Controlled 2: Loving An Alpha Male
Page 8
Cedric sat up and eyed his friend as he spoke. Before he commented on his question, he took a sip of his drink. “Yeah, I did actually. I was on my way out the door too. That is until I heard some shit that had me both mystified and perplexed.”
Andrew snorted, bringing his own glass to his lips. “Oh yeah? Maybe you shouldn’t believe everything that you hear.”
Cedric’s calm demeanor changed in that moment. He leaned forward and fixed a fierce gaze on Andrew.
“No? So, it’s not true that you’re fucked up over a woman? Whew!” Cedric smiled dramatically. He wiped his forehead for effect before slamming his hand down on the table in front of him. “I am so gotdamn relieved. I mean, shit. When I heard that the legendary Andrew Pierce, every woman’s fantasy, went down and lost his damn mind over one woman, I have to tell you, that shit blew my mind. I don’t know about you, but that didn’t sound like the Andrew I knew. It sounded more like a bi—”
“Watch your fucking mouth, Cedric,” Andrew spat sharply, his eyes hard and cold.
“Or what?” Cedric stood and put his drink on the dark oak coffee table, ignoring the rage coming from Andrew. He was, however, very cognizant of the fused powder keg in front of him that could spark at any second.
Andrew stood too, narrowing his eyes, feeling himself shifting slowly to his dark side.
“You don’t want to find out,” Andrew warned through gritted teeth.
“Why not, AP? What the fuck are you going to do about it?” Cedric challenged, folding his arms in front of him. “You know damn well the second you decide to come after me, I’ll have you down before you can even fucking blink. That’s how out of it you are. And if I can see that shit, what the hell do you think our enemies can see? Fuck, Andrew, what in the hell is wrong with you?”
Cedric’s anger began to consume the air around them. He ran his fingers through his long hair in frustration before he questioned in a more calming tone, “Please explain to me how you were about to lose control and show yourself in front of those people at that diner and kill in cold blood? And for what? Some woman that you claim you’re not fucked up over? Why don’t you save both of us time and stop lying to yourself and me? I can plainly see the weakness you have for this woman. You stink of it.”
Andrew glared hard at Cedric, but he didn’t reply. Instead, he ingested the remaining smooth liquid in his glass.
He didn’t understand, Andrew told himself as he finally broke the trance between them. He moved purposefully towards his bar to pour himself another drink, thinking that the aged Cognac would calm him and allow him to see past his rage. So far, that shit wasn’t working. As it seemed, the liquor was only making it worse.
Cedric was right. He wasn’t himself and hadn’t been for a long time. The problem was that he didn’t know how to fix it or explain to himself or anyone else for that matter, what was happening to him.
Cedric moved closer to Andrew.
“Are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on or am I to trust the ramblings of a love-sick woman who believes that you’ve finally found your celestial match?” Cedric asked using the mental connection they shared within their pack.
Andrew tensed visibly, but he didn’t turn around to face the truth of his friend’s words. Instead, he closed his eyes, relaxed his thoughts, and let his second do what he was born to do.
It didn’t take long, and once “oh shit” quietly fell from the man behind him, he turned and ambled over to his loveseat, leaving Cedric frozen where he stood.
Andrew plopped down onto the couch and leaned his head back against it. His glass was balanced on top of his knee and his eyes were closed.
Cedric, on the other hand, didn’t move; the shock and fear were evident throughout him. He just stood there, a frustrated statue, trying to get his own head wrapped around what he had just learned. Shit, this couldn’t be true, he told himself. Denial had quickly seized him as he turned and studied Andrew. He didn’t want to believe it, but just looking at the pitiful heap before him told it all.
Cedric returned back to the couch across from Andrew. He rested his elbows on his legs, his steepled fingers tight in front of him.
“So, it’s true then? You have found her?” Cedric charged, disbelieving the very words he’d spewed.
Andrew shrugged and released a long-admitted exhalation.
“I don’t know.” Andrew opened his eyes and looked at Cedric. “You know how I feel about that bullshit Rinic has been drilling in me for decades about a mate whose soul was connected with mine in every way.” Cedric nodded his head in affirmation as Andrew sat up and placed his glass on the table. “So, you know I’m not ready to admit that the old man was right. What I can admit to you is that what I feel for this woman is like no other.”
“Okay, look, I hear you and clearly, I can see something is up with you,” Cedric butted in. “But to be honest with you, I’ve seen you like this before. I hate to bring her up, but you were the same way when you first met Mikaliah. You were this lovesick puppy who felt the sun rose and set on this woman. You were even ready to throw it all away because of what you felt for Mikaliah. You were adamant about it. No one could talk you out of it, including me.”
Andrew nodded and scooted forward; his blue eyes bright, alive, and expressive. The frustration was mounting; Andrew felt it with every breath he inhaled. He needed his second to understand.
“Yeah, Cedric, I know,” he quipped abruptly, unable to keep his frustration intact. “I know what I felt for Mikaliah. She meant everything to me. I was in love with her. I’m not disputing that at all. What I’m saying is that this time, this woman is different. What I feel for her is different. This pull, this attraction to this woman is ten times stronger, more profound, and fucking uncontrollable. There is something about her that has me on overdrive. I want her, Ced. I want her in the worst way. Do you have any idea what that feels like?”
“Well, shit,” Cedric scoffed. “Of course, I do. It happens to me every time I find a woman that I want to be with for a night. Please, bro, you wanting this woman only sounds like you want to give into your dominating nature. You want to control her. You want to command her.” A grunt then fell from Cedric’s lips as he shook his head. “Humph, you want to fuck her. Shit, it’s what we do. Unless, that is, you’ve already done that then…”
Andrew gave Cedric a cold, disgruntled, look right then before he charged on, ignoring his last comment.
“It’s more than me just wanting to fuck,” Andrew said admittedly. “Okay, yes, you’re right. It is in my nature to want to dominate and control her. The difference is that if I don’t do this, if I don’t dominate her, I feel like I’m going to lose my fucking mind.
Man, the way I feel for Nyla is something much deeper and stronger than I’ve ever felt in my life. Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you? I think about her all the time, Cedric. Sometimes she’s all that I think about and I can’t concentrate on shit else until I speak to her or until I see her. The desire to have her is ripping me apart. And, yeah, I know I sound like a bitch, and twisted, and maybe even creepy, but I don’t know how else to explain this to you so that you’ll understand. I really don’t.”
Andrew’s last words fell away into silence as Cedric studied him, a resolved look finally settling on him. He picked up his glass, leaned back against the couch, and simply said, “Tell me about Nyla.”
Andrew, relenting, leaned back and mirrored Cedric’s position. He then told his old friend everything that had happened from the moment he had entered Rock’s Diner for the first time; from the feelings that instantly came over him, to when his eyes finally fell on Nyla. He did his best to explain every single excruciating emotion he had experienced. And as he spoke, he could see that Cedric was beginning to understand. Still, Andrew felt the need to hit the nail on the coffin hard.
“I can feel her, Cedric,” Andrew admitted, his voice a faraway whisper.
“Feel her how?”
“When I first m
et her, I could just sense her presence. I knew when she was close without her being in the same room with me. That tripped me out, but I didn’t think about it. But now, I can actually feel her. Sometimes I can feel every emotion that she’s going through as if she’s right in front of me and I can see into her expressive brown eyes. The distance between us makes no difference. All I have to do is focus my mind on just her and...” Andrew paused and shook his head. He couldn’t say another word, but as he watched Cedric, he knew that he didn’t have to.
“Like how we can feel each other…sense each other?” Cedric asked.
Andrew nodded, leaning forward as realization suddenly settled within him. “Yes, exactly.”
When Andrew fell back against the couch, he closed his eyes and chuckled slightly. “Son of a bitch…”
“What?” Cedric probed, but Andrew didn’t reply.
Instead, he sat quietly for a moment and just moved his thoughts toward the woman that had been his constant for months. When he finally opened his eyes, he saw fear, confusion, and trepidation draping his friend.
Andrew explained, “I can feel her sadness, Cedric. That could be the reason why I’ve been going out of my mind these past few weeks. I’ve been traveling, meeting with clients outside of town and I haven’t been able to see her. Fuck…” He raked his fingers through his hair in exasperation. “She’s missing me the same way I’m missing her.”
Abruptly, he stood, causing Cedric to do the same. Andrew threw back the rest of his drink and placed his glass down on the coffee table. “I need to go to her, now!” he announced.
Cedric’s eyes widened. He quickly placed his hands up, moving into Andrew’s exit lane. “Whoa there, bro. Hold on a second. I think you need to stay put.”
“That’s not going to happen. She needs me.”
Cedric nodded. “Yeah, and that’s the very reason why you shouldn’t go over there. As a matter of fact, you need to stay clear away from her.” Cedric then added quickly, after seeing the growing anger rising in Andrew again. “At least stay until you’ve spoken to Rinic.”
“I don’t need to talk to him,” Andrew protested with a frown, remembering false shit Rinic had fed him before.
Rinic Daniels was the oldest out of the six elders of their pack. He had always been the counsel of every alpha of the Westside Shadows. Rinic, which meant the nobleman or warrior, had been living for many years and had seen more in his lifetime than he had yet to share. Andrew speculated he had to be centuries old, but the man didn’t look a day over 60. The art of shifting had everything to do with Rinic’s mind staying sharp. It allowed him to remain fit and his mind steady.
“Yes, you do, Andrew,” Cedric added. “Stop being stubborn because you know I’m right. What you just explained to me? Bro, it doesn’t seem right.”
“What do you mean?”
Cedric knew he needed to tread lightly. Andrew’s instability and the mere hatred that he had about not being in control, made him unpredictable. Cedric had to figure out a way to get this man to listen to reason and he knew it wouldn’t be easy.
“Think about what you’ve told me up to this point—all of it.” Cedric moved closer to Andrew and placed a cautious hand on his tense shoulder. “I’m assuming you believe that this woman is human. That’s why you were bothered that you could sense her presence. However, the shit you just explained to me; the things you’re feeling, and the connection or better yet the gravitation you have towards her, tells me that there’s more to this woman than you know. I mean, have you thought of the possibility that she’s not human? Man, it’s quite possible that your woman could very well be… one of us.”
Confused, Andrew frowned, but he didn’t reply. He instead did exactly what Cedric told him to do. He took the time to connect to his feelings for this woman. He thought about how much he was drawn to Nyla, how deeply he wanted her and had to admit something wasn’t right. But, he didn’t believe that she wasn’t human. He would have sensed that from her.
Wouldn’t he have?
As the harsh realization of his situation finally crashed into him, Andrew dropped heavily onto the couch. Questions flooded his mind; one in particular that caused doubt to rise within him. The fact that he’d been heavily distracted caused him to realize Cedric could have a point.
Andrew felt Cedric’s eyes intently on him for a long moment before he spoke in a quiet, but determined tone.
“Look, why don’t you let me go and talk to Rinic for you?” Cedric suggested. “I know you don’t believe half of the shit the man says, but he’s been around the block a century or two. I believe he knows a lot more than we all give him credit for. Besides, this is the shit he lives for, you know this. The minute I tell him everything that you’ve told me, he’ll probably dust off one of the many ancient scrolls he keeps in that dungeon he calls a home. Come on man, let me give it a go and see what he says. At least it wouldn’t hurt anything.”
Cedric sat on the coffee table in front of Andrew and waited for the man’s eyes to fall and focus on him. “I know this is going to be hard for you, but you need to stay away from her. Look, just hear me out. You are hanging by a thin strand here. I can see it and feel it. You’re too vulnerable right now. There’s no telling what you would do and you need to think about what would happen if you claim this woman.”
Andrew gaped at Cedric in stunned silence, shocked that he was that wide open to his second.
“Yeah, I know what you want to do. As I said, you’re an open fucking book. But seriously, you don’t know what would happen if you do that. Shit could be fucked and you don’t want to place this woman in any danger because of your dick and your ego, right? Plus, she has a kid. That alone should bring this home for you. Too much is at stake.”
Andrew remained quiet and Cedric stood, taking Andrew’s silence as a dismissal. He smacked Andrew on his leg as his goodbye before he headed for the door.
“Cedric…” Andrew paused and waited for Cedric to look over his left shoulder. Cedric opened the front door and met Andrew’s eyes. “You better hurry and speak to Rinic,” Andrew warned. “I can’t guarantee you that I will be able to stay away from her for very much longer.”
Cedric chuckled. “You can’t keep it in your pants for a few days?”
Andrew gave Cedric a mirthless smile. “Keeping my dick in my pants is irrelevant and unlikely. But that’s the least of my problems. What I’m more worried about is this emptiness that’s consuming me.”
Cedric had no response to that admission at first; he was too busy trying to convince himself that the man in front of him was indeed his alpha.
“Damn, bro, you do sound like a bitch.”
Andrew finally gave Cedric a real smile as he shook his head. “Cedric, man, you have no idea, and honestly I hope you never have to go through what I’m going through right now.”
Just then a thought popped into Andrew’s mind and he stopped speaking. He sat up and grinned. “No! On second thought, I do wish this on you. I hope you lose your fucking mind over a woman just so you can feel a smidgen or just a corner of what I’m feeling right now.”
Cedric threw his head back and laughed. “Well, I can tell you right now that shit will not happen to me.”
“You don’t think so?”
“Why is that?”
“Because,” Cedric started, eyes twinkling with mischief. “I’m too smart for that shit, always have been.”
“Fuck you!” Andrew roared bemused, shaking his head.
“Don’t be jealous that I’m stronger than you.”
“Yeah, I got your stronger than me right here. And don’t think that I’ve forgotten the shit you said to me earlier. Payback is coming when you least expect it.”
Cedric nodded, still smiling. “I look forward to the challenge.”
As the childhood friends felt the tension ease around them, Andrew let a slow breath escape his troubled lips.
“You need to get to Rinic like yesterday,
“You know I got you. I’m on it.” Cedric nodded just before he closed the apartment door.
The moment Cedric climbed into his truck he pulled out his phone and made a call. When it was picked up on the fourth ring, a sleepy yet crossed voice on the other end growled, “This better be important.”
Cedric didn’t waste time. “It is, so be up and ready, old man. I’m coming your way in about fifteen minutes. Your Alpha is in deep shit.”
“Come on, Nyla, you can’t be this naïve,” Darrius chastised through the speakers of Nyla’s cell phone.
It didn’t take long for Darrius to pick up on Nyla’s mood. No matter how hard she had tried to hide her feelings and sound upbeat, the moment she had said hello he knew something was off. It had been the sound of her voice and she knew it. However, the damage had already been done. Still, Nyla did her best to sidestep Darrius’ questions. She even went so far as to change the subject and started talking about his favorite topic: himself. However, it was no use. Darrius was like a dog and its squeaky chew toy. He had annoyingly nagged her until she had finally caved in and told him about the mediation hearing. After that, everything had gone downhill from there.
“Baby, please tell me you that you’ve thought this through and that you have a plan B if something goes wrong. I mean, what if this bitch flakes on you, then what? I’m sorry, but you can’t afford to be this gullible.”
Nyla sighed for what felt like the umpteenth time and tightened her grip on her cell.
“Darrius, I’m not being naïve and I’m not gullible. I know what I’m doing.”
“I can’t tell. Nyla, you’ve just told me that you are relying on a woman, who by the way is the ex of that rich piece of shit’s lawyer, to be your voice in this case. How can you trust her? Remember that other lawyer you trusted? Look how that ended. You would think that you had learned your lesson, but I guess you didn’t. Seriously, how can you easily believe that this woman has the best interest of you and baby girl?”