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Their Naughty Student (Office Intrigue, 6)

Page 5

by Nicole Edwards

  “What opportunity would that be?”

  Again, Jamie’s gaze drifted to me as though ensuring I was still there. Did she think I could protect her? Or maybe back her up?

  I pressed my shoulder into the jamb, grinned.

  She peered back at Edge. “I’m going to be honest.”

  Edge nodded. “I’d appreciate that.”

  “As I mentioned earlier, I’m working on my doctorate. The basis of my dissertation is on human sexuality, relating to Domination and submission and the power play that occurs within. More specifically, I’m looking to prove my thesis statement with substantial evidence showing the utmost power in a D/s relationship is in fact held by the submissive.

  “As of now, most of my discoveries are in direct correlation to the interviews I’ve performed, as well as the books I’ve read—both fiction and nonfiction. However, I’m a long way from proving anything. Now that I’m in the door here, I’m hoping to expand my interviewee pool dramatically, have more opportunities to prove my theory.”

  Edge’s hands lowered to his sides. Slowly. He looked angry. Enough that it had Jamie taking a step back and me standing tall. I didn’t know why I felt the need to protect her should he lose it, but that was where I was at.

  “Before you get upset…” she said quickly.

  “Too late for that,” he snarled.

  “I’m not writing about the club or the members. There will be nothing that even mentions this place.”

  That seemed to settle the big guy a little.

  “However, I am looking to get more interaction with both Dominants and submissives. Specifically, I’d like to interview and observe.”

  “No,” he barked.

  When most people would’ve turned and run, Edge’s definitive response seemed to trigger her need to argue.

  “Only with your permission.”

  “No,” he repeated, his tone leaving no room for argument.

  I stepped into the room, decided to offer my two cents. “I have a suggestion.”

  Edge’s eyes cut to me, slicing through me with barely restrained fury.

  Ignoring his irrational response, I smiled. “What if Jamie was a submissive? Assigned to a Dom? Rather than observe from the sidelines, she could get a firsthand account. See what the power exchange is truly about.”

  “That’s a great idea,” she said approvingly. “What do you say, Edge? Is there a Dom who would be interested in giving me the experience?”

  Something shifted inside Edge. I saw it with my own two eyes as he took a step toward her. I watched in awe as his hand lifted, gripping her chin firmly between thumb and forefinger. “You’re pushing it, sweetness.”

  I was captivated by the transformation in Jamie. Her mouth opened slowly. Her chest began to rise and fall more rapidly. Clearly, his tone and his aggressive response had turned her on, the way he’d taken the reins. She didn’t back down, didn’t move away. No, this woman was submitting, and I doubted she even realized it.

  “I don’t mean any disrespect,” she whispered.

  His hand dropped as though he hadn’t meant to touch her. The disappointment on her face matched my own. For a second there, I thought we were moving in the right direction.

  “I’m not looking to overstep,” she said more firmly, as though realizing she was not winning this argument. “Cav’s idea could work though. I would appreciate the full experience. I’ll admit, I can interview as many people as I want, but that doesn’t mean I’ll truly understand. I can’t get that from textbook education, either. So, while I truly appreciate you walking me around and pointing out equipment, that’s not really the reason I’m here.” Her spine straightened.

  “If I don’t agree?” he prompted.

  Her gaze slid to the floor. “Well, if you’re not willing to help, I can assure you I will get the experience somewhere.” Her eyes returned to his face. “After all, Zeke won’t be able to intimidate all club owners forever and eventually I will get into a kink club to experience it for myself.”

  Damn. She all but threatened the big, bad Dom. She certainly knew how to lay it on the line. I was torn between being impressed and wanting to throw her over my lap and paddle her ass. I figured Edge was, as well, because he didn’t say anything.

  “I’m not asking you to be my Dom,” she said when he continued with the silent treatment. “I’m simply asking you to assign someone who’ll allow me to explore this world like any other submissive would.” Her eyes shot over to me. “Perhaps Master Cav would be willing.”

  A low growl sounded from Edge.

  I was fairly certain she knew what that last statement did to the Dominant in Edge. It brought out the possessive instincts that were a natural part of his chemical makeup. And though I tended to keep situations relatively light, I knew not to overstep in that regard, so I kept my mouth shut.

  “You want to know what it’s like to be a submissive?” Edge asked, his expression hard, jaw ticking.

  “Yes.” She paused, swallowed. “And I’d like you to be my teacher, but I understand if I’m not a suitable submissive for you.”

  Ah, hell. Another challenge.

  “Do you have any idea what you’re asking for?” Edge growled, his shoulders tense.

  Jamie flinched, as though she hadn’t expected him to agree. I certainly hadn’t.

  “Not exactly,” she admitted. “But I trust you.” Her eyes softened and her tongue slid out over her bottom lip.

  He seemed to consider that, then his eyes slid to me. “I need to talk to Cav.”

  “Me?” Oh, just fucking lovely. “Why me?” I knew this wasn’t going to be a conversation I enjoyed.

  “Look around,” Edge instructed, nodding toward the room. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “Will you—”

  “No more questions.” His voice was low, dark. “When I make a decision, you’ll be the first to know.”

  “Understood.” The breathless quality of her voice had my dick hardening.

  I hoped like hell Edge decided to include me in whatever plans he had.

  Edge marched toward the door, and just when he was about to pass, he grabbed my arm and steered me clear before pulling the door shut behind us. I could feel his tension, knew he was pissed. At least he had the decency to release my arm rather than manhandle me all the way to his office. He was giving me the respect I’d earned in this club, although I knew he wasn’t feeling it right now.

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  “We’re going to have a conversation.”

  “Hmm. Talking. Just what this night needs more of.”

  Edge growled but didn’t respond as he marched up to the third floor.

  Once inside his office, he shut the door behind us with a little more force than necessary, then spun to face me. The move surprised me, which was the only reason he ended up with his hand around my throat, pinning me back against the door.

  The tension escalated, but I didn’t look away from him. This was out of character for Edge. He didn’t put hands on people out of anger, so I knew this was serious.

  “Why the fuck would you make a suggestion like that?” Edge growled.

  My eyes narrowed, the Dominant in me standing tall. I would only tolerate so much, and he knew it. My hand slowly wrapped around his wrist, forcing his away from my neck. Our eyes remained locked, even as I dropped his wrist and glared back at him.

  “You realize this isn’t a game, right?” he asked, his words laced with gravel.

  “Isn’t it, though?” I smirked, knowing it would piss him of.

  Realizing I’d pushed too far, I decided to retreat. Considering how easily Jamie had pushed his buttons, I knew the man wasn’t completely in control right now. Which said a lot about the woman currently waiting for us.

  I needed to keep a level head, to help him work through this situation, to decide the best way to handle Jamie’s request.

  But more importantly, I had to ignore the flames that licked at me, fanned
by Edge’s fierce response. Jamie had ignited those embers, but it was Edge who would turn them into a conflagration.

  If I let him.



  FOR SOME FUCKED-UP REASON, THAT TONE of voice, that gleam in Cav’s eye brought out my inherent need to dominate. While it had been many years since I’d even entertained the idea of a male submissive, there was something about Cav that threatened the very edges of my control.

  The only problem, of course, being the fact that Cav wasn’t a submissive. Not by a long shot. Which meant the beast pacing inside me needed to take a seat.

  “You might want to take a step back, remember who you’re talkin’ to,” Cav snapped, his eyes hot, but there was a rasp to his tone, as though he was turned on by this exchange.

  I slid my hand back up to Cav’s neck, cupping his jaw as I held his gaze. Sure, I was testing the waters. “Then show me a little respect. Last I recall, you walked in on my scene for the night.”

  A scene? Where was the naked submissive, huh? Oh, right. She’s waiting for you in the other room.

  I groaned, trying to ignore that stupid voice.

  In an effort to get us back on track, I narrowed my eyes, held his stare. “Why are you here, Cav?”

  “You asked me to come back to Chicago, remember?” Cav retorted, his eyes glittering, his face serious.

  “You’re right,” I confirmed, a bite in my tone. “But I’m talking about now. Why are you here tonight, Cav?”

  Gone was the laid-back guy who sauntered in here without a care in the world.

  Cav frowned, but he didn’t move away, didn’t try to get out of my hold. “I didn’t realize I needed a reason.”

  “Did you know she was here?”

  This time Cav did break away, gritting his teeth and grumbling softly. “How the fuck would I know that?”

  “Hell if I know. But I find it a bit coincidental.”

  “What? That you asked me to come back to Chicago, and I’m here?”

  He kinda has a point. You did ask him to come back.

  I took a deep breath, released it. “This can’t happen,” I told him when I managed to gather my thoughts. “Jamie Lautner is not a submissive. She has no business here.”

  “No? Why not? Because you’re not into it? Or because you’re tryin’ to protect her?”

  “I’m not protecting her.”

  Cav stared at me, disbelief and frustration reflected on his face. “You’re not prone to lyin’, Edge. Why start now? I saw the exchange in that room. As soon as she mentioned it, the beast was roarin’ to get out. You want her.”

  Suddenly needing to sit down, I moved to my desk chair and dropped into it. “This is complicated, Cav.”

  “From what I’ve seen, it’s rather simple. Jamie wants someone to show her the ropes. She wants you to dominate her. What’s complicated about that?”

  “For starters, she’s Zeke Lautner’s sister.”

  “Yeah. I’ve heard.” Cav exhaled, his exasperation evident. “And I’m not understandin’ how that matters? She’s legal, is she not?”

  “Barely,” I muttered.

  Cav laughed, but it lacked any humor. “You do have a problem with her age. I should’ve figured.”

  “I do not,” I lied.

  “More lies.” Cav put his hands on his hips. “You’re on a fuckin’ roll tonight, huh?”

  I rolled my eyes, pretended to be interested in the top of my desk.

  “She’s going about this the right way,” Cav noted. “She’s asking permission and you heard her, she trusts you, Edge. Doesn’t that count for something?”

  My eyes narrowed, but I didn’t answer.

  Cav waited several long beats before he sighed heavily. “All right. Answer me this.”

  I waited.

  “Do you want to dominate her?”

  I considered my answer. Cav and I were close. We’d been friends for years, shared secrets and women. I found it difficult to lie to anyone, but I found it damn near impossible to lie to him.

  “More than anything.” In fact, I wanted her so fucking bad I could taste it. The need she stirred in me was real, even if I hadn’t felt it in a damn long time.

  Admission is the first step. We’re making progress.

  “So that’s not the problem. Is it me? She mentioned I could be her Dom. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “No. Of course not.” The exact opposite, actually.

  Cav paced in the small space, watched the floor. “So you’ve admitted you want her. And you don’t have an issue with me dominating her.” He lifted his head, snagged my gaze. A light bulb seemed to click on. “Do you want us to dominate her together?”

  A low rumble sounded in my chest. I knew I would regret my response, but I let it out anyway. “Yes, damn it, I do.”

  Oh, shit. I think some of those walls just crumbled.

  My hands clenched into fists. That damn voice needed to take a hike.

  “What if we did? What if we gave Jamie Lautner what she wants? A chance to interact with those in the lifestyle. She can walk in a submissive’s shoes, experience it for herself, and we’ll be right there with her to keep her safe. No kid gloves. We’ll treat her like any other submissive.”

  I took a deep breath, exhaled slowly. “That’s the problem, Cav. She’s not any other submissive.”

  “And why not?” He held up his hand and grimaced. “And don’t say because she’s Zeke Lautner’s sister.”

  “But she is,” I countered with a smirk.

  “Maybe. But she’s also a grown woman who knows what she wants. Zeke’s not her guard dog. And he entrusted her to you. There’s a reason for that.”

  I laughed, but it was not funny by any means. “Because he knew I could keep my hands off.”

  How’s that working out for you?

  It wasn’t. She was pushing me to a point I knew I was going to snap. She made it difficult to remember the reason I had agreed to this. Especially when the little brat taunted me. Jamie was looking to me to help her explore this world and I had to admit, I was fucking honored that she’d chosen me. For brief moments I could almost forget she was Zeke’s sister, that she was more than a decade younger than me, and that she was completely inexperienced in this realm.

  I slid my hand through my hair, tugged roughly on the strands. “For fuck’s sake, Cav. She doesn’t even know what it means to be a submissive. She has no real idea of what these Doms would ask of her. What I would ask of her.”

  “Then teach her,” he countered. “That’s your job, right? Teaching submissives about the ins and outs? Safe, sane, consensual, and all that shit. There’s no one better at it than you are. We can ensure she doesn’t get taken advantage of. We can protect her.”

  I glared at him. I hated that he always had a point. More accurately, I fucking hated that Cav could so easily talk me into shit like this. That was the way it had always been between us.

  You don’t think that’s why you wanted to talk to him alone? So he could do exactly that?

  Fine. The voice was right again. I had wanted Cav to convince me to give in. He was the only one who had that much power over me. I wanted to do this. Not only because Jamie had asked me, but also because Cav was here. Admittedly, I missed him. He’d been gone for far too long and now that he was back, I couldn’t help but think there were a few loose strings he and I needed to tie up. Including him would ensure he stuck around for a bit.

  “Fine,” I stated. “But not tonight.”

  His forehead creased with confusion. “What?”

  “We’re not starting this tonight,” I clarified. “If Jamie’s sure this is what she wants, then fine, I’ll go along with it. The two of us can help her explore so she can write her paper.” I couldn’t believe I was saying that. “However, the first thing I’ll have her do is think it through. She can’t be impulsive about this.”

  “What about the submissive training class?” he suggested. “Why don’t you have her enr
oll in that?”

  It was a question I’d asked myself in the beginning, as well. “I’ve considered it.”

  “So what’s the issue?”

  “Well, for one, Zeke would strangle me with my own hands.” I held up my hand before he could argue. “Zeke’s a Master in this club, Cav. He comes here frequently. I seriously doubt he’d want to see his sister in some compromising positions.”

  “Good point,” he conceded. “However, there are ways around that. We can modify the curriculum for her. Keep her close.” He grinned. “She can be the teacher’s pet.”

  Now you’re talking.

  My dick jerked.

  No. No, damn it. I couldn’t let this get out of hand.

  Cav sighed. “I can see that big brain of yours workin’. What’s your plan, Edge?”

  That was the hard question. I didn’t have a clue how this would map out. If Zeke found out I was intending to dominate his sister…

  From teaching to dominating … nice progression, you big, bad Dom.

  “Quit thinkin’ about her brother,” Cav mumbled.

  My gaze shot up to him. “How do you— You know what? Never mind.” I pushed to my feet and paced the few feet to the door.

  “What if we came at this from a different angle?” Cav asked.

  I turned to face him. “What do you mean?”

  He laughed. “What if we took the opportunity to dig into her psyche a little?”


  “Since technically she’s not a submissive, what if we pretended we weren’t Doms for a bit?”

  He obviously noticed the distaste reflected on my face. Being a Dominant wasn’t something I could flip on and off like a switch.

  “Hear me out. In an effort to gauge what direction she wants to go, what if we start off by getting to know her? In the traditional sense. Are you opposed to taking her out?”

  He stared at me. I stared back.

  “Wining, dining,” he explained.

  Still staring.

  “You know, the whole courting process.”

  I held up a hand, cutting him off. “I know what dating is, Cav.”


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