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Promises to Keep

Page 20

by Sex, Nikki

Laura cried out as Jack drove himself into her, sinking balls deep inside of her soft, warm heat with one smooth stroke. He ground his hips against hers, reveling in the warm, tight feel of her, as she scratched his back and her whole body seemed to clench.

  Laura moaned.

  She wants this too.

  “So good—feels so good,” he gasped, pulling out and hammering back in again and again hard.

  “Yes, Jack, yes!”

  He felt the mattress dip with the strength of his thrusts. It gave him so much animal pleasure, he did it again and then again and again.

  “I need this, Laura,” he said, and to his surprise his voice broke. He’d never wanted anyone so much—he’d never needed anyone as he needed her, right now.

  This woman touched him deeply.

  Carefully erected barriers that had held his emotions in check for years began to crumble. The heartfelt feelings she set free, moved him. Strangely, inexplicably, Jack felt like weeping.

  She was inside of him, like a poignant song in his soul.

  “I need you, Laura,” he whispered, shocked by the truth of it.

  “Then take me.”

  Sweating, panting and hearts pounding—they clung together, moved urgently together, frantically hot—fast—hard—until they drove each other to a shattering, mutual climax. Their gasps, moans and cries mixed in a chorus of passion and satisfaction.

  Stunned, spent and languorously drained, Jack collapsed and lay heavily upon her. The energy that had been building all day had thankfully dissipated. Grateful, he rejoiced that his mind had blanked.

  Closing his eyes, he let himself drift.

  Laura lay soft and sweet beneath him. Her breathing had slowed and her heart beat soothingly, a gentle, rhythmic sound.

  This was peace.

  Jack nuzzled into her neck, pressing a kiss to her throat. “You OK?”

  “Oh, absolutely,” she sighed.

  Aware of his weight, he rolled off of her. He considered pulling her up and on to his chest, placing her head in the crook of his neck—but changed his mind.

  Instead he cuddled into her, his arm hugging her hips, his head nestling between her smooth, creamy breasts.

  That was all it took.

  Instantly, he was hard once more.

  Casually, he trailed his hand up her flank and across to the curve of her breast. Then he flicked her nipple, entranced to see it swell and pucker.

  “Oh,” she said in surprise.

  He chuckled, pressing his erection against her thigh. “Yeah, me too.” Impulsively, he pushed himself up and kissed her on the nose. “Sexual deprivation taught me one thing: I genuinely don’t want to have sex with just anyone. I only want to make love to someone I really care about. I only want you, Laura.”

  “Good, because I want you, too,” she whispered.

  Neither of them got any sleep that night.

  It was chemistry, Jack decided. Or perhaps a result of the proximity to death. It seemed as if an ocean of need had gathered between them, starting from the first letter he’d received from her, all of those months ago.

  Their sexual energy couldn’t be exhausted—their mutual desire was molten white heat. Alive and needy, they expended their passions, reaching to ever-greater heights.

  Jack became bolder, giving in to his every fantasy—taking her exactly as he wanted. They went on like that ceaselessly, until they both fell into unconsciousness.

  Chapter 44.

  Laura lay next to Jack’s slumbering form. Early morning light shone through the curtains with an orange glow, casting delicate shadows in every corner of the room.

  Shifting slightly, she noticed how deliciously sore she was. Muscles she didn’t even know she had were aching.

  Laura turned her head, and smiled when she saw his face, lightly covered in an unshaven shadow.

  Her heart jumped at the sight of him. He was so damn beautiful.

  Last night had been incredible. Overwhelming. Passionate. Intense. Just how many orgasms had she had? Jack had the ability to make every cell—every nerve—in her body come alive.

  They had slept, but not much. She recalled waking up at one point with his chest pressed against her back, his arm possessively curled around her waist. Jack had been asleep, his breathing deep and even.

  Being loved by Jack was better than she'd ever imagined. She'd had no idea of what her body was capable of, or how amazing she could feel. Jack was a sensual and thoughtful lover, and his intimate caresses set her on fire.

  They had a natural chemistry and bond together, both in and out of bed.

  Such bliss.

  Laura had needed the escape their lovemaking had provided. She needed to immerse herself in them. To let go and release all of the fear, anxiety, and guilt. The negativity she battled with as a daily part of her existence.

  Jack evoked so many new sensations and feelings in her that stirred her heart and soul. She craved him desperately—they hadn’t been able to get close enough. She knew she craved him still.

  Laura looked at his face, relaxed and peaceful as a sleeping child. All of the tightness and tension that always seemed to be around him was gone.

  It had been the best sex she’d had in her whole life, but it had been more than sex. Jack had made love to her. This attraction between them continued to grow, connecting and enhancing his every touch.

  Jack’s words went through her mind—she’d never forget them.

  “Yes, I love you, Laura. I love everything about you.”

  Her hand went to her heart, as it felt full and tight. She rubbed it to ease the sensation. Love was wonderful, but this overwhelming need Jack had for her made her head spin with primal womanly pleasure.

  Comforting him, providing what he wanted, and being there for him—whatever it was she’d done—had been so incredibly fulfilling. This big, strong, capable man had been brought to his knees by her.

  Jack had found what he needed within her arms.

  Laura wasn’t stupid. Jack had told her he loved her, and he hadn’t been just saying that. She’d felt his love. Had he felt hers? Because she no longer had doubts.

  I love him.

  It was a revelation.

  Laura had experienced passionate teenage crushes, and she’d genuinely cared for Bob. At one point she’d thought she’d been in love with Jonah.

  What she felt for Jack was completely different than anything she’d felt before.

  Jack was such a controlled man, someone who never allowed himself to let go. He'd put his desperate desires and male urges aside for her. He’d been a generous lover, kind and gentle.

  Laura felt safe with him.

  But he let go with me, when I asked him to, her heart whispered as she remembered the strength of his passion.

  Mmmm. I let go, too.

  Their night had been magical. The kind of mad passion that inspired love songs and poetry.

  When she was with Jack, she was able to lose herself in him. She’d forgotten about the terrible death of her neighbor and the possibility of dying herself. Immersed in their lovemaking, Laura had abandoned all the shit she'd been dealing with for all those years—her mother, her debts, that psycho asshole Jonah, Bob…

  Oh God, Bob.

  A wave of guilt washed over her. Here she was, lying in bed, happy and in love with another man—another Navy man, Bob's boss and his friend. That thought made her feel awful all over again.

  How could something so right feel so wrong?

  It wasn't her fault Bob was dead. She didn't ask for any of this. Or did she?

  Uh-oh. Recognizing the signs, she knew this is where self-hate and self-destruction crap began to sink its claws into her. She had to put a stop to it that shit right now.

  Laura felt close to Jack. He loved her, she trusted him, and she needed to tell him something.

  "Jack? Are you awake?" she whispered, well aware that he’d drifted off.

  "Mm?" he replied sleepily, contentedly.

  "I've got so
mething on my mind."


  "Yes." Laura sat up in bed and put her hand on his chest, rubbing it back and forth, stroking him awake. "I really need to know something.”

  It took a few moments, but he opened his eyes. When she met his gaze, the pleasure of the previous night flooded back to her.

  They both smiled.

  Jack inhaled a deep breath, stretched his arms out, and exhaled slowly. “OK, night owl,” he said complacently, checking the digital clock by his bedside.

  “It’s 4A.M.,” she said helpfully.

  “Of course it is.” He chuckled and his biceps bulged as he placed his hands behind his head. “Now, why was I sleeping? When this is clearly the perfect time for a discussion?”

  “Sorry.” She snickered. “I can’t sleep. I’ve got something on my mind.”

  Eyes heavy-lidded, he sat up against the bedhead. “What do you want to talk about?”

  “Can you tell me how Bob died?”

  Jack suddenly looked much more alert and awake—as if he could turn sleepiness on and off at will. His faced closed off and his expression was guarded.

  “I’m not sure I understand the question,” he said. “What exactly do you want to know?”

  “Bob gave you his wedding ring to give me—so he had to have an idea he was going to die.”


  “How did he know? Was it obvious or something? I don’t understand.”

  “I told him,” he said quietly. “I knew. His injuries…” Jack shook his head. “Laura, even if he’d been at the Mayo Clinic, nothing could’ve saved him.”

  “What happened? Was he… did he suffer?”

  “Physically, Bob didn’t feel a thing, I swear,” he told her. “He had morphine on board, but he was alert, aware and quite lucid right to the end.” Jack cleared his throat. “Bob told me that he didn’t think he deserved you. He thought you could do much better than him.”

  Her eyes stung as water welled. “He said that?”

  “He did.”

  “It’s not true, Bob deserved so much.” A few tears escaped, running down her cheeks. Laura cried softly for a few minutes. Jack didn’t press her, for which she was grateful.

  He waited silently and patiently until she’d wiped her eyes and blown her nose. When she’d recovered a little, Jack cupped her cheek in a manner that was so tender, it almost made her cry again.

  Laura’s breath hitched. “Did he say anything else?”

  “Are you sure this is the time for this, Laura?” he asked. “I mean, you’ve gone through so much recently. Do you really want me to talk about it now? Later may be better.”

  “Now, please.”

  Jack inhaled deeply. “Bob was a good medic, but essentially he was still a kid. What I mean by that is, he could be irresponsible and a bit lazy. But he died selflessly and with honor. Bob knew he was going to die when he was brought in with a number of other casualties. The thing was, I couldn’t stay with him.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I offered to stay with him… while he passed, you know? No one should die alone—but here’s the thing. I’ve see many good men and women pass, but I’ll always remember Bob. What he said stands out in my memory. I was going to tell you anyway, because it was so…selfless.”

  Laura’s heart bucked as her pulse kicked up. Last words seemed so important. Kind of like an epitaph for a whole life.

  “What did he say?”

  Jack cleared his throat. “When I offered to stay with him, Bob told me: You have work to do, sir. Take care of someone else. Take care of yourself. I’ll be OK. I don’t mind dying alone. I’ll be thinking of Laura.”

  Chapter 45.

  Man, the waterworks really turned on then.

  Laura thought she was all cried out after yesterday, but Bob’s final words killed her.

  Jack took her into his arms and held her, rocking and comforting. Saying nothing, he was simply there for her. It was exactly what she needed.

  Long moments passed before she felt able to speak.

  “That’s just what Bob would say,” her voice hitched. “He thought of other people.”

  “Yes, he did.”

  “Bob would come into my bar and look at me with those lonely, puppy dog eyes. At first I talked to him ‘cause I felt sorry for him. Then I kind of hung around because he was so damn sweet. He made me smile and laugh. I needed that.”

  “You needed each other.”

  “I'd been existing,” she said. “I worked endless hours, struggling to pay my debts and just survive. When Bob showed up, I started to feel…something. I looked forward to seeing him. He was fun. We could never connect like…well, as you and I do. Yet, I sincerely cared for him. I'd have stuck by his side, been his wife and raised his children…" she trailed off.

  Laura met Jack’s eyes for a moment. They were steel-grey blue, not sky blue like Bob’s had been. Jack’s eyes had maturity and experience, while Bob… well, Bob was gone.

  She looked away from Jack’s gaze and confessed, "I didn't really love him, you know? Sure, I liked him. Bob was a nice person, but he was also just a kid."

  "There's nothing wrong with that. You're a nice person, too."

  "No, I'm not." Laura insisted.

  Jack said nothing. He lovingly stroked a lock of hair back from her face, tucked it behind an ear and just shook his head in disagreement.

  "Bob was a spur of the moment thing. A diversion—a way to escape, you know? I didn't love him, but I fucked him. When I felt a little sick and that God damn plastic thing turned blue and I knew I was pregnant, I had to tell him. I figured he'd ask me to marry him on the spot. He was one of those ‘God and Country’ right off the farm kind of guys, you know?"

  Laura looked at the ceiling, tears brimming in her eyes. "It was my out. Everybody knows you Navy guys travel all over the place. We could get married and then he'd eventually be sent somewhere else—California, Hawaii or Florida—I didn't care where. I thought if I could just hang on to him, he'd pull me out of this mess. I used him, or I was using him. I don't know."

  Jack touched her face. "No you weren't. You have a lot of love in you. I think you loved him in your own way, even if you didn't realize it yourself."

  "You believe that?" asked Laura between sniffles.

  "I know that."

  The certainty in his voice and his faith in her was as soothing as ice water on a burn. "Thanks, Jack."

  "I can see why it bothers you,” he said. “I understand how you feel, but I don't think you did anything wrong. Even more importantly, Bob loved you like crazy. You made him happy. It was you and his love for you that saw him through his time in Hell. You brought him comfort and happiness. If he had known that he'd only have a short time to live, he'd have married you again in an instant. Try to focus on how happy he was because of you.”

  "Thank you, thank you, thank you." Laura leaned over and kissed him tearfully.

  “I just wish he’d have signed his life insurance paperwork. You could’ve used the money."

  Laura shook his head. “I never knew about any insurance or, I maybe would’ve reminded him. It wasn’t something I expected. Marrying him wasn’t about the money. It was about having a baby and escaping, I guess.”

  He pulled her against him, laying her head against his chest. “Nothing wrong with that. Can you tell me what happened with the baby?”

  “A couple hours after I was told Bob died, I had a 'spontaneous miscarriage.' That's what the doctor told me. It happens sometimes. I can still have children.”

  “That’s good,” he said.

  Something in the tone in his voice made her look at him. “Why?”

  “Well, you want kids someday don’t you?”

  “Sure. Do you?”

  “Yes, absolutely.”

  “How many?”

  Jack’s brows drew down as he thought it over. “I dunno. Ten? Twenty?”

  “Idiot,” she said. Her fist playfully connected with his
shoulder, but there was no force behind it. “Except for your sister, I didn’t think your family was that close.”

  “Oh, life was wonderful while our mom was alive. Mom was the glue that held us all together. My family fell apart without her. Women are the most important part of a household, you know?”

  “No, I didn’t know that.” Laura laughed, but not because what he’d said was funny.

  Jack gave her a sympathetic smile, and brushed her cheek with his knuckles. “You missed out, sweetheart. I can’t tell you how sorry I am about that. But you’re nothing like your mother.”

  “Thank you. High praise indeed,” she said, her tone a little snide.

  Laura smiled, to take the bite out of her words. Thinking of her mom sometimes tainted her mood with instant, bitter resentment.

  Jack, intent on his subject, didn’t respond to her unintentionally snarky comment.

  “Did I tell you almost every injured soldier calls out for his or her mom?” he asked. “There’s a reason for that. A mother—a good mother, unlike the one you got stuck with—they create an important balance in a family.”

  Jack’s blue-grey eyes became so intense that she almost looked away.

  “Mothers are the center of everything, in my humble opinion,” he said with quiet conviction. “That’s why I’d be sure to marry a kind woman. A woman who'd be good to our kids.”

  “Oh.” Stunned, Laura didn’t know what to say.

  “Actually, while I personally want tons of kids, I think I’d better wait and see how many my wife wants.”

  His offhand comment lightened the subject. Laura laughed. “Very sensible.”

  His warm calloused palm stroked her, lazily traveling over her back and shoulder. “You OK now?”

  “Yes. I’m good, thank you.”

  “Then let’s get some more sleep. It’s too early to get up. We’ll talk more later, I promise.”

  Chapter 46.

  Alone in bed, Laura awoke the next morning to the sound of movement in the kitchen. Hungry, her stomach rumbled. She hoped Jack was making something for breakfast in his little kitchen.

  Laura turned over. Reaching for Jack’s pillow, she pulled it to her face while breathing in his masculine scent.


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