel thirsty and drank half of it straight off. “Thanks.” He lay back against his pillows. “Did you wipe me down while I was out?”

  “Yes. I wanted you to be comfortable.”

  “I am that,” he agreed, burrowing into the covers more. Then he yawned. “I guess that’s it for me tonight. Sorry.”

  “There is nothing for you to apologize for.”

  “Okay. I figured a guy like you would be up for more.” He patted the spot next to him. “Why aren’t you lying beside me?” His face fell and his heart stuttered at the obvious answer. “I guess you’d rather just go now that you know I’m okay.”

  “No!” Christos practically jumped onto the bed. “Don’t think I’m done with you now that the sex is over with. I want to hold you. I wasn’t sure of my welcome.”

  By way of answer, he held his arms out wide. Before he could blink, Christos was snuggled beside him, with his arm anchoring him to his large, cool body. With a sigh, Mateo threw his own arm over the man’s chest and lay his head against his shoulder.

  “I like cuddling. I never got to do it much.”

  Christos squeezed. “We will stay this way all night if that is what you want.”

  “It might make sleeping harder, but I’m game. You sure you’re not just doing this because you feel guilty?” Insecurity made him ask. It didn’t seem possible that anyone would want him for something other than sex. All the men he’d slept with before had rolled over and gone to sleep, forgetting he was even there unless they woke up wanting to fuck him again.

  “No one has ever assured you of your worth, have they?”

  “Not really. Is that a thing? Do parents and lovers normally do that?”

  “If they are any good, they do.”

  “I always thought my parents and other family were good people. Good Christians, you know, with a capital C. They went to church every Sunday and brought food to neighbors when they had a baby or got sick. We all did volunteer work to help the poor.”

  “Those are excellent things to do. But their charity didn’t extend to you, did it?”

  “No.” It made him not only sad to say it, but embarrassed too. Christos would judge his family harshly for how they’d treated him and he wished he had a better story to tell, one that he could be proud of.

  “They forced you to leave your home?”

  “It’s more that they made it impossible for me to stay. I didn’t have much money and had no idea what I was going to do. I only knew that I couldn’t stay because lying and pretending had become impossible. Sometimes I wonder if I’d stuck it out, maybe they’d have come around in the end.” As he said the words, he figured it was wishful thinking. The brutal treatment from his father in particular didn’t make it likely—or even desirable.

  “Perhaps they would. I cannot say. If you want, once you’re more settled, you could try contacting them to see if they have had a change of heart. It’s possible. And if they haven’t, I promise to be there for you to give you the love and security that you deserve.”

  Mateo lifted his head to look at him. “You don’t have to promise me forever. It’s enough that we are together now and enjoying each other.”

  Christos tucked strands of hair behind Mateo’s ear. “Agἁpi mou. My love, my heart is not so inconstant. When I entered you, it was because I wanted forever—not that I expect you to feel the same way. In fact,” he added quickly when Mateo tried to open his mouth, “I don’t want you to promise anything. First, get well. Then start work, albeit without the lap dancing, etcetera, if you can possibly indulge me in that restriction.”

  “I can…and happily so.”

  “Excellent. We’ll see how you feel once you’re established. Besides, I need to get a few things done for Alex. I may be distracted from time to time, but please don’t read that as my changing my mind or pulling away.”

  Mateo lay his head back down, keeping his face toward Christos’, ignoring the awkwardness of the position. He liked looking at his…boyfriend? Yes, he dared to think of the man in those terms, if only inside his own head. “I get it. You have family obligations. Don’t you also have to get back to Greece, though?”

  “There is no timetable on that. And I do hope to show you my home there before you make any long-term decisions.” He paused and, for a moment, it looked as if his eyes reddened. “I would ask one more thing of you. Please stick close to the club until you are more settled. I worry about you,” he added.

  “I can take care of myself, you know.”

  “I’m sure you can, and I only mean please take ride share instead of the T and stay in groups as opposed to wandering around on your own. In fact, if you want company shopping or something, I’m happy to go when I’m not needed in the club.”

  “Okay, if it will make you feel better.” He couldn’t stifle a yawn. “I’m not used to someone worrying about me these days. It’s…nice.”

  Christos put his hand on Mateo’s head. “Get some sleep. I promise I’m not going anywhere.”

  With that assurance making him feel warm and wanted, Mateo let himself drift off.

  Chapter Nine

  “Use the pole like a prop,” Quinn advised. “It’s not necessary to do any dramatic tricks with it, not until you’re comfortable. It’s enough to swing around it as you would a partner while you dance.”

  “Yeah,” Demi chimed in. “The members appreciate a good show, but really, your face and ass are the money shots.”

  Mateo stood by the stage, feeling a little awkward yet excited. Harry had declared that he would be fit for work in a few more days. And Christos had already taken him shopping—on Newbury Street, of all places. He’d only ever dared to stare at the window displays there before, knowing he could never afford to buy anything. Christos hadn’t blinked an eye at the prices, and he’d insisted on purchasing far more than Mateo figured he’d ever need. Plus, he’d bought him a suitcase for it all, because, as the man had said, he wanted Mateo to feel as if he could move out of the club at any time and leave nothing behind. Everything had been purchased with cash, too. Christos said he preferred the old ways. Mateo had never seen a fatter wad of bills in his whole life and pictured Christos’ mattress stuffed with mounds more.

  He rubbed his palms down his new, distressed jeans. They were soft and molded to his body, so he felt that he could practice dancing in them. He didn’t yet have the balls to prance around the room in only a thong. “Do your fathers actually let you dance here?” he asked Demi. For someone training to be a doctor, the kid seemed to know an awful lot about being on the pole.

  “Only when Trey is here to watch, and that’s mos
tly because they leave it up to him to set limits for me.”

  Mateo frowned. “That sounds controlling. You are an adult, after all.”

  Demi shrugged. “Barely, and I like doing what Trey says. I trust him.”

  Quinn snorted. “You’d never know how much Demi has changed in the last year. He hated being told what to do when I first met him.”

  Demi stuck his tongue out at the other boy, proving that he was not as mature as he looked. “Show him an easy routine.” He turned to Mateo. “Have I ever told you about how Quinn fell on his ass when he was first learning?”

  “Ha, ha,” Quinn retorted. “We all fall at the beginning, except for Demi.” He added that with a frown. “Oh good, this is a perfect song.”

  The Jonas Brothers’ Sucker started playing. Quinn wiggled his hips in time to the music and took rhythmic steps around the pole while holding it with one hand. He put a sultry look on his face and tossed it around to the mostly empty room. Given the time of the day and day of the week, there were only a few members sitting at tables, eating and socializing. The other stages were also occupied by go-go boys, so they had plenty of entertainment to choose from. Mateo hoped that they would ignore him as he began his lesson. Of course, he could have used the one in the family home, but Annika was there and that didn’t seem right. He wasn’t sure how old she was, but there was something almost pure about her, regardless. She didn’t need to witness his sexy gyrations. Did she even understand what went on in the club? He hoped not. Whereas he’d been forced to grow up fast on the streets, he still wanted other kids to have a slower transition into adulthood.

  As the song morphed into the chorus, Quinn used his other hand to pull up on the pole, opening his legs wide as he whirled around it. He stopped with a knee holding him in place and bent backward, his hands spread wide, fingers beckoning the audience.


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