Controlled 2: Loving An Alpha Male
Page 4
Damn, her fingers were soaked… she was almost there… almost…
“Please get there! Oh please… Ahhhh…” she coached herself as she stroked her clit, circling faster and faster; applying just the right amount of pressure against her sensitive bud then finally… “Oh yesss…” fell from her opened mouth. She bit her lip and moaned the rest of her orgasm into the darkness of her room; her body arching upward, fighting to keep her fingers where they were as she rode out the wave of carnal bliss. Unfortunately, as Nyla’s heart rate started to weaken, her desires didn’t. It had actually grown stronger.
“Fuck,” she whispered and slammed her fist against her mattress. She tried touching herself again but stopped. She needed penetration. That was the only thing that was going to calm her body. She was at that point. Nyla rolled over, opened the drawer of her bedside table, pushed her hand inside, looking for her boy toy. Then she froze. She turned back and looked at her closed bedroom door. There was a beautiful male form lying on her couch ready and available. Was he awake now?
Lightning abruptly lit up her bedroom from the window next to her bed. A loud boom followed, rocking the night sky. Nyla sat up, realizing the turbulence developing outside her window.
She hated storms, especially in this part of the country. Storms had the potential to lead to more dangerous weather. It had happened to her once before, waking her up in the middle of the night. She had to grab Se’Nya and make it down to the bottom floor, exposing her to the outside elements, as sirens and forceful winds ripped through the night. She and Se’Nya, along with others, spent hours down in the laundry room waiting out a deadly storm. Lightning flashed again, followed by a loud rumble that seemed to have rocked her building. Nyla climbed out of her bed and looked in on Se’Nya.
She was sound asleep.
“Oh, now you want to sleep through the night,” Nyla mumbled to herself and shook her head. Hell, she was envious, though. She wished she could do the same. But the disturbing noise outside and the nagging ache between her thighs were preventing that from happening. Nyla touched her daughter’s cheek lightly with her unsoiled fingers before she grabbed a T-shirt and tiptoed out of her bedroom to check on the rest of her apartment, mainly her guest.
The balcony door was still open when she walked into the living room. She walked over to the door, first stopping to look at her sleeping visitor. He was lying diagonally across the couch bed, a sheet covering his lower half, and his arm resting over his eyes. His chest was bare.
Damn, what she wouldn’t do to be able to climb into that bed next to him. She shook her head. Stop trying to rape the man in his sleep, pervert, she mentally chastised herself before she turned to check the skies. The cool breeze coming in felt amazing against her skin, doing its best to cool her down. She bit her bottom lip as lightning bolts electrified the sky.
“Storm’s coming,” stated a groggy voice that damn near caused her to jump out of her skin. The bed started to creak behind her as Nyla turned toward the noise.
Andrew sat up and rubbed the back of his neck. She stared at him and nearly passed out where she stood. He was so beautiful. His hair was rumpled slightly, but it looked good on him. He was also half-naked, she realized, which made her blush slightly and turn away. It was one thing to ogle him while he slept, but it was another to do it when he was awake and so close. She ran her hands over her hair and was thankful she had pulled her scarf off when she did.
“Did the storm wake you?” he asked.
She nodded at first, but then realizing he probably couldn’t see the subtle movement, she replied, “Yes, it did, among other things.”
“Oh? Like what? Se’Nya?”
“Oh no, she’s still sleeping. Picture that.” She answered snidely then huffed. She took a deep breath. “No. I just had a nightmare. That’s all,” she told him, keeping her eyes on the sky above.
Gray clouds flashed to a brilliant silver hue with every sliver of lightning that skidded in the sky. Thick electrified bolts stretched toward the earth in the distance with the eruption of thunder that seemed to be right above the apartment.
“Oh yeah? What was your dream about?” he quizzed her.
Nyla shrugged, transfixed on looking for funnel clouds. The thunder and wired-up light show seemed to have been coming one after another. The storm wasn’t just coming, she surmised inwardly. It was here. “I can’t remember what the dream was about,” she lied. “But I’ll tell you it was unbelievable and maddening all at the same time.”
“Really?” Andrew inquired. His voice and eyebrow rose slightly.
Nyla nodded and glanced back at him. He was sitting on the edge of the bed now, looking at her. She could see him more clearly now. The rays from the street light fighting past the darkness, lit up anything in view of the balcony door. His chest and abs were so freaking lickable. She saw a dark patch in the middle of his chest and wondered just how soft his chest hairs would feel if she were to touch them. Nyla quickly turned away from Andrew to the open door, hoping that he didn’t see the hunger that was no doubt in her eyes. “Yup,” she finally answered him. “I woke up pissed, bothered, shaking and frustrated.”
“Wow! Frustrated, huh?”
She nodded again. “Yes… very, very frustrated.” She’d stressed the last “very”, trying not to sound as aggravated as she felt, but she couldn’t stop herself.
“Oh, you had that kind of dream. Yeah, I hate those kinds of nightmares,” Andrew admitted. Nyla grunted her agreement without tearing her eyes away from the weather outside. The sky suddenly opened up and hard, fast rain began to fall heavily down onto the summer-scorched earth, cooling off everything it touched. She couldn’t see past her balcony or through the wall of the torrential downpour. The visibility was nonexistent, which freaked her out. She had heard that tornados loved to hide in those types of rain walls.
“It’s just rain.”
Nyla looked over at him. “Are you sure? Sometimes those weather people get it wrong. I mean, what if a tornado is hidden in the rain?”
“Yes, they can get it wrong sometimes. But, trust me when I say that it’s only heavy rain and winds,” Andrew spoke reassuringly.
“And you’re positive about that?” She looked at him skeptically.
Andrew chuckled softly. “Yes, very. Trust me.” He then jutted his chin toward her and changed the subject. “You know, I actually had a dream before that bothered me all night long. It probably wasn’t the same one you had, but it left me irritated as hell. Ironically, it wasn’t the dream itself that made me frustrated, though. It was the feeling I had after I woke up.” Nyla’s eyebrow rose questioningly, signaling him to continue. Andrew did and asked, “Have you ever had a dream about something or someone that you wanted so badly, but you couldn’t get to for whatever reason? I mean, they were sooo close that you could even taste them on your tongue and on your lips, yet they were miles away from your touch? That’s what happened to me. I woke from that nightmare and all I could taste in my mouth and on my lips was the very person that I couldn’t have. Does that sound somewhat familiar?”
“Yes,” Nyla replied softly, barely cognizant of her words or surroundings. Andrew’s tone and words had forced her back to that time on her couch. The way he had held her close to him, the look of pure, deep, and unadulterated lust that’d drenched his eyes. That look alone had driven her desires to heights she hadn’t known existed. And the way he had kissed her… so demanding, so dominating, his tongue taking whatever he wanted from her. It made her weak and out of control. She had never wanted a man as badly as she had wanted Andrew, and standing in his presence right now, under his gaze was making her weak again. Without thinking, and forgetting for a split second she wasn’t alone, she licked her lips, wondering if his taste was still on her lips. Her eyes fell closed the instant his taste hit her mouth.
Damn, he was right!
Lightning illuminated the sky again with veins of exquisite light, silhouetting Nyla against the night. Andrew had been goi
ng out of his mind a bit ago. He had awakened to the weather outside first. He had smelled the coming of the storm earlier so he’d expected it. He closed his eyes after determining the low threat level from the storm when he heard her. She moaned softly. He sat up and looked toward the back of the apartment. The sound was so distinct and clear that she could’ve been lying right next to him.
His dick twitched as he heard her again, pained etched in the sound. Not an injury type of pain, but a yearning type of pain. He willed his heartbeat to slow as he strained to listen. From where he laid, he felt every bit of her frustration, as she worked herself into a frenzy. He heard her heart rate increase, he heard her deep moans of pleasures. It was beginning to drive him out of his fucking mind. He was actually contemplating two things: leaving or going into her room to fuck her into silence. When he was about to grab his throbbing dick to find his own release, she came out of the room. He felt her staring at him, sensed just how bad she longed for him. It was hard for him not to grab her, throw her on the bed, and bury his cock deep inside her pussy right then and there.
When she stood in front of the balcony door, Andrew could see the longing etched along her beautiful face. He could taste her from where he sat; that wasn’t an exaggeration nor was it a dream. It was his reality and the more the wind blew the coming smell of the storm and her arousal his way, the more he craved to have her. Thunder slammed into the sky. Nyla shivered.
“You know, I can help you with your frustration,” he offered through the haze of lust between them.
“Oh, yeah?” Nyla asked, turning around to face him in the darkness. “And how would you do that?” she challenged lightly.
Andrew smirked at her. “Give you what you’re craving for.”
Nyla had a prepared protest on her lips when she instantly fell silent, the violence outside the balcony door completely forgotten. Her words were a distant memory as she watched him stand, letting the sheet that was draped over his lap fall away. He stood there, unabashed, in a pair of black boxer briefs.
“My goodness,” she whispered in a low and raspy voice.
Andrew was a specimen to behold. She had known or had an idea just how blessed he was based off of the night inside his office, but she had never seen what he looked like under his clothes until now. Her eyes coveted him from the top of his head to his bare feet. It was confirmed that Andrew Pierce was by far the sexiest man she had ever laid eyes on. His shoulders were broad and muscular, exuding strength and power, not only along his shoulders and probably his back, but his arms, abdomen, chest and…
She reached for the collar of her T-shirt and clung to it for dear life. The pure power that exuded from him imprisoned her. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t breathe. His eyes radiated dominance as well as a promise of a night she’d probably never forget.
Nyla breathed out, hugged herself, and then dropped her hands to her sides as her eyes focused on his briefs. She couldn’t see what he was packing, but that didn’t stop her imagination. Nyla moistened her lips, the hidden ones quaked with anticipation, and tried to pull her eyes away, but she couldn’t. She wondered just how blessed he was in those briefs. She only saw him aroused through his slacks. She’d never had the pleasure of actually touching him. But, she wasn’t concerned about the skills he possessed. The confidence and air about him as well as the aggressive way he always handled her, together were hints of a man that knew how to please a woman. But, was it all just an act? Was he just arrogant everywhere else but the bedroom? Or more importantly, was he capable of breaking her back? Could he give her what she craved, being stroked long and deep? Could he make her scream his name?
“Nyla,” he called to her, snapping her out of her lustful mind. She shivered slightly from the penetrating sound of his voice as well as the promise the unknown held.
“Yes?” she responded breathlessly, finally tearing her eyes away from his groin to look at his face.
“I said would you like for me to give you what you’re craving for?”
Nyla cleared her throat, an effort to bring moisture to her dry mouth. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind.
“Um… craving for? I don’t know…” she began, but her voice trailed off as Andrew started coming towards her. He moved with a practiced art of seduction; his gait relaxed, determined, and primal. His commanding presence stilled her completely.
Nyla’s body grew taut as Andrew cradled her face in his large hands. Fear suddenly took hold of her body, but it wasn’t fear of bodily harm. It was fear that whatever had possessed Andrew’s now red speckled irises; she wouldn’t be able to handle.
“Woman, you are driving me crazy. Yes, what you’re craving for, baby.” Andrew, keeping one hand against her cheek, eased his other one down the side of her body and gathered her T-shirt in his fist. He tilted her head to the side and leaned into her, inhaling her deeply before placing a light kiss against her neck. “The only thing that will relieve you of your frustration is release. Is that what you want?” He trailed his lips along her neck, to the back of her ear, causing goose bumps to form instantly.
“Release?” she replied absently. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head from the sensations of his carnal assault on her body. His soft lips glided over her velvety skin, burning her with every feather-like kiss.
He chuckled slightly and said, against her heated skin, “Yes, baby, release.” He met her eyes, and added, his voice deep and soft, “Would you like for me to me to fuck your frustrations away?”
Andrew let go of her T-shirt, lifted the material and hooked a finger under the elastic of her boy shorts. He dragged his finger along her belly, back and forth, feeling light tremors against his digit.
Nyla swallowed, and nodded. Andrew’s hand went to the back of her head and gripped her tight.
He plunged his hand down her shorts and gripped her bare ass, telling her, “Tell me, baby. Say the word.”
Nyla closed her eyes as bright hot pleasure washed over her. All she was able to do, as she exhaled was breathe one word to him…
That was all he needed to hear.
Andrew walked Nyla up against the wall behind them, his lips claiming hers instantly. His tongue slow danced with hers, stroking her mouth, filling him with her taste. He parted from her lips for only a half of a second, just long enough to snatch the shirt off her body. He then claimed her bow shaped lips again while his hands, having a mind of their own, roamed her bare body, arms, sides, and stomach.
Their kiss was ravenous and wild.
Andrew’s nimble fingers found her breasts, and he squeezed and pinched her pert nipples; the anticipation of putting them inside his mouth making his dick grow even more. He gripped her ass tight and brought her body flush up against him. However, for Andrew, this wasn’t enough. He wanted more.
Andrew picked Nyla up by her ass, her legs instinctively latching around him, and carried her to the pullout bed. He laid her gently across the thin mattress; never breaking his connection to his addiction.
Nyla panted and moaned and grabbed him anywhere she could, his back, his encased ass and growled as she tried to pull his underwear off his hips.
Feeling her frustrations, Andrew chuckled, which made her growl again.
“Off, Andrew. Now!” she demanded.
“Don’t worry, baby, I plan to. I’ve been thinking about you all night,” he confessed while kissing her lips, chin, and jaw line. “I couldn’t sleep at all.”
“Really?” she uttered softly to him.
Andrew moaned his reply and began trailing kisses down the middle of her breast bone. When he captured her erect nipple inside his mouth, Nyla arched her back into him and moaned softly. The feeling he produced all through her body made her delirious with need. She gripped his hair as he savored her breasts, lapping his tongue along one sensitive nipple while squeezing and pinching the other between his thumb and forefinger. He never left one alone, switching between them, causing Nyla to g
rind against him. Her hunger for him evident in her eyes and touch. She cried out for him to stop teasing her, pleading silently for him to put her out of her sensual misery. And he planned to do just that.
Andrew ran his hands down her body to her supple thighs; a sheen of sweat coating her skin. He caressed and squeezed her thighs, before he reached up to grip her boy shorts in his hands. Nyla lifted her hips as he glided them past her ass and down her legs. He tossed her boy shorts behind him and sat back on his hunches to study her. The moistened lips in front of him were calling to him, demanding to be touched and explored. The hooded look in her eyes mixed with the desire dripping from her pores bated him. He shifted his hands underneath her knee and pushed her legs back; her knees almost touching her shoulders. Her smiling pussy looked fucking beautiful to him. He licked his lips and kissed her glistening ones then drew her clit into his mouth.
“Drew…” she cried out, realizing just how wide open and vulnerable she was to him. She sat up and tried to scoot back from his mouth, but he pinned her tighter against the bed. “Wait, I need to um…” she started to say but a gasp suddenly fell from her lips as Andrew quiets her with a slow lingering lick along her sweet, wet pussy.
“You don’t need to do anything, but give me my pussy, baby,” he said, his voice dirty, rough and hungry. “Come here!” Andrew wrapped his arm around her thighs and slid her core closer to him. He continued his assault between her legs, kissing her trembling lips, lavishing her clit with his tongue, devouring her greedily as if he hadn’t eaten in weeks.