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Happily Ever After (Forever and Always #7)

Page 13

by Todd, E. L.

  He put down his glass and placed his hand on Scarlet’s shoulder. “We’ve been through a lot, Scarlet. I’m very happy to see that you made it and got your happily ever after. You picked a good guy to replace me. I love you.”

  Tears were streaming down her face. She stood up and hugged him, crying into his shoulder. He held her tightly while the crowd awed at their affection. The microphone could pick up their whispers.

  “I love you so much,” she said.

  “I love you too, baby sister.”

  “You’ll always be the first man in my life.”

  “No, I won’t. But I’m happy to be the second one.” He kissed her on the forehead then sat down.

  I leaned over and shook his hand. “Thanks for giving her to me.”

  “No, thank you,” he said with a laugh.

  Mike took the microphone. “Hey, I’m Sean’s brother, the older and better looking one. It’s easy to tell us apart. I have to be honest. When Sean told me Scarlet agreed to marry him, I was a little confused. Let’s be real here. My brother is kind of a loser. Scarlet is beautiful, funny, sexy, and don’t even get me started on her legs.”

  “This better be going somewhere,” I said.

  The crowd laughed.

  “Calm down, little man. It’s all good. The moment that I understood their odd relationship was when we went to Vegas for his bachelor party, except that it wasn’t a bachelor party. Sean said he didn’t want to get wasted, didn’t want any lap dances, and didn’t want to see any strippers. My first instinct was fear. My brother had obviously hit his head. Then, when he said he wanted Scarlet, fiancé, to come I knew there was something odd going on. To summarize the trip, it was the lamest bachelor party I’ve ever been to. But I saw something else too.

  “It was the first time I’ve ever seen my brother be so selfless toward another person. To say he’s obsessed with Scarlet is an understatement. I’ve never seen him be so gentle and loving to anyone else but himself. That’s when I knew he was different. He was a new man. Scarlet completely changed his life, but I think it’s the best thing that ever happened to him.

  “When we were younger, we always competed to see who could land the hottest girl, get the most phone numbers, and date the most girls. I always won, for obvious reasons. But now I realize Sean was the winner. Now he has a beautiful woman who would do anything for him. He has more than most of us.

  “Now, Scarlet. She’s been a part of this family forever. I’ve never met a cooler chick. We could have been great together, but alas, I’ll settle for you as my sister.”

  She smiled at him. “I can’t tell if you’re joking.”

  He winked at her. “I’ll leave that for you to decide. Now, all joking aside. My brother and I have had a rocky relationship for the past few years. Only recently did we rekindle the trust and love that should have been there the whole time. And all that happened because of Scarlet. She fixes everything, makes people try to be better. She’s welcomed me into her heart and I’ve never felt like I belonged anywhere more in my life. I’m very happy that my brother got everything he deserved.” He clapped my shoulder. “I love you, man.”

  “I love you too.”

  My mom started crying.

  “And Scarlet, call me if you get a divorce.”

  The crowd laughed as Mike sat down.

  “If I knew you weren’t joking, I would kill you,” I said.

  Mike smiled. “Good think I am.”

  Janice stood up. “So, I lost the maid of honor spot to my own boyfriend, which is fine because he’s done a better job than I ever could. I met Scarlet back in New York when we worked at R and R Publishing. She was smart, witty, and she never took shit from anybody. Naturally, we became friends instantly. It was because of her that I found the courage to stand up for myself and do the right thing. I’ll never forget everything she did for me. Also, it was because of her that I met the life of my life, her brother, Ryan. Good guys are hard to find, and I’m grateful that Scarlet kept him in line until I came along.

  “I—I didn’t know Sean that well before he ended up with Scarlet. The first time I met him, Scarlet and I had a huge assignment to do. If we didn’t finish it by the following morning, Scarlet was going to lose her job. Sean stayed up all night and helped Scarlet, proofreading her manuscript while she looked up historical facts. Scarlet claimed they were just friends even though I teased her about it, and I’m glad to finally say that I was right.” She smiled in victory. “When I saw how loving Sean was to her, I wished that I had a friend like that, not just a guy friend, but someone in my life that would do anything for me without me even having to ask. It’s amazing how far these two have come, from best friends to passionate lovers. I’m really glad I got to witness the change and see my chest friend get everything she deserves. I love you, Scarlet.”

  “I love you too,” she said.

  Janice said down.

  Cortland grabbed the mic. “I’m the second male bridesmaid for Scarlet. I was really moved when she asked me to be in her wedding party. I know it isn’t traditional, but she refused to let me sit in the audience since I’m one of her closest friends.

  “The first time I met Scarlet, I didn’t realize she was Ryan’s sister. Ryan and I have been friends for a few years and he never mentioned it. It was the first time I saw Ryan act different. He was loving, caring, and gentle toward her. He would tell her she was a brat and he hated her whenever she annoyed him, just like any brother, but he was definitely different toward her. After I got to know her, I understood why.

  “She’s a strong woman and a strong person. She was the first chick that I met who didn’t care about how many milkshakes she drank, who played ball with me and Ryan at the courts even though she wasn’t very good, and she screamed through every baseball game like it was life and death.

  “She sucked me into her special world and made me feel like family. I am family. I love her very much. She’s my best friend and the person I confide everything to. When Sean proposed to her, I was moved by the happiness in her eyes. She told me on a daily basis how much she loved him, and I’m so glad everything worked out for her. She deserves nothing but the best and I know Sean will deliver. He always puts her before himself in everything. Ryan and I both know that Scarlet won’t need us anymore.”

  The audience clapped as Cortland sat down.

  I stood up. “I wanted to say thank you to everyone who came to share this special day with us. I would like to thank my mom and dad for working so hard, my wedding party for their support, and most importantly, I would like to thank my wife for marrying me. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her, knock her up, and grow old with her. Actually, I can’t wait until this night is over so we can head to the honeymoon.” Scarlet’s cheeks burned as everyone started laughing and clapping.

  I sat down and kissed her on the cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”



  The dance floor cleared as the music started to play. I walked to the middle of the floor and stared at the white lights that hung from the trees. It was a beautiful night, more beautiful than I ever imagined it would be.

  “May I have this dance?” Ryan asked.

  I took his hand and he pulled me close. It was the father-daughter dance, and of course, Ryan was the only one who could take that honor.

  He held my hand up and spun me around. “You look beautiful. I know Dad would have thought the same thing.”

  “I know,” I said as I wrapped my arm around his neck. “You look pretty good too. I never thought I would see you wear a suit.”

  “Don’t get used to it. This was a one time thing.”

  “What about your wedding?”

  “Nope. I’m wearing jeans and a sweater.”

  “Does Janice know this?”


  “I would love to be there when you tell her.”

  He laughed. “She’ll marry me no matter what.”

  “Well, I’m married off and my night is almost over. Maybe you should make your move.”

  “Let’s just talk about you tonight.”

  “I want to be an auntie. You’re already thirty.”

  “You act like I’m ancient.” He tightened his hand on my hip and rocked me to the side.

  “Well, you are.”

  “I’m only three years older than you.”

  “You look older than that.”

  He rolled his eyes. “And I thought you weren’t going to be a brat tonight.”

  “What gave you that idea?”

  “Poor Sean.”

  “Poor Sean?”

  “I just dropped a nuclear bomb on him. That’s the real reason why he refused to move away from me. He knows he can’t handle you without going crazy.”

  “Believe me, Sean knows how to handle me.”

  He grimaced. “Eww.”

  “What? I hear you talk about Janice all the time.”

  “It’s different. I’m a man.”

  “Does she know you’re a sexist pig?”

  “She likes that I’m a sexist pig.”

  “I really doubt that.”

  He spun me around again then pulled me back. “Did you see the presents?”


  “You should take a look.”


  “Because there are enough gifts to fill an entire department store.” He nodded to the left. A wagon was holding everything. Ryan wasn’t kidding.

  “We didn’t even register!”

  “I’m sure Diane took care of that.”

  “How are we going to take that home?”

  “Good thing we’re moving here.”

  “I know. We have less stuff in the apartment than all of that.”

  “And I’m not helping you move. You have a husband for that now.”

  I stared into his eyes, a smile on my face. “Thank you for moving for me. I couldn’t stand not seeing you every day.”

  “I’m pretty sad about it. Just when I thought I was going to have some peace and quiet.”


  He looked across the floor then met my gaze. “I couldn’t stand it either, Scarlet.”

  “I’m sorry that I left to begin with.”

  “Don’t ever say that. We’re back together. That’s all that matters.”

  “And I’ll never leave. You’re still everything to me.”

  “Scar, I know everything has changed and I’m fine with it.”

  “People always say everything changes when they get married, and for the most part, that’s true. But we aren’t like that, Ryan. You’re still my best friend, the person I turn to for everything. You’re still the first person I call when disaster strikes, the first person I break down in front of. I may be married but it doesn’t change my relationship with you. I hurt you once. I won’t do it again.”

  “I know,” he whispered. “It looks like we got our happily ever after too.”

  “I can’t wait until we start having babies together.”

  “I can already tell that’s going to be a headache. Your kids are going to hate you and prefer their uncle Ryan. Then I’ll have to take care of them.”

  “My kids won’t hate me.”

  “I’m sure they will when they are sick all the time from eating shit off the floor.”

  Ohmigod! I did it one time!”

  “You did it at Mega-shake too.”

  “Okay, twice.”

  “And I suspect there will be many more.”

  “Now where are we going to hang out? There’s only one Mega-Shake.”

  “Maybe we should open our own.”

  “I can’t see any of us doing that.”

  “Maybe they’ll have a place like Gnarly Diner or something.”

  I laughed. “It already sounds delicious.”

  “I was going to wait until you opened your gift but I don’t think I can.”

  “Ooh. What did you get me?”

  “A milkshake maker.”

  I laughed. “It’s perfect.”

  “Now you can become obese without leaving the house.”

  “Sean will love that.”

  “I hope he’s a chubby chaser.”

  “He must be. He wants it all the time.”

  “Okay, too much information.”

  “You can show me how to put in a tampon, but you can’t hear about my life?”

  “Totally different.”

  The sound ended but Ryan still held me close.

  “Thank you for dancing with me, Scar.”

  “Thanks for being my family.”

  Sean walked over to us. “Can I dance with my wife now?”

  “Nope,” Mike said as he moved in. “It’s my turn.”

  “We haven’t even had our first dance yet,” Sean said.

  “Too bad,” Mike said as he moved me from side to side.

  Sean glared at him then walked away.

  Mike smiled triumphantly.

  “You like pissing off your brother, huh?”

  “I love it.”

  I shook my head. “You’re lucky that he trusts you.”

  “He shouldn’t,” he said as he held my waist.

  “Once again, I can’t tell if you’re joking.”

  “Sean’s my brother. I wouldn’t screw him over. I learned my lesson.”

  “Now I know you’re being serious.”

  “Or am I?”

  “Your eyes squint when you’re being sincere.”

  “They do?”

  I nodded. “I can tell.”

  “Oh, oh.”

  I smiled. “So I’m onto you.”

  “I think Sean is a very lucky man.”


  “I would have swept you off your feet if he hadn’t.”


  “But I love you like a sister.”


  “You should ditch your honeymoon and take off with me.”


  “Damn, you’re good.”

  “I know. Sean does the same thing.”

  “That bastard.”

  I laughed. “You’re going to find the girl of your dreams, Mike. Don’t be jealous of me and Sean.”

  “It’s hard not to. Even Ryan has the right girl.”

  “But it took him a long time to find her.”

  “Well, my eyes are peeled for her.”

  “You’ll know her when you see her.”


  “Well, she’ll have gorgeous legs and a smokin’ body.”

  He nodded. “You got that right.”

  “And she’ll eat like a pig.”

  “I hate girls who eat salads.”

  “And she’ll love the Mariners.”

  “Hell no. It’s the Yankees all the way.”

  I shrugged. “We’ll see.”

  His eyes turned serious as he looked at me. “Be good to my brother.”

  “I will, Mike.”

  “I know he was an ass to you before, but he really loves you. I can tell.”

  “I know he does.”

  “And don’t worry. Ryan and I had the older brother talk with him.”

  “You threatened my husband?”

  “Well, he was your fiancé at the time, and yeah, we threatened him all right. If he fucks up, we’ll kill him.”

  I smiled. “That won’t be a problem, Mike.”

  “I know. You just gotta cover your ass, you know?”

  “So you’re officially my brother.”

  “Yep. And my mom is officially your mom…”

  “She’s not so bad.”

  “At least you got my dad.”

  “Well, he’s a stud.”

  “My turn,” Sean said as marched up to us.

  “Nope,” Andrew said, appearing from nowhere. “It’s my turn to dance with the bride.”

  “Damn,” Mike said, handing me off.

  “Seriously, she’s my
wife,” Sean said. “I’m next.”

  Andrew spun me around and pulled me away from Sean. “He’ll get over it.”

  I laughed and looked at Sean. He was glaring at his dad like he hated him. “I don’t know about that.”

  Andrew smiled at me. “Thank you for marrying my son. I know you don’t like to talk about Penelope, but I’m so glad my son didn’t end up with her. I never understood Diane’s fascination with her. She had gold digger written all over her.”

  “I’m glad I have your approval.”

  “Now I got to make sure my other son finds someone. And he has horrible taste in women.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be fine, Andrew.”

  “And I’m very happy to have a daughter in the family. You know sports better than Sean.”

  I laughed. “That’s true.”

  Sean came to his father and tapped him on the shoulder. “Move over, old man.”

  “Our turn!” Janice and Monnique said. They wrapped their arms around my waist and danced with me. I could tell by their laughter they were already a little drunk.

  “That’s it,” Sean said. He cut in and picked me up, carrying me a few feet away. He put me on the ground and started to dance with me. “Finally.”

  I laughed. “I’m very popular.”

  “You only dance with me from now on.”

  “For the rest of my life.”

  He rested his forehead against mine. “You got that right.” He held me to his chest and swayed with me, his eyes staring into mine. Every few seconds, his lips brushed against mine, kissing me gently. Even the smallest touch made me melt inside, knocking the wind out of me. A few songs played while we held each other, enjoying the beauty of the moment and the beginning of our lives together.

  “You ready to cut the cake?” he whispered.

  “Oh yeah. I forgot about that.”

  “I have a surprise for you.”


  He took my hand and pulled me from the dance floor, taking me toward the back where the cake stood.

  I looked at the cake. “It looks good.”

  “This is just for show. It’s not real.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Then what are we having?”

  “Milkshakes from Mega-Shake.”


  He opened the refrigerator and showed the hundreds that were stored inside. My face broke into a grin. “You did this?”

  “Cortland and Ryan did most of the work. I just came up with the idea.”


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