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Their Naughty Student (Office Intrigue, 6)

Page 32

by Nicole Edwards

  I reached around Jamie’s shoulder, turning her head to the side so my mouth would meet hers. The soft whimper that escaped her had my dick raging. I’d waited so fucking long for this, to feel her again, to have her against me. I wanted to spend hours licking every inch of her, while at the same time, I longed to be balls deep inside her.

  When Jamie moaned as my hands slid down between her thighs, I released her mouth, glanced over at Edge. He was freeing his cuff links. I teased Jamie’s clit while she continued to fondle her breasts, both of us watching Edge as he removed his shirt, revealing that long, lean body.

  Edge kicked off his shoes, stripped off his socks, before getting to his feet and joining us near the windows.

  “I have yet to taste you,” he mumbled softly as he reached around her, cupping her ass and jerking her to him. “To feel your pussy on my tongue.”

  Another whimper sounded as Jamie crushed herself to him, their mouths colliding. Not caring that I was a few steps behind, I couldn’t resist dropping to my knees behind her, brushing my lips over her firm little ass, plumping the rounded globes with my hands.

  When I separated her ass cheeks, blowing air between them, she moaned, pressing back against me. Jamie stumbled and it was then I realized Edge was feasting on her breasts while I teased her ass.

  “Cav … please.”

  I nipped the firm flesh with my teeth. “Please what, cupcake?”

  “Lick me. Oh, God!”

  I paused long enough to see Edge taking a seat on the ottoman as he mouthed her tit, her nipple trapped between his teeth.

  I spread her ass cheeks when she leaned over, sliding my tongue from the base of her spine down her crack, teasing her briefly as I went.

  She cried out and fell forward. It was then I knew we had to relocate, or someone could get hurt. Edge was obviously thinking the same thing because he stood, picked her up, her long legs wrapping around his hips, before heading for the bedroom. I made quick work of stripping out of my clothes as I followed. Jamie freed herself from the dress before sitting on the bed.

  “Take out my cock,” Edge ordered her.

  Her eyes were glazed over as she peered up at him, her fingers working the button of his slacks open. The rasp of the zipper was loud in the room. Seconds later, he was stepping out of them, kicking them aside.

  Jamie reached for his cock, her small hand curling around the thick length.

  Edge chuckled. “Not yet, sweetness. I’m not finished with you yet.”

  “Nor am I. On your back,” I commanded, my voice rough with arousal.

  Jamie reclined back onto the bed, shifting so that she was laid out flat. Rather than join her, I grabbed her arm, turned her so that she was laying across the big bed. She chuckled, making my heart smile. I loved to hear her laugh.

  Leaning over her, I took one luscious tit in my mouth, teasing her nipple. “Put your mouth on me, cupcake. Let me feel your lips on my cock.”

  She shifted beneath me as I positioned myself so she could reach what she was aiming for. When her lips closed around my cock, I sucked in air, then distracted myself by feasting on her breasts, licking, sucking, nibbling.

  While I was enduring the glorious blow job, Edge moved around to the other side of the bed, spread her legs wide, then licked her slowly, seductively. I watched, trying to focus, enjoying the myriad sensations. Jamie’s mouth on my cock, the visual feast of Edge eating her pussy, the smooth warmth of her breast against my tongue.

  I could’ve done that all night if Jamie hadn’t cried out, her back bowing as she shifted.

  “Nuh-uh, sweetness,” Edge growled. “Be still.”

  To ensure she didn’t cause damage in her race toward orgasm, I stood up, stroking my dick momentarily before taking her wrists and pulling her arms above her head. I knelt on the floor, fused my mouth to hers while Edge tortured her pussy with his mouth.

  Jamie whimpered.

  “Do you like that?” I asked her. “When Edge licks your pussy?”

  Her response was another sharp cry, her back bowing off the bed.

  “Tell me, cupcake.”

  “Need more,” she whispered.

  “You want to feel him inside you?”


  I met Edge’s eyes and I could see the torment there. He was still having a hard time knowing she was a virgin. However, he’d obviously had a plan when he brought her here. I could only assume he’d decided to forge ahead.

  “Tell him,” I ordered her, my eyes locked with Edge’s.

  “Edge…” She panted as he teased her clit with his tongue. “Oh, God! Please … I … Professor, I need to feel you inside me.” She growled, a soft, frustrated sound that made me grin.

  “Which is it?” Edge grumbled. “Professor? Or Edge?”

  I wanted to ask if it really fucking mattered but based on the gleam in his eyes, I knew it did. To him.

  “Professor,” she whimpered.

  “Tell him again,” I ordered Jamie, never looking away from Edge.

  “Please, Professor. Inside me. I need to feel you.”

  “You heard her.” I kept my eyes locked with his.

  Figuring this was going to happen one way or another, I reached for my pants before I remembered I hadn’t brought any condoms with me.

  “Not any,” Edge said firmly as he crawled up onto the bed, hovering over Jamie.

  “What?” My temper stifled some of the lust.

  “No condoms,” he clarified.


  “That’s not in my plan tonight.”

  Jamie stopped moving, clearly hearing the change in my tone. She glanced from Edge to me, then back again. “What’s wrong?”

  “I didn’t bring condoms,” he admitted, staring down at her.

  She shifted, pushing up onto her elbows and forcing Edge to move back. “Why not?”

  “Not the plan.”

  “Not to use condoms?” I asked. “Or not to have sex?”

  His eyes narrowed on my face and there was a fierceness that shocked me. “Sex.”

  “Not the plan?” Jamie snapped, her chin jutting out.


  “You mean, not your plan,” she stated through clenched teeth. “You brought me here and … and…”

  He sat back on his heels, still straddling Jamie’s legs.

  “I can’t believe this. Can’t believe you,” she hissed.

  Jamie came damn close to racking Edge as she fumbled to get off the bed. I watched, unsure what to do or say as she fled to the bathroom, returning a moment later with a snow-white robe wrapped around her.

  “So what was your plan?” she bit out. “Bring me here, get me all worked up, and what? You thought we’d snuggle?”

  It was safe to say she was pissed. My own anger wasn’t needed, but it was there all the same.

  Edge simply stared at her, not speaking.

  “No, you don’t get to do that silent thing this time. Explain yourself,” she demanded. “Is that what you thought? That you’d tease me and then leave me hanging? All to what? Protect my virtue or some shit?”

  Okay, yeah. Jamie was slightly more than pissed. Bordering on hysterical.

  More importantly, she was pissing Edge off. Her back talk would be something he wasn’t used to hearing. Most people—especially women—tended to cater to his every whim. That clearly wasn’t the case here.

  Jamie turned to me. “Fine. You can fuck me if he won’t.”

  The air was driven right out of my lungs. I could only stare, feeling as though she’d sucker-punched me.

  Was that what I was? Second choice? If she couldn’t have Edge, she’d settle for me?

  “So, what do you say?” she taunted, obviously unaware of the pain that lanced me, splitting me open with the revelation. “He’s backing out. Looks like you’re up.”

  I took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, then backed out of the room, picking up my clothes as I went.

  “Wait! Cav, I’m sorry. I didn’t�

  “No.” I pulled on my pants, my shirt. I took the time to pull on my shoes, stuffed my socks in my pockets. “I heard you loud and clear.”

  “Cav, please…” Her soft sob almost broke me but her previous statement had already done that.

  With one backward glance at her, I grabbed my jacket and walked right out the door.




  I dropped onto the bed, stared up at the ceiling.

  I’d fucked it all up.

  I’d seen it on Cav’s face the instant I mentioned I’d purposely not brought condoms. He’d been ready to take this to the next level. Like I’d told them, that hadn’t been my plan.

  It had seemed rational when I’d come up with it before leaving my apartment tonight. I’d gone so far as to grab several condoms, only to put them back with a frustrated sigh.

  It was my only way of ensuring nothing happened that I wasn’t ready for.

  “Jamie?” I called out.

  Her sobs intensified from the other room.

  With a heavy sigh, I got to my feet, found my pants. As I pulled them on, I walked into the other room. She was curled up on the sofa, her head on her knees, arms banded around her legs as though she was holding herself together.

  “I’m sorry,” I admitted, although I wasn’t quite sure what for.

  For not bringing condoms or for letting her down.

  Her head lifted from between her hands. “You’re sorry?”

  Perhaps that wasn’t the right thing to say.

  She got to her feet, her anger renewed. “Why, Edge? Why are you sorry?”

  I didn’t respond. It was rhetorical. Wasn’t it?

  Jamie moved toward me, slowly, carefully. “What did you plan for tonight, huh? What exactly were your intentions when you brought us here? You booked the room, right?”

  “I did, yes.”

  “For what reason? So you didn’t have to drive home?” She held up her hand before I could respond. “So all this was for nothing? You wanted to get me up here, to what, Edge? Help me understand your intentions. We’ve been doing this for weeks now. Every time I think we’re getting closer to … you know … you put up a wall, change the plan.”

  “I haven’t changed anything,” I clarified. “It’s never been the plan.”

  The shock on her face was instant, as though I’d slapped her.

  “Your plan,” she shouted. “It’s never been your plan to…”

  “You can’t even say it.” I kept my tone low and even, my anger building up to meet hers. “Call it what it is, Jamie.”

  “Fine!” She threw up her hands. “Every time I think you’re going to fuck me… Better? Every time you change it up. Tease me, torment me, play with me, but you can’t”—she inhaled, exhaled, glared daggers—“fuck me.”

  I swallowed hard. “Is that all you want from me, Jamie? To fuck?”

  Confusion replaced the angry expression as she stood before me. “What? Why would you ask me that?”

  “It seems fitting.” I waved toward the bedroom. “It was the first thing you asked for.”

  “Oh, my God!” She took a step back, sat on the arm of the sofa. “Seriously? You were … you were making me crazy, Edge. You’ve been doing it since the first night at the club. Of course I want that.”

  “From the first Dom you spend time with?”

  Her eyes widened and I knew instantly that I’d fucked up. Seriously fucked up.

  “I’m sorry, Jamie. I didn’t—”

  She launched off the sofa arm and stormed into the bedroom. I could tell she was crying and it damn near broke me.

  “I didn’t mean it like that,” I told her, needing her to listen for a minute.

  “You said it, not me.” She grabbed her dress from the floor, her back to me. “That’s what this is to you. Domination and submission. All a game.”

  Knowing this was unraveling fast, I took her shoulders, turned her to face me. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “But you did,” she ground out. “That’s all this is to you. I’m supposed to … I don’t know … transform into your ideal submissive, to be the pet you’ve imagined you’d one day have.”

  I spun her around to face me. “That’s not true.”

  “But it is,” she insisted, reaching for the collar around her neck. She yanked it off, the chain snapping. “This. It’s a symbol, right? For others to know that I belong to you.”

  She swallowed hard and tears glistened in her eyes.

  “Your words,” she added, her dark eyes filling with tears as she peered up at me. “That’s what you want, right? When you agreed to train me … that’s been your plan all along. To make me into the ideal submissive. I’m not even a woman to you, am I?”

  Feeling that spark of anger ignite, I placed my hands on her shoulders, ensuring she didn’t turn away. “Jamie, I don’t know what the fuck to think of you.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  I breathed through the pain, the shards of broken, shattered pieces that bounced around in my chest. This wasn’t supposed to be happening.

  “Tell me,” she insisted.

  “From that first fucking night, you waylaid me, Jamie. Threw me completely off course. I’ve changed everything for you.” I released her, thrust my hand in my hair as I stared up at the ceiling, growled low in my throat, hoping to relieve some of the frustration.

  “I didn’t ask you to change anything.”

  “Didn’t you?” I snapped.

  “No. I didn’t.” Her lips were pursed, her eyes narrowed.

  I huffed. “Everything.” Pacing to the window, I stared out, trying to compose myself. “I want you with a passion I don’t recognize. Enough that I’ve lost sight of who I am, what I’ve wanted all along.”

  “Which is what, Edge? A submissive?”

  I turned to face her. “Yes! One who understands the lifestyle, knows what I need.”

  She watched me but didn’t say a word.

  “Instead, I get this woman who unhinges me. I’ve modified my entire training class because of you, damn it. Changed everything to ensure you get what you need.”

  “See, that’s what I don’t understand,” she said softly. “The labels. Dominants, submissives. Why not just a man and a woman, Edge? Why does it have to be black or white, and nothing in between?” She wrapped her arms around her middle. “The only thing I’ve wanted since the night at the club with you and Cav … the only thing I wanted was the two of you.”

  “You’re a virgin, Jamie.”

  Temper flashed in her eyes. “So fucking what? I’m also a woman with needs, a woman who thought she’d found the men she wanted to…”

  “To what?”

  “I feel something for you and Cav. Have since the beginning. And it grows stronger every day. It hurts to know you don’t feel the same.”

  I opened my mouth to say something, closed it.

  “Maybe I’m not a submissive in the technical sense. I don’t know all the positions, haven’t had someone shove toys in my orifices and command me to do erotic things. That doesn’t mean I’m not submissive to you. I don’t need your stupid training class to tell me that, Edge.” She pressed her fist to her heart. “I know what I feel. And the thought of being your submissive … Cav’s … I thought it meant something.” She flung her hand toward the bed. “This is just part of it. I thought we were getting closer. Isn’t that why people…?”

  “Why they what?”

  “Have sex. Make love. Fuck. Whatever you want to call it. I thought that was part of it. I thought you wanted me, too. I didn’t realize you were holding it against me.”

  “I’m not.”

  She looked sad, the anger diminishing. “But you are. Tell me this, Edge. If I wasn’t a virgin, would we be three weeks into this without having sex?”

  No, we wouldn’t. I knew that, but I couldn’t say it aloud.

’s what I thought.” She reached for her dress again.

  “Why do you want me?” I blurted, hating myself for speaking my mind.

  She dropped the dress again, turned to face me. I moved toward her.

  “Why wouldn’t I want you?” she asked sadly. “You’re handsome, smart, funny, and sexy as hell. You’re rock-steady. Two jobs, friends who can depend on you.”

  “I’m twelve years older than you are.”

  Jamie rolled her eyes, turned to her dress again. “I just can’t win with you. If it’s not the fact I don’t have a certificate of submission or my virginity, it’s my age.”

  I wasn’t sure why, but I reached for her then, pulling her against me, wrapping my arms around her. I pressed my lips to the top of her head and held on tight. Emotion slammed into me, hard, brutal in its intensity. The thought of this woman walking out, of never seeing her again…

  I couldn’t even think it.

  When Jamie finally put her arms around me, I felt tears sting my eyes, but I fought them back. I wasn’t a man who cried.

  “I don’t know who I am anymore,” I admitted. “Everything’s changing. This thing with you. With Cav. The club. Chatter. I don’t know which way is up. I need consistency, Jamie. Otherwise it’s just chaos.”

  As the words spewed from my mouth, I realized I’d been walking around in this state of chaos, unsure which way to go. There was too much going on. I wanted too much, others wanted too much. What happened to the simple life I’d been leading before? I had my roles, others had theirs. It was uncomplicated. This wasn’t.

  “Who said it was supposed to be simple?” Jamie asked.

  I hadn’t realized I’d been thinking aloud, but clearly, I was losing my mind to top it all off.

  I took a step back, stared down at her. “I’m falling for you, Jamie. It’s a first for me.” I rolled my eyes, huffed. “That’s a lie. I’ve already fallen for Cav. Didn’t even realize it. Now I don’t know how to juggle it all, to please everyone and myself at the same time.”

  “Have you ever pleased yourself?” she asked.

  I tried to understand the question.

  “It’s written all over you,” she continued. “Your need to take care of everything. To ensure there’s a plan in place and to follow it. You can’t even enjoy life because you’re standing in your own way.”


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