Forsaken (Frontier Reapers MC Book 3)
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I couldn’t help but agree. No doubt he felt responsible for Laura’s capture and was going to attempt to negotiate her release. But at what cost? My father would kill him to make a point, and I would be forced to watch.
I couldn’t let this happen.
“Father,” I spoke up, my voice sounding small to my own ears. “You can’t kill him.”
Hector looked at me, his eyes hard as cut stones.
“And why should I listen to you?”
“Because,” I said, wetting my lips, “if you kill him, you will never gain control of both clubs. That is what you want, right?”
His eyes widened, and I knew I had him right there. A man like my father wanted power and lots of it, and the only way he would ever gain that kind of power would be to take over both clubs. In order for him to do so, he would need to gain the trust of the other club and killing their interim president would be the wrong thing to do.
“Think about it,” I continued before anyone had a chance to interject. “Killing Jaxon will be the final nail in your coffin.”
He stared at me before laughing.
“You are a conniving one, aren’t you? Too bad your whore of a mother took you away all those years ago. You could have been a fine asset to this club. I will do whatever the hell I want to do with Morrison. The only way for me to win is to wipe out the competition.”
I felt slightly nauseous at his remarks, knowing I could do nothing to stop what was about to happen. There was no reasoning with him and Jaxon would die because he thought he could.
Chapter 18
I was walking into a trap.
I knew it the moment I set foot on Blood Eagle land, the old mill part of the club compound that Hector used as his headquarters. Hector wasn’t an idiot. He wanted to ensure that his safety was never compromised.
I, on the other hand, was at a great disadvantage, even with the club traipsing through the trees on the edges of the compound, waiting for the moment when all hell would break loose. It was going to be a gutsy move on my part, but it was the only way I could ensure I got both Laura and Faye out alive.
“What is taking him so fucking long?” I asked, sounding bored. “Does he have to powder his fucking nose or something?”
“Shut the hell up,” one of the bikers guarding me growled, showing me the gun at his belt. “Or I will end your miserable life right here and now.”
I chuckled, tucking my hands in my pockets.
“I would like to see you try.”
He went to say something, but the same red-faced biker that had gone to tell Hector that I was here appeared in the doorway.
“He will see him now.”
“Too bad,” I said, walking toward the door. “I was looking forward to kicking your ass.”
The other biker shouted, but I ignored him, following the other down a series of halls before it opened up to a great room. Hector stood in front of a desk that dominated the room, while Faye and a pale-faced Laura sat on one of the many couches and chairs that filled the room. I quickly assessed my chances, noting several windows that lined the room. Well, that and I had ten other bikers in the room, all looking for blood.
This was going to be fun.
“Morrison,” Hector started, clapping his hands. “I knew you would come to visit.”
“I’d hate to miss this,” I drawled, crossing my arms over my chest. “I always look forward to seeing your fucking ugly face, Hector.”
He chuckled.
“You are far more entertaining than your brother, you know that? Brendan is all business, but you… you have always had the smart mouth of the family.”
I shrugged.
“I will take that as a compliment. Name your price.”
“For Laura?” he asked, looking at her.
She was pissed off, but I was more worried about her health at the moment.
“Well, I think you know that answer. As much as I enjoy her company, I’m afraid she’s not as much fun as she used to be since she got knocked up.”
“Done,” I said, shifting to the other foot.
I debated glancing at my watch, but thought better of it, not wanting to tip off anyone in the room at what was to come. We had one shot and one shot only at this, and any odd behavior would give Hector pause.
“Jax,” she breathed, her eyes filled with tears. “Don’t do this.”
“I have to Laura,” I answered, not even looking at the other woman on the couch. I couldn’t show any emotions toward her right now. One look and I would fucking lose it. “Brendan needs you.”
She sobbed as I turned back to Hector.
“Do we have a deal? My life for hers?”
“Cut the head off the snake and the rest will fall,” Hector murmured, looking at his daughter. “You might be onto something after all, Faye. Done. Boys, help Mrs. Morrison out of here.”
“No,” I said, walking toward Laura. “I will do it. You owe me that much.”
Hector held up his hand and allowed me to walk to Laura, putting my arms around her quaking shoulders.
“Everything is going to be fine,” I whispered to her as I pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Run like hell as soon as you hit the doors.”
“Jax no,” she wailed suddenly, clinging to me.
I knew she understood and that she was buying some more time for everyone to get into place.
“Get her,” Hector sighed. “I don’t have all day.”
One biker came over and took her arm, pulling her away from me with a gentleness that surprised me.
“Come on, let’s go.”
Laura gave me a look as she was escorted out of the room and I cleared my throat.
“Do you really want your daughter to see this?”
Hector tapped his finger on his chin.
“I think so. She needs to see what kind of life she will be part of.”
I gave a half shrug, pretending not to care. If things went the way I had planned, then at least I would know where to find her.
If it went to shit, then she was going to watch me die.
“On your knees.”
I kept my eyes on Hector as I knelt down, my hands up.
“I’m surprised you want to do this in here.”
Hector laughed as he brandished a gun from the desk.
“Why the hell not? That way, I can always look at that spot and know that I took out the Reapers by your death.”
“Father,” Faye spoke up from my left. “Think about this. You won’t have their loyalty if you execute him.”
“I don’t want their loyalty,” Hector growled as he stood before me, the gun cocked and ready. “I want them to know what happens when I’m crossed. I want them to remember that I don’t give a shit about anyone or anything.”
I looked up at him, a half grin on my lips.
“Do it already, will you? I didn’t come here to be talked to fucking death.”
Hector chuckled, and I saw the wild fire in his eyes as he lowered the gun to my forehead, the tip barely brushing my skin.
“I hate to kill you, Jaxon. You are quite entertaining.”
“So, I have been told,” I answered, swallowing hard. “See you in hell.”
“You first, “Hector said before all hell broke loose.
Chapter 19
One minute I was watching my father press the gun to Jaxon’s forehead, my heart in my throat as I tried to think of a way to stop this, the next a gaping hole stood where one of the walls had been, and I was thrown away from the blast. Smoke filled the room, and I coughed as I attempted to pick myself up off the floor, littered with wood and blood, the screams filling my ears.
“Faye! Where the fuck are you?”
“H-here!” I coughed as Jaxon’s anxious face came into view. “Oh God, you are alive!”
“For the moment,” he said as another blast rocked the building. “But we are both going to be dead if we don’t start moving.”
He gr
abbed my hand and I allowed him to lead me out of the room, ducking as dust rained down from the ceiling above. It was like we were in the middle of a battlefield, people shouting and falling everywhere, most pushing past us to get out themselves. I coughed and gripped Jaxon’s hand tightly as he led me over a mass of wood and plaster, not stopping once my feet hit the ground. Whatever he had done to make this happen, it was obvious that we needed to get out quickly.
Finally, I spied the light from outside through the haze of smoke.
“That way!”
Jaxon steered us toward it, and soon we were outside, the cold biting at my clothing. I took in lungfuls of crisp air tinged with smoke, Jaxon leading us away from the building and toward a copse of trees a hundred yards away. We were going to get out. We were going to make it.
I turned in time to see my father staggering out of the building, a gun gleaming in his hand as he raised toward Jaxon. Without thinking, I pushed Jaxon aside, causing us both to fall as the shot cracked through the air. I fell hard against him, waiting for the sting of the bullet.
“Faye!” Jaxon yelled as he covered my body with his own, his hands running over my body. “Where are you hit? Shit, woman, why did you do that?”
There was no sting, no burn or even twinge of impending death. I looked up at Jaxon and saw the panic in his eyes.
“I-I’m fine.”
He frowned, slowing his assault on my body.
“Why did you do it?”
I gave him a small smile.
“Because I love you, you hard ass.”
His eyes widened, and I lay there, waiting for him to say something, anything that would make me not feel as stupid as I did right then.
Laura’s voice cut through the chaos, and we both turned to see her hurrying toward us.
“Are you alright? Is Faye hit?”
“No,” I answered as Jaxon moved off of me. “I’m not hit.”
Jaxon helped me off the ground, his hand tightening around mine as I got to my feet, squeezing it briefly before letting go. I turned to where I had seen my father last and found him laying on the ground, Moose standing a few feet away with a gun in his hands. I hurried over to him, seeing the spread of blood on his shirt.
“I couldn’t let him do this anymore,” Moose said softly, dropping the gun on the ground. “It’s finished.”
I looked down at my father, seeing the light fading from his eyes, and waited for the onslaught of tears that I thought would come. Instead, there was nothing, no sadness, no grief.
There was only relief.
Turning to Moose, I threw my arms around him, pressing my face into his chest.
“Thank you.”
His arms went around me, and he hugged me back, much like he had for so many years.
“Go on, find your happiness.”
I looked up, my eyes crowding with tears.
“You need to leave. You need to get out of here.”
He nodded, and I swore I saw a glimmer of tears in his own eyes as he released me and walked away, disappearing in the smoke. With a shuddering breath, I turned and walked back to where Jaxon and Laura were standing, surrounded by quite a few Reapers.
“Are you okay?” Laura asked hesitantly.
I nodded.
“He’s dead. It’s over.”
Jaxon didn’t say anything as Laura wrapped her arm around me and we walked away.
Later that evening, I sat in the guest bedroom at Laura and Brendan’s house, my skin clean from a hot shower. After the day’s events, I thought I would be sleeping, but sleep was alluding me. It wasn’t because of my father’s death. He had never been a father to me, and Moose had been more like a father than anyone in my life. I was glad that Hector Blackwood was dead, and the feud was over with. Now, perhaps, people could start to heal, and the town could breathe a sigh of relief.
Me, on the other hand… I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t belong here, I didn’t belong anywhere. I had no family to return to, no home to escape to.
I had nothing.
A tear escaped down my cheek, and I wiped it away, wishing I could find the strength to be the woman I had been when I first arrived. So much had changed in those weeks since that day, and now I was facing an uncertain future, one that I would bring my child up in.
It was all so confusing.
A knock sounded on the door and I cleared my throat.
“Come on in.”
The door opened, and I was surprised to see Jaxon standing there, his hands in his pockets.
“Can I come in?”
“Um, sure,” I said hastily, moving aside on the bed to make room for him.
He walked in the room, and I forgot to breathe as he sat down beside me, our legs touching. After Hector’s death, the entire scene had become mass chaos. There had been fires to extinguish, a group of bikers to round up, and discussions to be had. Interestingly enough, Moose had been my father’s second-in-command, and together he and Jaxon had declared a truce between the clubs. Anyone that didn’t agree with it would be booted out of Paradise and out of the clubs respectively. Laura and I had left Jaxon there and come back to the house without him.
Now, though, he was here, and I didn’t know what to say.
“There’s a lot that has happened,” he started a few moments later.
“That is an understatement,” I chuckled, clasping my hands together so that he wouldn’t see them tremble.
“Are you okay?” he asked softly.
“I’m better than I thought I would be,” I admitted with a sigh. “He was never my father. I-I had this illusion that he would be this great person, but all I found was this man I didn’t want to be associated with. I-I’m glad he’s dead.”
“You and a lot of other people,” Jaxon sighed wearily. “I’m so damn sorry, Faye.”
I looked over at him, finding him watching me intently.
“For what?”
“Hell, for everything,” he said, reaching over to tuck a stray hair behind my ear. “For the way I have treated you. For your father. For everything. To be honest with you, I held a grudge against you when I shouldn’t have. You had nothing to do with what happened to Brendan or anyone else, and I treated you unfairly.”
I shuddered, dangerously close to tears, as his finger traced down my cheek. He looked so serious about it, and I knew right then that I did love him.
“It’s fine.”
“Its not fucking fine,” he breathed, dropping his hand. “I could spend a lifetime attempting to make it up to you, and it would never be enough. I just… hell, will you stay?”
A bubble of laughter escaped me. He was asking me to stay here, with him, in Paradise?
“And then what?”
“Maybe we can start over?” he asked, his eyes searching mine. “I know I’m an asshole most of the time, but… hell, Faye, I think we belong together.”
The words were music to my ears, but I knew I had to tell him something else. I knew that I couldn’t hold it back too much longer.
“I-I, there’s something I need to tell you Jaxon.”
“What?” he asked, his gaze narrowing.
I cleared my throat.
“I’m pregnant.”
The range of emotions on his face was priceless. and for a moment, there, I thought he might pass out.
I nodded.
“I took a test the day we were taken. I know it’s not the right time…”
He didn’t let me finish, capturing my lips with his and drowning out anything else I was going to say. I melted against him, clinging to him as he kissed me over and over, wiping away weeks of no contact other than sex in an instant. Everything was going to be okay. I could feel it in my bones.
Jaxon finally pulled back, pressing his forehead to mine.
“A kid? Really?”
“Yeah,” I laughed, breath
ing him in. “I couldn’t believe it either.”
“Shit,” he said softly, a chuckle in his voice. “I guess we can’t start over then.”