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Promises to Keep

Page 15

by Sex, Nikki

  "Ready? Pick up your stick and let's go."

  Chapter 32.

  With that, Jack grabbed his board, tucked it under his arm and waded out.

  Laura followed quickly. They walked together until the water was almost waist high. Then they slid on their boards and paddled out further, with Jack shouting instructions all the way.

  "We paddle out until we get past the breakers—where white tips show across the top of the wave."

  Laura splashed him. "I know what breakers are, you goof. I've lived here for years."

  "Could have fooled me, newbie," Jack replied, with a splash of his own.

  It was obvious to him that she was having fun. He was thrilled that she'd agreed to come out here with him. He could only imagine how dull and tedious life got for her in that little apartment by herself.

  Laura and he were both passionate about the ocean, and Jack wanted to share his love of surfing with Laura. It was a freeing, relaxing and exhilarating outlet. He'd hoped that she'd take to it, and get at least some of what it had brought to his life.

  She deserved happiness.

  "Keep your eyes forward—towards the horizon. Paddle straight into the waves. If you come up at an angle, they'll tip you over. You've got to cut straight into 'em."

  Laura gave a little two-finger salute. "Aye, aye, captain."

  They paddled out further, bobbing up and down as waves passed under them until they eventually got past the breakers. Once there, Jack turned around and sat on his surfboard. Laura did the same.

  "OK. We're all set, and you're gonna catch your first wave. Ready?"

  "Hell, yeah!"

  "That's the spirit." Jack smiled and thumbed at the ocean behind them. "Watch for waves coming up on you. When you see a good one, lean down and paddle in the direction it's going. Time your speed so the wave catches up to you and then speed up to stay with it, just as it begins to break. The wave will take over—just ride it. Then stand up, if you can. Ready?"


  "OK. Here comes a good one. Start paddling!"

  Laura’s arms hit the water in long, graceful pulls. Captivated, Jack watched her. The woman looked like a pro. He could feel the roll of the wave under him and saw it lift the back of her board ever so slightly.

  "Paddle faster," he shouted. Laura immediately dug in to the water with all of her might. She caught up with the wave and the roll settled right in the middle of her surfboard—right underneath her.

  She was right there.

  The water, the wave, the speed and the angle of her board were perfect. Jack knew she wouldn't get a better wave for her first go.

  "That's it! It's got you—pop up! Pop up!"

  With a barely perceptible nod, Laura braced her hands in front of her and pulled her legs up under her. Then, just as she'd practiced, she pushed up with one smooth motion and proudly rose to a stand.

  At first, she wobbled slightly. Jack thought she was going down but she steadied herself and balanced. In an instant, she looked as relaxed as if she'd been riding waves all of her life.

  Quickly turning her head, Laura gave Jack a smile and a thumbs up.

  Jack inhaled an awed breath. In that moment, Laura was glorious—as beautiful a sight as he'd ever seen. His heart skipped a beat, then swelled up inside of him, just like the wave she’d caught.

  The bright blue sky beyond, the white frothy water around her with sunlight rainbows blooming through the spray, made her appear almost supernatural.

  She was like a sea goddess rising up from the Mediterranean, reaching out to touch her lover, the Sun. Right then, Laura radiated pure joy and utter peace.

  She wobbled again.

  "Look where you're going!" Jack shouted.

  Laura obeyed and hunkered down for the ride.

  It couldn't have been a better run.

  Balanced perfectly in the center of her board, her legs bent and arms out wide for balance, Laura rode the wave all the way in, her blonde hair streaming out behind her.

  Sliding up to the beach and onto the sand, she hopped off without stepping into the water at all.

  That wasn't just a killer first run—it was nothing short of miraculous.

  Watching her ride that board for her first time, surfing that wave with such innate grace and style blew Jack away.

  She blew him away.

  Beautiful, intelligent, feisty and fun. Laura was unbelievable. Magical. So incredibly perfect. He couldn’t deny how he felt anymore. Jack knew he was a goner.

  If this isn’t love I’m feeling, then what is?

  Jack sat there in the water, amazed.

  "You coming?" Laura waved at him.

  "Yeah," he shouted back. "I'm coming."

  It took a few minutes to paddle back to shore. By the time he got there, Laura had wrapped herself up in her towel.

  She lifted her foot and wiggled her toes at him. "What's wrong? You didn't surf in. Scared?"

  Jack stuck his board into the sand like an old Polynesian totem and flopped down on the sand next to her.

  "No—no, way. That was respect. I couldn't follow your boss ride. It was remarkable. I've never, ever seen a newbie ride one all the way in like that. If I'd tried to come in, it'd be like pulling out a velvet Elvis painting after seeing the Mona Lisa—it just wouldn't be right."

  Laura’s green eyes widened with pleasure and understanding. She grinned. "So I did good?"

  "Better than good, babe—frigging out of this world. Are you sure that you've never surfed before today?"

  "Never. That was my first time."

  "How did you do it? I couldn't get all the way onto a beach until I had at least a year’s practice," he shook his head, put his hand on his chest and gave her a half bow. “I stand in awe.”

  A long moment passed.

  Laura had a faraway look, as if she heard something he couldn’t.

  Inhaling a deep breath, she stared out at the white-tipped, blue-green waves where they broke over the shallows.

  "It just felt right,” she said in a quiet voice. “It was like everything came into place, you know? The wave, the board, the wind and me all working together. It was as if we combined to become one—the same—animal? No—being. Yeah, that's it. We all joined into one and everything flowed. It was just right."

  "Heavy. Sounds very Zen. Like one of those Kung Fu Masters on TV."

  Laura wrinkled her nose and flicked some sand at him. "Don't make fun of me."

  "I'm not. It really is Zen. Remember, I said it before, and I meant it. That's how I feel when I've thrashed down into a really tight tube and everything's going like a dream. It's cool you found that place—the place of oneness. It's remarkable that you got there so fast."


  Laura pushed off the towel and arched her back, stretching in the sun like a contented cat. "It was more than that. I felt in control—totally in control and not just of myself—but of the whole world around me. I haven't felt that in..." She looked off into the distance again. "Well...ever. It was empowering. I had the power. The wave and the board did exactly what I willed them to do. I like that feeling."

  “Sounds like you’re in the zone, babe.” Jack rolled over on his back and tucked his hands behind his head. “It’s an amazing place to be.”

  "The zone. Yes, I am, and it is." Laura glanced around as if checking that the coast was clear. Her fathomless green eyes met his. "I know something else I want to do right now, because at this moment, I couldn't do any wrong—even if I tried."

  "Yeah, what’s that?"


  Jack gasped in surprise as Laura swiftly, smoothly rolled over on top of him so she was astride his body. Her knees tucked up along his thighs, as if he was her surfboard and she was about to catch the next big wave.

  Their eyes locked; emerald green against blue-grey.

  Jack went instantly hard. God he wanted her. He couldn’t recall ever being this eager… this desperate. What was this incredible chemistry they had together

  Then Laura leaned forward and kissed him.

  Jack felt her lips strong against his, firm but not anxious or insistent. They tasted sweet, so, so sweet. His hands went to the silky smooth flesh of her hips. He wanted to give in, to let himself go—but shit! They were on an open beach!

  “Laura, we’re in public… what if—”

  “Shush,” she said, putting one cool finger to his lips. “It’s not even lunch time. The kids are all at school and no one’s around.”


  Her green eyes glittered. “Jack Curren, are you gonna go all prude on me? Right when I rode a wave for the very first time? When I’m all hyped up and in the zone?”

  Jack grinned, suddenly feeling light-hearted and much younger than he did when he got up this morning. He was no longer a thirty-two year old war veteran with more than his share of ongoing regrets and nightmares, where he woke up terrified in a cold sweat.

  Just now, at the beach with his board, and with an amazing and gorgeous girl sitting on top of him, he felt like a teenager.

  “No ma’am, I swear I won’t go all prude on you.”

  He caught a flash of her smile as her mouth returned to his. Hell—hers were the lips of a woman who was in charge of her destiny, and she knew it.

  Jack couldn't resist.

  He didn’t even want to. Any high-minded impulse to stop her faded away in quick surrender.

  Laura’s hands and movements were calm and confident. She was a woman who knew what she wanted.

  God, he loved her for that alone.

  The taste, smell and feel of her set him alight. A sound came from his throat, something between a growl and a hum of pure pleasure.

  He’d spent so many years being in-charge. He was like Atlas, with the weight of the world always on his shoulders. No matter what was happening, he had to be strong in the face of adversity. Composed and confident during a crisis. If there was an emergency, it was his job to deal with it.

  At times, he’d just wanted to hit something—or someone—but he couldn’t. As a commanding officer, forever on show, he was the one others looked to. Jack was never free to just be.

  Normal human reactions like yelling, crying, screaming, running and hiding or even expressing anger, sadness or anxiety—these emotions were taboo for an officer. It was up to him to hold it all together, all of the time.

  Never once, was Jack allowed to let go. To respond naturally, like a normal human being.

  With Laura taking charge, Jack was finally able to let go. The pure joy of it filled his senses. Just the thought of her set him on fire. Her touch and her desire were beyond anything he'd ever experienced. It was overwhelming—all encompassing.

  Oh yeah, she’s the pilot on this flight. I’m going to sit right back and enjoy the ride.

  Chapter 33.

  Surfing that wave set me free, Laura realized.

  She'd felt as if she’d been soaring, in complete control while on that board. It was better than any drug. Laura could see why surfing became a way of life for some people, rather than a mere sport.

  The last few months had been incredibly stressful. Bob’s death, her miscarriage, ongoing debts, too much overtime, her mother and then her ex turning up at her place.

  Fucking drugs. Jonah had changed into an unstable crack-head. Looking over her shoulder had become a way of life.

  Ron's handgun now resided in her underwear drawer, and she’d only just gotten over a persistent head cold and a nagging case of sniffles that she'd had for weeks. Once her ear began to pound with an ear infection, she’d had to see a doctor and get a course of antibiotics.

  It probably took so long to recover because of her need for a break. There was no rest for the weary—not when you're broke, anyway.

  Swimming through all of this shit was exhausting.

  Laura was grateful for the little slice of Heaven that was the beach behind her apartment. The other thing she'd looked forward to, had been Jack's letters. They always made her laugh and smile.

  She'd been living in survival mode, really—another thing she and Jack shared. They were both stubborn survivors. Their correspondence had been healing.

  Jack was here, in the flesh, and he was even better than she could've imagined. Beautiful both inside and out.

  Jack's presence had changed everything.

  Laura felt surrounded by love. Here at the beach, reveling in the beauty of it all and the perfection of the moment.

  She wanted it all. She wanted him.

  I feel amazing.

  Laura hadn’t meant for this to happen—not here, not now. She hadn't planned to seduce, kiss or even touch Jack—but she had no regrets.

  The attraction she had for this man started from the first no-bullshit letter that he’d sent her. His innate goodness shone right through.

  When she first saw Jack standing on sand near her apartment, she instantly knew who he was. Tall, strong and commanding, yet strangely vulnerable, too.

  The man was a combat veteran who'd served his country. As if that wasn’t enough, he was also a doctor.

  The respect she had for him was huge. Greater than for anyone she’d ever known.

  He was extremely good-looking—sexy as hell, in fact—but his vulnerability was what had really gotten to her. That exposed piece of himself. His hesitancy and uncertainty that she could relate to.

  When Jack looked at her with his clear, steel-gray eyes, she’d just known who he was.

  Every letter they'd exchanged was intimate and hand-written—all filled with hopes, happy memories and personal inspiration. Every word he'd written seemed to make Jack more vital, more real to her. It brought him that much deeper into her heart.

  Laura shared his love of the ocean and his doggedly positive attitude toward life.

  He was a handsome gentleman, well-mannered and quietly charismatic in his peaceful way. He had a disarming smile and a likable face—a face one would trust.

  Jack oozed respect and yet was still funny and candid. She'd laughed more with him in the few hours they'd shared than during the past several years. It was healing to her heart and soul. It was freeing, as well.

  Physically, he was smoking hot. A true head-turner.

  Yet, sexual attraction wasn’t his only draw and it wasn't even the main one.

  Laura liked him.

  This wasn’t some teenage crush or simply a moment of passion. Jack “got” her. He melted something inside of her, touching her—heart and soul. She'd never felt anything like it before.

  Intuitively, she’d ridden her first ocean wave to perfection.

  Now, she was going to ride him in exactly the same way.

  Her heart kicked up as a delicious heaviness spread throughout her, moving down low in her gut and thighs as she arched against him. An exquisite ache settled between her legs—it felt as if her entire body was pulsing.

  These erotic sensations she’d experienced before. But here with Jack, they were beyond anything she’d known.

  Firm-lipped, his body tensed. His blue-grey eyes flared with lust as he met her gaze.

  He wanted her all right.

  His obvious need was primitive and overwhelming, yet she could tell that he was holding back. Why?

  Then it hit her—Jack wanted her to take control.

  Oh God, she longed to take control.

  With impulsive passion, she stood up and pulled off his shorts. A sigh escaped her lips when she saw the size and the fully erect shape of him. Their eyes met and they smiled, first-time lovers, sharing sexual secrets.

  His eyes widened and his pupils darkened as she pulled off her top and slipped out of her bikini bottoms.

  Deciding not to think—to act instinctively, Laura let herself do exactly as she wanted.

  Jack groaned as her hands ran over the defined ridges of his abs, the hard, sleek firm flesh, tanned from the heat of a faraway desert sun. His strong, masculine body fascinated her, this fit, sexy soldier. Not just fit—combat fit.

  The feel and the sight of him made her hunger for him, increasing her already powerful yearning.

  Pressing quick greedy kisses and licks over his chest, she traveled up to the muscular arc of his pecs. She kissed, licked and nibbled on his tight, flat nipples, evoking sharp intakes of breath and low, throaty groans from him.

  His breath became ragged, as did hers. She followed a trail to the hollow of his throat, his neck and his face.

  God, she needed to see, touch, taste and lick every curve, every angle, and every inch of him. She wanted to consume him with everything she had. Seeing and feeling him under her was as exhilarating as riding that board.

  “Mmmm. You taste good—so damn good,” she gasped.

  Using her lips, her tongue and her teeth, she worshiped his body. Sliding along his torso, she rubbed herself all over him in a skin-to-skin closeness that made her feel they were almost one person.

  His erection was big and hard against the wetness between her legs.

  “Laura. Laura. Oh God, Laura,” Jack murmured her name over and over again while gently stroking her back and her hair.

  “Mmm?” she murmured, aroused by how fully he responded to her every touch and stroke.

  “You have no idea of just how much I want you.”

  “You’re going to have me, Jack,” she whispered in a husky voice. “And I’m going to have you, too.”

  Chapter 34

  When she arrived at his lips, her mouth met his, open and hungry as she pressed herself against him. Jack groaned and arched toward her.

  All logical thought disappeared as instinct took over.

  Laura kissed him hungrily, her tongue exploring his mouth possessively, as if she had every right to do so. He met her stroke for stroke, passion to passion. They drank each other in with desperation, as if they couldn't get enough.

  All sense of time vanished. The past and the future didn’t matter. Now was all she had—and right now, Jack was hers.

  He tasted of salt, warm sun, sweat and man.

  His arms tightened upon her, crushing her to him. Breathing in a shaky breath, she heard a small sound—a kind of needy sigh from deep in his throat.


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