Final Dance: Part One (Alien Blood Wars Book 8)

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Final Dance: Part One (Alien Blood Wars Book 8) Page 16

by Samantha Cayto

  Holy crap, I’ll never be able to do that.

  After jumping off the pole onto the stage, Quinn waved him over. “Come on. Try it.”

  Mateo licked his lips and glanced at Demi, who nodded in encouragement before joining Quinn. The boy moved aside to give him access to the pole. It was cool to his touch and slippery, given his sweaty palms. He wiped them again on his jeans and took a firm hold before daring to dance around it. Remarkably, it wasn’t as hard as he’d feared. Quinn had been right that it was like dancing with a partner—a very skinny one. If he put the men in the room out of his mind, he could imagine that he was goofing around with friends.

  Concentrating on the music, he put a wide swing to his hips and added in a head toss or two. Soon it was easy to get into a rhythm. He even dared to grab with both hands and pull his feet off the stage for a few seconds. His recent sickness had taken its toll, however, so he couldn’t do it for long. That was okay. As the song ended, he bucked his hips against the pole with his eyes closed, picturing himself riding Christos. That was a position they’d yet to try and he resolved to do it soon.

  When he stopped, he was met by a smattering of clapping. Opening his eyes again, he saw that it wasn’t only Quinn and Demi offering him encouragement. One of the members had come over and was grinning at him while he showed his appreciation. Mateo smiled shyly in return. “Thank you.”

  The man stepped closer, pulling a bill out of his pocket. “I know you’re in training, but here’s a little something to encourage you to finish up quickly and come join the fun this weekend.” He waved the money at him.

  Mateo let go of the pole and reached for the tip, being sure to bat his eyelashes and give the man his best come-and-get-me look. It was only make-believe, after all, a nice change from what he’d done while on the streets. The man raised the bill beyond his grasp at the last second, forcing Mateo to stand on tiptoes to snatch it. He didn’t mind the game, knowing that lots of guys got off on the power exchange. His ego had learned to take a back seat to survival.

  Holy fuck, it was a hundred dollars, and he hadn’t done anything more than make brief love to a brass pole to get it. “Thanks, Daddy.”

  “Don’t forget where it came from, precious.”

  “I won’t,” he said, stuffing the bill into his pocket.

  “There’s plenty more…for the right kind of attention.” Now the guy leered at him, and while that sort of behavior would have been welcome in the past, it made him a little uncomfortable now. He understood what was being implied. The real money was in the personal attention. He wasn’t going to forget what he’d promised Christos, however, nor jeopardize their budding relationship.

  “Sorry, Daddy. I’m only going to be working the pole.”

  The man’s grin got wider. Powerful, successful men weren’t put off easily and didn’t give up without a fight. “We’ll see. I can be very persuasive.” With that, he walked back to his table, his Master of the Universe swagger full on.

  He turned to the other boys. “I can’t believe I made a hundred dollars for doing that little work!”

  Quinn patted him on the shoulder. “That’s one of the great things about being a go-go boy here, and don’t let a guy like that pressure you. Anyone crossing a line you draw will feel the wrath of Val.”

  “You got that right,” Demi confirmed, “although I don’t think Val is going to get a chance to before that guy intervenes.” He jerked his thumb toward the bar.

  Christos was there, his hands gripping the edge of the thick wooden table. Kitty, the nice woman who ran that part of the business, stood polishing a glass, her gaze fixed on Christos and shaking her head slowly.

  Mateo worried his lower lip. “He looks mad.”

  Demi slung his arm around his shoulder. “He looks jealous. I’d say the lesson is over for today. Go reassure your man that his cock is the only thing in this world that you crave.”

  Mateo couldn’t help but giggle at the dramatic suggestion. He took the advice anyway. At least, he sauntered over and hopped onto the bar stool opposite from where Christos was leaning. “How’d I do?”

  When Christos simply stared at him, he turned to Kitty. “May I please have a Coke? I can pay.” He pulled the bill out of his pocket and put it on the bar top. It made him happy to be self-sufficient again. Well, almost. He’d bet that just the food he’d eaten in this place cost more than that.

  Christos pushed the bill back. “Keep your money. I pay for your needs here.”

  “Both of you keep your money, because Alex pays for everyone’s needs here,” Kitty interjected. Shaking her head again, she filled the glass in her hand with a lot of ice and Coke. She topped it with a slice of lime, which was way cool. It made him feel sophisticated, even though he was only drinking soda.

  “Thanks.” He beamed at her before slurping a big amount of the sugary drink. “Dancing is thirsty work.” He couldn’t say why he was baiting Christos in this manner. Maybe it was because he liked it when the man gave him those hungry, possessive looks, like now.

  “You are done for the day?” When Mateo nodded, he said, “Good. You look tired.”

  “I feel fine and there’s enough sugar in this drink to boost my energy.”

  “If you say so. When you’re finished, I’m taking you to your bed.”

  Exasperated, he asked, “Why? I don’t need a nap. Didn’t I just say that I felt good? Even my cough is gone.”

  Christos let go of the bar top. “I’m glad to hear it, because I intend to fuck you.”

  Mateo’s heart stuttered at the bold declaration. Then he downed the rest of his drink and went to hop off the stool. Christos beat him to it, coming to his side with dizzying speed before hefting him under his arms. With a giggle, Mateo latched on, wrapping his legs around the man’s waist and reveling at how easily he could carry him. This was someone with truly raw power and he was using it to coddle him, not hurt him.

  Instead of going to the elevator in the back hallway, Christos headed deeper into the main room. As he passed the table where the man who’d tipped him sat, he stopped. “I beg your pardon, sir,” he said with a confidence that made clear the courtesy was a mere formality.

  When the guy looked away from his companions, his eyes went wide from whatever he was seeing in Christos’ expression. “Do I know you?” His gaze flitted to Mateo and back again.

  “Not in the least. My name isn’t important, either. I simply want to be sure you understand that this is my boy.”

  The guy looked annoyed. “Wait a minute… He’s a go-go boy and I’m a paying member and…I… Sure, whatever,” he added hastily when Christos continued to stare at him.

  “Excellent. Please enjoy your meal. Forgive the intrusion, gentlemen,” he said as he strode off.

  Mateo hid his face in the crook of his boyfriend’s neck and thumped him on the back at the same time. “Oh my God, that was so embarrassing!”

  “Was it? I didn’t notice.” Christos took the stairs that led to the lap dance floor two at a time.

  Mateo thumped him again, although without any real anger behind it. “Yes, you did. You were acting positively medieval, like a possessive jerk, too. I have to make my living pleasing guys like him and he’s already given me a hundred bucks, remember? I can’t afford to piss off any of the club members.”

  “You didn’t. I did.”

  “Ugh! You’re not hearing me. If you give every guy who tips and propositions me the glare of doom, I won’t make as much money. I know Alex pays a great base wage, but I need more than that. Wait? Where are you going?”

  At the top of the stairs, Christos didn’t walk through to the hallway that housed his room. Instead, he carried him around the perimeter of the second-floor area until he reached the far back corner. Then he sat in one of the wide, plush chairs with Mateo straddling his lap. The furniture was designed for exactly this configuration, and up here, the music and the lights were lower, lending the area an almost-romantic atmosphere.

Christos removed one hand from Mateo’s hip and used it to cup his face. “I want to make sure you don’t feel cheated out of any experience. This is nice, isn’t it?”

  Mateo smiled. “Yes, it is.” He looked around. “Everything is so…pretty, I guess is the right word. It’s like being in a movie or something.”

  “The rich like their comforts and Alex knows how to cater to them. And I’m sorry I embarrassed you, but I wanted to establish the right boundaries. A man like that one is used to getting his own way. He’ll push and push until he does. Simply saying no isn’t going to work with him.”

  “Demi and Quinn say Val—”

  “Is a last resort. He comes in after the problem has already started. I want to cut it off at the pass, as they say.”

  Mateo rocked back, liking the feel of Christos’ hard dick pressing against his ass. He liked, as well, that his man was worried about him. “I am not that easily intimidated. I said I wasn’t going to do more than dance on stage. Don’t you trust me?” He jutted his chin.

  “With my life.” The solemnness of his answer was a little too heavy.

  “I don’t think it will come to that,” he teased to lighten the mood. “Anyway, what’s up with all this, exactly?”

  “I thought you might like being able to pretend with me. Treat me as if I’m a club member. Give me a lap dance, then let me fuck you in this position.” He frowned. “The idea doesn’t bother you, does it?”

  Seriously? The idea was mega-sexy. By way of an answer, he closed his eyes and concentrated on the music being piped through the area. He got into the rhythm of the song as he’d done on the stage, gyrating his hips and letting himself imagine that it was his first night on the job and Christos was a club member.

  “How do you like this, Daddy? I just started as a go-go boy and don’t have any experience giving lap dances. I’m little nervous that I’m doing it all wrong.” He peeked through his lids to make sure his manner of role-playing wasn’t upsetting Christos.

  The man was staring at him with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. He could swear, too, that Christos’ violet eyes had darkened. “I wouldn’t have guessed. You’re very good at this. You are a natural, I would say.”

  Christos slid his thumb across Mateo’s mouth before keeping it there and pressing. Mateo got the message and parted his lips only enough to pull in that digit. Then he wrapped them around it and sucked, using his tongue to work the thumb as he would a dick.

  Christos’ breath stuttered. “Your lips are beautiful, like the rest of you. I bet your mouth would feel exquisite wrapped around my cock.”

  Happy that they were on the same page, he sucked harder while picking up the pace of his gyrations. He kept his gaze on Christos’ eyes, telegraphing how much he was enjoying himself without using words.

  Christos pulled his thumb out. Mateo didn’t make it easy on him, wanting it to continue as long as possible. It passed his lips with an audible pop. He was compensated for the loss by Christos instead placing his hand loosely at the bottom of Mateo’s neck. That wet thumb was right against his jugular, which thrilled him. He liked that Christos had this fixation. It was something new and different that he shared with this man alone.

  As the song changed, getting more raucous, he humped against Christos’ bulging fly. He knew well what lurked there and couldn’t wait to free it. Not yet, though. He wanted to play some more. Moaning, he ran his hands along Christos’ massive shoulders.

  “You’re so big and strong, Daddy. It makes me wet thinking about what you could do to me. For me. I’m hard for you already. Can you see?” he asked in a breathy voice.

  “I see all of you always,” came the husky reply, Christos breaking the scene temporarily. Mateo didn’t mind. The sound of the man’s voice sent another shiver through him and his hole clenched in anticipation of what was to come.

  Mateo pressed closer to his man, nuzzling his face and twining his fingers in his hair. As usual, it was tightly tied in a ponytail. He pulled the strands free and arranged them around Christos’ beautiful face. And that was exactly the right way to describe it. The man was like a classical statue, perfect and symmetric. He could stare at him all day. For the first time in his life, he regretted not being an artist. Drawing this face would mean having it to look at whenever he wanted.

  “I like your hair this way,” he murmured, rocking his hips against that hard ridge between his legs.

  Fine tremors ran through Christos, testament to the effect he was having. It made Mateo feel powerful in his own right. Christos could carry him around like a rag doll, but he could make the big man come undone in return.

  Leaning in, he scraped his teeth along the man’s earlobe. “Tell me what you want, Daddy. I’ll do anything for you.”

  The hand that had been loosely around his hips tightened, taking hold of Mateo’s ass with an almost painful grip. “I want in you.”

  “Oh yes,” he murmured. “That’s exactly what I was hoping you’d say.” He broke away reluctantly, causing the hand on his throat to fall.

  The low, round table next to the chair had a drawer. And inside, he found what he’d expected. He waved a condom in front of Christos’ face. “May I do the honors, Daddy?”

  A quick nod was all he got for an answer. He wiggled back to allow himself better access to the man’s fly. It was hard to unzip, given the straining dick pressing against it. Mateo gnawed at his lower lip in concentration. Knowing that his boyfriend went commando, he didn’t want to cause any injuries that would put a stop to their party.

  The cock, hard and already weeping with pre-cum, lurched free before he’d even managed to get the zipper all the way down. He grabbed it, held it, ran his fingers along the shaft, loving the hot smoothness of it. An annoyed grunt told him that his delay was not appreciated, so he tore open the condom and slid it over the dick. The fit was tight because his man was extra-large, but he covered the whole thing then gave it extra slickness with lube. He pulled off his shirt, uncaring about the mess, and was rewarded when Christos cupped his pecs. He flicked Mateo’s nipples with his thumbs, making him moan.

  “I love it when you do that.”

  Christos’ next move was to pinch them. “Don’t make me wait any longer.”

  “Yes, Daddy. I mean, no, Daddy.”

  The next part was tricky, making him regret chickening out earlier and not practicing only in a thong. He had to reluctantly slide off Christos’ lap in order to wiggle out of his jeans. Unlike his man, he was wearing underwear, the sexy kind, having wanted to get used to what he’d eventually be dancing in. Of the costumes Demi had brought him earlier, he’d chosen the red one because it was the sexiest. As he stood, feeling a little shy, the look of hunger that crossed Christos’ face made it all worth it.

  There was no chance to get fully naked. Christos grabbed him with snake-like speed and hauled him back onto his lap. Then, grabbing the lube, he greased two fingers. His gaze never wavered from Mateo’s. There was so much unspoken promise in those eyes. And yeah, they were nearly black now. Maybe it was the lighting, but he didn’t quite think so. Christos slid those fingers past the string on the thong and down the crevice of Mateo’s ass. He found his hole and slid both digits in without warning.

  Mateo hissed at the burn before relaxing. He began to rock, fucking himself on those fingers, undulating his hips in time to the music. Between them, his own dick stood stiff and eager, the head peeking out from the waistband of the thong. It bumped against Christos’ larger shaft. Each bit of contact sent shocks of pleasure straight to his balls. He thought he could come from this movement alone, except it wasn’t enough. He wanted more, to be stretched to the limit.

  He clasped his man with one hand while clinging to his arm with the other. “Let me ride you, Daddy.”

  After a moment’s hesitation, Christos withdrew his fingers and placed both hands on the arm of the chair. He trusted Mateo to do the work. It took no time and little effort to get himself where he wanted to be�
��impaled on Christos’ cock. He sat on it all at once, again relishing the burn of being stretched quickly. Then he began to post, slowly at first. He wanted to make this last, even knowing that neither of them was good at holding out for long.

  “Help me, Daddy. I want to feel your hand around me.”

  Christos pried one hand from the chair’s arm to give his boy what he’d demanded. At that moment, he couldn’t deny him anything, least of all what he himself also truly wanted. This giving up control was new to him. He liked it and so did his dick. Mateo wasn’t hesitant, riding him with confident, fast movements. The scrap of cloth between him and Mateo’s cock was dealt with in a second. He let the ripped front sag to one side and took the boy’s dick in his grasp. He didn’t need to jerk it. Every time Mateo rose and fell, he fucked Christos’ hand as surely as his boy was using his cock to fuck his own ass.

  This fucking in a public place was surprisingly erotic, as well. His idea had been to give Mateo something he might enjoy after his high-handed, yet totally unavoidable, reaction to the club member. He hadn’t expected to like the experience himself. Although, truth be told, he was glad that no one else was actually around to see him. He’d been surprised to realize how hard it was for him to see others appreciating Mateo. It made him wonder what kind of madness had compelled him to get him a job like that to begin with. No matter… Mateo obviously loved the opportunity. The delight on his pretty face as he’d held up the money for all to see had been heartbreaking. It had out-shone his reaction to all of the clothing he’d bought for him, and Christos understood why. Accepting gifts wasn’t nearly as satisfying as earning his own money. Christos would give him anything and everything that he could to keep that smile on his face.

  The tension built quickly, as it always did when he was inside this human. He wanted to make it last for Mateo’s sake, yet found himself grunting and jerking as his cock swelled and filled the condom. Damn, he longed for the chance to feel his boy without that barrier. A second later, Mateo came, his warm cum spilling over Christos’ fingers. The boy tossed back his head and groaned loudly. Christos continued to work the shaft until Mateo collapsed against him.


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