Their Naughty Student (Office Intrigue, 6)

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Their Naughty Student (Office Intrigue, 6) Page 13

by Nicole Edwards

“So, where to?” she asked as she clicked her seat belt in place. “You won fair and square. You pick, my treat.”

  “I’m in the mood for … a cupcake.”

  Jamie held my gaze for a moment, licked her lips. I knew where her thoughts had drifted. The same place mine had. Although I was definitely attempting to seduce her, I wasn’t sure what my end game really was. Despite my overwhelming desire for this woman, I wasn’t ready to take her to bed. Not only because Edge and I had agreed, but also because I wanted to see if this thing between us had more substance than mere chemistry.

  For the record, that wasn’t usually my MO. One-night stands were more my forte.

  She jerked her gaze away. “I know a place.”

  “Perfect.” My voice had a slight hitch to it, but neither of us acknowledged it.

  With her as my navigator, I backed out of the spot, then out of the lot. A short time later, we were pulling into another parking lot.

  “This is one of my favorite places,” she told me as I took her hand and led her into the small bakery.

  She proved that she was a regular here when the woman behind the counter greeted her by name. I watched the exchange, admiring how easily Jamie interacted with the woman.

  “For you, sir?” the woman asked, her keen gaze shifting to me.

  I glanced at Jamie. “I’ll let you pick for me.”

  The glimmer in Jamie’s gaze said she’d taken that as a dare. “Okay.”

  While we stood there staring at each other, the woman stood patiently by.

  “I’m going to guess that you’re generally a chocolate guy,” Jamie mused. “However, you’re also open to all sorts of possibilities.”

  “Good assumption.”

  “And tonight, although you’d be content with ordinary, you’re not really in the mood for it.”

  I grinned.

  Jamie turned to the woman. “He’ll take red velvet.”

  The woman smiled gleefully. “Perfect choice.”

  When I tried to pull out my credit card to pay, Jamie quickly put her hand over mine. “No way. You won fair and square. This is my treat.”

  Little did she know, but her treat to me was simply being here. I would’ve been content to sit in my truck all night if it meant spending some time with her.

  Since it had been a bet, I conceded. “Fine.”

  As though she’d won a huge battle, she took care of the payment.

  Luck was on my side because a big party left, opening up two booths at the very back. I led the way, then ushered Jamie into the side that would put our backs to the room. I slid in beside her. With no one in the booth across from us, we had a bit of privacy.

  “Do you always get birthday cake when you come here?” I asked as she pulled her plate toward her.

  “No.” She gave a shy, sideways glance. “But it kinda feels like my birthday.”

  Damn, but she was sweet.

  Placing my arm over the back of the seat, I teased her ponytail with my fingers while she dipped her finger into the frosting. My dick hardened as she slowly sucked it off.

  “You’re killin’ me, cupcake.”

  Her eyes shot to mine, pure innocence reflected in her gaze. It took a moment for her to realize what she’d done, and when she did, her dark eyes glittered with heat.

  “My turn,” I told her, nodding toward my cupcake. “Using your finger,” I instructed.

  Heat simmered between us as she dipped her finger into the frosting. When she brought it to my mouth, I gripped her wrist, then sucked the sweetness from her.

  A soft, barely discernible whimper sounded in her throat and I knew she was feeling the same thing I was. This was absolute torture, but worth every painful second.

  Unfortunately, a family took the booth across from us a few minutes later, limiting the foreplay that was in progress.

  “Well, it looks like we’re being governed,” I whispered when one of the kids stared over at us, smiling as he licked the icing on his cupcake like an ice cream cone.

  “Looks like it,” she whispered back, still leaning into me. “You want to get out of here?”

  I pressed my lips to her forehead. “Thought you’d never ask.”

  Twenty minutes later, we were back where we started, pulling into a spot in front of Jamie’s apartment building.

  “Would you like to come inside?” she offered when I put the truck in park.

  Although I didn’t want the evening to end, I knew it had to. I’d already asked, and Jamie had confirmed she had an early class in the morning, so I didn’t want to keep her out too late.

  “I would,” I assured her. “But I won’t.”

  “Well, that’s disappointing,” she said with a cute little pout.

  I nodded toward her seat. “Stay right there.”

  I got out of the truck and made my way over to her side. When I opened her door, I pressed my finger on the button to move the seat back as far as it would go. She giggled when I started to get in on her side.

  “What’re you doing?”

  “Just because I’m not goin’ in, doesn’t mean we can’t hang out a little longer.”

  With ease, I shifted Jamie into my lap, shut the door, then reclined the seat back a little. She turned at an angle, her knees settled between mine, our eyes meeting, holding for long seconds. The heat between us intensified.

  “I had a good time tonight.” Her voice was soft, with a hint of a rasp.

  “I did, too.” I brushed a loose strand of hair back behind her ear. “I can tell you one thing. I will never look at a cupcake the same way again.”

  Her answering smile was too much to resist. Sliding my hand behind her head, I pulled her down so that I could taste her sweet mouth.

  When her soft lips parted, granting me access, my tongue delved inside. Even the tight rein I had on my control wasn’t enough to keep me from kissing her the way I wanted. Twirling her silky ponytail around my fist, I held her in place while my other hand curved over her hip.

  “Cav…” she whimpered.

  Goddamn but she threatened my control. Those soft mewls were nearly my undoing.

  I slid my hand upward, beneath her thin jacket so that my fingertips brushed the bare skin of her midriff. But I didn’t stop there, couldn’t. My thumb grazed her nipple and she moaned, pressing against my hand as though the move would ease some of the pain. I teased her nipple through the fabric, then slipped my thumb beneath and met the smooth, warm skin of her breast.

  I swallowed her soft cry as she pressed into my hand.

  “More, Cav,” she pleaded.

  I hadn’t intended for the night to take this turn, but I couldn’t resist. Since the first time I saw her, I’d been craving more. The kiss continued, the heat building, her sweet ass grinding against the hard ridge of my cock. She knew I wanted her, but I wasn’t trying to hide it. Hell, I couldn’t if I’d wanted to.

  Breaking my lips from hers, I met her gaze. I saw nothing but pure lust burning in her dark eyes.

  “Let me taste you,” I whispered, then dipped my head down, laving her nipple with my tongue before sucking her into my mouth.

  Jamie cried out, her hand gripping the back of my head as she tugged me closer. I teased for several minutes, using my teeth and my tongue to torment the puckered tip. When I was seconds away from taking it too far, I pulled her mouth back to mine, devouring her like a starving man. As soon as I felt the thread of my control gear up to snap, I tightened her hair in my fist, pulled her head back, our lips separating.

  Without daring to look down, I adjusted her sports bra, removing the temptation.

  I waited until her eyes opened and she looked at me. My chest was heaving, the adrenaline drowning me. Somehow, I managed to stop, to remember who she was and what this was about.

  “I want you,” I admitted. “More than I want anything else.”

  She didn’t move, didn’t speak.

  “But you and I both know we have to take this slow.”

  Jamie nod
ded, as though accepting it, but I saw a hint of rejection in her eyes seconds before she masked it.

  When she put some space between us, I hit the button to sit the chair upright again, a signal for both of us that we had to stop.

  “You’re a tease,” she said with a soft sigh.

  I jerked her head toward me, slammed my mouth to hers, and swallowed the surprised cry. She kissed me back, her arms wreathing my neck as I pulled her as close as we could get in the confined space. When I pulled back this time, we were both panting. Using my fist in her hair, I tilted her head back, snagged her dazed gaze.

  “If this was only about sex, I’d be deep inside you right now.”

  She whimpered.

  “I want a hell of a lot more from you than an orgasm,” I told her firmly, ensuring she heard the dominance in my tone. “If that’s not what you want, you better tell me now, Jamie.”

  She swallowed hard. “I want more than that.”

  There was a sincerity in her tone that matched the gleam in her eyes. “Good.”

  Wrapping my arms around her, I held her to me, my face buried in her neck. I needed a second to compose myself. When I wasn’t so close to shattering into a million pieces, I pulled the door handle, opened the door, and slipped out while placing her back on the seat. I turned her toward me, helped her out. When Jamie’s feet were on the pavement, I stepped between her legs and cupped the back of her head again.

  “Do you own a vibrator?”

  She nodded, that innocence returning to her dark eyes.

  “Good.” I nodded toward her apartment. “I want you to go inside, get ready for bed. Once you’re in bed, I want you to call me.”

  Her eyes widened.

  I leaned in, planted a quick kiss on her lips. “I’ll make sure you get off tonight.”

  She moaned, then leaned into me, her mouth melding to mine. I allowed the kiss to linger for longer than it should, and once more, it took a tremendous amount of effort to pull away, but I did.

  I took her bottom lip between my teeth, nibbled. “Go inside, cupcake.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she offered with a wicked smile.

  I swatted her ass as she hurried off, smiling to myself. She’d obviously realized what calling me Sir did to me. I remembered when she’d done it earlier. It had startled me until I realized it had been completely innocent on her part.

  On unsteady legs, I made my way back to the driver’s side, climbed in as I watched her slip into her apartment.

  Ten minutes later, I was at my hotel, my body still hard and aching. I waved to the night manager on my way to the elevators, my mind replaying everything that had happened in the last couple of hours. When the doors opened, I was still smiling as I pushed off the wall and made it down the long, dimly lit hallway.

  I really did need to find a permanent residence. Perhaps that would be my focus for the weekend. After all, I would need something to distract me from thoughts of Jamie. Otherwise, I would likely end up back on her doorstep.

  I had just dropped onto the bed when my phone rang. I slipped it out of my pocket, grinned at the screen.


  “I’m ready for bed,” she said, her raspy words tickling my ear.

  “You’re gonna be the death of me, aren’t you?”

  “I was actually thinking the same thing about you.” Jamie laughed, then settled with a soft sigh. “Thank you for tonight, Cav. I really did have a good time.”

  “Me, too.” Better than I’d expected. “And I have every intention of doing it again really soon.”

  “Which part?” I could hear the sexual innuendo in her tone.

  “All of it.”


  “Why’s that good, cupcake?”

  “Because…” Her voice lowered, “because I hurt.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes.” She paused for a moment. “I wish you would’ve come inside.”

  “I do, too,” I admitted.

  “Then why didn’t you?”

  “Because it’s too soon.”


  I laughed at the petulant tone. “Because I said.”

  This time Jamie giggled, and I knew she was relaxing.

  “Let me hear the vibrator, cupcake.”

  There was a rustle of sound, and a second later, I heard the soft rumble of a vibrator.

  “You’ve never been kissed before me, but you own a vibrator?”

  She giggled. “My best friend Tiffany … well, let’s just say she’s creative with her gift giving.”

  I repositioned myself on the bed. “Are you naked?”


  “What are you wearing?”

  “A T-shirt and panties,” she said quickly, her voice still raspy.

  “Take off your panties.”

  There was shuffling, followed by a long moment of silence before she finally said, “Okay. I did.”

  “I want you to turn on the vibrator and press it to your clit.”


  “What, cupcake?”


  “This is your first lesson,” I told her when she didn’t continue. “As a submissive. I might not be there with you right now, but I can make you feel good. You just have to do exactly as I tell you. Understood?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Spread your legs wide, press the vibrator to your clit.”

  She moaned softly and I could hear the soft hum of the vibrator. “Do it, cupcake.”

  The hum became muted and I knew she was following my instructions.

  “Good girl,” I praised. “I want you to bring yourself to orgasm while I listen. Don’t talk, just pleasure yourself. Think about me while you do. Imagine I’m the one between your legs. My mouth. My tongue.”

  My hand snaked into my shorts as I fisted my cock, listening as she teased herself. Her soft moans spurred me on.

  “Think about what it’ll be like when it’s my mouth on your pussy, my tongue flicking your clit, bringing you closer to the edge.”

  Her soft cry sounded loud in my ear, making my cock jerk in my hand.

  “I want you to say my name when you come,” I instructed. “Don’t hold back on me, cupcake. I want to hear you.”

  Her whimpers intensified and I could hear her shifting, imagine her long, lean body squirming on the bed as she brought herself closer to orgasm.

  “Cav…” Her breaths came in sharp, heavy pants. “Cav … oh, God. I’m coming!”

  A strangled cry sounded through the phone and I gripped my dick firmly, my release surprising me with its intensity. I breathed through it, my mind clouded with lust and thoughts of this sexy woman riding out a climax while I listened.

  We remained silent on the phone for long minutes. I wasn’t in a rush to get off the phone, but I knew she would have to be up early tomorrow.

  “Get some sleep, cupcake,” I said when I could breathe again. “Dream about me.”

  “Good night, Cav. Dream about me, too.”

  The call disconnected and I stared up at the ceiling.

  I got the feeling I’d be dreaming about her for a long time to come.



  Friday, October 26, 2018

  IT WAS MY OWN FAULT. I KNEW it the instant I turned down the hallway.

  I had mistakenly believed that Zeke was not in the office, and that was the only reason I was heading to my own. I had avoided the place all week, working remotely or at the club, but I had a few things I had to get done today, namely a quick meeting with Justin. Hence the reason I’d come in.

  I honestly thought I was in the clear, right up until I heard:


  Busted! That’s what you get.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I muttered to that stupid voice.

  Although I would’ve preferred to run the other way, pretend Zeke wasn’t staring at me while calling my name, I knew I couldn’t. So, I turned my feet in the opposite direction and heade
d toward him.

  “Come in,” Zeke insisted. “Let’s chat.”

  The way he said it told me he would be doing most of the talking.

  I peered over at him briefly, then cast a quick look down the hall. Of course I didn’t have a meeting right this minute. But I could probably lie, come up with something, except Zeke would know I was avoiding him, and I’d look like a pussy.

  Can’t have that … pussy.

  With an internal sigh, I glanced back at Zeke and figured what the hell. I might as well suck it up and get it over with. After all, I couldn’t move forward until I did. My stupid conscience wouldn’t let me.

  Zeke moved into his office and I followed close behind him.


  The barked order had me smiling. “I’m not one of your submissives, Zeke.”

  “Nope. You’re not. However, you are the Dom who introduced my sister to kink.”

  Ah, hell. Honestly, I had hoped he was going to talk to me about Cav’s interview that had taken place earlier in the week. Perhaps thank me for making the recommendation, because I’d already heard that Cav was offered and accepted.

  Yeah, right. The big, bad Sadist wants to thank you.

  A familiar chuckle sounded in my head and I knew my conscience was laughing at me. I was starting to think I might need professional help.

  Don’t bottle it all up. Maybe I’ll go away then.


  Without grace or finesse of any kind, I dropped down into the chair across from Zeke’s desk. “Is this where you give me shit about it? Keep in mind, that was your idea.”

  “Technically, it was Ransom’s.”

  “But you went along with it.”

  Zeke stared at me, an intimidation tactic he had long ago perfected. I’d learned a long time ago to shrug it off. The man didn’t scare me. Not the way most people assumed. However, he was my friend and the last thing I wanted to do was cross any lines with him.

  A few lines had been crossed already. Although I hadn’t gone out with Jamie yet, Cav had. Twice. The fucker had texted me last night—after the fact—to let me know he was tired of waiting around for me. Based on the outline of his text, there would definitely be another in their future.

  While I’d been trying to talk myself out of seeing her outside of the club—because I was an idiot—he had been courting her. Now that I’d accepted that I couldn’t simply let this go without seeing it through, I fully intended to get some alone time with Jamie before Cav landed a third date. It was a wonder I’d lasted this long.


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