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Controlled 2: Loving An Alpha Male

Page 2

by S. K. Lessly

  “All right!” Jerry yelled, cutting Andrew off in mid-sentence. “How can I be sure you won’t release this tape, or others that you have, once I give you what you want?”

  “Well, that will depend on you.” Andrew grinned derisively. He had the bastard right where he wanted him. “You know the Downs better than anyone. Give me what I need, and then resign from the SEC immediately. Then, I won’t pass this tape, or any of the others that I have, to the media. If you don’t do what I ask or you double-cross me, it won’t be those delightful criminals you’ve dealt with coming after you. It will be me, and Donovan, you don’t want me as an enemy. Believe me, it will be worse than you ever could imagine. Do you understand me? Test me and you will lose!”

  Jerry didn’t respond right away, and Andrew allowed the silence. After all, the man’s career was over, and the life he had been accustomed to living was about to come to an end. This was a tough pill to swallow. But at least the sniveling weasel would have his freedom and his life. A small price to pay, to remain among the living.

  “All right,” Jerry repeated, a little more solemnly this time. “I need some time to –”

  “You have one day,” Andrew cut in tersely. “Give me what I need, or your life is over.”

  Then, Andrew hung up.

  He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. He was getting worked up, especially when thoughts of Jerry double-crossing him popped into his mind. He knew it would be a possibility. Any trapped animal would fight tooth and nail before they gave up. But Andrew was prepared for that contingency. He sent the man another video just to reiterate the message: Don’t fuck with me!

  Satisfied, Andrew brought his attention to the countless paperwork that he had on his desk. He was about to dive into some case files, when the buzz from his work phone shifted his attention. He looked down at the screen on the phone’s console and smiled.

  He hit the speaker button and greeted his caller, “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Hey, you,” Nyla replied, and Andrew could hear her smiling through the phone. “Working hard?”

  Andrew laughed. “Yup. Saving the world from criminals.”

  “Oh, you’re a criminal lawyer now?” she kidded.

  “No, but you know there are more criminals in the corporate world than anywhere else. What about you? Are you still at work?”

  “Oh no. I’ve been off for a while. It’s close to seven in the evening.”

  “Seriously?” Andrew looked up at the wall clock and found that, indeed, the day had past. “Damn, I didn’t even realize that it was that late in the day.”

  “The cost of putting criminals away, I guess,” she said jokingly.

  He grinned and shook his head.

  “I guess so,” he replied back, then picked up the receiver to his phone, brought it to his ear and leaned back. “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?”

  “Dinner? If you’re not too busy.”

  Andrew’s grin spread along his face at the thought of seeing her that night. He hadn’t seen her since the previous morning, when he had introduced her to Elese, and quiet as kept, he was dying to see her again.

  “Dinner? I think I can manage that. What do you feel like eating? I can make a reservation, although it might be –”

  “Oh no,” Nyla interrupted abruptly. “I don’t… I mean, that’s not what I meant. I have Se’Nya and –”

  “So, what. We can bring her with us,” Andrew offered, but was shot down immediately.

  “That’s nice of you,” she began, “But I’ll be damned if I bring my ten-month-old with me on a date. No, I was calling to invite you to my apartment for dinner. I’m making my famous spaghetti, and I wanted to know if you would like to join me.”

  “Spaghetti, huh?” Andrew’s eyebrow rose in surprise.

  “Yes! I make some mean spaghetti. I use ground turkey, instead of ground beef, and ground turkey sausage to give it a little kick. I also make my own sauce, using special herbs and spices to create a flavor that will attack your taste buds, in a good way, of course. What do you say?” Nyla held her breath as she waited for Andrew to reply.

  When he didn’t right away, her heart started to drop to her toes.

  Andrew wanted nothing more than to say yes. However, he wasn’t sure how long he’d be in the office that night. He had an early meeting in the morning, and he still needed to look over some documents before he called it a night. As Andrew contemplated on how to do both, see her and get some work done, he began to sense disappointment coming from Nyla. His chest started to tighten around his heart, squeezing his lungs until he felt he couldn’t breathe.

  Still, despite the guilt he felt, he confessed solemnly, “Baby, that sounds amazing, and I want to see you. Unfortunately, I still have a few more things to do before I leave tonight, and I don’t want to say I’ll come over and then not show up.”

  “Oh, I understand. This is a last-minute thing so, no problem. Maybe another time,” she replied, disappointment in her voice, and yet to Andrew, she still sounded as if she was smiling.

  Feeling as if he was about to suffocate to death, Andrew said quickly, “Listen, why don’t I give you a call when I’m done here. If it’s not too late and you’re still up, I can come by then. I’m starving and spaghetti sounds a-mazing.”

  Nyla’s soft laughter rang throughout the speakers of his phone, sending Andrew’s heart into a state of v-fib.

  “Okay, yeah. That sounds good to me. Just text me when you’re done working. I’ll also send you my address now just so you’ll have it.”

  “All right, sounds good. I’ll talk to you later then.”

  They said their goodbyes and hung up. A few seconds later, his cell phone vibrated on the desk in front of him indicating an incoming text. He looked at his phone and shook his head.

  What the fuck is wrong with me?

  He raked his hands through his locks and fell back against his desk chair. He knew damn well he wasn’t going to be able to concentrate on shit else that night. Especially now that he’d spoken to her. Thoughts of the night they had in his office suddenly came flooding back like a raging river the second he looked over at his couch.

  He felt the desires for her rise within him as he pictured her lying there on his couch, legs wide open, giving him a spectacular view of her beautiful body. He reminisced about how good she tasted, how incredible her body felt under his touch. He remembered how she moaned her pleasures, and the way she said his name; it sent fire throughout his body. And when she climaxed, when her pussy clinched his tongue greedily… Damn, it was the most remarkable sound he had ever heard in his life.

  He closed his eyes and a vision of her body appeared in his mind. His tongue absently swiped across his upper lip, and he could have sworn that he tasted her there.

  He groaned, and at the same time his dick twitched in his slacks.

  Fuck this bullshit!

  Andrew reached for his phone, stood, and fired off a rapid text letting her know that he was on his way. He crammed his phone and papers inside his briefcase, grabbed his suit jacket off of the coatrack next to his office door, and headed for the bank of elevators on his floor.

  Approximately forty minutes later, he was facing her apartment door.

  Andrew knocked and listened for the sound of her footsteps. He felt her coming closer and held his breath. The sound of the locks clicking rang throughout the open hallway. He breathed out as the door to her apartment swung inward. Once his eyes fell on hers, he found himself frozen in time. The smile that greeted him made his entire body warm with excitement. She managed to brighten up the dimly lit third floor landing of her building with that smile, as if it was mid-day. He couldn't pull his eyes from hers. They seemed so bright and full of excitement. She was more beautiful than he remembered, and it hadn’t been but a day since he saw her last. And... she smelled amazing. She smelled like... chocolate.

  Nyla was dressed in a simple, black and white striped, tank-style cotton summer dress, with
the hem of the dress sweeping the floor. The dress hugged her breasts and hips firmly, causing a hunger to rise from the pits of his soul. Her short hair, as always, was curled and shaped to contour her head, with her bang swooping across her forehead.

  Andrew finally took a few steps forward and leaned in to greet her with a kiss. At the same time, Nyla elevated on the tip of her toes, placed her hands on the sides of his face, and guided his lips to hers. The kiss didn’t last as long as Andrew wanted, which was probably a good thing. If she hadn’t pulled back when she did, things would’ve gotten very interesting in full view of her neighbors.

  Andrew rested his forehead against the top of her head, trying to get himself together. When he opened his eyes and met hers, he whispered breathlessly, “Damn...”

  Her smile widened as she caressed his face, softly kissed him again quickly, and then reluctantly stepped back from him.

  “I didn’t expect you so soon. I thought you’d still be working.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m starving though. Is your offer still good?” he asked her.

  “Oh, yes, of course,” Nyla said quickly. She stepped back and opened her door wider. “Sorry about that. Please come in.”

  He smiled back. “Thank you.”

  Andrew stepped into her apartment and looked around. Her place was very modest, but she definitely made use of what she had. There was a large brown suede couch in the living area, sandwiched by two very worn-looking, corner tables. The couch faced a flat screen TV that sat on a dark wooden TV stand. There was an oversized brown and tan suede recliner that was to the left of the couch facing an opened patio door. Next to the living room area, was the dining room. Andrew noticed a small dinette table, currently set for two, taking up the quaint space.

  Her kitchen was positioned to the right of the dining room and separated the living areas with a half wall that served as a breakfast bar. There were two stools sitting underneath the bar's counter, as well as a high chair. Hardwood floor covered the apartment, and a large tan area rug lay in the living room area. She had pictures hanging up of her daughter, from when she was probably a few months old, as well as various scenic views of oceans and wildlife. She also had tall plastic plants positioned in various corners of the apartment that gave her place a calming, at-home type of feel.

  “Nice place,” he said admiringly, then turned to face her.

  She smiled up at him. “Thanks. It’s small, but I like it.”

  “No, it’s just right for you and Se'Nya,” he added. Then he raised both his arms up, showing his hands that were filled with gifts.

  Andrew had stopped at a local Walmart, a place that he called hell, on his way to Nyla’s place. He despised Walmart as well as most grocery stores, and malls with a passion. They were always filled with crowds of idiots who happily left their common sense back a home. Crowds and his attitude was a mixture for disaster. If he could avoid them all together, life would be better for everyone. But tonight, he would suffer through it. He wanted to bring something to dinner. He went to the store’s sparse wine selection and chose a bottle of cabernet. He also decided to pick up a few other items for both Se'Nya and Nyla.

  "These are for you.” Andrew stretched an assorted bouquet of brightly-colored flowers towards Nyla. He wasn’t happy with what he selected. The bouquets he had to choose from wasn’t up to his standards. But the way Nyla’s face lit up made everything worth it.

  Nyla reached for the flowers, surprised and blushing from ear to ear.

  “Oh, my goodness, Andrew. They’re beautiful. Thank you,” she said softly, closing her eyes and inhaling the floral scent of the bouquet. When she looked up at him, her smile nearly knocked him over.

  He cleared his throat and looked away from the intensity in her eyes.

  “You’re welcome,” he managed to say, despite the large knot that was caught in his throat. He quickly looked away from her and glanced around the apartment, doing his best to look at something other than her. “I -uh- got something for the little princess too. Where is she by the way?” he asked as he held up a pink stuffed bear.

  Nyla smiled. “Oh, she will love this. She’s down for the night, I’m sorry. She tried to hang for you, but she lost the battle. That’s one great thing about her. She loves her sleep. Once I lay her down for the night, she doesn’t wake until I get her up the next morning.” She took the bear from his hand. “But, I’ll give this to her and tell her that it’s from you when she wakes up.”

  Nyla then looked at his other hand and pointed at the bottle of red wine he was carrying. “I take it that’s for dinner?”

  He followed her gaze and smiled, “Yes, it is. My little contribution to our meal. There wasn't a good selection, but this should do.”

  She laughed. “Okay, cool. Let me put these in some water, and I’ll get you a bottle opener. If you want to freshen up, the bathroom is down the hall to your left. Make yourself at home.”

  Andrew nodded and placed the bottle on the breakfast bar. He then removed his suit jacket and placed it over one of the bar stools. He placed his briefcase on the floor next to the stool. And, as he disappeared down the hall, he removed his cufflinks and rolled up his sleeves.

  Nyla waited until Andrew came back from washing his hands to set the food on the table. They made their plates and settled in for their meal.

  Dinner turned out to be everything Nyla had hoped for and more. Andrew seemed to enjoy the spaghetti, praising her all the while filling his mouth and plate with a large second helping of pasta. The bottle of wine went great with dinner as well. It wasn’t too bitter tasting, which allowed Nyla to enjoy it more. She wasn’t a wine drinker, but she was surprised just how much she enjoyed his choice of reds.

  The conversation between them was effortless. It was light and airy, never forced or uncomfortable. They regaled each other with stories of their childhood and friends they had growing up. They laughed heartedly at the embarrassing stories they told each other.

  They talked about cooking, the different dishes that they liked, and Andrew, at Nyla's insistence, explained the various wines that would accompany each dish they named. They both felt at home with each other. Nyla couldn't believe how easy it was to be with him. Andrew felt that he could tell her almost anything and she wouldn’t judge him… Almost being the operative word.

  After dinner, they placed the dishes into the sink and moved to her couch. Nyla sat with her legs crossed, facing him on one side of the furniture. Andrew was on the other side in his typical position; facing forward, slouched down, with his head resting on the back of the couch. A half empty glass balanced on his knee.

  They had dusted off the bottle of wine during dinner, so they had graduated to vodka and cranberry.

  “Tell me about your sister,” Nyla asked him, breaking the comfortable silence that they had fallen into. “What’s her name?”

  Andrew looked over at Nyla and answered dryly, “Oh, the demon child? Her name is Delilah.”

  Nyla giggled at his flippancy.

  “Oh, that’s a pretty name,” she replied smiling, but Andrew shook his head.

  “Yeah, well she’s a bitch."

  "Aw, Andrew."

  "No, I'm so serious, baby. My parents had spoiled her rotten. So, when they had me, she was not very pleased. I had felt her rage most of the time growing up. When she left the house, I thought I was saved. Unfortunately, for me, that wasn’t the case. Every time she came home, she’d just pick up where she left off giving me hell, or rather she tried to anyway.”

  Nyla laughed incredulously. “Aww, I’m sure it was all out of love.”

  “Don’t count on it, sweetheart.” Andrew turned his body slightly to face her and rested his arm on the back of the couch before continuing. “Nyla, she used to tell me every day that she hated my guts. She told me, on countless occasions when I was too young to ignore her, that one day she would be the only child again if it killed me. Not her, but me. She was ruthless.”

  “Yeah, but that just s
ounds like healthy sibling rivalry to me. What’s the age difference between you two?”

  “About ten years.”

  Nyla’s eyes widened from his admission. “Oh, okay. I can see the problem now. She couldn’t relate to you at all when you were born. You were a threat to her. But, I mean, that was in the past. Is your relationship any better now that you two are older? She had to have stopped torturing you by now.”

  Andrew smirked and nodded devilishly. “Oh, she stopped a long time ago. I got her back tenfold. But, like I said, she and I aren’t close.”

  “Oh, Drew. That’s a bit sad. I would have killed to have a brother or a sister growing up. Did you ever try and make amends?”

  “Nope,” he replied, but, because of the look in Nyla’s eyes, he explained, “Look, you have to understand that our family structure is ah… different than most. I’m what you would call the head of my family. She didn’t like that I was given that title, and she went against it. That’s not something that is tolerated, so it’s best that we keep a lot of distance between us.”

  Andrew tried not to let the memories of his sister and her betrayal barrel through his past to the present, but he could feel the rage from that night resurfacing. It was the day he almost killed his own sister for plotting with another pack to kill him. The only reason why he didn’t take her life was the pleading of his mother. That was about ten years ago, and he hadn’t seen his sister since. Of course, that story wasn’t something he was able to tell Nyla. He sugar-coated it a bit for her sake with a plausible lie.


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